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CONFIDENTIAL 32B /GS Yerne July 1973 n (Aden) NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY CONFIDENTIAL APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY PUBLICATIONS The boric unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now published in a bound -by=chapter format so that topics of greater per Wwbility con be updated on an individual basis. Those chapters Country Profile, The Society� government and Politics, The ".conomy, Military Geog- raphy, Transportation and Ulecommunicotions, Armed forces, Science, and Intelligence and Security, pr�ride the prw4ory NIS coverage. Some chapters, particular ;y Science and Intelligence ona Security, that are not pertinent to all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into odd volume. Supplew ling the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact book, o reody re+Prence publication that semiannuo!ly updates key sta- tistical data found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of the foctbook omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence and security organizations. Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the N9S Program, inoduction of these sections has been phased out. Those pre- viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major portion of the study is considered valid. A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory of Available NIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent classified Factbook. The Inventory liars all NIS units by area name and number and includes classification and dote of issue; it thus facilitates the ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization. Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate chapters of the General Surveys con be obtained directly or through liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency. The General Survey is prepared for tho NIS by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi- nated by the Central Intellige ::e Agency. WAIAIM. Th. dst..wawr ,e..y ..rr. &41#4�,.9 .y OW.y ddMN e rw U ��&d the �1 �.�s. It. 714 r 'q& us 49 6...s -ded 1�1, or of .1 1 tOwNwN M �Y �K& br e� +.r��r&d Wad" ba 41+ CIASS11110 ST 011641 111uT 10OM 01041fA1 O1C1ASS111. CATION sc" Ioul1 of 1 O 11632 f111#011004 CAT100111S t 7 0JC1. %311 041T O APOPOVA1 Of IN[ 1 0111004 a C1r1.A1 1141C110G1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 WARNING The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re- leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern- ment or international body except by specific authorization of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di- rective No. 1. For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the portions so marked may be made available for official pur- poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or the National Intelligence Survey. Subsections and graphics are individually classified according to content. Classification /control designa- tions are: (U /OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only (C) Confidential (S) Secret APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 This Chapter was prepared for the NIS by the Defense Intelligence Agenci Research was sub- stantially completed b March 1973. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 r f fl,r'g9yrrp�xr1 ac,g'3ra ,,.,s YEMEN Al- t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06116: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 Q s FIGURES Page Fig. I Uplands and valleys of the Fig. S multistory buildings in -farina 1ladlimmaut photo) 2 photo) Fig. Hugged mountains nortlMest of Fig. 9 1'recipitatio!z, cloudiness, relative hu- I 3 Fit;. 10 4 Fig, 11 5 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 5 6 Fig. 14 Fig. 1:3 miditr, and .temperatures (,churl) Aden strategic area (map) Aden Boundaries (foble Hugged mountains along the border with Yemen (5aii a') (photo) Amphibious landing area (table) Military geographic factors Page 6 i 9 9 10 11 12 g map) f olloics 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 Aden (photo) F icr. 3 17emIritic pattern of wadies in: the 1 iadhram -ait (photo) Fig. 4 Wadi in the lladli m aut lined by date palms photo) Fig. 5 're,-raced slopes north of Aden (photo) Fig. 6 Sand dunes in nurtheastem dessert plains photo) Fig. 7 Narrow road near the Yemeni border (photo) I 3 Fit;. 10 4 Fig, 11 5 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 5 6 Fig. 14 Fig. 1:3 miditr, and .temperatures (,churl) Aden strategic area (map) Aden Boundaries (foble Hugged mountains along the border with Yemen (5aii a') (photo) Amphibious landing area (table) Military geographic factors Page 6 i 9 9 10 11 12 g map) f olloics 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 I_1 �:tJ 177::1 _F9 tItI:1bI:G [:3 ilaeliiit; tl! till- It tl Sr.t .Llltl 1114- I't�r,iait (;i lesnt�ti tAtlt 1 iarlllclr the ,trategic�allr to att�tl island of I'rrim. al+ich lio. in lilt- %trait ill Kill [�I Mallilf.b.: katilar:ni. n'1sit!li i� in Jilt- lilt ltc�a.Sli�nl pail of 1114- Ilia tier: Sslcl,lr:t. nitic�1s li4- c�Iticc it, tlu� Mom ltf Mrk -.m. mid w1wr ,ritall island �grclap, t the Military Cvil;rapllie I.actrtr� \Ialp at the curl of till- vlsaptcrt. TI1c� r[lnnt" is alnml {i.3il n+ilr, Il,ti cull t, Ili nicllh frnnt 25 Itl �itl milt's. 0114 has an arra Of IIIJI0tl till.Lrt' hill' It i% :lltt llt llll� /c lltl� stall- uI Ari %nlla and i� +ntl% �parsuk inll:,4,itl�sI n itll a p[+prlla01 fit alnlnl 1. 5550)0. I. T41IN1gra1)Ity 'I'ltr !t�rmiti tYln�i*t> [+l a n ill� Ilaral 1 +f Ilat- Isl;ll'll�tl hill, anti ruz-itrd itimintaiw. flanl,ed h,, rlarr c I1laill, ill slit� '1111111 -m"A and P \Wll v tll�,l-rl lllairl ill llle c�cnlral anti itih�ritlr.cctitln N 'l)'LLIIH'e'. JI+' I+l `t.1 +1,11' Illllx" fll,ll Il.ltil L['sl 1Ril" .lit' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 /9 �:t ta] e _!�9 f'Ib1~ILII:li [e3 /_a: IIZ EIIILI /:ZIIIIIYIIIZ bIIIIY'i The hills and ttlourlluins tgem1311% ;I re 209) to 50H) fort ill Ot-vution and corer alt area ,pout 630 miles lout; and .50 to 150 miles n itlr. Mus of this arva is 11lc 1LI(II :omilit figure I )..t imizc (if flat -to p)v(I (rills :Illd siutious ridges dissected ht :Irl iltlricate tietaork of winding 17:11- Tilotfom l valivys. gullies. and drels emiyonc. Shlpesare grurr:tlly less thaa fU "c ,lolls; vM11-y hoftmm and nit the flat hill and ridge top.. hid :ere coti:Lmordy greater than ;MV, ;don% most -:diet Sid+s: MAIL V;llttt111S and 1111ieS Irtve ucurly perlwiidictilur walls. lulls ajal ridge lop. are geiwmIIt .;Ilfl to LIM CA-0 ,Lore adjacent v;dIvy biltbtms except ,brig the northern edge of -the li:ulhr:tmaut. here the dissection is less severe. Kill releky ulc (Figure in discrulfinuntes r:ulges lnlydrr most tl( 111v ,ottt �,roil and western IIadhrtivalrt. El v%- Il'iuns gelttrmllp range from 309) to h.IIIN) fel:, ;old the +utti nits are gener:i �tecrl ?.IXXI alul,t ;,(llk) f4�t�1 ahliwc adjaivvllt volll�ts :old eo:lstal lovhuld simill areas (if eoastal pl ;iins. from 5 to ,boat :311 lodes wide. border the momit:lins. '('hest plain :err :Shit to modemk -ly di in phwvs, they are hiterrtlpted It szmd dunes, boulder fields, lo%% hillocks. acid scattered arias of ro igh lavu lo volc:odc tithes amI arc c�ut l, wadies tlim hate hanks as high as 54) ft�rt, haltfar:m and h -rim Iskin(IN primarik ;let� flat to gcutly nolline plants. Si Nild a[ljaca islaml grotiltS art� C11.1materixed lit roggetl hill, ,till itlott,IlhlillS ;(lid w1frtl 1�, dIK'+lotllttiolis cow"lal llhitll The hills "Ild mount.lins are draitwd hr ,,dies Illm li.we developed Etilrit,Mv de�ndritic lrlttcrus f i'igare 31. Most %,(lies (Third loward dw sea_ allhou:h a fesw empty illto fl;tt lruiIIS itt file in3.erior drse.rt..plahv., (4etic ally tlr%. the wallies earn 'aterotily aflrrhruwt. mills. vhcn thug maw he torrents. Wmli ila)r" is the cool) pert�ltuial stream in the c�otil:tr). W.idi Ellie immt, ovl�r ?tq), miles iong anal u�ilk ivorr.tllan M) Mlles of (6611t:lrw vAlcys. is flit! largest drtiimige s1k'shsm in Yenit�ts t:V100. lit its middle votme. W.ifli ULtdraillay. is about -1 miles wide atul #1:15 scaltisrt�d :ucas of tidtiv ;INN rt1~et;ltion aruf tllailt vilkevs hunfi�rittg the sides ol'Ahe wash floor, C:irltiv ited crops. dale liahns (F i 0. sc�rtih, aatl grasses litre [1Ymy wallets iii lhr soul tiwt.aem hills atltl utttuntains. 'For clim OR IcLitry� t1arlH .4 lbe ii +l tit ri:uat'� IM 11 :r alcr:at clt lIH� Mililarl t otilzralstlis� F.1010s Nla =l ;hill 014 m.lp it.Plf. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 FIGURE 1. A large part of the rugged highlands consists of flat- topped uplands deeply disectecl by numerous winding� ff6t� bottomed .tidies. The upper valley walls are nearly vertical and most of the lower walls have slopes greater than f5%, comrastirl j markedly with lho dearly level, 6 inost featureless upland surfaces, where slopes are lesi lfion 10%. The wadi "shown here is incised 400 feet below the upland surfaces. (C) I_1 �:tl 177: _1; 9EIEI: ILEI: h[ 3/_ a: IEZQEIEf LEf /:lEIEIEYEIEZbIEIEYi IS] 1 L 4 1 (VIN It1% lit jhii [lf, .Il trfl Illll�itlt's .trlil 111U1 F lt11 yltip,�-['NfII:UIt +Efl;l iltli�fl_ Ie1t:iC,v lrri lflainl;ioli autdd Il :n�i� ;l rrl;tli elr linifnrnl effeci. oil .ptilil:ary lilot-'ratioils. I [ilia Awn- .wtlralil Im iqurkt'd iliffero�tice� i,t ills� rc�eii,ira, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 ral 9 O Qom AD;N RiYAN 10 }t tom^.. i0 OL j d t 1iMAAAI 11MAM /JASON IESS MAN 07! INCKS AD 0*1E I D 1fMAM11ASQN MEAN MONTHLY MCIPI ;'ATION (INCHES) MEAN. ANNUAL PRECIPITATION (INCHES) ADENIf(RORMAKSAR WAN MUAI'RIS +f+f OD ow 60 DDDd 60 410 T 'AD 60 70 20 11 0 0 1fMA4JAASOND:+ 0FAAMJ'JA110% 1 1, 11ASONP1 ADEN,KMOaMAKSAR EIH MUKAIRIS 10 H AN j`J 0 j 7' ")q 1001 t 1010 Rod 1 1 06D7 i .1 s o I i w 1 I 40 j;' j$$jjf 40 204 IFMAM1JASON61 JfMAIAIJASOfJDJ oAM;JASONDI MEAN RELATIVE HUMIDITf At SPECIFIED HOURS (LST) MEAN: CLOUDINESS AT SPECIFIED HOURS (LST) 1 ARSQLUIE MAA+MUM >uEAN DAILY RMAAtmum MEAN DAILY MINIMUM IAIIIR �LIFE VINIMIAAI TEMPERATURES (`F.y dA /MSN' 120 Y- wo p M1 !O f 1 40j. t`6 I i t I EIM. 6.770 fi. IFMAM1JASONI EAfy, 3.0001f.. FIGURE 9. Precipitation, cloudiness, relative humWiry, -and Temperatures. iulOul 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200100022 -1 1. SouthwesIvn1 lfighlands I'Itis regimi is prvd Ill lillaIitIt hill. and Elluin Ulill, thai parr rot >;cd surfaces, ;1 sparse vegetation t'Uyer. .1titl feu� roads. 'rite ci(v o :Bros and several large towns are yit }kin list- region. \lust o f the region is poorly suile'tl fur large�-caie coiivvnlionaE gromid operations. Crioss -c mnlry 111tivenU�Ilt amild lie severely restricted by rocky slopt's ill the luoonlaills. steep -sided valley sides tits lladhraninut. alld by (IUttrs, hotdders, ane} mv;ts of rollg lay.t on harts of tilt dis :o11ti1iunus co :lstal Main,. Vehicular cro-s- volnktry moveinerit nukd lu- lilnit!rd to stnall, flat nwas ill the cozotal lsl;lim and. exceia after lovavt mills, narrtm rilltliog .ath hottotns in the Iladllramaut.. 0ilrmid tlteh ronld hr limited to roads. which pri tnariii art' in t }1e� st. 0mv sleru half ul' the ret ioa. Although the pritscilml roads :ire tuo /voles widt. mi hav bituminous or gravel silrf:lces. 11kovet eltt %vullid lee� slove(l itl lilacvs In sharp carves :old slurp >;ra: n ft' v c �ast :il villas es. "three Nattily !leaches line tilt northern ,old tves!em c,las1% o Socotr:l; exits are most/� lit' travk,. 1)ess.�rt Plains �I'he rcgie.n is cliaraclerized lit broad. flat to disseclee! duseft Plains. a Lark of (eveloped! tr :ttisp(rt;tliiill fat ilitles, etrrtnr Iv limitcc{ rater ,ui>plies and arirse� %egvtatiou. The rek;ion is h: 'U'd It: �tit' i ;uli .&Kliali-of :5aikili Arabia. \li;l o 'fist' re's:iou is .li;oil}' stiitccl for vrottm, ipera;iau ut :aargt spa }i� conre�titinual fnret+. frns- vo lstir titioetrir[lt kclicrell+ ;r: itlld he;viv ft r Leing dirt traces, :icr lit avly flat rocky ;ini! rage (h'+itrl'ates htit'i`tiu}r! >e'tiilfirlrIt ill the +en I` di-sectre are:- lj.kerut 4, iltt. his;hLIIItk alttl I I iluil ;beat ;11611)), {lie: APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 b0rdt�r %ith S011 di :lrabt:t" F%isli It' rOiUe, oertis-, !hr rettioi are limited to a ft-%% backs and llaih- fhrslstorms oral c4lieds 0f ([list mired Ii% nsw%ism %t-hicics wotahl Iirnit vkihilih. Ill most urea% 0f flat plains, roads (�(sale/ lit- construc�led riot f�tirl% goo fuund:itio11s. mtrsth. uure'.Irictt-d :Ilignuivilk' slit;bt ill gres and p title curve.. Elst-be e rn re, 0nstcliein %0uld lot- severely res! rielcd by ,aid dtint-s atscl disxcted anal. Cunstr11ctio11 materials l:cnerall% are available. hilt a lurk of wmer in ttlusl pliers wrid extremely high (emperalnres are major construction prublrms. Possibilities fur cwltecoinrent front air aid gronud 0bx rvalioi arc� limited Some (^tncealiru�tit faun gro ucl observation ,Inc! c0vcr from flat- lr:tjectury fire vu01d be available 10culh Irwin said tlunes amt sleep sided :relics. Cover and coieeali it'll t I;e�tie�rAiy muld be 11o11e\islent ill the exterisive Irravd- covered plwins. �'lit� region is Illostly nmuited for the emistrtiction of eindergromid instAkti0os. 0111'.lri4etiwti of titrencl -type instwilatiull-, 11111(i hr restricted by inadeipiale ovt-rhead cover in Inosl of III(- rVI ioti wio by rmst:dilc rock i0 :meats adjac�cnt it) (he highlands. 13unkcr c- otOructiori willild be limited Ily shallow or Irust:rhlc sails alit; 11' s:uld dunes. Rirukers coild he cwnaruelcd in part of the n -giou, mostly in the north. %Ater( soil� ,rrc stabie and drainage is good: Comlitiwns are unfavorable for :tirmobile will airimme (iperiliuns ill decf)ly (list ctcd :Ireus u(Ijact�nt to (lie 16- 111ands aid ill sand dunt�s ulolig part 0f III( hitcrior border of the plains. \I:inv site�-, siiitalle for p;imchute drops and l;uidiligs 0f bclicrsplcn :ue :n'ailable in scattered areas in tilt- north. but :i lack of rater, guar cover Mill Viliure:iIMNIt. high suuuuer tcntperatires. mid pe riods of restricted visibility would make operilions difficult. The few sepamled airfields ill the reO011 constitute Idditioi:d sites mtel could :Iccruntnndalu :iss(iult -lrpe aircraft. I:I1 e airfields could lie Mill in parts of the uorihern section FIGURE II. Aden occupies the nearly level surfaces between dis- sected ridges forming ,n narrow promontory lulling from the south. em coast. Aden is the chief part for the country as �well as for 'the entire southern coast of the Arabian peninsufa. iC? of /ht- Wi;ieut" %beet- Imm(kilions are firm. liltiv +;raditttr atudd be rectuirc(!, appruat hcs ticnt-rtll uuld be uurestrit�led, and ctin-,lructiuu malt-ri:ds, ewept for atcr. gt�nt-ralk :ire vailabit�. TllV Wgietn is 1111sirited frir irit-pilar lurce itlse�rttimt� because cif pntir cone�t-: isivo :cli! :ui almost complctc lack of t:itcr, fwwel.:itul shvltcr nialt-ri:lls ;1lthtiogb irn� �tdar farces c�uuld more art foot easil} in nuts/ of the wg -ion, vo mi Ainent from airohser%a(iun wottfd he Iwckin .:ill conct-olmcnl I'rOOi ground 01,scratiuri :111(1 ether fatal flat- trajector\ fire %%wild 1w available 0111% ill the .l�Issectcd .rcas atljuc�ertl to tilt- hiubl:mds :nit/ in s,.md duucs ulvwig part� of the bwrd(-r m ith Swidi Acihia. Sustenanve is s encralk nn:n:tila)h�, Mull taws/ of the� n-gion is nuinbalritid. Supplies c0nld he cibtairrcd %ia airdniln alines% ever -lwrc. C. Strategic area (C) The strut -ic .trra tFivire 101, eI IC( ul INN ssiIIg Ili- (it\ of :ltlerl (1-1i, irt- I I i antl thus towii of little Adett Road i Shaykh'Utwin sown Asa 3m k (aiding berth t Wrhetd Madinat; ash Sha'b- Q I 2 3 3 O Stis;kmdes Ade rr FIGURE 10. Aden strategic area iCl APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100022 -1 Mill/ divir emirolls, l� (Ill (IIe.(littlmvY tt-rlr c�oa�t� neat th(� norm. slraits Ivatling to list- heel sea. %derl t tt}i :3 cstilnot'd popwlutiosl 150AMI is the c� :I1WA. a Imnkvring lxirt, a chief trzmsshiIment alit] ell.Irit it) it cciiIrr for thr 4r )III ILvrll Atahiatl I'l�Ilinsn[a :tile] nordw.stern Africa, lilt/ the sitr of .ererd Inilit;lr% illstall.11ions. Its hunk role zinc] entru tut tracts� ltzr'e diminished comidemIlI siucc 1967. %114-11 ill� c�it% ras. clt :tlt .1 dollbks hlo ailh the closirt; of the Sliez C:alsal in jtii� list;' the withdra%%;iI cif till- Rritisls from :Ida its l7s�c�s�rnher..1 lark inivrnatiomil airfield is Io aled intiu�dizltl-l north of the timin built -op Urt';l. (.hilt Advil (196.5 estimated puptilaliuu 15,I910I has it t a�trole�tcnl purl. wwrol slot It v; irt%is for crwdc oil and refitied pctrolcurrt p rodrlc�is 11tat tame combinecl capscit of m vr T o million harrek mid a re fim�r}. 111c fefimIr. Whic�It is one of the major instAlallosl, of the strategic area. has a throwaliput oil' 11()jli)() h.irrels of ci'udt� oil per dM,: at pmscrit. it i. oltc�ratin" Do Internal routes (C) The hilernal routes (Nev the map the (-till of the ellapter It.rmido the easiest aemu s of mole :neat het �eels the I.tild apliruln�hc, front Yviiicu (Sari a and the strutcs;ie urea. The ,kinpliji lollti area provides direct access to Ilse straWgic� aria. The mutt� comicethig the ipprmic�li froth 1�t�11 (S;ni a 1, to Advil enls,es rmt;s�ed Itills lost([ In01111taitts Mid dissected coastal plaits. The route colltain. a Iro -latie. parlk gnirel aid paid, bit utninun5�surfuced roan] in good condition: Illert�zrre III tmcrous .h arp corrs. \l(J�c�inctl( ronl(l It( slo after he ;i�r rains h sljl)l)(-r% surfaces aif %%ashoul., aiid traffic could lik stopilvd al tunes b} "voter in some wadi". N.irrom�, wincliiig streets thmngh scattered settlemviets are polcitial hottlencc -ks. Conditions for FIGURE 12. Boundaries (U /OU) A rI�ll t 1 AT r: Ito W O N I ratty U M' 1Cr.TUN Miles 1'rsnrn fan'ti 400 Switlewedern onr- thir(I drfirumI it tit l tic�- nrlrrrslvfl; retimindcr midetinvil. Unfurd- fi(4I vXro'lrt for rrtins of a few arlrlr�rtt Ititld- WAII41 farts. tindefinrd stud unforlificd......... Sumli Anthill I� {i tiffroad disper.:ll anti cro..� /untrm ItIMI- ssu'llt ;ire t;ener :ill tnitlr tit Ilri'llltt'd IIV(':lil.t of sle slo m i d ruck surface.. .1. lit roite connt the approach friou I Liril). 1 einerl i :ul'a I. to %Cllltl i� ai�r