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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now
published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per-
ishability can be updated on an individual bmis. These chapters Country
Profile, The Sociefy, Government vnd'Politics, The Economy, Military Geog-
raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and
Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters,
particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to
all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only
minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into
one volume.
Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact
book, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key, sta-
tistical data found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of the factbook
omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence
and security organizations.
Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS
Program, production of these sections has been phased out. Those pre-
viously produced will ccntinue to be available as long as the major
portion of !he study is considered valid.
A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory
of Av.:ilable NIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent
classified Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and
number and includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the
ordering of NIS units cis well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization.
Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate
chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through
liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction
of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi-
nated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
document contains info affecting the notional defense of the United States. within the
meoning of title TS. sections 743 and 794 of the US code, as amended. Its rronsmitsion ar cevelotion
of its contents to or receipt by an wnowthoriied person is prohibited by taw.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re-
leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern-
ment or international body except by specific authorization
of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with
the provisions of i::';onal Security Council Intelligence Di-
rective No. 1.
For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the
portions so marked may be made available for official pur-
poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel
provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or
the Notional Intelligence Survey.
Subsections and graphics are individually classified
according to content. Classification /control designa-
tions are:
(U /OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only
(C) Confidential
(S) Secret
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
For centuries the remote lrication of Y emen (Aden) I
on the southw-estern fringe Elf, the Arabian Peninsula
kept it apart frorn'the mainstrearn of deverltaprnents in
the Arah world. Toclav`lts isolalitn stems from the es-
ixllesal shy its, governing `utinnul Front of a shrill,.
leftist Political extremism that' it is :rtternptin to ex-
txirt to tile other Arah states: (U /OU)
Yemen (Adent exist.. in a harsh and iffstile'
tiient: rlltlioogh the colmtry 6 slighti'y larger than th e
State (if Oregon, only about I of its land is arable.
Cultivation if crops is linlited ill oases, scattered area.
in n}cl` riverbeds, splits whe water can he drawn front
wells or cistvr=ts, and in the valley area knowri as the
iludhranlaut. vegetaiiim generally is. sparse, will)
shine scrub and dwarf trees growing at higher
elevations, (U I O U)
Ccographicalk the c'(unitr� can he divided into four
region.: the cousial` plain, tile: southwestern highlands,
the ea,teric plateau, and th e northern desert: The-IA-I'M
stretches alone; the court forsook+ M) miles. varying in
width from l mile to almost 30' Its length is hrokeil
alluvial fall,, deposits of dry riverbeds or'wadics; [n II,e
eastern portirni there art: lava flouts from extinct
volcanoes. Farther inland in the *cstern part'. of the
country there is a inountairious region, which reaches
elevations of 13;(XX) f etal, cut by devil valleys affil
wadies, Fast (If the dissected inountains is a high
plat: a div1dvd by a great valley known sieve anti(ltli-
tv as th IIadhraniaut. The broud, tipper and middle
parts of this valley contain relative fettile z.Jlu viurrr
deposited by floixl aters, making the area one of the
fea Yel liell (:Bien) capable of supporting
agriculture, 'l he Driver part of the valley, whi& wriK
south to t1w (Yeast and the Indian Ocean, is barren and
1111ii0labitable. North of the Iladhr.imaut is ill( desert
region, air extension. (if the treat Rub 'al Kllali
Isiriph� Quarter') of Saudi Arabia: (U /OU
"Thriniglioul this Genera[ Snrvey the 1Y4sp1t s Donoxrutic
llepniilir elf 1'riat +11 tE'.I).ft.l'. }is hnexeIt ai 1'tuicu tAdt di�.
tint tii.le like- trnigtrt' [14111( its n11r1liero neightaer. Ill- 1 :Irate
Rirp ildicr (Y,A.R;) e1r 1'emer1 f5uii a 'E'lie yter'virlilwi t elf Yenum
(Advil) ill till- Sufwv i calhsl the I' DAIN'. arld the 11m1ple are
kwowso Ye111011k,
f1i >lurieglll Ilee NAM101 11 edit elf till- Arabian Penin +ula, uow
divith-ti iutu Ile� Pr ply s pelnacratic Iit�pulolic u[ 1'eine11 will the
Yq -eueo Aral) Rep ildie, wa, lsrtlkcn ititt, lrihal %takh. 'i'Irc prt�xml
dici %ion of the area efale freent.l 3') islii a the Admi,
>uh.egtieritly ehhttl Wit-d trraly .n latiuil�liiiiv w'4111 neadiv Irilial
A.Iltw, and in 1963 furnievf tile A-dcraliun cif Smith Arabia. At the
lino� elf iudip-nde-mv ire teevr:n 196 the emoutr ce:i% c illeti the
tti.iple'c I;rpulilic� of Srintlieru 1'en1(-11. loaf lilt nuuir W;0 charilte -11 lu
flit. 1 Utnitrerrnlic� IirFwhlie elf 1'enle11 :vchett.lhr ce11rv1i1Vtinn
wa% prFetaulgateel ill \uveeul>,�r 16470:
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
the Long
CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
In ancient dines, the ,nlitholl portion of the Ara
Iliall I'olil sllla; a Svtltc of highly prized fn l nk inc cm e,
IIlly and t r a d ed 'ith tilt' Centers of ciriliw-
tioii scattered aroulid `tile eivot littoral of t
Med itoratuvan. As Fppt. Gree Bubv and Persia
sought ,these slakes, a rnun}mr of king0onts arose i e the
area that is tiow occupied by Aemen (Ade1) ana
Yemen tSan'a':) The earliest such state� elating. From
t he lath btur B.C. --%vac the Minaean hirlplot11
whidi eXtelldNI a- .far north as. the�' preseiit' boTEler
betwevit Jiiidart and cmudi Arahia and as far cast as tile.
lra(ti�!Saudi Arabian liiln }cr. The Nfinaeans were
overtheoirn about IM B;C.. 1)\.: Senitir people., the
Sahaeaus, lios�e �lt;ingdom of siiba reac�hcd even
greater heights 6f p&l yr f6ii ilia the'Minaeart empire..
r1 li(xlple iritli a hii;ll level of culture, the sail carlslrft
numcmus moninnents and inscriptions scattered
thilul;hmt 1'encew the .wealth :of the rumarchv is il-
lilstrated by the (iliac tities of ;nl(l, spices, precious
xtune.N, to(I' .a(li,(i "`that S }ielia one of the Sa ba( -all
gllrclls gave to Solomon, awarding, tie flit First Bikik
of itiill ill tilt Bible: I.ikr tlicir prec}e ssor.. 'the�
For il'eacriti- am nilmn we flit- li"t of ImuteN 4 +11 (lie apron
..f 11141 tiuniiaar Map and f6r map ihrlf.
111101!01 IW the signing of supinemcntai treaties gran
ting.thern informal administrative powers. After Work]
War IL as 'aria w', national iib erntiolr movements led
their contltries to) indrilentience from the United
Kingd(im, l.,ondom uw, facet} with irtereascd'_pressure
fro i the Arab world to turn liver politiw1power titi in-
digellous clemelits,
H N'. i�e I nane� (if the �mall principalitivs in thv sout
}lilt-! }).et'tl lnd pelf ent sillve the Ist evilturv, tilt
Britis Gorertiawnt rejected div stand of, the Y(Inelt
(Sail a') Co h at Advit an(Fthe sue ,!ounding
,rrea �:lr� 'o0 cupira 1'eitlrni tcrritin" :and ,helllld.lx
returncxl to its "cwelit roil Thi B ritish i}rcidecl,ilvteJ to
treat a unitary state to rc�itlac(� tlle.cxktill 11atC'11wo
of lIc Cron n
cc It of `Aden anti file �'ariolls tipes Ihl'rseritori t ii(� or
ac olloit for Ilt'ali l hrt'a��fuuith% of thl. Cafill� of dw'
11.ident, dt fl1'tl! tltcir h (�liluaotl f;a,rn ,t f i('t'?
1 11A. iltalli\lrla! IrllllllF
Twa Differ ek M Olds 6,
u'�.' -'C i �i.
1 77
t .E, "yam in`
ildew kortiw
�rduxra! riltrayr
i !1( c(Y)iioii diffit 'llhit' I,t lial !'fl i;[i \1`r11711t'rlt
:tiff iTl :Irl tha',h li y tl f: E ht S[iC ".11 afrt;ii111 /:lti(itl of thi'
it i(e.'tinI ItrcaIf ufftct(�ii tilt� (nuittr iis a whol(. ft,r
ie,uiitrr; lmoril-'i% It. Iitlun:lil+ iirt'!t !o tht i iI vrv
7sul''1drn auid`iltr It 1 's:fcw "i,tllEr(ttu� Itu't if
to tlIV (lu:iaizr of oIi'ii r,
rat>pirit s i)f a "iltu (IV ni (i'orinriiic >\aciu I h( Ciit111ft1
Ovi o Ih[ -.1; l)ralcI` t,' o irl }):lliai rt�itifor(l d" k
ilf r.:ril ir(�:1s''cori,ltits lart;cl of arli i,tciic r farriiiit>~
lht ph tit( ll ihar.lct
071 Ittisre iietive CAIII paig II rtes suh�ert t I
Coenuncilt, Iiilt otht rS +ou}il )refer lit gotlating tlic
differences lit'to, welt tlic two 6m titries. 'I ierr.has.alsi
4m tt .t'�trits;} lc for power }nt`ce tlt6sv �Ito advocate
cven,rnore rcitiiciil tloteirsti Iinli6v% than itxii l)ecm.
y;irrieMl ,iitE utttl tht t};m Iti-NtS who a go-'
.itti' �,c The F as :i remilt line l)eete torit l a serics
`..trclparty conflicts, ;last leacher h:i 'e� maintained
sam b ase o,f power diti�ii lhv4: se�esk st n gg Ies� gild
thert tllut alle I' will continue to
hi,, I iii ihsarmy' for the foreseeable fntitre:
MIllottgll tits P.D.R.Y. blis }hedged itself to ur -,iott
w t the :Eieit;lthcritlg 1't nen ;1ral) Rrptshlic !)y C)c
ti,ber `I 9; this seeins W be ;kit illusE)ry.:nld'largOv mt-
attuiria}yk gyal.: miinbriilt;cable ideolss:icul gap c ,tiists
hi'twee n the cenlll' r ':tlive >;overnillelit ill S jt :ind
Adcii's Marxist r.t;inte, and even within the NF there
is carasiderable clivergenct .es to htii merger shmild
he A ill plcitiented. l:t:orunnically tlx're is little to he
[Iv%pite tht lrasicalls tmtsrn�ati'c- ti:ttilTe of YCI)lcni
n ine�,ol the tm,(I
gailiki by itriificutioll. since the t-c m
sucieh�, -the \1�' has. itn�li able to snake some -oci:d
enlzntriis arc rnrt coitttilegielliarr_ `I he principal
changes. The class strurturi' of the voilntry -has been
eciinottlic lief �antat;c. of tlee mergcr would appear to
substantially tmodified'in the past 6 cigars- `�7'hi ali+ii)m
}rc the sa�ing of fntlds:ricn spent om border e:trf:uc
fetidal S"fenl.of stiliatis, emirs, and sbeikhs'vho ruled
and the improved prospects for increa.e 1 furcigm
its the briistis' petty statt's hat's: been Imiken dnwti b
aAstance if pt ace prevzils.
tic ri:etion of kind. amd the policy
cif distributing land toLAIte lellslints.11i s lt:ici. an iampor-
tint li�clinl� effect: [:Itan;es in iitrsoriai fymiily'
n iuttl'r; I di.�.)rcc and th status of ncniu m..i'ill.:
r61tlirlg becatise pen ac c,inflencc iF
I I v slow ill of
the lslanlic rcliiorl.:lticrmpts,tr +f;runt tcntuie`equalit
bare hVell oplx)secl: lit' ill Wg,o` enttlierit groups.
fritrrnai dissidence i mot (ikely,to be a real threat to<
the t�ciltral isat rt)utent:' :lthougb'` there e rc' a
nal ttivr of ill) risitlg% iii rural ;areas iii the late' lll(i0's
(hiring the };in�ernme,lit s land reftrin tile P. R
A maintiii gc) cri ncttt wilt rol tlt rtit1 9 t o
ill(, country. The for risureci inui -ency cam
paigit liar Hitt tltreatericd the NF regimc either. 1' le
anti \F forces are`liclt�cl al=tl'ail! rrobabh rtitttintic.
tu he for ottie tune iii canic'herattse of thedcsirc of
ea e'I: 1;rtlell) tit t11Un"I'Mo IZe J)o idea'' l acer fqr itself, if
V nd �lii'm the \F "is'.o%ert}iririrn. "1 hat chattgc`: of
gin'c earns nt tlta, do,ocretr, thcreforc;'art lilki�ly tco come
from ti itlun thi' N 'itself
,ltm s from the.!clti tht Ur v, to "power in
J9 rii, its leade h as been the o o k6rdrlg flit
tuns: "C)ne I)iine,iif ciintcntitin Itas lkeel ,w ltithcr
party slit lw)k to }'eking or. ioscc) feir icieolflt;ical
00707R000200100017 -7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
De cember
N I:I' name it to National front (N' V), on the tit 4a1y
that tits ".liberation" had already hevil ueeotap6bwl.
f'untitntinq i protttsdgated. xtnl tln' country's name i-
cleuts;c(j to tlir 1'41ople'a I)1�a1Nlt'rtlti[' Hepoblie of Y4-meu
Pre4dent _11i bey;inr isapleuaetstiBig pulieie and begin,
fur slit first tithe tt, aKyert hi u11010tity ill, art ultinsxtrly
SIRTe 4111 power struggle aitlr N1' reietary GVIA'rsl.l-ru;a'il.
i':sisinet .Autkrup revolt, iu the rrpiacenaent Of 1'rirre %Ijt&tur
N1101 Mnmit41 'Ali flstYtls:wi by 'Ali Nasir Mulumsraad llu ani.
Fifth NF :,park rangrers fimber the aeciidmrwe of
I'residesit. Al'.z NF faction aver the fae.tion led by Imli:j1I.
.After yetinc of q)ONLd �e border N:irfatre. with Elie 1'emett ;Crab
Itelrnhliv (Y.4%.It.l, ;oils inluiedigte �y following ;t tnajur
Mireiili in September atill Oetolwr,, th( 1'.l) :It :1. anti the
:11p) hil :Es mvinew providing for imitieiiiioo within
I roar.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100017 -7
s l:.1 r
Area Brief
Size: I 11.4101) sq. uti,
UNC: (btl. about Ina arable (sit wliiclt less thus half cultivated)
Population: 1,555.000
Elknic compoa.hion: Mostly Arab with prrdorrainantly patri-
arehal tribal orgaoixnuion; in the trxamnl :area also Indiatlr.,
Africans, Nliduy's, 3ornali+
Religion: Islutn; prc(1001inaritly 4u1111i
Health and :sanitation: I'Etur send rudimentary
Literacy: Probably no higher than 10`x:,; Mica 3:7' ieet.t
Language: Arnhic
Legal name: People's Democratic ]tepohlic of Yetuen
Type: Republic
Cipital: Aden
Political subdivisions: 0 province
Legal system: 1970 con uhition provides for supreme
i :.mll s Court as highest juelichil organ; no constitutional
provision for Shtria cxpurt tetra hilt still functioning
branches: headed by Preshlential (7ouncil, elected by
People's Snpretue Council (1 1970 Can*titutiun pro
vides for elected 1'z(', but electlitas not yet Iteld; t'rvAdantiatl
Council, INC, and Council od 'Ministers controlled by single
tegaal political party, N F
Government k%dew Chairtaan of i'residantial Council,
Sxlint Itulwyi 'Ali: frame Minister 'Ali Nasir Mohammed
rl ilusaul; N F Secre[arr C:onvial eANI Al- Fatt;th Istna'il
Political parties and leaders: Nutioual Front (`F). only
Ivgal party; C'onttnuniA P.IrtV :utd lia'th Party aliowed to
operate and given rcpreaentalion in government, but both
of ralnor Agnificant-v
Member of: L =:N.
GNP: $1611 ntiltion (1972); ;about 3K10 ls�r spits
Agriculture: (:ill out.Siile of Aden) cotton is 11min Bash crop;
vi-rinds, dates, itat, tubarco, mid livrstoek: growing; fishing
industry; large arnounts of food trlltst br import A
49: OS
Oman. GUU of {gn1n......... 4.........
iR lm
Al to 6idi (Iriflllf drfR;
14 20:
4i W.
1't'Cinl (t xflUtd) I
1'2 To
i:3 :!5
14: 31
1!i 3Q.
1'cr filln,t:Ulf (gnlfl.......................
l l0
.11 00
Ambian *ea (xca)
1 U[!
71 13(1
Qa' laliuh
113 51
41 42
Axh. tihihr
14, 44
49 351
�13 ii
.1d it'id
l4 :'h
ag :i_'
11a's al' larih:..........
1.2 .1S
1Fi (11
11 33
111 38
Ra'1: 1larF/dh (painO.....................
1'2 {ti
41 :i41
AthT hunittyr
1:3 31
4.1 42
Ra':: burtak (t1Prn3)
I5i ;t
5 15
1t 'Pawahi.......
t'2 47
14 511:
Ra's Wiliuff (point) I.4
15 (141
At T urbah 4....
12, �141.
�13 :30 Z ia'ss'imrntt
1_ 1.1
14 13
Audhuli S61titnute (irrrridcperrd1'r1l sultonuic):
14 20
46 '12 L
R" Seu: (s (l)
2 (I(1
:35 00
ixlanja heir.
I :i (17
4S :3
�dub. Hl XNAL l {udi Arabia (dcxFrt).......
'20 00
8l OG
ltah e!`N1inde!} fAfrnil)...............
13 2(i
Ilal lh: Oman...
17. IJn
54 (ill
15 i9
45 '':3
yan' A it
15 2
44 1
Ht Ta..ahl ho
liaridil, r p)
1 '2 �113
44 5i
1 �tl{iFI:
13 1
l'3H)'llan al_.Q]oat).........
34, 13.
`ahaykh' L thntan
!Y 5'2L
G ratF!r.
45 !!2
i'r 511
1 3K
I) thinit, titn {r -.of.( emidc odrnf rtorc).....
Iti [131
'�f 5:3
:r .,7
13hafar, Ulnan'.(region
17 t1j)
54 lh
4 ni �tra(txf fiJ).
iLF a(}
FH1hli.Sul:atinte (r