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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
:2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
c1 i w a o n r+r a .r,. ar,,""a iY: c_" '?'.'R.E'E. :.i`v: �:.3'.:
l y
The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re-
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200100014 -0
This chapter was prepared for the NIS by the
Defewe Intelligence Agenk'+1. Research was sub
stantially completed by May 7.973.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
MIA J, 1 130,111
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
E. Approaches 15
1. Land 16
Fig. 1
Vegetation (map)
Fig. 2
Flat to rolling plains north of Joao
Fig. 11
Belo (photo)
Fig. 3
Rocky hills in the northern plains
Fig. 12
Fig. 4
Sinuous streams in the coastal plains
near Beira (photo)
Fig, 5
Rio Incomati northeast of Lourmco
Fig. 13
Marques (photo)
Fig. 6
Zambezi northwest of Chemba
Fig. 7
Sisal plai,i nion in the northeast
Fig. 14
Fig. 8
Coconut palms near the central
Fig. 15
coast (photo)
Fig. 9
Dissected, hills and mountains west
Fig. 16
of Vila Pery (photo)
Fig. 10
Mountain gorge east of Chicoa
2. Sea 16
3. Air 19
Fig. 11
Zambezi gorge near Tete (photo)
Fig. 12
Broadleaf evergreen forest near
Rhodesia border (photo)
Fig. 13
Open broadleaf forest near Vila
Paiva de Andrada (photo)
Fig. 14
Climatic factors (chart)
Fig. 15
Lago Chirua (photo)
Fig. 16
Lourenco Marques strategic area
Fig. 17
Lourenco Marques (photo)
Fig, 18
Beira strategic area (map)
Fig. 19
Beira (photo)
Fig. 20
Internal routes (table)
Fig. 21
Boundaries (table)
Fig. 22
Land approaches table) I
Fig. 23
Amphibious landing beach near
Beira (photo)
Fig, 24
Military Geographic Factors
(map) follows
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
Military Geography
A. Location and description (Uf OU)
Mozambique Iies along the coast of southeastern
Africa. Its long irregularshores face Madagascar across
the 215- to 535-nautical-mile-wide Movambique
Channel. Oil its landward side, Mozambique borders
on six countries, two of which are also white
dominated territories, South Africa and Rhodesia, and
one of which almost bisects Mozambique, the black
African state of Malawi. Mozambique has an area of
303,769 square mites and a population of 8,898,000 as
of June 1973. The country is about 1,240 miles' long
and ranges in width from about 400 miles in the north
to approximately 30 miles in the south. Superimposed
oil the eastern United States, ;Mozambique would
extend from the Canadian border to northern Florida,
and From v.estem Indiana to the Atlantic Ocean.
1, Topography
The terrain of Mozambique consist` principally of
fiat to rolling plain's, which rise gradually inland front
the coast and culminate in rugged ranges of hills and
scattered mountains in the north and west (Figure 24,
the Military Geographic Factors map at theend of tltd
chapter). Most of the country is forested, Although
there are large sthvanna areas, mainly in the south and
northwest, at,;! widely scattered cultivated areas,
chiefly near the major settlements along the coast
(Figure 1). Several large streams flow across the
country from the west and discharge into the
Mozambique Channel.
The plains are flat to rolling (Figs re 2); however,
north of the Zambezi, isolated rocky hills (Figure 3)
and several small mountainous areas break the
surface. Most of the plains are less than 1,000 feet
above sea level, and extensive areas, particularly in the
south, are less than 650 feet. Local relief is generally
less than 200 feet; along the western margins of the
plains, it is bctwcea 200 and 500 feet. Most slopes are
less than 10%, and extensive areas are icss than 2%.
'Distances are in statute miles unless nautical miles are
specifically stated.
Isolated hill slopes are between 107o m.1 30%, and
slopes in the mountainous areas are more than 305,
commonly exceeding 45%.
Several broad, deep perennial streams flow eastward
across the plains in wide, shallow valleys. The streams
are meandering and marshy in their lower courses, and
mangrove swamps are coninion at their mouths
(Figure 4). The larger streams and their major
tributaries are more than 500 feet wide in most of their
courses and are commonly more than 3.i feet deep at
high water and less than 3.5 feet at low eater. The
lower courses of the major streams are more than 3.5
feet deep throughout the year (Figure 5). The
7ambe7i, the largest stream in the country, is 1 to 3
Whiles wide and 6 to 9 feet deen all year (Figure 6).
Streambanks are low but steep and locally marshy;
stream bottoms are commonly sandy or gravelly.
Extensive flooding often occurs during the high water
period (early November through March or April).
During this period, ninny small shallow lakes are
formed. During the low water period (generally early
April or early May through October), these lakes dry
up, smaller streams become dry, and even the large
streams are greatly reduced in size.
Vegetation in the plains consists of open broadleaf
evergreen and deciduous forests which contain
numerous grassy or cultivated clearings. Dense
mangrove swamps are scattered along the coast
(Figure 25). Savanna of dense grass up to 5 feet
tall and scattered trees or patches of forest covers over
half of the area south of tine Rio Save; a large area
along the northern coast between Lumbo and Porto
Amelia= is covered by savanna that consists of sparse
grass I to 3 feet tall and scattered thorn trees.
Cultivated sueas, mainly plantations of sisal (Figure
7), coconut (Figure 8), cotton. and citrus fruits,
widely scattered throughout the plains but are located
primarily near the coast.
The ground is chiefly firm nett.' dry or moist most a$
the year, although it may he wet and soft a few times a
month for a day or less after rains, usually between
"For dlacdtics on place names sec the list of names an the apron
of the Military Gcogru.phle ructors map and the map itself.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009 /06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
mid November and mid -April. Io swine river valleys
and in tnurshes and swamps, the ground is wet and
soft much or all of the year.
The coastal areas contain most of the major towns,
the best road and railroad Facilities, extensive
plantations, and many small rural settlements.
Elsewhere. there are oniy a Few significant tOWEIS,
scattered native villages, isolated plantations, and a
few small mining coin muvities. The major cities and
towns generally have a rectangular street pattern; the
tnain streets are mostly wide, biturninous surfaced,
and tree lined. Commercial and administrative
buildings in the cities are constructed of masonry and
concrete and are generally 2 or 3 stories high lzut may
be as much as 10 or 12 stories in Lourenco Marques
(Figure 17) and 13e In the European residential
areas, houses are generally of concrete, timber, or
Ild galvanized metal, have the or tar covered sheet metal
FIGURE 2. Extensive flat to rolling mains cover most of
eostem Mozambique. In the south, as in the area shown
her,, north of Joao Belo, elevations generally are less
than 650 feet, and slopes mostly are less than 2%.
The plains are marshy in places and hove been re-
claimed for cultivation. The network of drainage ditches
that crisscrosses the almost featureless surface Is the
only dissecilon for mr -)y miles. (U /OU)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
FIGURE 1. Vegerotion (U /OU)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
..6 x.........,a .i wc -..-5Y r..... .u.. 1... i...w..,... ...w.- iR+
i r�
several high, steep, discontinuous, north �south
trending cscarpracnts. Elevatiom in the highlands are
mostly between 630 and 3,280 feet; however, several
mountain peaks are over 3,000 feet, and the highest
point in the country is almost 8,000 feet. Laval relief in
the upland plains is mostly between 250 and 500 feet;
in the hills, 500 to 2,000 feet; and in the mountains,
from 2,000 to 5,000 feet. Slopes in the plains am
mostly less than 10%, generally 105o to 30a in the
hills, and 30% to 455 in the mountains.
The highlands are drained by several large, widely
spaced, perennial streams and numerous short,
intermittent streams. The major streams are over 500
feet wide and over 3.5 feet deep during the high water
period (early November through March or April), and
the Rio Lugenda and the %ambezi are over 3.5 feet
deep throughout the year. During the high water
period, the major streams have extremely high
velocities and often flood valleys in the Iower plains.
During the low water period (early April or early May
through October), most small streams are dry, and
large streams are generally reducer( in size. The
roofs, and are 1 or 2 stories high. (louses in the
better built African communities are of stucco covered
concrete blocks, but many African residential areas arc
slums, consisting of flimsy corrugated metal and
wooden shacks with scrap sheet metal roofs or of
thatched roofed mud huts. Streets in the slum areas
are narrow and mostly unstufaced. The cities and
towns are connected by a sparse network of roads. The
railroad network consists of several separate,
unconnected systems. The railroads, which extend
inland from the coastal cities and towns, are mostly
3'6" gage, single track, and in generally good
The highlands of Mozambique consist mostly of
rugged hills interspersed with areas of rolling to
moderately dissected upland plains and small but
rugged mountain ranges (Figure 9). The hills and
mountains are severely dissected by deep, steep -sided
narrow valleys or gorges (Figure 10). Summits range
from rounded domes to sharp pinnacles. Near Lake
Nyasa and along parts of the Malawi border there arc
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
FIGURE 3. Granitic knobs with domed summits and barren, rocky, striared sides rise
abruptly from the railing surfaces of the northern plains, generally up to 1,300 feet above
adjacent surfaces. Hownyer, they maybe readily bypassed. (C)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
streams have numerous falls and rapids, mostly tacky
bottoms, and high, steep batiks; in many places they
flow through deep, narrow gorges and valleys with
walls up to 1,000 feet high (Figure 11).
Most of the highlands are covered by open to dense
broadleaf evergreen and deciduous forests (figure 12).
Dense broadleaf evergreen forests with a thick
undergrowth of shrubs and vines cover many valleys
and fringe the larger streams. Scattered thickets of
bamboo, large grassy areas (Figure 13), and cultivated
areas are scattered throughout the open forests.
Savanna, with dense grass 3 to 5 feet high, covers a
large area of mostly rolling plains and hilt, along the
upper Zjml)czi (Figure 1).
FIGURE 4. Broad, winding, sluggish
streams cross the wet coastal plains
of central Mozambique. In this area
near Beira, watercourses are nu-
merous and provide routes to the
Interior through the extensive
marshes and swamps that spread
inland many miles along the
streams. (U /OU)
FIGURE 5. The major streams cross-
ing the plains are broad and deep
and present formidable barri&s
to north- -south movement. This
stretch of the Rlo Incomod near its
mouth is more than 500 feet wide
and too deep to ford throughout
the year. Banks are low but steep
and are fringed by marshes. (U /OU)
FIGURE 6. The Zambezi, the longest
stream in the country, ranges from
1 to 3.miles wide in this stretch at
the western edge of the plains
where the stream emerges from its
tortuous course through the high-
lands. The :*recur is more than 6
feet deep year round and o major
obstacle to crossings. (U /OU)
2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
The ground is beneral,y dry except from mid-
November to mid April, when it is chiefly moist. In
the lower plains and valleys, it is chiefly wef from. mid-
December to mid -May. The ground is generally firm
when dry or moist and sgft when wet.
Throughout most of the bighlarids there are only a
few significant towns, mainly near the western border
Of Mocambique; these have characteristics similar to
the towns in the coastal plains. The settlement pattern
FIGURE 7. Sisal Is one of the major
crops on the coastal plain, particu-
larly in the northeast. Plants have
spine- pointed swordlike leaves to
5 feet high and are grown In rows
about 5 feet apart. {UJOU)
FIGURE 8. Coconut plantations are
scattered along the coast, but the
largest are near Quellmone. The
trees, which provide some timber,
are 20 to 80 feet high, have trunks
about 1 foot in diameter, and are
spaced up to 25 feet apart. The
undergrowth Is low grass or is
lacking. (UJOU)
consists mostly of seattcrcd native villages, isolated
plantations, and smali mining communities. The
transportation network is sparse.
2. Climate.
Mo %asr'lbigne has a tropical climate, with a
pronounced wet season, December through March.
and a long dry season, gener,illy May throtigh October
(Figure 14). April and November are transition periods
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
helwvvio tilt- %%M :ind dr% %vautos. 13c,it1c�, lilt� c�ountr',
tropical location, the c�litttutiv ttirrilrols int'ludt� the
nr:Irb% oveanic� %talern. tilt- iutt-drttpical coinergellee
root�, ;111(1 tilt- varied terrlirt.
The WV ,t-as) tt is opprt-�i%t4% hot and InitIkid
ahunsl e v v r% %v here. Ott tilt- coast, afternoon
tI are dight1% inndt-rdmi I the ,va
breezes. ,o that nivait tl:til% ni ;t%iwunts ase held mostlh
to Elie to 90�F. ring 'I'lie htittt-st uflt-rnoou
lcn:peratures occur in the hn -Iiog of the
interior, llt�re�, inosl dail nlclxitltunis are is the� W"F.
to 10.i�i'. range. and IetnperaUirr, occnsioualh esceod
I IM", al niam places. The unl% 'rill f i, at till. Itigher
eleratitn,. ��here afternoon telllperature, rise vial to
Ilit, 70's �I'. l. At night rttean daily IMM1tnln
teniperrture, dccrea-w to the 60's in the interior but
only to the 70's cirt the co:isl_ \lean mlalive 1lutriiclih
is Itig!l tbroughoul this season in all sections of the
rounlr% and. iu conihittatioei with the high
tetripertlures, c�realt-s aleii(O stifling cuudilion, chtring
I lie tl:n and crrntinued milt r\ condiliou al ttight. Masi
Of the :inttnal rainfall is rt-cett-d chiriut tilt- at-t season
Mid lilt- trntsition trnlnila, vht�it Z11" intertropical
convergence itne tit ZI 1, cner or hear Mozantl� tpu�-
I'lu ariut; iutensit of the IC%. ho n�,idl, iu
icle flac�taatiorls of aluterll rainfall arttount at�ros
tilt- c�ountr%. froni It-ss thou ?11 irtc�lie% in tittle -'stern
part, to gn�alvr Elton till inches in sv%vral ttuutntaitlnit,
welions. tl't-l ,cusou rainfall is frt-ctucul and Most!\ ill
lilt- fnrtu uf,hoacr.: iliottlhl auiolults avvr.19e rtlaiul
het�t-en :i anti 10 irteht-%. 'I'lu� Ilea it-,l ,hot r, ot-e�ur
durhig lhauder%tontis, which norut:Ilh uulliber5to 1.5
per month throtighotd this period. Cloudint-� also i% .11
a otairtu tti at Ibis Nino, rotiging b aven 50tt and
ti0 i in rtto,t nutnths. U�erca,t skies art Ireyt1v3A ;ind
coniplt-lcl char Aivs ary rare. 1XIII nal a;trialiau of
clotnlitiess are small in the interior but art- tttore
I If It itr�ublo on the coast. share tilt-ft' is a It'Il(II'M1
toward clearitig ill the vvenhigs, 'I'll( clouds itre
prt-iltien a tutu cuituiiu, tpe,: sonic dedop into
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
FIGURE 9. These rugged highlands west of Vila Pery contain some of the highest elevations
in the country. Numerous long, rounded, roughly parallel ridges separated by deep
ravines and V- shaped valleys extend in waves from the almost vertical, rocky sides of the
mountains. Grass covers the ridges and dense broadleaf evergreen forest the ravines
and volleys. ICI
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
large classes and extend �cynically to '30A0t) fret cur
higher. Visibility is generally good except for all
nc�casioual light fog or haze at slight or in the early
tuarnilig. espetiail% ilk the interior. The greatest
restrictions to visibility OCCLIF &uririg the hrief but
hravy showers. The surface winds are strongly
regtlhkted by meal influences, snanily because of like
yeakuess of the Initle wituls. Either cairn or light.
variable winds predominate in the interior. while laud
attd sea breezes are %veil defined on the coast: only the
sra lave a readies rnodernte six�rels. Strong lusts or
of �siolial selualis usually accomparty for thunder-
storms. The slnrngest winds. however, are associated
With 11`04A al vvelorres which violt�r lire Muzainbieloc�
Channel on an average of two per y-e�ar. rrlaitkl hi
December through March. Widespread damage from
Violent winds, some iii excess of 75 knots. and seven�
flooding from tnrrrntial rains are roost likely in tlsr
emista 1. lowlands.
The dry season is somewhat cooler and dryer its list
interior, i-ut nn much of the crust throulhoilt this
periud the ;1Fternoems contiutie to Ex� worm and
h tilt id, Mean daily waxirnurri tempemlures at tilt
lower elrvati(ns are ill the ''0 �F. try 90 *F Gulge with
mean &oily ntilriuninis in lilt- 50 �F. to ;0 �F. range. The
coolest tvinperatures occur in tile snountaius. Where
llighttlttle frosts acrasit)14:11% acti�err at the 1light,st
eivvations. \�fears rehktivv humidit% is lowest in the
interior. where afternoon readings art- in the 20`c to
55% r iigv Ill ntughoul me.stof the dry %easort. Because
Of 111911 1leuniditie�s. tilt' etkast hits sullr weather the
year ;round. Rahifall is light and colliparative1%
infleque nt in nast mouths of the dr% seosoil-
'fhunderslornn .rot� rare. Cloudiut,ss. reaching culnual
ttlininitluis. ranges normally between 2 0 1 ,r mid 60
(Dear skit's arc frmluetrl alnlost t�yer%-whert� hul aw
especially prevalent ilk tike eveniligs (lit the� coast
Visibilil% is poorest in this season but is seldom
reduced below 2 miles. The principal restrictions arc i
thick Itaxe (ktlnwn lnealb as ccecirtibo), stroke from
brush fires. mid earl% rtlonriug fog. Meal effects
r-oritiinie� to go�rrn the srlrf;lC'e 7lld regime- I aotd and
yea bteY�%ey prevail tin the ctnisl, and calms or ,ight,
variable winds are prominent in the interior. Strout;
%rinds are infrequent evvey%vhere.
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FIGURE 10. Deep, narrow valleys and ravines cave the highlands into numerous
discontinuous random ridges. Here, east of Chicoa, the Zambezi cuts through the moun-
tains in a restricted winding course. In this stretch, the river is 60 to 250 feet wide and more
than 3 %x feet deep throughout the year. (C;)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
FIGURE 11. River gorges are common in the highlands; here, the Zambezi flows as
much as 1,000 feet oelow the upland summits. Banks are rocky and steep, and the
stream is wide and deep. (C)
FIGURE 12. Dense broadleaf evergreen forest covers large areas of the hills and moun.
tains. In this area near the Rhodesia border, trees are about 40 -lo 70 feet high, have J
trunks 1 to 2 feet in diameter, and are closely spaced. They' provide moderate -size
construction timber. Clearings are primarily covered by grass. (C)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
FIGURE 13. Open broadleaf forest, chiefly evergreen, with a commonly thin canopy,
covers o large part of tfte nighlonds. This view is near Vila Paiva de Androda, and there is
a dense undergrowth of gross arid other herbaceous plants as well as scattered shrubs
and low palms. During the dry period, generally May through October, the grass and
other herbaceous plants ore susceptible to fire. (C)
B. Military geographic regions (C)
I)iffere�ncr, in tvrrain arc� tilt- hasi for dividing
Mortttihitptt� into four lelilitar% gcogripbic� regiopis
II ikure 2.11. The- Northern I'laius tied 5ontbern Plain,
11( tvttlsrsl ttluilll% of wit�11- drained flat In robin.;
plains: Ill( Wv%Ivrn 114thialikk Region vouePrkes :t
comply\ of riim;ed bill and and rollinv la
disu�c�ted upl:uul iriain,: anti the Cmdrai We�t Plain,
Heviurl i, it et VM0 1ae lmMancls formed tnairli h the
deltas O tilt' Zambezi And other major treartrs of
t�e�rltral \1o7.,ttllhielne. �I'he eYtenhiuttinn ref enirorr
uu�ntal e,tndiliorts ilhiu each wriolt ii tottld hae it
rvl;ttirt�I tereiforrlt e�fft�t�t mi tnilitar% olh�rtlinns. hilt
there woidd lie marked differeucc% hetec�n adjact�let
revious. The \orlltrrn I'lairts and Southern 1'laios are
sirnil,ir and are dist�assed togetlivr.
I. \orlisem Plains and Sonlhenr Plain
Condilions for iargv- scale� e�umeittiona) ground
operations art favorthie dnrtu most of lh ear in
111 area,. \eitiettlar t�ro,,- ronntr% nure�tnc�nl uotdd
be ate rnoderatt-l re� tire tilt- elelt flat ice
rnliint;. chit�fl dr plaim vot-reel h opt-le lort� or
aunno et;t-tatiorl Minetru�Itl onld lit- hindt�rud
fue:Ill h [rearle,. ,t�atsered nmr,hr, and t-1 are�.I,.
and palcilt� of dt`ll"v fore'l 5ru,00:d rr to
mokettterlt art- fluodint; .dons; rrt:tjor team, during
the high titer period :nid ,till t;rtrtrtttl for shor[ period,
after Ilea rains On irk Oak I It toe-rtel-III ould Ile� (airl
t:nN ,t�a,emalh. allpllm li Int �I road% arc oarrot..lnd
[here art- ntatr Ioa- eapat�it uoode�t1 hridi;v- lord,.
.tad fern. c�retssinls \10 road, are- light[ ,orlisced
iIII Itrarel or ,Ire of earth_ .Ind Ihe� 1wcollte-
irnpassahle at linivs dorinz the let e:t,nn l "onditiotl,
for offroad disper,al are good ec�t�pt chtring Imriod,
%thell tilt ground is ,oft Cou%trticlimt it] lee%% roads
uutid euconntt�r G� rrtrie�tinn, ill most part of tht-
region%, Aligutlaerlt, art gi-nortll ilrim,tricied. 1wittral
fourtdalimt, are� fair let 10.4 Ioel. ,elect e�elll,irtx�II4III
nr:Ilvriak it re aailahle. altllnat;h tiler rna ht* caree
dormg the dr% sea,on. Cotitlitiml fur eouee:Ilnn�ul
and e-o%vi are fitir to porer In the b roadival t-ergret-n
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
Co x 11 D E %T l.U.
lurid. especially over the nuunrlains. 'I'urluwlence is
often w"ociated V.011 lhunderstori.. fire average
height of the freezing level in all rtppnraches is close to
16,01X) Feet throughout the year except in approacltes
from the south in winter, when else level drums to
10,000 feet at Bares. llowvver. airrrift icing is most
likely to OCCUr in striitrncr. During !Iris tirite. icing is
canfiued mostly to cumulus :urd cumul(lriirnbrrL-
clouds. but icing inny occur arty tune clouds are
present above the (rcezitig level. Upper minds are
mostly light and variable below 200M) feet ill all
apprnacltes throughout the year. Above 2009) feet.
esterlies prevail all %ear in the� southern approac�ltes.
hercas in the northern approaches the aiuds
alleruale in prevalence bctTcen catc�rlies ill sununer
(Mevitiber through hcbruar. I uncl vm4erlics in haler
(Jute� through Augnstt. 'riiv Oranges! rods occur ill
the suuthernr mst appro.tclres near MOM fort- %dwre
niean %peeds ill the westerlies %art frurn -15 knots in
Januar to 70 knots in Jul `E'ropic;tl cNclanes from the
lrtclian OCCan occasional!% affect the air approaches
From the cast, causing; period of cxteasive� cloudiness.
heav% rairrs.:cnd trorig gust whicis_ An aver y of
two trrrtyical cyclones occur curb Near
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
FIGURE 23. The beach near Beira is fairly long and wide and backed
by a sandy, brush- covered plain containing swampy and marshy areas.
Nearshore approaches are partly obstructed by sheillow water. ICI
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200100014 -0
J s
Places and features referred to In this Genera) Survey (u /ou)
C o aR DI N ATLa
s *S e rs a 1R.
Alto Llgoahs 15 31 78 16 Mozambique Channel (siroii)............. 2(1 00 43 00
Angochc, I1ha (itf) 16 20 32 5I Mtwara, Tanzania....... 10 10 40 11
Aruaha, Tanzania 3 22 36 41 Mucanha, Rio (siren)..................... 15 39 31 35
>t Augu>ta Cardoso 12 43 34 49 Mueflo, Rio (am) 1" 38 37 02
Dagam oyo, Tansa,lla 0 26 38 54 Muda... 19 23 34 25
Bend' ulo 19 01 33 09 Mueds.. 11 39 39 33
T F Beim.......... 18 04 33 13 Mainga, Tanzania 6 53 37 37
Binga, Manta (mi) 11 52 35 02 Nacals................................. 14 33 40 40
Blantyre. Malawi 15 48 35 02 Nanahti, Porter de (bayJ................... 14 31 .d0 39
20 02 32 19 Naosla- Velha 14 33 40.36`
Bons Sisals, Rio daa 18 03 M 50 Naahingwea, Tanzania................... 10 23 38 46
Border Siding, Malawi (rr siding) 17 09 35 12 Namaacha 25 58 32 01
19 52 34 40 Ne ma a I3 43 39 50
Uzi, Rio (strm) p
Cabors Baas (gorge) 15 34 32 50 Nsmlafo. 14 55 30 59
Ctia (rr sla).. 17 50 35 20 Nampula.. 15 07 39 15
Combine mission) 23 36 36 M Namut range 10 32 40 2
Capoche 40YO 15 23 32 53 Nayucl, Malawi......... 14 56 35 52
Catem be..... 26 00 32 33 Nova Frelxo 14 49 30 33
Calur 13 45 35 37 Nova Sofa ia............................ 20 10 34 44
Changara..... i0 60 33 le Nyaeaa, Lake (lake)...................... 12 00 34 30
Cbleoa 15 38 32 21 Odzl,Southern Rhodesia................. 18 58 32 23
Chieomo ................I L. 24 SO 33 08 Odal, Southern Rhodesia (airm) 19 47 32 24
Chinde, Rio (afrm) 18 33 30 28 Ponta Dobela (point).................... 20 31 32 54
Cbirun, Lago (Take) 14 12 35 60 Porto Amb lia........................... 12 57 40 30
Chluin, Logo (lake) 14 55 35 50 Pdngob, Rio (afrm) 19 50 34 48
Chlvevc, Rio(sirm) L..... 19 50 34 50 Quellmaae........... 17 51 36 52
G. hemana le 67 32 51 Reaaaao Garcia
25 27 0
Bons Ans.. 17 25 35 04 Revub................................ 19 25 ;3 22
Espirito Santa, Listuirio do (csfuarp)....... 26 59 32 37 Rleatia, Lagos (lake) 25 48 32 37
Faruka, Southern RhodWA (rr siding)..... 19 SR 32 33 Rovumo, Rio (s(rm) 10 29 40 28
Fingeo 15 10 31 53 3alamanga 28 20 32 39
Fumneungo 14 54 33 37 Salisbury, Solfthera Rhodesia............ 17 50 31 03
Can 18 34 34 40 Save, Rio (rirm)......................... 21 00 35 02
Goba 26 12 32 08 Sena.... 17 28 35 02
G6ndola 19 05 33 39 Shire Bridge Siding, Malawi (rr sta) 1:: 1 35 04
C orongesa, Parqui Nacional ds (park)..... 18 45 34 20 Songes, Tanzania 10 41 35 39
In 19 12 33 58 Sunata 13 06 9.9 59
,l Rio (siren) 25 46 32 43 Tembe, Rio (afrm) 26 00 32 29
inbambane 23 52 35 23 Tote............. 16 10 33 36
Inhamifsnga 1R 13 35 I1 Umbeluzl, Lilo (sirm) 28 al 32 28
Inhrrri me 24 28 35 01 Umpala........................ 26 03 32 19
Jeiio Bel o 25 04 33 39 Umtalt, Southern Rhodesia............... 18 58 32 40
Hasipmulden, South Africa 25 32 31 19 Vita Cabra l............................. 13 19 35 14
Kongwa, Tanzania 6 12 38 25 Vila Caldae Xavier...................... 14 24 33 01
Lebombo Mountains (hills) 26 15 32 00 Vila de A ntGnlo Fnes.................... 16 12 39 54
Licuare, Rio (sirm) 17 64 30 49 V14 der Mocfmboa da Praia............... 11 20 40 21
Limpopo River (sfrm).................... 25 12 33 32 Vila der Mocubs......................... 16 51 38 50
Lind], Tanzania 10 00 39 43 fSla de Sena I7 26 3S 02
Louronga Mrrquca... 28'58 32 34 Vila do Chinde 18 34 38 27
Luganda, IU D( SIM) 11 26 38 33 Vila do Dorado.......................... 19 36 34 44
L umber 15 00 40 44 Vi!s Pontee 4............ 17 49 35 23
Uri% We (strm) 13 31 40 32 'tits Franca do Save..................... 21 09 34 33
Maehipands (rr eta) 19 00 32 41 Vila Oouva la............................ 18 03 33 11
Macomis 12 18 40 08 Vita Lufaa 25 44 32 41
Maoondea, Pianalto doe (pletcau).......... 11 30 39 00 Vila Mar ee 16 10 33 46
Ma coaea it 54 43 n Vila Paiva de Andrada................... 18 41 34 04
Macuae, Rio (siren) 17 45 37 13 Vila Pnry 19 08 33 29
Ms fvernls 22 08 31 40 Xinavane............................... 25 32 32 47
ganp 19 47 34 53 Zambesi Fiver (siren).................... IS SO 36 17
XIarajacaza 24 43 33 50 Ubub... 15 38 34 20
Mantas 25 53 32 37
Mapm 22 51 31 58 Selected Airfields
M eputu, Rio (efrm) 26 11 32 42
Mermen eu 18 17 85 89
Matola, Rio (afrm) 23 59 .32 27 B eim... 10 48 34 54
Matnla- Rio 25 49 32 27 Laurance Marquas....................... 25 55 32 34
Mau- b- a1 a 24 21 34 06 Lumbo.. 13 02 40 40
Mbeys, Tanzania 8 84 33 27 M% pups 13 14 37 33
M] leage 10 03 35 47 M oefmbaa der Praia...................... 11 21 40 21
loos mba 25 38 32 15 M 4a4' a.............................. 11 40 39 34
Magaribl qua............................ 15 39 39 51 Mutarms, 17 22 35 02
Mo.= blque,liha de 15 03 40 48 Ns