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SECRET ll /GS /AF May 1973 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY SECRET APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY PUBLICATIONS The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per- ishability can be updated on an individual basis. These chapters� Country Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog- raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters, particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into one volume. Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligem -c Fact book, ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta- tistical data found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of ite factbook omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence onli security organizations. Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS Program, production of these sections has been phased out. Those pre- viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major portion of the study is considered valid. A 4uarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory of Available NIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent classified Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and number and includes classification and date of issue; it thu'. facilitates the ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and !jtilization. Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly )r through liaison channels from the Centrai Intelligence Agency. The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the gerieral direction of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi- nated by the Central Intelligence Agency. WARNING: This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of title 18, sections 793 and 791 of the US code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of '.s contents to or roceipt by an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. CLASSIFIED BY 019611. EXEMPT FROM GENERAL CECLASSIFI- CATION SCHEDULE OF E. O. 1 W2 EXEMPTION CATEGORIES 58 (1), (2), (3). DECLASSIFIED ONLY ON APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 WARNING The NIS is N'titionai Intelligence ant. may not be re- leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern- ment or international body except by specific authorization of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di- rective No. 1. For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the portions so marked may be made available for official pur- poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel provided no attribution is mode to National Intelligence or the National Intelligence Survey. Subsections and graphics are individually classified according to content. Classification /control designa- tions are: (U/OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only (C) Confidential (S) Secret APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 This chapter was prepared for the NIS by the Defense Intelligence Agency. Aeseerch was sub- stantially completed by November 1972. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 SWEDEN,, CONTENTS This General Survey sup. the one clArd Sep- tember 1987, copies of tchicn should he destroyed, A. Defense establishment 1 Components and their strengths; mission and strategy; assessment of performance against at- tack by a major force. 1. IN41itary history I Role in World War II; policy of nonalignment; shift in military traditions and concepts. 2. Command structure 2 Mechanism for determining defense policy; control in peace and war; chain of command. military regime, functioning of central agencies. B. Joint activities I. Military manpower Universal military service, conscription, and allocation of conscripts among services; man- power potential, physical fitness, age dis- tribution qualifications and shortcomings of Swedish males; mobilization plans and pro- cedures. SECRET APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 Page 2. Strength trends 4 Fluctuations over past decade; effects of statu- Defense staff chart) tory and budgetary restrictions excess of Strength trends table) manpower. Defens:, budgets table) 3. Training 4 General aim, methods, strengths, and weak- illustration) nesses; advanced training schools. Warrant officers' and enlisted men's 4. Military budget 4 Budgeting procedures and trends in defense Swedish -built S -tank (photo) appropriations; budgets for 1968 -72. 17 5. Logistics 5 Domestic production of armaments; pro- curement, depot system, research and develop- 18 ment. 12 6. Uniforms and insignia 8 Descriptions and illustrations. 14 C Army 6 Mission and mobilization plan; strengths and weaknesses; assessment of major equipment items. 1. Organization 12 Command, control, and staffing. 2. Strength, composition, and disposition 12 Personnel strength, units, and general deploy- 21 ment; summary of mobilization plan and unit composition; reserve components. 21 3. Training 13 Purpose, type, and length of training cycle; reserve training. 22 4. Logistics 14 Procurement procedures, depot operations, repair and maintenance. 5. Army aviation 15 Chain of command, missit.n and tasks, units, training. Fig. 1 Structure and control of the armed ii Page I). Navy forces (chart) Fig. 2 Defense staff chart) Fig. 3 Strength trends table) Fig. 4 Defens:, budgets table) Fig. 5 Officers' uniforms and ir. signia tions; Coastal Fleet. illustration) Fig. 6 Warrant officers' and enlisted men's Ships, Mrscnnel strength, and bases; mobili- uniforms and insignia (illustration) Fig. 7 Swedish -built S -tank (photo) ii Page I). Navy 15 Mission, capabilities, and readiness; ship con. Page struction programs, Fig. 8 1. Organization Command, control, and staffing; communica- tions; Coastal Fleet. I2 2. Strength, corlpositiou, and disposition 17 Ships, Mrscnnel strength, and bases; mobili- zation plans. 3. Training 17 Purpose, type, and length of cycle; reserve Fig. 10 training; major installations. 4. Logistics 18 Responsible departments; operating bases and 12 supply stocks; procurement and domestic con- Fig. 11 struction. 14 5. Naval coast artillery 20 Cypes of units and anissions; personnel selec- tion and utilization. 6. Naval air arm 20 Mission, equipment, organization; personnel and training. 16 E. Air force 21 Mission, capabilities, types of aircraft, armaments. 1. Organization 21 Chain of command and staffing; operational responsibility and control. 2. Strength, composition, and disposition 22 Aircraft inventory; air defense system; per- sonnel and mobilization potential; units, air- craft types, and lo, ,ations. 3. Training 2Z5 Major schools, training cycle, and specializa- tion. 4. Logistics 25 Assessment of rystem; procurement, depot system, repair and maintenance. FIGURES Page Page Fig. 8 Swedish -built PBV -302 armored 2 personnel carrier photo) I2 3 Fig. 9 The PBV -302 in an amphibious role 4 (photo) 12 5 Fig. 10 Swedish produced Miniman recoilless antitank weapon photo) 12 7 Fig. 11 Army unit crossing a stream photo) 14 Fig. 12 The Swedish fast patrol boat Regulus 9 entering an underground ship 11 shelter photo) 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 Fig. 22 New mobile 75 -mm gun in shrapnel Page Fig. 13 Entrances to new underground naval A fixed coastal artillery battery base at Musko island photo) 16 Fig. 14 Swedish- manufactured surface -to- (photo) Fig. 25 surface BB -08 missile photo) 17 Fig. 15 The Swedish icebreaker Tor photo) 18 Fig. 16 Swedish -built destroyer Smaland of (photo) I the Halland class photo) 19 Fig. 17 Swedish -built submarine Sfoeormen aircraft photo) of the Sioeormen class photo) 19 Fig. 18 Swedish -built fast patrol boat T -121 Fig. 30 Military regions (map) of the Spica class photo) 19 Fig. 19 Swedish -built fleet minelayer Alvs- borg of the Alvsborg class photo) 19 Fig. 20 A member of the Sea Defense Corps (photo) 20 Fig. 21 A member of the Women's Naval Auxiliary Corps photo) 21 Fig. 22 New mobile 75 -mm gun in shrapnel proof turret photo) Fig. 23 A fixed coastal artillery battery (.photo) Fig. 24 Coast artillery minelaying unit (photo) Fig. 25 A coast artillery ranger unit taking part in amphibious training exer- cise photo) Fig. 26 J -35F Draken interceptor aircraft (photo) I Fig. 27 J -37 Viggen attack aircraft (photo) Fig. 28 The Saab 105 trainer/ light attack aircraft photo) Fig. 29 U.S. -built Boeing- Vertol) HKP -4 helicopter photo) Fig. 30 Military regions (map) Page 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 26 ivi APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 Armed Forces A. Defense establishment Untested in ccunbat since the Napoleonic War%, Sv'cdc'n has tong followed policy of nonalliancve sviti major powers ill line� o peace and of nctttrtlity during yar. To support this polic�, the Swedes hare rnaintaiued a rcl;ttivcly large military estublishtnert consisting of a regular ,rnty of about 1 1,000 officers and roncornmissit)"ed officers plus an annual conscript input ;,f 39.1>�.tr( I>;(rt, are proc�I reel h\ tl� 1rm\ Materiel Department and ;Ire stocked ill it o\\r, dcpot, and in those of the regional joint it II Ii tit re c�onr !it ands Ior i ,sue. (III\ sl:tn (lit r(I Dar( I )it rt, that are not I)eciIicall. ntiIitit r item, ;Ire noriilit t)IIrcha,e(1 Ir )it I the (�ivilian market. Fach oI t Iwac�etinte training unit, ha, an orcl lit nce section that 1)erfortu, repair and IIiain- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 FIGURE 11. Army unit practicing crossing 7 stream. The troops in the left foreground are armed with Swedish 9 -mm submachineguns. (U /OU) tenafice of vehicles and weapons. \tainte�n;urec beNrnul the cupabilit) of OW si ,g unit is performed b\ units under the control of if regioval joint mililan conunarrd. h a central depot, or hs a civilian workshop. The iogistic support system is inaeleepr,atc to sr,pport Swrder,'s proposed m0b'dization plan. "There are some 1,500 suppl\ depots throughout the coentry, but these are unguarded, susc�eptiblc� to thc�It, and uncared for. The irregular terrain and uuncrous streams are it handicap. `tau bridges are uuubl(- to support the load mcpufred for an armored yehic�Ie. The logistic systen, is to some extent all (-xtc nsion of the Mobilization system. It is it complex and unsophisti- cated systen further complic�atccl by I}e fact that mart% officers do not full comprehend normal logistic procedures. 5. Arrny aviation (C) The Swedish Arrny Flying Corps is controlled by an aviation office of the artillcn arm �in the Troops inspectorate of the ;krtny Staff. The mission of the corps is to provide support for army cennbat units; tasks in support of this mission arc observation. reconnaissance, liaison, transport, and Iliadic ;d vacuutiort� The corps comprises hyo scc�tions: the Artillcn Flight Section, which controls the fixed wing light aircraft, and the Helicopter Section, which controls the helicopters 'The Artillery Flight Section comprises the ;Irtillen Flight School: it has two .):atoons, catch consisting of six light aircraft. 'TI le Ilt-licopter Section, which is u training force al the I felicoptvr School, bus it i,atlalion consisting of a number of helicopter and ,en ice support platoons: each helicopter platoon has six helicopters. Personnel who are accepted for servic�c ill the ,krtiller\ Flight Section possrss a ciyili;u, pilot's lict-nse. 'I'll( S -week ;raining program at the :krtiller Flight School consists principalk of tactical flying and training in artillen observation techniques. Applicants for service in the Helicopter Flight Section are not required to he licensed pilots. The Ilelic�opter School conducts basic and advanced flight courses totaling 23 weeks, special flight training, and courses for unit cortmaders auc! technicians. Solme of the instructor personnel in both schools Kaye received training in the United Slates. 7'hc Army Flying Corps has 15 aircraft, of which 1.1 are fixed -wing light aircraft and 3 1 are helicopters. D. Navy The N:wal Swedish :Navy is designed, trained, and intended primarily for operations in coastal waters. Its basic r,issions arc defcuse of the Sw(-dish coast against amphibious assault and protcction of coastal shipping. Professional cornpetenc�t� of the regnl:r officers and petty officers. cspec�iafl\ :mong those s(-ning aboard subnu,rinvs and patrol strips, is ortst:rrreling. fulls uurbiiizc�d. the nay\. with its relatively large submarine unc! nmt, torpedo boat forces, plus lb�(- officers' intimate knowic Ige of the rugged Swedish coast, could inflict nroo.�rate inili ;,l loss(-, or, un It could not. however. prevent invasion of tilt- honclur,d b\ a major forte. (S) Combat effecli%viles'. at any 1ikcn time depends upon the stage of the training (�%cic: it is lowest in winter and highest in earl\ fall. TllC r,;eyy bus made nwxinun utilization of the rugged coastline and pnssess('s if number of dispersal 1)vrths o,d uiodergrouml ship shelters (Figure 12), as well as all underground shipyard ,yith hon,hproof rock shelters ut Ntusko island (Figure 1:31, nrm (C) �I'he air component of the nay\ consists sold\ of the S\\cdish Naval Ilelicopter Scr\ice. Its Mission is to support the nov\ and coast artiller\ in their tasks of' antisuhnuarin(- \\arfare \S\\'), urine countet�trasnrrs. lr( nut\enaent. reconnaissance, and "(-�arch and rescue. The service bus a total of if) helicopters (seven rrtoI 107, four Vvrtttl -1 -1, nine ;1louelle I I. and 10 \gusta Bell 206.\ let Ranger), awl is organized into t\\o tit ultiprurpose s(Iimdrons. I aiddition. the helicopters in\entor\ v.dl be increas .I h\ se\cr:al K 20 6 a FIGURE 20. A member of the Sea Defense Corps (U,'OU) 107 II helicopters ordered from timn. and deliver\ is to take place in 19 i. "I'hrsc� Iwlic�opters iII replace the Vertol 41 %Itic�h ha\c been in s�r\ice since the 11 tid- 19�50's. Ilelic�optcr Di\ision I is located at tItc helicopter base at Berga; I)i\isi)it II is at Saar. Personnel arc \Nell trained to c�urr\ out their mission. but their c�apabilit\ is restricted b\ the small number of helicoptcrs and other retuipnu�nt and b\ the number of ships designed to ac�c�onarraodate them. I-:ffecti\vness in siupporl of coastal \SW operations is negligible, but support of artiller\ operations is good. Scarc�It and rescue operations are conducted clfecti\el\. helicopter pilots are procured from .ofauttver put t\ and junior officers of the na\\ and coast artiller\. Basic helicopter lrainint; is gi\rn b\ IIuIic� (,plcr I)i\isiou I at Berga naval helicopter busy: Ltd\anced training is gi\en b\ both helic�optrr di\isious. 'I'll(' (hternan :\irc�raft :ouupan\ shops in Soderlalje train all rtuaintenunce personnel. Selected milit:ar\ and ci\iliLan personnel arc trained in the I'nited Stairs, and S\\rdish na\;al schools pro\idc sonar and electronic APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 t trairning. Pilots arc eligible to attend the Iloval Anne� Forces Staff College atul the Roval National Defense :ollege. E. Air force The Roval Swedish Air Force (IiSAF') is organized to maintain air defense of Sweden, perforrn tactical operations in c�onjuuction with ground and naval forces, and provide rec�onnaissarnce for seirfave forces. (S) 'I'lie air force lacks combat experience and the logistic and personnel support uec�essar% to maintain itself ill sustained combat. Nevertheless, the IISAI: is in a continuous state of readiness, maintains it high state of sectirity ur' its bases. and is well led and \cell trained. In the event of an attack on Sweden the air force \%ould be capable of :i vigorotis initial defense against an enemy of con'p;irable strength and celuipr'u�nt, bat it would be unable to maintain it sristaincd effort against it major aggressor. (S) Nearly all c�ornbat aircraft and spare parts are produced Im the privately owned Swedish Aircraft Company (SAA13) which hies it moderate but t( c�onipctcnt capability for prodtic�ing jct fighters and trainers. and light utility aircraft. Recent FIGURE 21. Member of the Women's Naval Auxiliary Corps (U /OU) If production efforts centered aromid the J i5F 1)rakrn interceptor aircraft (Figure 26), tit(- 1' �i5 attack aircraft (c \ported to Denmark). the Al -3 iggeo short titkceff- and -la.0 ding S "('OI.) attack aircraft (Figure 27), and the Saab 105 trainer /light attack aircraft (I-igiire 28) being exported to Austria. :Although S%wdcn has the production c�almbilit\ to fulfill its w(li irenu�uts for fighter aircraft, transport aircraft and helicopters (Figure 2 9) have been purchased front France, Ital, the� United Kingdom, Japan, and the United States. (S) The SAAB nnissile departnu�ut has been producing IIlighes missiles under license since 1959. At the beginning of tit(- licenx� agreement. sA. -u built the Sidewinder J'SA AW -913) \%hic�h \\as fit((.(] on the� J- ,35A,/B/D system's. Over the past few gars SAAB has produced the BB-2 which is a license n'anufactwe of the Ilughes 11 1- 55missile(US\FAIM -26B- Falcon). Nine hundred of these radar guided air -to -air missiles \%ere produced by S:\AB, the last o{ hich wits built iit Jimiv 1970. The 1113 -27 is compatible only with the J- 351 Draken. SAAB is nog\ completing the production run of the IIB -2S. a license nianufac�twe of the Hughes 11 \1 -58 missile, a variation cif the USAF AIM -ID. Tlic� RB -28 is an infrared- guide(I air air inissile. An estimated 1.150 of the total run of 1,200 missiles had been produced as of I January 1971. Upon c�onipleliou of the series rani for the 11SAF. SAAB was to produce additional 1113 28 s to be shipped to Finland its part of it Drtken sale to that country. The RSAF is training Finnish pilots ill the use of the Drake�n aircraft. (S) I. Organization (S) Operational c�onumand of the air force is the responsibilih of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to whor't the Connnnancler in Chief of the Air Force is responsible for training, mobilization, tactics. a nd organization. The Commander in Chief of the Air Forc�c supplies trained personnel and ecluipnnent to the First Air Command and to the regional joint inilitar\ c�onimands. Directly subordi- nate to hilt' is the (aiief of the Air Force Staff, \dtose stuff consists of the Planning Office, the Air Safely and ,fir Systen's Inspectorates, the Meteorological Office, the ;fir I orce Surgeon in Olief'. anal two sections: (Couunlunications aucl Intelligence Offices) and 11 (Organizaliou. Training. Personnel, and Press Offices). The First :fir Conunaud, \ith hcadeluarters at Coleborg, has all of the attack anircraft and most of the reconnaissance aircraft; son'e of the latter are in the 21st 11ec�oitnaissance Mid :011- \\'e,tthcr Fighter Wing at hilea;'Kallax Airfield. 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 .)2 Operational control of all fighter aircraft is \coed ill three regional joint c�c,ninu,n(Icn. each of' hum pro%ides air defcme for his c�uninrand and one djacent region. These three regional joint conuuands (Southern. l�;asteni, and f'pper \orrlan(I) differ from the others only in that thc\ each ha\c an air fore� section and care commanded h\ lieutenant generals rather than niitjor generals ur rc,lr aclniir,als. 2. Strength, composition, and disposition' (S) 'IThe I;o\al S\%vdish \ir Force ranks lourth among Western Furopean air forces (after the L'nitcd Kingdom. \'cst Gcnn ui\. and hrancei in the number of jet airc�rafl: 765 out of 958 airc�r,aft are jet propelled. It has l l operational siut;s: seen all- ecather (:1 \1' \i fighter \\ings. four attack \\ings, one reconnais."ance \%hig, one combination rcconnaissanc�e and all weather fighter \cing. and one :1\\'\ training ing.:111 \\ings arc jet aircraft equipped, princ�i pal I\ it the 323 lrakcn J The aircraft inrntor c�umpriscs fighters, 147 attack. 55 reconnaissance, 28 transports. 'Fw curn�ni. detailed information, u�e the Frrr World :fir Ordrr of Rnldr, the .11ihiaru Inirili, �c Summary, a nd the :fir Fwcr lim- lihrnrr study, all published In the DvIeIlm Intelligence AgencN Th:� SNCedkh airlield s\ stem iN dcwrihed and Nome detail, of IieldN are giN'en in the Tra n,portation :o id 'I'elecommunicaiiin eh;,pler of tIi (:erneciI Sur\t- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 FIGURE 22. New mobile 75 -mm gun in shrapnel -proof turrent. This gun can be rapidly emplaced or displaced and is part of a coast artillery unit formed in mid -1971 to begin implementation of a more mobile type of coastal defense. (C) FIGURE 25. Coast artillery ranger unit taking part in amphibious training exercise (U /OU) FIGURE 23. Fixed coastal artillery battery (U/OU) FIGURE 24. Coast artillery minelaying unit (U/OU) FIGURE 26. J -35F Draken interceptor aircraft with Falcon air -to -air missile. The infrared target seeker is fitted under the nose of the aircraft. (U /OU) FIGURE 27. J -37 single- seater Viggen attack aircraft. Other versions of the Viggen range from trainers and tactical reconnaissance aircraft to high altitude interceptors. It is capable of utilizing runways of about 500 meters length and of limited width. (U,'OU) FIGURE 28. The Saab 105 trainer /light attack aircraft npable of firing salvos of 12 air -to- surface rockets. Maxim n speed at -a level is C i kilometers p� jr. (U/ OU) 2.3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 FIGURE 29. U.S. -built (Boeing Vertol) HKP -4 helicopter. Built for the Royal Swedish Navy and Air Force, the naval version has equip- ment for antisubmarine and mine countermeasures operations, plus a retractable hook for towing surface vessels and minesweeping gear. The RSAF version is fitted with special search and rescue equipment, in- cluding a retractable rescue boom in the forward door. (U /OU) 323 trainers, 16 helicopters, and 34 miscellaneous, 471 aircraft are in tactical units. 'Fhe air defense system consists of all extensive early .warning radar network in the sothern part of the c�ountr%, a semiautomatic ground control and surveillance system (STRIL 50 -60). J- 351)/F Drakes all- weather fighters, J �35A /8 day fighters. Blood- hound 11 surface -to -air missiles (SAM's), and armv- controlled air defense artillery (ADA) and Hawk SAM units. The complete air defense force is well trained and maintained in a semialert condition. However, vnlnerahilities exist including incomplete radar coverage, a lack of electronic- counter countermeasure (F.C:CM) capability, probable saturation of early warning and ground control facilities during a massive enemy air attack, and inadequate petroleum stores. The tactical forces consist of four attack wings, with aging A -32A Lansens, and two reconnaissance wings, with both S -32C and S -33E aircraft. Pilots are proficient in ground and sea tactics, but are limited by the lack of emphasis placed on joint service training. Transport aircraft are adequate to satisfy peacetime requirements but do not have sufficient capability to meet emergency airlift needs. In spite of plans to mobilize the Swedi0h- registered civil air fleet to aug gent its airlift capacity, tlx� !;S;\1. would be hard pressv l `o neet its airlift c�onnitnents in the ewes; of all ii on of Sweden h major poi The number of nlilitark personnel on duty totals 12,100 (750 pilots, 120 trainees, 200 other aircrew, 10,930 ground personnel, and 10O missile personnel). in addition, the air force emplo\s about 4,600 civilians. Upon mobilization, an immediate air force reserve force of 1,855 personnel would he assigned to active (luty ,nits and would be able to function without further training. An additional 10.000 to 45,1)00 conscripts will) have completed their 24 active duty could he mobilized to auKmeat the irnmediate air force reserve force. A 72 -hour mobilization plan pro-Ades sufficient personnel to accomplish assigned wartime rnissiors. Mobilization provides enough pilots and navigators to man operational aircraft on a 1 -to -I hasis. The RSAF is probably the only service capable of meeting its mobilization plan. The following is a sumnary of RSAF unit designations With Swedish designations in parentheses, type(s) of aircraft, and locations: UNIT SWEDISH AIRCRAFT DESIGNATION Dr.SICNATION TYPE(S) AIRFIELD 6th Attack Wing F -6 A -32A Karlsborg 7th Attack Wing F -7 A -32A Satenas C -47 C -130 11th Reconnais- F -11 S -32C Nykoping sauce Wing S -35E 15th Attack Wing F -15 A -32A Soderhamn 17th Attack Wing F -17 A -32A Ronneby 3d AWX Fighter F -3 J -35F1 Malmen Wing 10th AWX Fighter F -10 J -35F1 Angelholm Wing J -35F2 12th AWX Fighter F -12 J -35F1 Kalmar Wing 1st AWX Fi*ter F-t J -35F1 Hasslo Wing J -35F2 13th AxVX Fighter F -13 J -35F2 A� ''IIla WiT* 16th Day Fighter/ F -16 J -35A Uppsaha Training Wing SK -35C 18th Day Fighter le H J-35B Tullinge Wing 4th AWX Fighter F -4 J -35D Ostersund /Froson Wing 21st Reconnais- F -21 J -35D Lulea /Kallax sauce and AWX S -35L Fighter Wing APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 Of the 14 wings, 12 are based on 12 primar operating airfi,Ads in southern Sweden. The remaining two art- based at Lu;ea%Kallax and Ostersurd Airfields in northern Sweden. 3. Training (C) The Training Office in Section 11 of the Air Staff handles training plans arid policies, but the various flying training schools are under the direct control of the Commander in Chief of the Air Force. The most significant air force schools and their locations are as follows: Air Force Academy Uppsala Airfield Flying Training School Ljungbyhed Airfield Halland Schools technical, signals, Halmstad and general troop training) Roslagen Schools radar, radar con- Hagernas near Stock trollers, and air traffic controllers) Kohn) Helicopter School Ronneby Airfield Weather School Kalmar Airfield Selected air force officers also attend the Roval National Defense College and the Roval Armed Forces Staff College, both located in Stockholm. Conscripts normally receive 12 weeks of basic� general military training, after which they are considered ready for service. The remaining 10 weeks of conscript dub arc spent in practice arid simulated exercises. Upon completion of compulsory service. training continues through participation in a refresher training program, which is closely tied to regular air force operations. Nevertheless, the value of this refresher training and readiness of the individual after active duty release are questionable. 'The quality of basic, specialist, and operational training is average. However, the output is considered adequate for current or projected air force needs, except for the pilot category where it shortage of experienced pilots exists. Three pilot training courses of approximately 7 5 students each are conducted yearly at Ljungbyhed Airfield. These flight training programs consist of 12 months of instruction in both prop and jet trainers. Upon completion of the I year program, pilots are assigned for 6 months to Uppsala Airfield where they undergo 65 hours of transitional training in the Draken tit# r4l u, cell as 25 hours in it flight simulator. 'The\ are then assigned to an operational conversion squadron for over 200 hours of operational training in the Draken. Air force pilots are limited to 120 flying hours per year, ntostl\ in 15 to 45- minute flights. 4. Logistics (S) The supple arid maintenance system operates effectively in peacetime. However, inexperience in wartime requirements would be a tremendous handicap, particularly if the hostile action required continuous utilization of equipment. The transporta- tion system would be heavily taxed to support air uppl' requirements above and bVvortd stockpiled items located near the dispersal areas, particularly in the north and the more remote areas. Sweden imports 701, of its petroleum fuels, )it, and lubricants (POI,) from Western Europe and the Soviet Union. Each airbase arad ope ration al airfield has hardened underground storage facilities for fuel in sufficient quantities to support intensive flight operations for only I week. 'Total air force %vat reserves of fuel available in dispersed underground sites are estimated at 120 days. After exhaustion of (11i supple by wartime operations, Swo de�rt ,could be dependent or outside sources. The Pl anning Office of the Air Staff is responsible f�r broad logist:, policies. materiel plans, and guidance. The No hleriel Department, part of the unified Defense Materiel Adminishation, is respon- sible for detailed planning, procurement, and distribution of air materiel. It functions as both art air materiel command and as it research and develop command. Common -use supplies are provided for the air force by the Defense Materiel Administration. The air force operates maintenance depots at Arboga and Malmen Airfields where major overhauls, and repair and salvage of aircraft, engines, and missiles are accomplished. Because of it decrease in air force activities, the workshop at Hasslo Airfield (northwest of Stockholm) as closed as it maintenance workshop on I January 1970. The RSAF has it three level maintenance systena. The first is base- level, responsible for aircraft performance. The second level is regional workshop nrainten and the third level is depot maintenance �hick performs general rnainti�mar repairs and nj. difieati 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 Norway Military Regions Military Region Headquarters t Airfield A/ 0 rwe gia n S ea A 64 Bod" 1 i." r; i" n, FIGURE 30. Military regions (S) 26 Norw liolebo Katteg J6 Ar c rk 0 Finland ,Y sod- rna;nn A- Va d d o U I ALAND nk ISLANDS op,np p ,.Hagernas Ka ',,Ha%slo vjIll x h a m i a Solna ranp P, StOckholm Sundbybefg ergs Sal p u I I k. u sho HoisfiaMen 13jol'."'t)eAl, Kv ani kopin Vattern S ki k M.) i j Alv%borp, Jonk,)p,p 1,otland r J i )01and K lilmstad, lholrK7, J Baltic to Unl1l),h,,l/ S ea Bornholm APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200090016-9 Places and features referred to in this Chapter (u/ou) Selected airfields i 1�:f I i 1� I' Angelholln 56 18 COOHnINAVFS Arboga o PN o r j lvsborg 57 40 11 52 Berga 59 05 18 09 Boden 65 .50 21 42 Borensherg 58 34 15 17 Enk6ping 59 38 17 04 G oteborg 57 43 11 58 Gotland is 1) 57 30 18 33 Iiiigerniis 59 27 I8 08 Halmstad .56 :39 12 50 llorsfjiirden (bay) 59 04 18 09 Jonkoping 57 47 1.1 11 K arlsborg 65 48 23 17 Karlskrona 5 10 15 :35 Kiruna 67 51 20 1:3 K ungsiingen 59 29 17 45 K yarn (f arm) 58 38 15 is Linkoping 58 25 15 37 M usk6 is l) .59 00 18 06 NA sbypark 59 26 18 06 N yk6ping 58 45 17 00 Salem 59 13 17 44 Save 57 48 11 55 Skiivde 58 24 13 50 Sodertiilje 59 12 17 37 Solna 59 2 2 18 111 Stockholm 59 20 18 03 Striingniis 59 23 17 02 Sundbyberg 59 22 17 58 1' nIPA 63 50 20 15 Uppsala 59 52 17 :38 Vaddo I........ 59 51) 18 49 Viillinge rarrr 59 16 17 42 Varberg 57 06 13 15 Vitstervik 56 15 1 -1 24 Va holm Uor1) 59 2.1 I8 21 Selected airfields i 1�:f I i 1� I' Angelholln 56 18 12 52 Arboga 59 2:3 15 56 Bravalla 58 37 16 06 I lasslo 59 :35 16 :38 Kalmar 513 41 16 17 Karlsborg 58 31 14 31 I .jungbyhed 56 or) 1:3 1:3 Lulea'' Kllllax 65 33 22 08 M1lalmen 58 24 15 32 N. ykoping 58 47 16 55 Ustersund /Froson 6:3 12 14 :30 Ronneby 56 16 15 113 Satenas 58 26 12 .13 Soderha m m 61 16 17 07 Tullinge 59 11 17 5.1 U 5) ',.1 17 :313 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9 SECRET i i 3 e SECRET APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090016 -9