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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CI DP01- 0707R000200080009-
FOR ORO�r; o!r
APPROVED FOR RELEASE 2009/06/16 CI DPO1- 0707R000200080009-
South Korea
Odgb 197
FOR ORO�r; o!r
APPROVED FOR RELEASE 2009/06/16 CI DPO1- 0707R000200080009-
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
The NIS is National Inielligence and may not be to-
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of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordesnce with
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For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the
portions so marked may be made available for official pur-
poses to foreign nationals and nomgo"rnment personnel
:3 provided no attribution is mode to Notional Intelligence or
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
South Korea
t *1 =M
Vale ds ww "W Wm 1ho 3odakRfcai ovoer.
op En A* Comma! Sauey dated Febm&V 1910.
A. Iatrodtictioa i
L Structure clv ract9s6tiles of the sodety
1. Fundy and clan
3. Socia1 ethics and iditudos
4 Language
st z x
J 5
G Popuwien
1. Dcnslty and gnpwde
2. Covrmmcnt policim
3. Matzlaga and dlvoroo
l 's
Q Employmmt
i 4
South Korea
t *1 =M
Vale ds ww "W Wm 1ho 3odakRfcai ovoer.
op En A* Comma! Sauey dated Febm&V 1910.
A. Iatrodtictioa i
L Structure clv ract9s6tiles of the sodety
FOR Gmctxu Us$ ONLY
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
1. Fundy and clan
2. Glosses and-socia gmuts
t r
3. Socia1 ethics and iditudos
4 Language
G Popuwien
1. Dcnslty and gnpwde
2. Covrmmcnt policim
3. Matzlaga and dlvoroo
Q Employmmt
1. 0b opportuntttes I
d s
I Attitudes
3. Labor and labor- management relations
4. Labor legislation
FOR Gmctxu Us$ ONLY
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
E Living cotiditions and social prableans
1. Central
2. Ilousing
3. Other problems
4. Social welfare
F. Health
I. Diseases
2. Diet and nutrinon
3. Food storage, water supply, and pollution
4. Medical services and care
C. Religiun
1. Shamanism
2. Buddhism and Confucianism
3. Christianity
4, Chondokyo
it Education
1. General
2. Primary and secondary education
3. Highcr educations
4. Student uctiv�sm and activities
Artistic and cultural expression
1. The past
2. Present and future
J. Public information
1. Press and periodicals
2, Books and b4mrics
3. ,Motion pictures
4. Radio and television
K. Suggestions for further reading 35
Fig. 1
Statue of admiral who defeated
Japan (photo)
Fig. 2
Turtle, Koreas good -luck symbol
enidw-ivcs (photo)
Fig. 3
Farmer with "A" frame (photo)
Fig. 4
A hongul lesson (photo)
Fig, 5
Density of population (snap)
Fig. 0
Provincial population breakdown
Fig. 18
School statistics far selected years
Fig, 7
Age-sex distribution, South Korca
Fig. 19
Celadon from Koryo Dynasty
and the United States chart)
Fig. 8
Refinery workers (photo)
Fig. 9
Types of housing photos)
Fig. 10
Fish �at major soun+e of protein
Fig. 22
Students playing koya -ko Inshumcats
Fig. 11
Woman spreading night N,,ll (photo)
Fig. 12
Worrien protesting "harmful crtviron-
Fig, 24
Police provided comic books (photo)
meat (photo)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
Ftg. 13
:Mother registers baby a. clinic
Fig. 14
Wamen receiving training to become
enidw-ivcs (photo)
Fig- 15
F'amld Buddhist temple, Iaein -sa
Fig, 16
Buddha at Sokkuram Croltn (photo'
Fig. 17
Education system chart)
Fig. 18
School statistics far selected years
Fig. 19
Celadon from Koryo Dynasty
Fig. 20
Bell from Sills Dynasty (photo)
Fig. 21
Folk masks (photo)
Fig. 22
Students playing koya -ko Inshumcats
Fig, 23
Art e%hbition er' ics (photos)
Fig, 24
Police provided comic books (photo)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
The Society
A. Introduction
Al the 07utative patiisrrti ill nuiuitlK fanljl ufiairs. 'e4tilr
d:ttlylltcn nsuully Ire chetislu�d and {uvirl us u::nstlr
11s wits: drspilr Nils it II!swe role. Allhougll td >IfI utian
and dcfurc utY� luhr prt clvvr watil"Q111. hr
fanlih has a I>t ritt:lneFlkt' :old sinhilitV Owl provill"
mat cnlllinn;tl silllixat for 11te i9tiliVkltlll.
1'ht Klueltt clan i\ l"Wranit)lc+sllklltlllt};l lssllip
Isensp %V1111 h Kit�cs tilt individulLl Mrs ever: wider h:ras
Of s(wjll slahis alld ct4,It,zuic s(etaity.'k'hcn :Irc over
l.lii)tl Cht0i, I MIlf� itlridificd by tilt' Nt,upnun
s,ialaows of the riluis� rlteailw1%, I'i.wcr that: I M of the
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
FIGURE 1. StaW of Adm. YI Sun -Sin, the notional nerd
who defeated Japan in 1592
FIGURE 2. %ilte, !Cored s 90od -1u6 {limb al, appears
on royal tomb
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
4 �l
n a
Ixnt% Ire the llulitaf% .uid rail %pnlel� ll I:11if
hrlucr�,s tlii% plate grnull t.11 10 of IIIv
111qull :di( >ul atKl dw just Ill "W 11% %%,;I% ouhndKealiTi
.1rul %u %Irlcl k enforvvil for Else vviilunt', Illitl it hull it
l:l,tIut: I Ito )Fin PIII 1'e�II 1411 11 11'w�nt�d %orlelt It%
heril.I e- Ilk "114114.I', lit ,ttlnplio11. rl4111:frk;ll)1p hlilli1wr
of t11t �r "ills "4:11118, ee lltc:lt i oa, Iuslilta(I Cllarlcell11u-
ur I1ut%rr .lit am pled a% (ptagivirl.
DI�spile (amain -iassi,hl n' ;IVliun of militar. %I�nive
.1 4IV9rIt i11I:, nlilil:In rlu'tl ucrt' hiKflly n�giltdrd 111
Kiprp:t 81111}) t ilt. Illiddls� of 1111 It dl klLt %It I I 3'l2� 191111.
.Iftpr ullieh .I 1-:1 1 of ttintt' Ih:sn ?INI %I:,n of iw i%,
IIIn�t'd llte�11' III br trill- Fu afivr l ilt- {'uuluciau I. li�tt
Is1et:I%. �ed. lilo,e� ynl;J11" n u 110 %e atltevedeot%
144diliilnx)lt 111141 brelt 11lllitl6r% offitolr% c41trti1111t�11 jai
Flat' i0ilit' I,n1ft',siIIU \'o11�1.6ter. ill] 1y(nighan at:rrto
till' prae-FitA It4o�d hir dune iu pxwtcr to L%kiand Ilia�
x111 jJ:1 r%
In nt11do (it IiUW%IIW all iIilan 0%a'c1n111' 111 1K4e.:py it
roan� iuljNirlaul A114� Purtir:rl11rly %isuo� Il:r ISNaI a11lp,
militan +trial furiner mi llt :roc Note# ImY4� hpl(I pruntinr11t
putt i:s I:i bsrtn enrol laid ill y:at'fIII11cIIl�u%%nt�t]
illd.Nln W tilt' scut fnlh Wpprove�d ill till% eallhicil by
wrllt� of Ihr huge I nuliliu11:11 elilr. I he nlllflsn 41"11 e%-
::lililar% :+t- cept(o1 :I. tpzden In ILI�
fwltnlali11ls as it %whole
Chungfu. the %ordl t :adifioual niitkllt� t�luss
e411rg11netl of Iniaus offiei:th ;tau� teclutiri uts. 1111% IK'e'rt
rppiatx'el by it 1111KIvni ntiddle�ilteonne )croup tchlnr
111VIII x'11 ovul.itulully ri,p to the :IStk% 11f flip elile
fad% 01 "1119 1141%% c'cllnish M vdimilim. l4ipicitln,,
it Id other Itrofe %,iol ;II lit-fm n%. %trcechsf"I b11,1�
IIIL%%Illl'll. aria� utllu� fie I:r.I(le alilitury office�rs-
The cla%% %tatlb of flat grl' ;11 Ilia if lwllllllllltl'D
turngu hit �olrnt o� lhrnl farillm- hasc�i:istgctl lilt le,
I'tior l0 11nldprr8 li:itt,% 1114' ultrgnlfll hat[ v.irvillg
dI�},nK's of I*k frl'l Farmer. tah11 ill Ih(Y,n
ranked %remid ufivr uhtphD ill Flu� (:(mf11ci:111 ha ll�.
"ere. often little linter Vht11 w ifs� but crl wriv11 i1Ild
rin- rchm11% ctuiltf cicYasia11aily rise to late rank% Il i
chralgirl ;cud aomrtinw. vajIByrd grpalcr de� judo rigiI!s
and Idwrlivs. 'Clay, farmer (figure 3) dw% tnit
consider hirnself it 111MI sl'r of 11a� lu"er cl:a%- �x�t :Ill
(:unfucfun stucli1111 of hi% vital r.1lp irk 11tr 4-l1t11unly
%lilt }rives hits 11 %ersu� of sI:Ixlriarity.
lljtil Ilan prrsrtlt covatclr Av "ticspiwil (xorplr'
(r :h'or1ro11r) u cre al tite htlitorn of .octet}� (cgallV, if hill
ula:ey% ecunurnie :dl-
Thew lnehu bvggan,
wl,CV r%, pnntiltile%, told Itac11 e ij graft %in: }s,
V.M& us butcher%, stigtnatized by Iluddhist or other
rcligi11lts talkulls. Manv aew 1plblie nr private slaves,
the fnrsnet -&ery freed party lit the t9t1t 4x11114111, Ik111
privitte %laws- snn until WK and Ihr institkili11n
aaly %till %tlrt�it�(�. t l(tuy;h e%lnllegillly. Ill W11101e W tW+
1t�y;uti%l� lxgrnl :It' altituth. 2vuar4l all of lkr +r Ix�oplr
:141� cliff ;kn�seai in %1,1tie1.
lea 41 Ivintal vii �:Il;t� �the bwic� 111th 1�t +trit'ly fair
Fill"[ Fi0re ;811% ]1Ii11t :1l;rienlitsrll aclit itit'% II :I+t'
virltlidly erased ,flay Illc'FslifiCaliicll "'1111 it srlf-
c l ,0011 SlNO;'] class. 5111111� varialioos of %1111(1,
scithi11 Ila- villayv an hnl441tmlt 111 it. rvsidenl% ]tilt du
ool di%�itfp woo vilhll:t�% 41.1 l su 11asi%it[ da .v Stales i%
114ised Ilia family %u:elllt mid sitiliul lrlr %itij11 �tilt' fiat
11 %ually deletnlLu�d bs land or fi%ltillg cljtsiprlrcrlt Wutl
the 'lecclild by pd11eali1111. waracliolls %vital yunglurn
ftssllilit's Mod officials, or the 11hr -Ilx'r o� rolls in tilt.
farnily :sod the :1ltnlCllterle%% of its senirtea. F:1cb
vill.19U _till WII&I to nao11in a lightly knit unit largely
i fa,nl nvightlll:init village.�%.
�I'llr 11911 -11 K11n�an flisl11ry hKUI and llr11vi11ri111
liwaliies caul iultilt:I[hit�% hisw p' ;n- d :Ira intlxutant
part fn 1x1111 mKial uud Ixelilical life. 1'111� pair. u
9rutlphI9 of nefy'11IMMIlig lutnil fot tYOninIIIIJ or
craft c0013rra11011, i% a %it:alfic ;ant lraditioual
11 ImA btu the f ovcrnolesiI for aditiinistralive
"INC] s1K'ial clasttful. f'erwris flash me pneviute lxetul
tng0ther t(r tvin1wit� tt�ith n :livts fmm ulster prnvintts.
1 Is [non truirk-ed the hitthpf the province
lies fwill Scv,ul: nurthc: it-is itrecilnside No, tl pItielsl;srly
4�1111e4ve, Anung yang art cltwc'eftdunts. lruiitiotittl
frirn(Isfii[W Wool Iw%lilifics urld stleotllcrshil) ill furnler
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200080009 -8
FIGURE. 3. Farmer carrying rice on art "A" frame
I_1� OIN4I 01: 40 C =W41I1Y1L 1I1i t[ WO3/_ 1 0 011 11ZQrIry( ty :ltIrIrYtIrIrIItIrItI13
hlt'llhlls of Itilig 'gO Still itlfille acc tll :lrlhigi.�.
Flepnti is widl!Il psst'tl(�['(1 tFr fC�illfUfLV 114C
l�SrIIIh SYIIIC111, apcl 1labliCal affiliatilla t(1 )11111L� V%ICFlt
priucilsitl s tOsWoll fun�i Willi jlw t1131si(ll� tilis
0111Cr lvlk--. mf hlctiunal ties ct(t 71L'Fnss ClltIvr Chlr1
t.}\te�rll Of in1criSCnntral ie13t1.11'S17iISh W ild (lfiell
a13LI R�Kimp:11 lllIl: CI :IUIII4tL1- t�v4�11 ftolll Clc =netlt;l r}
(llXMIC(i the chief \uUra`nf Kim UIK. tIFC falls 3; ;I l2il'
[fill JkLAwularli, fstila ]tigh sch(xlI days, keep in timell
(fit duplicit}
n till nlCet f(jr\uda 1, eL'1111 illiC, Of I till IIi pi IriltNeti. Ill
'17,is 1letumTk of clies(� tics leis prlovided a fllcus of
llirrl(YI Ft ltcY!\ Cri(l lllti Ilased oil KorC:ltl Kt1111arr,
Kamall! lml'rJaie U'1Y.1 tr't'l'r aL'lit'flit's a!:' 11l'VCisa rs to,
Acadvnit Alss vo-Urs solid other s� ties have
C,a sit a h l'ill. 01W K(1rL':Ifl li \7.:III4 C'OIIK t(ll`h 11 r1([l ilt�Y
a'41- lirlti inquirlanev in mgimilnl alfaits.
Kuwait cnrnlpt mu if the Taper Kneed rxetcd!-
U 113 3 11 Suci0% has lx�LYt(t v mail fluid aFid Inlstablr
ICYt'I)tW 111L` levelt- :[:71111 of 1111N I)Ilillt. tP :1C11II7-C a niall
1121t litr (1111):Il'i t1F rdlKatlnn, 111:111 ntl'dui, p1)Iltilal
(if \11`allllg 1s (o invite pliblic LVIlsarl� Eve' cnrmlials
and et't111n1111C ch;lrll;e, ulitl I:srge� st�;llr t 11111ligrlti011
111.0 cat. avid \hiwlting a thief rs fllnfder 1'llbllc
frurll lire coarltry'sidr F(I(IGLtif -1) and ItcadviFtiC
n11i 1ijt11r V.0fler111} 11HIM aMailL \t till' f)CTIx 11(
u�11111al"ibip rteillaill itnixlrtiml viteria Ill A)cial' \lilttt
vitilelict� whellier h� he a milit1r vehicle driv w'fui
ht11 [�vlClide'Ll 1)al)Iic elllir4lill11 11:1 !Haiti� dMill lee\
:ICCidt'll1a 111 kill\ \(1rrlC nflt tllh7q11 An faiSlt Uf Iris lFt1 rl
ehst111LIi t. III[htatoF\ m1 sI1Lti71I Gt1ki;. tlflnt lll'rC1111FIt[
tit, a 1)crum Whit v4pin tils prinneditutt41 Oitudvi oil
i1 the C"linl� of tilt' 0111f11C1;111 011ie a% either It
tlunlhcrInub d. totatcifrfrsritli F ;tletimtlsaveapenoa
clinscifjwd} held gilide tit per,naal rlanluct or a
fmnl :u) tltr�idclll is to Avmlille reslx111sihility far thal
s:tilclllln mf CLIM (bifett'tiCt`S ill (ill` VKeial limier. 'file
il fill asirig hf_%s6l1rvlI O I aditinrial values h a s Iteel1
1)t fur tilt Mi GS Ili, life. ]Illt\ Knrealls S1islxxt�
m clu1 kllltell b\
i grout l'li;1r11;151s llel rlj,' 1113LY'(1 1311
n f ti4t Will L:la 111 u t u l lt) I 1. Kl
achirv'illg aura\ lhrntr,il fudil'idn3E i7crfnrnrint�t�
tvlorks have ulterit)r nuitive-5. Fosy KorL anx knPM that
%vesterrl civibAinll places a hi v'ahic loll acv. (lf
a. �.lcial ethics nod attiwdes
purl� alimi\m and admire the W(:aclFler wlul lxlhavt -v
Debt% Will c1)ntrlcts iii)` J'Aun1rP(l accur ling too the
however. i\ unlikely to thntcr a lklorc;tll fnlln takin)t
adt'anlaKv oil Wc- \trrncri it he feels stwit action Wl1111d
l,ene fir his familq fir tither similar iagralsp.
The ati ditctriaat fcaturv, trial b n-eslxel
itir respamsiblr Mneial brhat'ior and properly
cullstilnted public anilulrity Lckan to entcle wider
mFtra irlcpt alld rl[):ecitius rule in the la ir 1 t dvnuav,
and Ihev virtually disappeuicd after jalk(new
aum:t:dinFl. when m.,Ctglncnl against furvigil sine
st*11 Wu to Rive rya lri4itie saIictimn W al must fin} aetiva
tkat 11911tt'd Official uuthurity. The averllte Knrcatt
leek fur rernovevl frunl the govenl inert t and is skeptical
Of 11711 tifficialdoln.
The upper cla sses nflen 6 A till 11 tin til Tarik�111141-
file military' and try to we 1hNT tilugey alld influence
la salve their slats Ilit! s(leial stigitre and hardship% (if military slaty. In the early 197t)�s this IlLmr:tr notlm
difficult, 11(twevel, us haMt draft- evusim i laws weer(�
iMP14'"tento,11. Other South K OFtLalls arc gen er ally
J)"Md Itf their usury and Wccept the idea of Their %cues�
serving for the natior,ll &I'vi se
lta(t I)MI(ldice is strong amusig Ktirrans, despite
(:nnstitnliunul and legal Prohihilh t r agailLit it.
Alt1u)nkh Koreans tatlav arepnerally f:icrttlly tlow'ard
fowigners, they still consider n4iil -I� �1st Asians
"buburimis. a Kure:mra are particularly intulevilit
tmw'ar(t Negroes. Huci:llfp atixed marriages urc fmw�ne:d
u4min. ulthatigh Koreans uftrtl will marry W"teincee
to LxuPe the IL34xll Conti 601111, Uf life ill Korea.
Idtllilu. :.,Z''..... i:',.r.. ,x.. 'f2 �,..Y: c.4�. -Y .d- ff.' d;wdw9 y
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
Korean lichavimr trulitinl1a11y I;as IJML p6ded In
U)Ilfllcial) plove( is thllt salx)rdinale lite individual to
tilt- group The hlnsil} and its vlaa extension art�
:dwa }^s 1h1711irlctit. %virile friendship circles am other
7114 wLitioll5 111111 it stY'lllidary 11111ugh illlpulatlt 1111r
'17,is 1letumTk of clies(� tics leis prlovided a fllcus of
slability d(^spile kn;lt charges ill mmrus (anse by War.
Ix)Iilical Will F1L[)I1 ;)rl lit� 1111112 [tailitt'. ;till[ ill Creasitlg
tiro :uli.aiitiu, Uraanizalirn, in particular, is
huKlanwrilal f ncr for cfalttre, mIx�Flijig Ill youth tilt`
option of leaving home to) %leis ncit upix0111110lics in
the (�ill. The mpirlliulu fin(] nllill of rs 11
Willi stay home :lie \ul)}�t:cl tm cltalge thrnngh
rid :ahrual(fe:nts which underaline {:elufaeian puritan-
ism and severely deal triditi(mul Ikl ualhmrih.
I ly ctrtitutst, Kmrc;tu% have sulntituted a (usefully
estabiishetl CIKlr lof rliqurll lunlrlinsrs thhlly
di5AQhll1g Il1'r.4)[MI advurltagc's �far absolute ruoml
t�alula. Asian "xituali111131'� ethic�% arc sit f ;lr Trmnved
fulfil Western clmcrpts Of universa nlpr;dity its to
upltear tinuiml to many OL'ciderllals. lying, far
iFlstasscc, is s:rllclintrt'(l if it 111t`1(�rvcs tinier tint[
i lk
Inlrlllftlry and tilt' Well -being of Lite F.IHI& or !1311.
Debt% Will c1)ntrlcts iii)` J'Aun1rP(l accur ling too the
degree that the lursnnal relalimeship irtvnlved
demmuls such actimn. Theft anel di +hunest_c are
evndmntd Will% wacticed against nie -mbcrs of a
different clan� rrKirr,, mr class. Gudrr the\c LYlnditimlls
tfle family ugil offers the only [rile security, up(l
however. i\ unlikely to thntcr a lklorc;tll fnlln takin)t
adt'anlaKv oil Wc- \trrncri it he feels stwit action Wl1111d
l,ene fir his familq fir tither similar iagralsp.
The ati ditctriaat fcaturv, trial b n-eslxel
itir respamsiblr Mneial brhat'ior and properly
cullstilnted public anilulrity Lckan to entcle wider
mFtra irlcpt alld rl[):ecitius rule in the la ir 1 t dvnuav,
and Ihev virtually disappeuicd after jalk(new
aum:t:dinFl. when m.,Ctglncnl against furvigil sine
st*11 Wu to Rive rya lri4itie saIictimn W al must fin} aetiva
tkat 11911tt'd Official uuthurity. The averllte Knrcatt
leek fur rernovevl frunl the govenl inert t and is skeptical
Of 11711 tifficialdoln.
The upper cla sses nflen 6 A till 11 tin til Tarik�111141-
file military' and try to we 1hNT tilugey alld influence
la salve their slats Ilit! s(leial stigitre and hardship% (if military slaty. In the early 197t)�s this IlLmr:tr notlm
difficult, 11(twevel, us haMt draft- evusim i laws weer(�
iMP14'"tento,11. Other South K OFtLalls arc gen er ally
J)"Md Itf their usury and Wccept the idea of Their %cues�
serving for the natior,ll &I'vi se
lta(t I)MI(ldice is strong amusig Ktirrans, despite
(:nnstitnliunul and legal Prohihilh t r agailLit it.
Alt1u)nkh Koreans tatlav arepnerally f:icrttlly tlow'ard
fowigners, they still consider n4iil -I� �1st Asians
"buburimis. a Kure:mra are particularly intulevilit
tmw'ar(t Negroes. Huci:llfp atixed marriages urc fmw�ne:d
u4min. ulthatigh Koreans uftrtl will marry W"teincee
to LxuPe the IL34xll Conti 601111, Uf life ill Korea.
Idtllilu. :.,Z''..... i:',.r.. ,x.. 'f2 �,..Y: c.4�. -Y .d- ff.' d;wdw9 y
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
I_1 �KOITMm el; 0 =1 IAM =W41111:1L SINAI[ WO3/_ 1 0 0111 1ZQrIr1/( ry :ltIrIrYrIrIrIIrIrIrI13
l'lse Kc)reurl I1111pa a is 116111141 frmu the lallget p'...
of nl'1Khlwrink IX-41 �tics tletllilc i1% kim11111 to lilt- Urll�
Alluic family rf lanlntaKcs s+hFcll toIS4r inclndc
M(mg111ian. 'l'llup ic. 11nd 'I'utkicti- 211%11 its many
boomminp in lxpth 11101 x(l since Wiltld War 11.
Ilip(MI Sl 111111 Ctwftuiat) r011et'lpr+ halva Yell ftllill
u11d s11bslanoi. to Koft -an chilirltitl11 flit ove11Ili but
Koreans have llrtllrnc incrc :t%ifigly ;tW ;tic th;ll Ihrir
t41litiM131 1111x11%+ tlf lhi11ghl 211111 1lrhaai11r tFll nut
;ull�t111410}� rnc't t �It' coeds 0f 4andt-ngxprr} xtill}.
ll(trilly; tl ;Itch I IIiZ, ill a nloa�e dt'Si);nlll tit cllsrltnale
warty, till! m4m!itiltlCttt ellaCEt-ll :1 law f all111g, far
sirrtplificatiull of Adxrlte� fitnlli%� tilt': s�cll as
tletldirF fnucalls. 11nd WIM.- tlir ae21nlrlp. In c4m2rl %1
111 the Curllintt11fsl North. hra't-scr, nu ;t1l-
cl:cennl> wire has det- ci411x4� it, talc Sold to
lh %111a(Y' the lrrlitional sl ial and vtllical a ?ICI11.
4. Language
l'lse Kc)reurl I1111pa a is 116111141 frmu the lallget p'...
of nl'1Khlwrink IX-41 �tics tletllilc i1% kim11111 to lilt- Urll�
Alluic family rf lanlntaKcs s+hFcll toIS4r inclndc
M(mg111ian. 'l'llup ic. 11nd 'I'utkicti- 211%11 its many
boomminp in lxpth 11101 rre�c 1% unit llli% hit4gilib9c of ulsn
1111( oaf
J,gr;Intwr fxnits :Iltr .11lth. Ilarlilyd .lute Kosca
lllA'tallnll iii 1f) -f$. %%.I$ rellt�%% to earls 197:3 ill high
.t�huo11s :uu1 t�trlleges lkti :ussv t1:+� j alrnu sv lrjrll In
replaim Nall the lialive langlia a and Script %litil
j als nit st mint Kcavasss 11crr 1t) Main ;It least N11 �c
ktpnrh tllte of this l at};ual~t,. Uldvr� e(Invulttl KOrl'Jill
oftevo t Ili 11k anti a fit t- its Jalrlt��sc� nnlfe Aa11II% than in
Korvul). Japane willail� it hilgim 14 foot
ft11eigra�n igwiraut of Koreuu. allllpilgh 1- Alg(kil is
rt l)i11I rs -1 ;1 111); jalmnew a% 11 %cmild 1:r11gll3g(1
1 ?ve Smith K,m -m hly.1 sehlxd s;ratltlale ha+
.Illslttradly sllldit 1� *iigh far G �ean atul euv}
milege grldualr fit, Ito, bat it is e.lillhslrtl that (1111} a
sm:dl fiaeliun (1f ecru tlu� cYlllcyto }rttluatov eats mad
1:rsi;lish ea%ik. and 114 :an of hunt, wow du mad it
can1111t speak it-
C. I
flu� fir pul)licuf Ku ma s last elffse�i111 censtis. IALVII iII
iktolx�r 19711, pluc�t-d file Ixlpulatiun ;it ^,1.1fiJ.l :3 1t
%r:ss t'slim:Iled l(1 Base� waviled :3_�',`177- illlli by nlid
19 �alum Ill:ut duuhle the 1lupillalimi al ltstlh
Kort,a but lcu 1111111 uuc 111itd cif j :lpan�,t 11?,5.2 111011011-
111111.41 s Iwpidallmi i% this of Life Mint htlille l);t'eSCUIIS ill
tilt� vnild. as 114 1117(1, Sa11tle Ktsmi Imil 0111y 47.713
rtsidriil .111cl (esvludilig sen-icerue11, usruslwrs of lhv
d:pl11af:ctir cor a1111 vlsll4irs). J11paur.c rust]
Americans prixlnflsitl:rttxl: lilt- prsl lar},csl };raulK
canoe from lilt- Repallic tsf China. the Ulliltrl
Ki11pdanl, and %Vest Cc�rmally-
1, Density and growth
5ttnth Kmea's aver v p ilmlatio11 density is 4-v if
r thrhigllc. l ill the
scodd {Fig11rra :lhetrnuflnismurc
T cmH'ded Ihtas Japan �atom 111:111 1360 lst,rwuls ]ter
S sefaare mile aK:d11s1 jullals i 75G. 411 ufntt- fertile
vallc}. Iwpulalimi density is nom! luau I -CM Iwr
slivare milt-, s �d lhcre is till average of 4mlp ".�:felt�%
It[ laud Sar tilt- tppic:d farm lsuouliold of G 1wrs,nts. 111
1 r,
?',r'i7c�w"".+"r++- �..ter,..
1117p tiK0111. 111� ealliled� hall tilt' hi0l"t drusits�
lx�rs(1tts lti�r xlaarr Will!- chile 11"Mil. The
cllasitrc c s c(1ad lam -,v %t cj4 Mod its itsafur Ixsrl, 1141411
the 11c-t hiviles1. A 1:3,5 ^_0
lost ci4szt� e, %fill live ill tursl art us. llaaly;]f I E9al
the lx�rtx�atage ill nirst duellers hall dvt -Imm-d ltslil �r
flu�I it hirb of 4 11 1, ill 11119. ti milpaat;- ]nsktn.
lixalvd in flit. c� :t %t- central aria� hod the larg wt tf)711
lxspula4i11sl ill ally %ingle limitiev. 611.4 11cvr half the
p1pllali4tu wa-, c'c�tuered ill the rice- glititilir pl:si �s
:aid salles of lilt- tint used Milith t(1:uls. Mural
lxspnl :sliuts de11s11i1. rvi>;iut fame fiiij t
I (NS 1
Ill ail large chit-�: tilt- I),gnsL�ctioa 9FINWIh rIll' IIIIs
�utlt, than clu11]flt�cl 111x1 OF life fettio11 as it whole.
,chile iu SIV 111 it 1111� alone t�1:us tripled l]fe nasintcd
rate. Al, the site of central 411111:1111 +LrttivcS
y (sni ltl 2.1 Fi f �lil) the 3`c lrvct midled Ik�hm� lh^ (.x 60,5 c:m fete c�al..-S and 67,7 f:+r f -smiles,
,'��3 nalilind With ltrlttall 1lrtlgrlsrs 1 M1;:II1 ill 191312 {)1111 �It; :l[Infl 'e:ts lx 'l�II a til�1;ligil+h� CUC(Ilr ill;xlllld:diteh
iu thr drop incllale the itlen�ax�d u.r it( Cllatli,'l CtUlrltn iN rs +t.likcl lnaltrlct :ur} +lzabl.�
uh +r(iun� tlsull[ ill(ta[ t:rUi� nttullr :uttl !hl- n�ntlx-r al imrlliL and andrr preyltl u.,rltl'
rbia); :rt rrl);r age !al- lsutslrtt to utarry {ri i l')70 (tinitliliu :+s there s� ttrx platter frr lnrkt nurnlx r. of
tiltap Yl�Yl x'itll 17 In �9�i) The dt�illh mW x405 S.:) smith Kmd to };t+.
t 7
ewes. d+- a..� arrRrxd.' a; sd+ A+ lazs' �.v- st.'.tSh.aa[ :YV- ':./"s a :L
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
I_1� OIT M1] 70]: 4: 1=1IAM =W41I1Y1L 1I1I I[ WO3/_ 1 0 011 1 ly /:ltIlIlYIIIIIIIIIIIlI13
FIGURE b. Prarincirsl popu;aiian by area, density, and urbarrrurat Percentage,
r,:a M,?ir1
to VIA
f'u rt'uTlclr
PNV7 Ss,'R
2.311 a
ti.a1 U l 111
L-0 S
I .`511.: 1t1
l'LLVn ['ll
I. "�1.7
$,xti9 1
I Si..ilili
('li uhRcli iinR�pul:bl
3,x013 I
1- h �Ulipe l l'nllg nmi711P
:i. ill it
7 t~S
['halh -pui o.
6,135 t
i G;K1, 733
7 4i
Challa -r mndu.
i IIfl,7!r3
Ii papGaUR �nan llio
A,ilt G
Bangilnn -el�
491 r
(�118 ju.+So
3s.475 a
xl. ;GU, I :I.'
�1 pn3 U11a1 fir ar.� nitHO l
M -AUX, a* pn
"'Scowl pt,i 1'11.�+11. "'Mct1
hair ,171 R11 rt a
t IK'OC%
a s 6.7. s 9
FIGURE 7. Aga -seer disniSution, South Xwea and the
United Stales, 1966
Cavemmcttt ImIlicies
Cnnrr rnrd a er pn�s\11ms platt'd In .1 111rIn11til
lullntlalinn jolt lice c4nsulrt'1. �IMM� tl�sltntct�s, the
glolveltillt `nt is 111101111!611}; ctr cjol1%illvdi4e sc rrrrl
13wgritns (u 2dlev: -It tilt. sitmitin11. Uol� of its �Ilicf
11111% 1- !11 Flax tile grul\'Q1 rttc t jo 1.:3r
br 14151, ant! U.Bi bg 1111 early 3Utlt1'.. AtIvitipt5 toy
tile Ministry Bd I1cnllh and Snci :d Affaln In 1a+
'11141rti011 legalized finally suvel-ecled ill January 14173.
%vIn�n Site t�. \trljorrli0a7ti Sl:llr Cuutrt3l s:ulctiauc7I 11r
prutive as of \fay 1411:3.
All'aestcllilr. aes :111161111 birlll L"11111111 prjoi;r:lvt 1
ulatll' +josslr 6s�adts:l +inc,� 191i? �I'hr pus',r11u 11-IN
+dul:ctiunal cffc,tt rMIllilig ftian
Floral Irclttsr+ 111 111'ba91 lcle"S'lm i lftWalnh -11"
uu�rtinilr Ilu� lrtt "Ijoiial u},nrtialo .tnd dlilfll"Alt
}jo Ili+pu +i:ijon tit latl' f:uuilirs lI\ 1417. blflll kvillrul
4PrcicvA :Ind vniltrlt't�111ic 11t�r c"s gcrl� 114'1111Z
dt.1u�1114-41 .1141 a %l'rijotuie+ ;x Jfnrnu�d lx rtrarl, 1412
111:01112 crlds�r`S, writs� l,llW drsignatl' cliuil+. "tell it
11lolltin�r 111 lull6ilr \:101\. �l the v \lint p1\slble. %chick's
atxl drs ir�c�+ hair brru irnrt 141.:1 imr lu 01111x� unable In
pu \Itbuuy It nvrr IltillitrL alYVpUlrs haul IK: n
rrrnlitt�d ht 15173, ntam jof tlll'nt disultttl�urd Imill
ciltitn,) 11raclln.:rfll'r a WI 1wrilKi. load 11121\ an
t�stitn:llstl I usilliou tvuIlIeN +arrt' lK'licscd !u I)Fit0ia-
cUlltnlCl� ;t: iun n'1!111t1 till tin 11$�+11 rt waS i I i l Ito re P A ilt
the t ;rilwill tali +4141'0 tr1 1 but Ilrr pro9t,tut Mill
t:+K�+ against 0ltr triditilostal bc�lil�fs llal 61201 contrill is
a %l:lild n},ain \t pnl +irlrua� 11 211:11% Ailtlrru
1110Y IW 4j Its 11.1jenh ill I:ltrr tPaD fiSN ltrr
llr-.t\tNwk trill vowe in till' utid- 1S171i'. ""ll t1r
utllnlK r of %rumen entedli nt:lFri:Igt� uti;l� Brill dil"ltlr
a% It a�Slllt of lhr ;xnt- lKoraun W.IF Is11rL 1KK
risUlnlly nur.1111,cilig a Fisc� in till' birile rile.
Tile l I:\enunl�ut aSsit isdt�tc�rinin_ Lit N10" till' ]'Will
r.1lr +d urba11irltion, It lslicularly in ticuul. Act1I:11 ttr
pro}ccicd steps its lilt r11rly 123702 inclu41r At rcvluclijou
of lux ides for t111sc Will' 'kt tilt ncs% fut:b :uul
olfict in �tociuLtal unit tilt iut ;utsiliun of a
"ciliicnship tai' 411, homeiluidr anti LYrryKlratr bullies
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
to VIA
a s 6.7. s 9
FIGURE 7. Aga -seer disniSution, South Xwea and the
United Stales, 1966
Cavemmcttt ImIlicies
Cnnrr rnrd a er pn�s\11ms platt'd In .1 111rIn11til
lullntlalinn jolt lice c4nsulrt'1. �IMM� tl�sltntct�s, the
glolveltillt `nt is 111101111!611}; ctr cjol1%illvdi4e sc rrrrl
13wgritns (u 2dlev: -It tilt. sitmitin11. Uol� of its �Ilicf
11111% 1- !11 Flax tile grul\'Q1 rttc t jo 1.:3r
br 14151, ant! U.Bi bg 1111 early 3Utlt1'.. AtIvitipt5 toy
tile Ministry Bd I1cnllh and Snci :d Affaln In 1a+
'11141rti011 legalized finally suvel-ecled ill January 14173.
%vIn�n Site t�. \trljorrli0a7ti Sl:llr Cuutrt3l s:ulctiauc7I 11r
prutive as of \fay 1411:3.
All'aestcllilr. aes :111161111 birlll L"11111111 prjoi;r:lvt 1
ulatll' +josslr 6s�adts:l +inc,� 191i? �I'hr pus',r11u 11-IN
+dul:ctiunal cffc,tt rMIllilig ftian
Floral Irclttsr+ 111 111'ba91 lcle"S'lm i lftWalnh -11"
uu�rtinilr Ilu� lrtt "Ijoiial u},nrtialo .tnd dlilfll"Alt
}jo Ili+pu +i:ijon tit latl' f:uuilirs lI\ 1417. blflll kvillrul
4PrcicvA :Ind vniltrlt't�111ic 11t�r c"s gcrl� 114'1111Z
dt.1u�1114-41 .1141 a %l'rijotuie+ ;x Jfnrnu�d lx rtrarl, 1412
111:01112 crlds�r`S, writs� l,llW drsignatl' cliuil+. "tell it
11lolltin�r 111 lull6ilr \:101\. �l the v \lint p1\slble. %chick's
atxl drs ir�c�+ hair brru irnrt 141.:1 imr lu 01111x� unable In
pu \Itbuuy It nvrr IltillitrL alYVpUlrs haul IK: n
rrrnlitt�d ht 15173, ntam jof tlll'nt disultttl�urd Imill
ciltitn,) 11raclln.:rfll'r a WI 1wrilKi. load 11121\ an
t�stitn:llstl I usilliou tvuIlIeN +arrt' lK'licscd !u I)Fit0ia-
cUlltnlCl� ;t: iun n'1!111t1 till tin 11$�+11 rt waS i I i l Ito re P A ilt
the t ;rilwill tali +4141'0 tr1 1 but Ilrr pro9t,tut Mill
t:+K�+ against 0ltr triditilostal bc�lil�fs llal 61201 contrill is
a %l:lild n},ain \t pnl +irlrua� 11 211:11% Ailtlrru
1110Y IW 4j Its 11.1jenh ill I:ltrr tPaD fiSN ltrr
llr-.t\tNwk trill vowe in till' utid- 1S171i'. ""ll t1r
utllnlK r of %rumen entedli nt:lFri:Igt� uti;l� Brill dil"ltlr
a% It a�Slllt of lhr ;xnt- lKoraun W.IF Is11rL 1KK
risUlnlly nur.1111,cilig a Fisc� in till' birile rile.
Tile l I:\enunl�ut aSsit isdt�tc�rinin_ Lit N10" till' ]'Will
r.1lr +d urba11irltion, It lslicularly in ticuul. Act1I:11 ttr
pro}ccicd steps its lilt r11rly 123702 inclu41r At rcvluclijou
of lux ides for t111sc Will' 'kt tilt ncs% fut:b :uul
olfict in �tociuLtal unit tilt iut ;utsiliun of a
"ciliicnship tai' 411, homeiluidr anti LYrryKlratr bullies
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
M--- �w'- ...�r.. 1'4, wNYkkaei+ 1M1E46' r- 4 .-:.G']eaxf':.d'fls :.A'er: :�.iS%:i2.,'S
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
in 51.�,Il. and lml% %iloh in 1'um at a11d �I.11V 11 as well, tll(.
Ill. governnwill 1)a2. discaurlgild if Isv o lsfollulk
',7911; ',If a fox oral, anlriglll Im no
Firing a'n)pfma'ch kuuan !o liavr amcahin
111. buihCing (tf nru f letutim an oflit%.% Ill 11111m)
44111 proviuri :d nreas: lfn' dt',trnetkal of
)u, Employlueni
luulutlsnrial�cl uluattc�ra, ,hacks: Il,r plaa�nnv11 of
"1 rron ikata anitind imirior eillts 4114d pren�incial
'file ralle of e�lap(urnlr)I1. relativei high d11rilig l w
vapil ;11%. lilt- crvalilul of a�,Irllilr tiiies near Scold to
ecolimttiv W41111 off lit(- MOS. load dcrlirlyd sliariAt b}
't" lilt- C9 rl of lkre%1le ill the ��itt pmpe'r:
1K2 in all u�('ltsn low ay;ricullurr, s;� t�J:rpin}�u)eul,
:111c1 :1 1u1i1dop of sfn:dl tntrn isl;nxls, and rnril
and [;tsunl h11x1r. Sere ,11x111 projt-ets ill coral :1mam
;asv reurlrrit
elnpinnih Ian skilled :ltbar, Ilge -ter([ (on[ueaan mrlce-pl\
dVCF%;ill}i it aunal f ;:[YII die 1,:erd its [:ills. 'Cbere is a
e,nel der of '�vnhalturl tlnenlpluyitle�llt ItnlattG
vollrge y;tubtutc% w] wilb tivaneial support Imill
j(nnu� �suit antrtnd iudelirlitelt [III Iobs (he% eausider
%ilite�d In Iheir 4111CIlik' Ir:lrkt;mltod aril lrlinilig
I'11r+ Gxlk for uork its Ihr citie. w1n�r� lho% :Ir-. but
dise1;1111 vuillg to tilt "blxnulcxk: w11e�n� loll', might Ix
a%ailable OIle� oaaan for [him nluclautr is thaw 11
Kerman[ uuiployty, who iik his Jspanvw eYlanll'r Carl
tends ttI sl ;t% wi11t the %:aIli �-iuploles for able r: sl of Ills
tcurking life, t%onb to 1W .fur� Ili make lilt right initial
ehaic�e Go %ernnlem sr�rvict� ailrovt+ a Iligher
tx�f(-e�IIIage of tau� Im,palmiaa than in el(here7ntatrit.s
1.2 tvtrllizued l0 1 l in tilt Utlilt -I States �wi[h
(texxl rea"In' I)e ieite wt-asiollnl rut In elimitlate
n\'e thlpp'n fllllCtiOW. till' ,ou�rnttls�nl istvs %tell :Intl
Im etxls3 IVII'd Ilfl�sliprillllm
1 \5'1711 IV( II� 1'r[Ite are Illelfe r eal i stic
;dh111t elnplwvluerd ;tilt[ lake tvllal till'% tan fiml.
NartneN. despite IhI�iroflea lot\ inc'emil', truliliou:dll
like Bide ill [heir Iife�.Il'le and skills ;rod rcserst
impliculious Thal their farthing melltntls art'
ill:e(Irelstate Ytinug people from 0y;r[cu111114d urea
hnwevcr. am inefv;tsingll Iuml to the eft its
nplxlrtunilius for imillsllial joh edaealiau. Intl tllr
glarnorof 81446 11 slWiet+ The govcr!lmeul's eveutlurl
t�n:Itioil o� many rar11.1r:IU�d joix (tlahl re�erne this
K On I will ker% itu� stilt vdlis[ficd w'it ll Ltbnr
ulndBintes lx�c:nt%e- pf the� Iiulitetl cititntts for lneshilill
dw lack of (t lnininaan wap%. lxxir workiny volkilitiolls,
and it drarth of friui;r Ix'ucfil%. Averan industrial
wugc are It [iota 11A the anlellutt tsee�detl br :111
urban family of four. mud wmkl�ra are ImAt:dll lit the
sm�tew' of their calploven who ilia null drlormill how
niltvll seitge1% to ikl` iull often feel nn axupuncaioll 1u
pay 111rin cm lillu�.
11 Kilo cYanlpris( sip (u Vj of tilt lulxtrfnta�
and ate i ivolwed in Mltttt�'1.IN) kinds of'wellpalkars. Are
diw1imilmled ugaimt. Kell]: it work mare than 11
lantn .1 day' --as opinst tax� Ivvrcgv S.e Imu her
alum --:Ind rverivekw [[deli Imif w; nlucl, -Lary. Alwid
3,yl. of the wtitllen luler%4ewcd in an Office of bilxlr
Ar (aio 3u nor at late 10 said Ilscr l egmi to work to
Supiletri f:Irail\ ulrrulK�rs_ alxlut i')V; lit ,uppllrt
thrnikrlvr%. and alxlnt ?i[xniliorr, ;cad stnlglll Irgislutiull tll
inlprnr livilig arld wilrklug axldiiiuns. Ill the tmrI
S IKO's� --as the Woskcrti dllril it)w ;ktd r111p lovvis hex
given LL'a% loll wgtW 111 I111tr ge aial.41lidarit%-- 11YInull
unions have so1311.1ii -N slap -d w ;llWolN or Atdowu
.bikes, aithuogh Strike an- furhiddels and airlusligh
th1� VV IT i. uueler e�vrn slricler govvri-im nl emilml.
i'Isn� are 50 trade a,\Sfnl. 11411 tliav have little
to (lo %%ilh tier ci>udltel of itttliwrial relaliau*
\[atlagrnx'fit ha% not folirtl it nI cx� lu ur}; aoizr.
Sitter tnenl eentmlllic pnxillelioll ollils iv �111:111 mul
dirrcl worker'umployer Id lions ehmisrsir the uresl
flit Ko�llelurvus in unlit, a� lilt% bize..he 'umvin of
illit".416:11 rrl attoll. is lal`gttly patern:ll. l:mpluyem
rexm�tn'er, frl�I u;LN.ure.l b. the =act. that otdL
PefiIIlulrlll e111I11elye9%life fill ietll mrnlbeNand t 1 m rile�
over"ll)0% of label' rrlalivc let availallle jo)u miike.+
Worker, than' tit rluplovrr p rm sii re�s
4. lalxlr legistal4irt
[n late !172 the gei:cripmerlt declared elrM6.11 IaW,
pamed it cmilprallrlAvr "sl:erial otea.un. lase, and
11111101111e1 thal wKial emre will not 1w tolenitcd
and all elements of llnrsl w'ili lx� trnunecl.-By Owse
amt later r u litigs 6i 14llverlllla�Ill g: t1111'd comp
rorltol twer Wtlges. polxs, arxf lalxlr tcfations; imiuns
were slx�cificaliv denied the ri.Cllt Its cn tlecliLe
Prior to the dexhln;ZWii. moost of Smith Klima's Iolalr
1rgi51atint: Baled frsini 195:3. Lstx�ll 14m,, ju-sed during
tile� U,S. Inililar} elerul mliun Wt�1 eisflrrsulx�1,celcYl or
hrnadrnrd. '11wse taus, eltl a nigh rufleeliog lilt influence of the t.ltsited stales and 111[� li.(l, Were
nuleieleil to mom- exterst 41st J; I X Iati ari
1L1.'re Jlllt :ilw ;l" r:lelliv adavlable tip Soiltl) Keelretlrl
Ixsnsliliolu; Ixlth rovrla}m and Cnforxiiieml .[ore
w Fiole ly rirfifivill.
Desilite nr:lrli: law Ilrd sullx:tlilellt rulings, the�
govermitent in W3 claimed to lw: Ism -sing for the
sanx� labor- s lalu laut tibjeclives of pre0ous lcy Uatimt:
h;lyrnenl of iwcniuc Wages let vinjil n�re�s. himi Malkin
11-� tl lnllllillll111- +eUGI' M- Swill it levving of rt'{hliri nle llh
on Workshupc (having 511 or inon vsupiomvm) to sct up
weifuli, facilitim. and en:utmeui of it naliona welfare
unnuiiy law.
E. Uvinfi emaditimms and social problems
1. Cum -F21
lz`sek of living in Sunth Korea, sdthougle fisr to wvr
'rani+ itt.11le Visited Staters MINI Weatei Funspe �ind
sulfastir, ;ia;ily lower than ill vastiv irr-ploved
over a th .lde Fur most of the 1�Hil} real
�z;, villm uctual pun-husinl; polver�
illccew by a lanst kWi a year in t.#,e nrlietnindustrial
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200080009 -8
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
%eclar arxt by a fttich lo-A rr the ill lilt' rrrrill Kcior. lit
1971 72, how�evrr, theft- ssas iso 11:11 MCA t IC rig uti�cII
fu industiv liec.mse waKv iuere i u111y ma;chnl tilt.
cent of living inctea.M
The� Ktcater p11 rell Ising.N el thr overage cilfie
hms 11cc11 ac( +un ;rtssird by an incrrasa in e.'11ms11111er
gams and �e�slrr-, hichcdhig hf:lh food :Ind other
iwvessiti4% mild limirics such its motor veliielm and
1elevislo11 wl%, t 1milillpllsut Ix1itN111i have ilupillved,
With Ille ritiu of rzlx'udiUOes oil ucKK's�ilie s dt-cliui11y;
ire relation In sixesdissi, on Ittutrics. 'Ellis is 11nlelt more
Wilt- in tiler citiles 111;111 it the leowcver,
where the faruu'rx' wt,y of life Ita elmogud little over
the yt-;IN.
Dun-piler lilt gerserd 1111provenleill in loatrrhd
welfare as11ooK the urban popolaliun. wide
disercitnncic -s exisl. Uoski!lc -1 mirkilwit contirme to
Ae 0111 it vsar;;i11al Cistc10: .1is gnlrsp includes hlrwe
ntim1wrs of migrmta Will the co mtr }aide M'arr11111V
fur ;t luster life blot 1111; O. tit Compete for the Irtrllrr
jobs. 'l'Le nlustiivr it 4m of Il)ew 11ligrbnls liver the
1xist two 41maskes ha far t-umcded tilt! ability of the
government or private itidasuy I0 provide.lbem with
rock -luule 11010119 Mild basic soryitY�s 11cll ms `1111 try
%selk pl;x-ti u� ler. mild s(-w�erage systems. Gbim
1ltsratly, scams of [huusawk live in slum areas whlch
art aiming the worst 111 haul Asia. Although tht-se
migmm% hove more r11oney than their onwilry c -msius
and le;(vr greater ac(Y'ss t0 tncdical faeililles nild other
urban a(lva11111g s, the typical farmer Las verlaill Il ;nit'
couvieitles --f es11 Ar, a ltmw witit bms ur mllft to -IIS,
and a houM'hold well and privy --that I lle dullAweller
lackN- On tilt- other Side of flic� ciii11, %I1111e' city 11041e1ts
Llre relalively well feel, clotiud, 4111-1 1mr11u'd.
In the udwil jcsL nplrkel, ir4tcr� +r COMIklHiun
3111o11g the lmskilit and .crniskilll'd IMS; 11VII& -t 111
keep vva;;e -�s lmw� ;Cud n!S111tat1 In 5e111110 uncs111010yr11ent
:Ind ;i 11iK11 r ;rte of parr ;d t-uU ;)lo+ -nc111. Morcover,
koverrime0t ;111(1 irtltstry have deliloerslcly pronsoted
a low wage Jimolivy M) its to %Iimilluto txr111l elitiVol) rives.
for (Cr 'lift g oa ds, The less skilled wotker. n 'ieive little
kelp fraln yo111tst4Lry 1111HIr 0t' ..Vial 01`9a1117.Itions ar
ftt1i11 [lie g0vrmtnc11t'i Sill :111 --rill- 54x.iai` M -1farc
pr0};ntws F11r[LCITnun4 11rb;tn pax -arcs a111nng the
11ew rttigr111ls aw mulemiinlnK the clOU-kuil c%teend4 -t
family s }atrm, trlelmonittly ;m ta(lwilant M)ttre -r of
psschninglwl strength asrd mono (ic securih
[11 seen)I Thor is ;s mpidly growing. weu:thy elite of
1tel;iticiamts, M'ni0r h11remicrsts, and industrial and
r1n 11111erciul e11lrepn .'lle(Ir5 w']IIIM :dfl urut Y� is rr[ittiteet
ire nlw 1113Mion chuu[fcur�diircu auionsohiks,
vx1ou lively ttfmu�d wontc11, luxury FwAk lit cr)wllvd
stor(s, ::ad a varied 11lklet life. Ironically. this display is
largely respi imildc for ottracti11l; the runt immigrrnl.
wilt). o11ar in the City, finds hitnsr.'`t�sctudr:i front tills
Ittxe:ry and ill F114111 es%CS nlorr disullisfil -1 thus
he fore.
The govennne11i s pre-orteupation with h11luslriA
exp;wesio11 haseYndribisle -1 to r11rsl ut-gied. Moth rut' ;,l
ho11siliK rel11;a11s pritnilive nfid rnruluwl), lMn:y as m
re's1111 of Ilse 111igrllimn elf 111a11y able- blKliett ittults, I-
014 eilics, :Ind tvu�1111rds elf 16. holoers have Im
vIeCtricily. Monwer, inalteg11a1e nrads iWdate sm11c
areas., 11n111inq ilte farnmr. ability 111 11ILACI Ills
pnKI11CL' tit LIV41r11110 IWRL os wr11 u. Lis :uYr*s 1t tier
1110Ft' 111041enl uoltursl and social infloctik" of the
urb;ul velliers.
Sill:�-' early 1971 the Kove111nle11t has 1wen
:IlteullNittk to ruyltali M r-II 4114'45 U1111 "N' the
compre[e11siVe 5err. Mold Inuvenlenl. Aeh11hliste d
4111d ialgeiy foudt -d by Ihe MillmIry 11f 110me Affai
v�1111 assistruler fnilll uttli�r 11lirli- tlit'S, tills IMIgG.lfo
calls fur 74164.1111411 1111111 :e rx ;xnttittrah 1111 103ds.
Ieuusi11k, v. ter sopply. flexxl e- lnlrol aml irriKatiuu
systepm, mitt aKriculhiml 1brKtrgilrltiu11. Kxlut11dt -f
f11iI s11pplit-s used 111M' e,%APII 111ri1 eltsctrifit A011
atitl e-unuuulirlliou. networks ate ollet-r ohj(,- cliye�s, It
a till i [it ill. the 77 4) factories to 1m, 1) 1Pill in f ;4'r Ili rig aril
risllitg :ream by 15176 will give I(K:II 11esidenls
%uppit- wrtitary in-11111 In 1110. Sefr Matil priogrtln
groat .buss Is laid e1r, w1f. 1eliant-�, with wgt0s of the
labor lx[))K sopllliA by thr f;tiliw1% thensurtv0-
2 11mming
Ins11ffidVill :Cud low� quality 1111114111}; crsre%titulcS a
major :Ind widespread proLlem. '1'110 latest crrnus
Mclolxer iWO) ersutlecrried oilly �1r4;4MKKl housing
ullits slatinuwidc fur Monte ixtii!i INK) hotlweh-llds,
lnivi NO; 1,.11A,f}MI41r`5.d rdt It' f :tutiIies "11031ullrs,"
Ac lmmlog .horlage 1% most sc'vt-rt' it Scxoill. where
16.3% of tlsr 11(mise111e11IS neit11 own! tl0r tenled
officially approved .11111 limllsed htil- ii1g (mils, Illese+
"horncl+ss fatlliliei live for 1ht- most lKirt enter 111
sluml slrl& and shanties u- elouhlc lip with other
lionwholtiN. A krl11iVLI nix] acrixt survey campictt -1 In
early 197$ reveaie�eI Ultolrt 17�IJKKI sl�ae shacks its tilt-
5ctinit area. wmL of I Ile 111 elIIstewd near f:!Clori0i. i' ilcy
an' 11111:1161( -i 1ry 11 r11a1rs 111litllo11 IWIII)le, or orlL�sixth
of Ilse c1111ce 11lelmixl4itull 1x1pui;Nion. \hale elf scrip
hoildimg materials and aebriv, a lyI)iml %fiack�r11(+ IK'
AIRM 11 by 41S 111311y AS sm- crrcigllt per-Alm. 011c >fvm
urea near Swiul wan dcscrilx -1 In IU7t 110. lutvilig oue
privy for 1211 f .11niiteS; another had one water spigot
For every l0 or 3Q f ;sneilirs.
Till, guverrimeiit Los +wiled its de1011 itlatio11 to
ineprove him-itg mild eli[nin .1le the shuts area+, heel
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
progress has lk 111111hllrll- 0111� appnfacli lilt Ixr;rf to
re'(MLAV fa CIIIFiV-+ Will %tlukl�r% living; 41wifters is-Ally
ffrlm tilt m ilil llrh:'1) mi"em Iliwever, al% (if rafly
Iret faclorivs mid worke h all 1 wi ii tiff
rcllr aLed Ault-� signifieanlh, 11ir guveriunl�nt sister
Ifl(i? has sllo[ the tnnstruclion of a mmilm-r (if
fun lout ulrirlulert devellipulei,rs for Slumdw�clleo,
adult- at the Mar11e little deslmpiug Lhstnxlnlls of shacks
and pislcing ](%;it restricliuus lilt the erinslreu;tinn of
li(b%% ones- Its maim uwcS, hom ever. tilt- Lei moueq"
relluirtid file the aisartsmr:ch' eKrnixlucy is. Ill 1144;1, fur
die neu Illigrilok, u'�lfl Ills u-Silit Illat some flats
rl'lllail! vavie ll While n111Pr% lift- Oertll)iv(l l)1' 1(m lirlYll
Si�nlll rr5ideuls. ]lureover- allhuttxh the f:ure�a
Ihmsiug Hank provii1m loam tit hrrtlle buvers :Ind
build high Imid eenb5 wid havrest rates keep
ionime Lunill:5 from '1 them. A: a ressdl sluol
Z es9111tinile Ili pnllift rsle.
U11der 1111 y uvcrnmenl's Third five Year Evothumit-
I'I:III f I iN)U,(XXl (lei� Ilollalrl Iliill5ll11I%t
hiw�rellt aparllllt`nk�are plallllee). but list. ielltici-
Is:ilt�el 11111-1:16011 i11cr-ser and conlium -d [cigmiian Of
}mrli I'Milifie5 hills Ill r:itit'S fltrliCatC thIll 111V 11111ising
slm:rtagc will nil iv llrvriultly. A% Willi other
lturcrninent progrlms 1st the uelf�,ere field, n
major srl ;lg Is the guveromettl S inahllil}- tit
unwillingooN lei dl:virte sufficient public funds la tilt
tusk. Comwq'1eutly ifse hulk of lilt hoositlg program
11111A 1K' ltrivllt IV fill:I1IeYK1, llm� goverellttelet prut�illcs
a hr) lllc Imiil 11) tat: cm-Iliplillos, lltl-
ministrllive aid, and lechnicat ndvicsc and ripen�%�.
MOSt SVOIII resirle11lls� ctclud(mi; 1114mr its tile 011111"
t Ifir lim -strut almri,rtent% --live i'1 lile- rmsh�ei wtxxi
anti %tuccit lonist.�s one wsimp stoticw high, usually bllill
alnunll a goners or Willett ctilud mud hcalcel h3�its
mf flru extending u11dcr the fhltl:a fnnl the kitchen
fircplacr. A atn :dl but grolvir g nu :ulxr of trplx'r milt
middle�c'las% families live he 110115l�5 :nest
l[odcr[. high -rise apartments, llclttlsl 11(susilig
e�Inupri%cs a iiiiir sat ,halt hair the ioiml.
Thi� t ;epic ;d rurel hslttsc is a thal4 moofe'i! e tinge
with [lull walls on a wooden fruueu Groups (if
such Iwns4s arc wniclinies surnfulstftet b+ low- lyllig
walls of piled rt)l:kS. '1' sirs of lil t- lususr g el �e[ Ny
denmle% t i ne ulallle and soviai level of its tsctup;trjK
t'lielr funsille.% lire in %1"4411 tun -rewrm rertimplar
hollws, erwsl III lheol Ilo hlrgl�T IIIUU la frcl Seluan�.
I'lit se 11NY' hogi th iwu A 111MIllitary. JuA,
Will Ixxtd)� ve�11titalerd, %11111 lnu� ceiling., feu� a�itldowS,
and let m)ni t-w" dirt fic Hirs Wrli�tn -do farmem nm
likeiv tO Isave pee lAm xYt d arrioged lit firm
IWO Nil let of it e71111 t;. l'hcrc is It faddy 111%;11 imidrntr of
eamvr. Iulrticulasly stosslaeit comer. IEyprrirttsion,
collyesliy4 hcarf f:liltrr%r, and strske :Kan' "Iw cornnxal,
i;: ,1111iu1sl;l1 !hr IGovernrueul slor+nSlln a ."sclhin ;xtlin
v,torhic lmigrun. it is not Ibooup,11 ;ulel them arc�
x ve 1,11 hun([retl new Ilolio c:Iscs every tear.
South fofe :i s arintal diSl-;l %c problcsIs are
g^ nlauifellel: 1mcsrtl%ul in 1)artiel +h:1` n};t rav;stes the
comm of d isca %N alit[ criumly rexhio-s porrltselivc
t"INIelll 1`f livestock, Severn iulpelrt;lrtt tllse +%es of
,ulittlak �sluh as hlackle'K, which infects c.ittle ;Itsd
sheep; hug, cholem.. ;gild tirt'easllrelisl�n%c which�:ills
lhonulsids of chickens annually �arc aignifie: nt
prohlc�slc. ilim �ernes!, for thous trim lite pcoietstlims
Y1` tnllst Serious "lima� elisc;cs�., Ira% 1K cil vUlliltiMeKl En
5outl� Korea. Hall :Ira I Ilan I1111i %t�ci 7Atne it rn:litll:lilll el to
Irevent n�Illtnxloclion frrull Kurth Kowa.
lit'Alll prellllvm% ill Smith Korea :ue anulxlunded
115 ill" crllr'nchc11 Ixls'Hoo o[ lrrditietrlul Chiut� %e�
ullllititsr (111111 yuk) and shsnlifaicsn in KIIrt�:tlt SoeiC(
Ilefon� &ring hl�Ip frl,nl 41 licaille(I its
rn(xlcni Ilk-div,,11 sciet nscit 11'csTcnlize(I Konans
will ofien fins cnosult all lu�rb tl(s;'lot 1.1 it priclilinuer
of acopunelure In Ihl- c- 4tmll)).441" yin� ssllar:^clition
Ix'ni%!%tll:ll r h: c;tuud it) evil %pirils
hf ally r1�tetu ne' to ulc�dFe:d a% %ista,j e'e�.
fhu it is sin! Hnummill',rt [or villal(rn 1%] calf ill a
shanlair i-VVII lnhln� eY11%illtilig 161� rr11111-.0% morn
l.ulihhlen('d 17erh drx�tor.
hrrc +Ire� 111111lcrolls l�:Ilrivi of disease It iS
estinull(�ll thin lets 011111t11nIMr Ills hnnl:Irr I.(Ppnlali+In
b} 141111 fi Ill 10 1wr 1x Willi :ItlitoHl% a% b ;lt,
Hill] frses Irltcsnlil rllllcs. Asssmll; Koit-An %tiukes +Irr
the ;xlf�(lnrlu% pit vilx�r aim] liossrll'.. s :Ix r. Sn:mils,
rrast;ivewn, and sc�vend species of [nrchs ite�r Fish are
roumxod)� infcelyd with 1rtnlsilc+, The lridfish,
greatl% rellsh(XI u fexml. is Ixttsurmor%aht�ee iagm1x�rly
prelrord. 1';IC cc)tullm IS f.liri)� "4711 clrlille(l, lrgriltl:
fro� %.vanq)s :out ulnssiu.s, [)lit Jill %I I ll ilex [leas, oirs
tit-C'-:uul mitt~ of nnln} I inels arc� prrv;ylctlt and "r�
tYlUirn of dIsv;s%e- Korean% lure� built tsp a degrrl. of
itnrnnnity tit nstm of the disease% and pars%ilca
C01WHun to Ill-it homeland. 11111� dchiliiatrel by other
I) Ire %ilcs (Ind rhaolicelisl- -s 1`y gernrr.,ll) livrut as
%hover pact Shun 11'cslcnlrn.
2. D and nulrilion
T he dirl of till. overage Smith kurca(I is 1ligh in
starell aad drficienl in iniulHl protein. fill, caltiom.
auti Viturnius. Ixlrlicularl; vitsunins A, Ill. Alin 113
Birt:ary clrficiruc) diseax:s such Its ilcllagre. tickets.
:and hrri�beri pe"W, although iill provc:tl Guilt.
0111%lltllptioll ImItelim havll wilul'Od their incith�11ty.
According b a nnlrilion %orvvy S:tc years
ISYQ�71, till. uver.Il(r :uena:ll 1wr rq)ila c -Rorie inlake
1lf Sontll Kurr:tsls a'as nearly 2,700�-- hiKher than in
nlosl Asiaet ernullrit.. Sine� alxtul NW; uF Illis is
prvidvel by Itrtistsand vegcl:.Lles, boavcver. tlscdict is
Very low in atilnnll prole ht and fockiuk In Milli of till-
c-Ittli ll anli(w- gelds. Minends and citaluins 41m
ohtuine�(1 from fsults "Jill vepelallicc, which :err eatra
Ff"ll in llte %tlnunrr cord preserved ire the udnter.
urban dirt is KCII(W11 rnrre Hdeymic and Icetter
IalHncti�tl 11mit lha rorll one.
Him s the Staple cif the Setups Ko -vans' diet. O!flrr
9F:rlrt% n'e(l. bill less Ixlpulir with St llsth K41IV ;c1c%,
iflclulle hadry. wheal. ilillct, and buckwheat.
1'c9rta1llts include heart cahbage, cncunl1wr>,
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
I_1 �:Z611 4I] 7CA N 4 4 =F_F9 11-9961 /_10 11 11ZQtItfL tf /:ltItItYtItItIItltItl>3
faINJIlme tldishts, sac1,1 ikwt;rIIKri, Ieek( ]lilt Ix -ppep,
and t:rnlljrs. The tna,l r10 11111NOI frttits aft' apples.
Infrl 1111,11111'.. peadit's, 1wah, alld IxgsI11t111011`-
tiatis'e "tilts such us chlstunls MINI 1Mala)r1tS atw) are
I sed. \h:Ii is r\lN alSlbe ua�j statrc: te h('(I4Vailahlrfill
llu' lll;lil local. it 111 41 IN� beef. iNlrk. or 1N)uitn
Clliekerl is a f:rv(16te nmal. The olpolarity of dom
procllrrls is inc�re siuyt. E; "v, tvhit�h have lrsrrn
con(idered a delicacy to Ix� rate rt ouly on SiN�cjal
111IIIehI1% or Ill impfiflallt feaS!%- pre IAIt cairn IRU11'
fr-111 Illy us t= pr1K1.R'IioN irsrrc:lsrs. F�ialo fna1.
%o l trd, fiticd, un tiked. an(I 11114 �i% cyrrr q111111Y1 tri j(Ce'at
lili;oltiN1,s (1 IM
Kuwait rllldany; trill, to Ill� highly srasulud.
Kroft -4 a sPiccsl dish ill :tdr from carping cc,Ithin4-
.06 of pleural v-p�1 shim. fruits, rusb rid ixpIk-r.
garlic. and ginger, is incioclrcl in phqost vvefn 1111
Sungyrn19, a drink maNle from wairrand relxliletl rice
(runt the IKlfloall of tilt� rt ok -illg 1x11. is tal;rt) oriel rac�h
1111�al Tea INas never altainc�tl till u'i[frsprt'ad
Im1polarilp 11 Ila'. in Chilla ulll Jallm). hot coffee is
fain;) popular. 1:1rKcly as u rosnit of L' S. irdhwuce
The national :d('01411je lx'vrtige is rice %vine. called
eilller galccJrn or mNJUrlfi delK�odiuK fill its quality.
Graill spirit, or auju, is alu) el)nn1111u. S01111 Kon�ar1
1.:vr is cousidereYl "rclle11l
3. Food sloruge, water supply. and- paHutieu
HXKI 5t1IrJ _Kr ;lrlil ss 111tati(xl I miclie�yy art 131 K)r
Althoccgh rrlrig"Lited siurlf 'A New 6a:1itary ineal
and fish pnittming platltshavv Ixrlu Imilt ill tllc major
cilieS. 1)roclarP an(] meat IM)C �,Nlly Art- %oltl
marefrigerdeN[ in Ilu olxn Marl els. A% a revnit of
uus:uritan roarkoting pc.ICticrs. frxx) siNOilakr aril
lostbreals of fo,41 lu(issaling art- cumna)n. The F414141
Mid llroX [.ats p(midcs For the iucixclie)1t I)f fexKls.
Ilever;lg^. dniks, iiharin:te�eirlicak, [exxl- han(ilis :g and
rating places, is:tluslriol or colNlnlerciul
establishnlrats rauul �aoliring ilcul+ fill lilunall
ern>emnPtioo. ti �rlhrless, e'rrforcrinent of lhr hale is
lokell. and adul(cruted f000k appan�ntly 11:1vt.
proiifeniled and added to till h Kkl�1NIi1)l;lify' too
Si11rr tact' 19W). luwever. aye gueeslunent lulu
li"ItIrm' -d ON tall ort such vr%al: pnxluets :vll(I
At 01111161' of Stores 1111d ws lauraots ishicls
sold (111,111.
The cell urie', -old practice of wittg IIjKllt u)il fs��
fertilizer tF�iy;orr 1k! pr(xlucrs MINIAntiarlted fcluly
Which if rater ogrooLcil fir nnsivrcI+oked a:c
('a'lgerous to lle:rlth. H'- the cUlly 19;13 if uNr cc r. the
Ministry of licalth and Social :Affairs had iustalit:l it
numlx r of "ctearr vegetable c1, Ilea\ clad (Icrmett flout
u I)lthlir eats :lu pl:tct� car hi)lel re'statiraot using
Vegetables fcrtib-'A'd pith 11131;lMt cxe�felrl.rst w'ollid
h,sc if+ fiWil aid ins o1x- laical could I fitlett usul
Thera� hoc Ixels S11111e ilop rlivrell'rlt ill lire l)ruVi
(of l)illablc water aml Ihr dd of laugh'
disj systerrls, ltaAicllarly ill tilt' nr[ults are;rs, At
till end cif 19.2, 10% of the W)pnl:ltion ascrrm
to2 in t9(i7� k;i5 J
had uctms to a supply frond rrcand wells. Al the
iwg inoillt of 1973. h5% of SIK)lll lutpolatiexl reerivct3
frt:cictl 114"1 w0rr, bill the 1411uwut avoilable IK�r
W01 01L, remains lowvt Ihan iit cil iiK of c1 ij"
i11 Jaf>;ut or 16- Wt-A. The Thicd Fir. Yen rPlan (197'?.-
74) pmvidcs for an r%imir(Ird raterys11� ficutiuet
Sysrerlt for Seivid 141)tl olh1,r urllciu ult'uc atld the
c .frurf ion of 4.40) slow pill Sy11a�nts lend :r.>.`tIU
sauilan' Welk. a s w ell u.4 iutpn)vrnaatts ill exlstiuy;
s-- t ems. This v%p; eoinn would affct't flit' nrlr sector
tfrillhIlily. M41St faunefs %vould vitminue to rrly (sit
rivrrs, crri springs, a11(I llntrrutvd wells �ma of
t6m colluatiuuted by flight Suit and Suciustrial waste
Thrre is little ukirmut itlforn):liinri an sewe'nlge
systems. ay I"C*7 fllew were 1.093 miler of se w ritirte in
fi cities, f short (sf till giiverriguent's o bjective.
Ilcti Pn, Plead:, Styiul, urAl Taegu h av e sewnirtke
$Ysh�ros which wI`WV only the Ventral florfion of thr
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200080009 -8
rI .MKC 1 V. r io 4 major source of proroln
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
i A
ILItit'v 5s'w ;1yte fn a lbCw 1-1 d}x�ls hi
atratiits flirts isle rCaI11, Ott Illy' v'a
(:ot,nslrteial and public building'. it: I111 Oil's 11
�t istic tanks. bill 1111 "I 1144fple .a1, oIOl a FVt'cl IA Ilu
wui-r, y;C NStrt,l ;lull dlllnll gals stasle 111110 Iwark
Nn�atNIs 411, havi it 1-olluc�lrt1 or u,ked flit letaklin�r.
[Upid lndmtrialilaliull and It,hatlirstit,n� rNprelallt
In tau� twoul�lnrls �l�argn, 1111d 1 aria luw
in n lt,c -rd v11%i roll t,tCn1.11 Ixsllnti lit�kit IAw. diva.
iwI ioiis gaw Ilulu�. .Intl artIOUS kit,dy of a:I+IC�
%luisa%wll ill list ilrvi "I tall� k%wid dills 1nllhlliull i%
v,kow12)t rtltituhlr% aillnunk- Inlin
1udlNIted puler- and tot�tdal and vnitslimial dkortivr%
IPi1;om 121 Olfici ;tl mn ;ts A remill of
effmis to tdteek epideniiin ehlrittg the Kury nl war am
Of Ihv ;Ssldmlce given by the Unilc -cl Slale.ii uui[ other
tlmntrics in eYtnsl rile( ipg. stuffing� alld rituipping
rucelital f"vililir's. "wilem rnedk -1l care
},enrr:dly is limited 10 lltclst� livinx in the large:
Impi:lati:m c'e'nter, and its expans111a thnwit tcachilig. schnianhip.
tuhl alt flo-ot�red wider tilt' Silla (6711.913) and Korco
(918- 11ir21 dpha,lics, the latter of which rnadc
llilddhbto tlu stale ft'lig When the 1'i dl l wsty
J1392.1910) ovedhtew the (iortcl ruder, houeeer, it
adtI11txl Gtelfwiattism us lilt state nfligiorl and
sllppn�sscd liluldhisnk. The families, of scllnlan whin
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
111I[Ii 11 1r[C '1' N11t1 3.460 :tiY n Khtl'cI i I1Ft1
[ll H'IUI'. G.?tifS nlld �CS tl'Infc t�II, 7.1 {ll ayi
11uDe1. and %malle'r otoill H'rs of hom,-- ellers and
;ICUpu lei uri.%I, lu niiel -!S) :r !hr rit rctricliun nn
llnton WaS Ilflt'd, n'+uillny; Ili a fllftht'r tl.�t'lilta' it1 llle
lllnidx'r 411 twilled pImsiriam ilraule -ing i1l S :Illlh
Most 111edital pen.01111c1 have 1 w ell C- Iticated ill
South Korea. Thu tut�[lic :ll euu[sc' IN- sPrilli 2 }ran 41f
inccll;lrllory Woi in c�. ege and a y'cars of tredical
st'llool, followlY! In :111 k11tCr11�iCylelelaCl ilnngmitt� 7 he
curriculum is similar to that ill l.'.S. uletlintlnrlcd Lit t>,st_s oil lhne
levels �for grid llaW of rlliddlC +4'110-11, big]) f4'fllxll,
MAI culleKc�- \ledical p er[ t imi i are lion �A to
l actict., utter sactic>slul completiog stale metrical
eNalrtillation5. ]IV the uuthorit)� of Site Klillimer of
]lcalth and 51>,�rs. \i;en} 111(lrix�nkiraw leaders erere�
Chti.ti ;t;), 411111 Christians am P11111i:lc11) texlp its vt11�lt
fields !I. goveruuuvnl, udlicallull. nn4liciue.:fild IIIe
urciul u�n�iv(�.. 1)r.i111(� it:(. pnnnint�i;ce ill Christian
traders, llm%i e�r. and the fort ttiut (:hristi :t113!} Iles
lrcrrk 1141114- tl)naruic� and IK�ller wrmtind than railer
FCII ftllis ;)r1( ill 511 11 141111.1. Ch7isliall (ldwiriues
have 1101 made a nmjar impact coil tilt- Ixkp1114i1iun.
No.erilidem, 11tere I. Vviterkl apprudittiun of ill,
nlis.iaus purl in the pre- 144:i iudepelulrutr
1110velt1eitt am] lflrir rrn2trih11tilul+ in !hr firlcls of
eela(:ltiou :11111 uK�i;1E etrlf:7sr.
4. Cli'ond4pi
Chlilh1110 illtliruetl) influemed the devrltopnlenl
711 utrll(' edectic Kilreari wets, tilt 111111 sirilifivaill
hrilty; C.11 :Reliytio11 t)F the licavvilly W411 I.
MIMI gained pruu)itivilel� in the agnidall uurrst lilac
.kept Knrca ill the laic 15)[11 reill ion I)rrrlu{xd 41.11
11a[itonali 111s ;sired sytalkesis (if miler felig,iorls.
Ch'tomb yip cuutains elcinenls irom ludig4-rl11us
!.amain mythrel,)r). tlrsfneivaisul, and Penis!!! cone)
flas .11h�)i)tt -d st1r11e of the litlirgy :Ind s)nlhuiism of
Ik1ld11is3tt, 'There fire i11sn rvlel7(ice doctrinal and
ritual hurrimiu;;. frelul Chrisli;anfi)�. i:erladfng
nwtlu111c1.m and Filth rtsa�Irthliug the ]ilrr,ullrn, of
Holly oillfiu111hill. Ch'orl(lrsklo was lx411fe 111)
slgltif OUJA diner! Ill 1111� lx-ritxl aflcr W4,11d War 11.
when Tile see! Avas ortitc ill fum;ding llsr rt�p11hlic. bill
It Isis out Ikea rrny active sinve.:lerunling to Or
WhIL� P314 then' acre an (sllnmlvd ?18.072
surullx�s in SI�plrialwf 1447?.�Chrisiiaa Kureaus gener;li)� are C.11MMl afxoit
I, religio11v Ix!Hefs. 111id Iheprectwes find riteslif lift�
VaTiolm religions fire lifted c64.1)� medieal, A imminal
14111fli.l 11my sometimes crllisl the srn�ic s of a
011104 ,11119, and et�rF3 7117e.vI1(t 11:15 ff:)isln4f c.�en prinulry
sehrroi knuvrs s4111101tinti :Llnnit ('11nf :atti:F1L in!c4plx
I'hc rrligiuus rns!d of Inllst Smith Ke1r ^uus K :t lx�rxulsl
Mend of tha Imliefs of Sit. lmmnisru, lluddhislrl. :111d
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
irnlpb`s, unel Canlfuedan allilrktic�. lilt� f;)mii.
.(Klnl lelalinnsili;�. trill :n7thtlriit tend; lulfd ill rlhiml
(e)IIFge'i :Illi.l7: !till 1111~ grater ptestige than (011(�7
1whefs. and Omfliciall %diolon e4.11tinur In cn711man41
rt,I>( rt lxk:rnu of (11010 inlell(rUlal .1chlevemruts.
Although Ih11sr of tilt- older gent r rion +lilt flllluw
hasic 0111f11ciMl lrnrts in their daife �Ives, !n ;trill
latge Confuchlslism Iris Itisl 11x)s1 fif its vitality il. it
creed, X1e inhe r.(If t le CU iingrl genera l�I I II to
.tildeills ill higlors. 4�IIIlralil1llal irMitnti(ollshavi
r1�jl�elesl Omlffician tradilimis in !heir lcrldeuc) le)
re�rolt againsl anthmiiy.
1111dill)(Nitl 411 fit) 11:1> 116t ilillllrllLY'. :dth0(Igh 11. %l Wiill
I> Ise, 31u :ldellctl veer the ;l:ut half e4 �ou
include�s more inrinixvs farm the middle hurt 11plx�r
Aw- s, \host 5uulh Kiimm Midilhfsts farm a i ix� col
\laha)�lulu liudcllsisnl erhirh cln�su�s the nrtYl lu :d1 :(isl
villighteninclil through nleuial sgif�diwiplioe and
IllivdilathM rather thail tilt, ob%e rva1tcY� tlf ri111:111..
11'11410 Sa11ith kottatl iitndtihisl leaden tits nod e�uveisr
5: ti
as yrcal a W mwiet) as till their c,sunlerparls in
St711111 rlt!I 1111111 tar J.11Rfit. milliL� la) Iluddhisi
schnlanhip is bellig WdVetl as 1111 oc;ulrnlir di.6111i1w.
FilmilMlleism is 1whig rafto111)(41 mul adapled to ;nt�rl
the lievils elf viontemixlrin� wlcfelr, uml s(xitll welf:lm
activitieN are lWil)g OlXlllli %51411 1t% 1)1)tll rllenla! lie and
lap g:utips to serve n atiorrd as well as Itxaf hiteresls.
\1an- (if flivl ai; erlemph., trill hrine%in.uulhKttmn
are imlwrtaul unrllilecUird fir f!ilorital laudmarl�..
4111,11 H111W (011tilill list Imastire's of vow4demisl {�;lilt`
{Ffgums 15 ;111(1 16).
Au IAllealiun Milikiry's Willie 1 7 ;x r tors lirligilnl
lirrutled that In Septeerd)er 19 them Men-
7,ti14,i,773 111141dhists will �1.411A11K[ Canifiiehi isls in
A 11111 KOre11, S�Iltr Co nftlCianl!111 hlk% till prip tilt ill
dn,allic fnrin, lsnwecer. tilt esliardnl
like IlAk- hip flgun� 111rs riot amilydely yore its
ieniwrl +ucr in w14c1�,
3. Chrisltalrity
ilanrcling lu 1110 1l'ltitt 4 ;x r, then. H ere
(31601111'K. L4lidpdsing nr41rlr 1:3 5 of tin- St111111
t Korean IxgmhjIim: nllsiul SO% are Prutc�staul cored [Ile
n�mafmfrr f��Ilhnlic. The. ploixlgation of Cllrislipnit
s by Western mi.slmrlrics in Konu elnring tilt I8111 alrld
141111 C'1 .�]tttlFirs spurmil the paitial t)Imning (i f this
IentliI. LiIwf;t in' In da. Wvsl 111 title 19111 ccutuq.
:Ind the iutnxhlelillrl col Such Wes[enl IRLIJ) s .0
political drintierict and 1r ;1(lAnal a�ll�d Ptermill.11kon
ill the 211111 VC-11111n F0110uillg jap ;111 s.einw4� tof like
7�uknitr) Its I (:hriliauily bl- Minit' lelrntifieKl llh
[INC. llllre;ill Illlfl'1x`Iltfe 11im l aml el. l�)capl�d
1110 r.)Ionial 4irtga it alx ;uirc4l ill man} 71th1 r snbjeci
llcLause nm11) Ghrisli :fit grufips hucr .t:)1 17041 Fit
}nfinn %tIIdenls Am m d fur adv :fi iced .uul%. :hri.tiaas
tend to "M ;col iupuruce on cox irt) 11111 of pmiX)riiun
U) their nuull>,�rs. \i;en} 111(lrix�nkiraw leaders erere�
Chti.ti ;t;), 411111 Christians am P11111i:lc11) texlp its vt11�lt
fields !I. goveruuuvnl, udlicallull. nn4liciue.:fild IIIe
urciul u�n�iv(�.. 1)r.i111(� it:(. pnnnint�i;ce ill Christian
traders, llm%i e�r. and the fort ttiut (:hristi :t113!} Iles
lrcrrk 1141114- tl)naruic� and IK�ller wrmtind than railer
FCII ftllis ;)r1( ill 511 11 141111.1. Ch7isliall (ldwiriues
have 1101 made a nmjar impact coil tilt- Ixkp1114i1iun.
No.erilidem, 11tere I. Vviterkl apprudittiun of ill,
nlis.iaus purl in the pre- 144:i iudepelulrutr
1110velt1eitt am] lflrir rrn2trih11tilul+ in !hr firlcls of
eela(:ltiou :11111 uK�i;1E etrlf:7sr.
4. Cli'ond4pi
Chlilh1110 illtliruetl) influemed the devrltopnlenl
711 utrll(' edectic Kilreari wets, tilt 111111 sirilifivaill
hrilty; C.11 :Reliytio11 t)F the licavvilly W411 I.
MIMI gained pruu)itivilel� in the agnidall uurrst lilac
.kept Knrca ill the laic 15)[11 reill ion I)rrrlu{xd 41.11
11a[itonali 111s ;sired sytalkesis (if miler felig,iorls.
Ch'tomb yip cuutains elcinenls irom ludig4-rl11us
!.amain mythrel,)r). tlrsfneivaisul, and Penis!!! cone)
flas .11h�)i)tt -d st1r11e of the litlirgy :Ind s)nlhuiism of
Ik1ld11is3tt, 'There fire i11sn rvlel7(ice doctrinal and
ritual hurrimiu;;. frelul Chrisli;anfi)�. i:erladfng
nwtlu111c1.m and Filth rtsa�Irthliug the ]ilrr,ullrn, of
Holly oillfiu111hill. Ch'orl(lrsklo was lx411fe 111)
slgltif OUJA diner! Ill 1111� lx-ritxl aflcr W4,11d War 11.
when Tile see! Avas ortitc ill fum;ding llsr rt�p11hlic. bill
It Isis out Ikea rrny active sinve.:lerunling to Or
WhIL� P314 then' acre an (sllnmlvd ?18.072
surullx�s in SI�plrialwf 1447?.�Chrisiiaa Kureaus gener;li)� are C.11MMl afxoit
I, religio11v Ix!Hefs. 111id Iheprectwes find riteslif lift�
VaTiolm religions fire lifted c64.1)� medieal, A imminal
14111fli.l 11my sometimes crllisl the srn�ic s of a
011104 ,11119, and et�rF3 7117e.vI1(t 11:15 ff:)isln4f c.�en prinulry
sehrroi knuvrs s4111101tinti :Llnnit ('11nf :atti:F1L in!c4plx
I'hc rrligiuus rns!d of Inllst Smith Ke1r ^uus K :t lx�rxulsl
Mend of tha Imliefs of Sit. lmmnisru, lluddhislrl. :111d
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
C'flf: fns 11r eu1KUrJt r nN7fd ANlltritr
.trt'1rk 11n.1lirrl2 nn Rr.
FIGURE 45. Famed Buddhist fem01c, 1"1001 0
11. Education
1. C.vrterul
}:un�utt t nod tliIIImllt lt:lve 41 1M (1 n n�slxcl Et +r A 31
t dltcaltnts :xlttlrtiuti nn rGtGn'ntY� 'x ludan hart
rttilned Iltr IIi>;llt.I prtstite unll 'tulxttr� :uu! Imrvii1% s
h:nt� lwtn ssillill}; tt1 ttttsl:G stvxl s;u'rifia 1 +tr Muir i`,Ti C
childtt�ts �vinml!rld �l�hi. (:ursfuGiuu- 11' ,isrd rsltrm
teas rrinfntstd bs rttxtsgm In Westt�rit Gdueat 011 4
tllttttlgil Christian likk" Itxta tl l�h. \111111 '.r4) h atl 1111[1 tltl'
J: t
ittlrlxluetiutl of M eslGtu lrcllual 11%
all11uati 11 the' lilt[( n'stri(:Icd 1111� T: t dut;diun:ll 1 -A
apjwrttolilitw atul batult�tl the (t r of KilWnrt in all :tsa:�
w i t it11+:d)4 pri tit art lev "I A flu 1 hl 13. ellrlt'utiulI st aff
IllGllliiil�ll a'iilt tt:ttlttiIAM il.pitllliulls :Ind tYVlxxllte
rrt'truslrurliun Uul:q it 'tt ctitllsidra�t! tlu� !a�s its the
Ilpli1t11 Il}lxll�rni%ttlittit� the Ittlutinn {t, ils stn�itd 4' S�
It t.sential lilt till itltlividnal t'011111ntic
nrld gwilI1 I1U111ilit}
r l� 1ll t'tltl r:tlinll Is "'f -t Y' 11
The t'lllf�T V.1 1;1 trl Smith Ilt
`e�ed;lly in remote
;cl:riulphurul 1111111 115111rig villslgt -.then� liu�re+ 11ry nn
rr941htr vocalional (ranimg Facilities. Generally.
privale snc(x)s 417 -.1114611. privately orgallimli ciassey�
trwtly elf 1111-111 1111rrsled Ity Chikilaii tiossious�
donliumir adult vvxati41110 ahft;llintt.
0% st h-eeds A the primary (curl offer ttru types of
carric41hmns For olds; t1dId wil:Iflll For adults in 1 2..
and 3 -year Wurse s, The fire lyl:e covers the- wguhlr
priew ry euri�enllim ill erindlasccl scAimnv, %%hlfe tier
%volld offers iltteitsltie trlining ill iitcrovy. 'I'!ie
Ministry or lsdue;lliun alm opvmty sill fltforlual anti.
Milerlcy ,uergriM11 thn)llglk dosses orgalli-Mll by
township luid village headinrn. The holler cY41uhlct
lu:ruul setrveyx of adult 11111MIttS in 11113 v1113ge anti
umnlur lhent loll summer eclassas, shore they arc
laught by vollrge� sl41denls ut1 vacmliou or by regular
prirelury svlueilf lemchen. I ligiu�r tiviv scLulk offer I-
itnd 3�yeeer vollrws al the mielllle ,vhcxal level, '1 hem
inslilutiooc, like? lite folk high sc�hmis in Detun;lek. try
to suPply lrtiuilig in cieie alnsciasftrn +s les ne�ll us
vslldcnuel versious of middle schtmil c�urriculuefts,'I'lly
gMOMHUml 111%0 p1s4dV-% ae;l+le�olic ilnel socaH41lt�,tl
lr:linlllg Ilumngll aelol( edut-tl!ieill ca�ttte;a In the
pnnvhicimf loads.
3. Nigher education
1�igher climalional imlituliutls t1F all kends 1;m.
pr1114e- ritual ,flies the cristnlfy's lilu�rlliurt frm.t the
]f1 llatteNe. Alnulsl one-half of Ihe llikll >chelnl
gnedtlule�s cuter celllvge.
N -11 ys lire' 619915-t gttlMiou e'enlfroilling S llith
Korean cefuralh11i �s whclher the ml;el�vely large
esiNvildillm-S for 11 art ile�itig uaadw t-mviviiay mull
eFf(�e'Ilsrly felt ill" -.:-.wife! Will 0001,eativ gfe le'th of tl;v
CtIlllify, `uuih xllwl 9 eflucutinwil nnllay.- run: from
25i if Ate rtatiorwl Midget ill lite evar gars to more
than 18% in 10701.
The elualfly of lii,;lirr edmcvetiou varic5 widely (110111
line 11101111thm (el anulher. Even lilt- Ix'sl collt� e n,;titd
uuivenii[cs have limiltxl resturci fin�ilities !toll
Illadvillialy libr.mvs, and there is 11 serious shortage of
lestlxxlk.411111 referrncr stork, lit the Kelmmt htrigIrage.
Molly faculty 1W1- 11111w, lire onuhll. 146 ke-ep Ill [much
ss��llt nuxlrm research Ill !heir u�sitrcl� fields.
i:oil,aluellll Iliey ftcgm -illy offer lostruellou frilln
lenagtlulcvl tit ouldnIM smiree1 and provide umly 41
minilnnnl of laIllmllmry svetrk; ill tire scivnem. iieti:011u
of lite limited tihltuy lilt(] lmlltsrilory rew iumvs,
stu:lenh sim id alum hones lit class (114111 -.retold Ile
lypirWl Ili a U.S. iwMatiou elf higher Icaruiou. 'I'ltc
Imlettelloll is !dubst exclusively by IL -0111, ;lair! Illy
chesseh rare large. There is ,a getlertt lack of volimt
cuittinuily, xalucner, nr iutcgrttirtry uhicb
resuhM apixalyd in 6nl% a linsitetl midleam. The
511laivc erllvttcd to Meier$ fn literary iountais and
lit'�palmrs, their tnlditionul �tedfu, was gradually
mhnx -1, leading eventually lo'the prrblica ion 6f
many s3uxiulimd poetry nwgavines unit it revivctii
inlemt in Ixwity. D,lring 1972, lrnel Kim Chi -hu fiat
iult) trou111e will' the govenlmrnt for publishing "Five
Thieves" and other pex+ms which were inlerliretetl as
alit igovcrrtrnent satires,
Petinting and scurpturr Ina r been stimulated by
freetucnt exhibitions c)f 1x1I1 Westem tout Keiman
works. Members of two groups of yvuttg Ixdrsters �the
Trrchdit llfrlguk (Itrpullic of Kja a) and the ilaeryuk
(Korea) art6t asxxintiolis �have eshihitcd works In
galleries abr:uid as well ss :n KOMI. Sculpltlrr. the
least kllowo art d"Pite lie hectare of stone El1111
frcortt il'e Silhl dynasty and icsver relit's of the 1'i
Atylrrsty. is pmctimd as ;r creative art by sasnr
devult", but nlujor cn1n1i \vinns Ore fo sr statues of
!Great lxrxarrtities C. the lx)st. PaiaHlig aill>calpturr
entries irs naliotarl ex1111rftiuns i(ellulr lxrlls 1111KIM)
mill trulilfonal works (Figure 2.31.
,!nsic is appre6aled throughout the cvotintry., alt(
K6leans particul:lrly c11joy singing. Guests at social
evemis are often expected to A119 'WHIP Or do 5010
daim" as start of the oceasinli s cli n.ascot. Syn1p }run
nwheslrrs and chamber and choral music graitlps are
lo)Inalur. The N;dinilal Synlpbony Orchmtra it ndotNei
crISLIlihles give fre:aluent Coll certs� jargely (it
ituditirnial Westem nimic Intl sulncli;nes ineiuding
Korean numixrs udupled for Western hotruments.
Yu IV I- sang most ootcdofmw In Koreatt
"In1l oen �Ilas won all 1111crtustio11ul reputation ror
Ills syngohony, "Steak; Rased on Korcan ciiust lit u sie,
;roll Inote rmumly for his opera, "Situ Chong, ulucb
premiered in Mtmieli in August 1972, Korean
inslnionrcntalisfu frequently score high in ioterreatio11al
mlitests; plaotsA Palk Kira -ivoo wits one of toter
finalists it) the Uni!ed Stairs* pet- stigiouv ].en- intritt
coal petition Of 1971.
Koreans Air- rand of the ilimier, and clussivat anal
mmemlioniry plays by Shakespeare. Eugene O'Neill,
and more remat playwrights err mvmived with
enthusiasm, as ;tm traditional and ruodcnl Komall
prexhrctions. Atthoogh exod)ilaut prexltectil)11 amts
draslically curtail ioerformurtem of dr ma pimps other
than th aw attached Ito univerxifies, at least two sina
[mill" vven aclivc in 3iruul in t;arly 1973. The
Shflhunn Keekehang (Experimental 'rheatrical'rmupe
was putthig 4)n tnidifiuitul d rarnus with a nuxfrnt
IN010109iv:d taint, while the Chayu Kukchang
(Freedum thruter) presented avaslt -garde dramas
such m l oolm 8 Tu Prima Donvia.
Under the ouspicrs of lire Mirsictry Of Ctslteare and
Public lnfornialimn. nuliosowidei )lsusic;d and
theatrical ro of ?sts are held, and public sehaiuts h ave
Incre tsinRly emphasized the flue arts. Stanv awards
and Prizes have 1wen mlablidied by hrlthfiovemment
and private: groups in order to encourage lilenitilre and
atlier arts, and a classical pictry crmtcst laritigs
patticipants In Seoul from all liver the country each
ycur. S illlr 1969 &P Ministry has presen the Kowa
Cultam�Arts awards, which pay the- eeluivalerlt of
USS�f I,tili0 u year 14) winners in 10 cutegorles.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
FIGURE 22. Students at Natlonal Classical Munical
Insfilule ploying trodiltonal nnosle an KoywAa
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080009 -8
FIGURE 23. Nailmml Art Exhibition wrics, 1970
Tllc govenlnsent clxnW"r+ all olinual folk art festival
:uttl N living to 6Tp aflt:it 51101 gsouPs ms 11w
Nanuadang Shaiislxsmast tvpe tr.,u;x-s of rru.0 And
Ix +ys a�hn unIM travelvd wicfrjy. 111cm- islink iip old
plays In rural us -ell ;is tulusn a11(heotes. C:hiut-x
c+rsurt duncr> and sotrdc, a hick IGIVC survirctit in Korta
bang of rr their (INIPllearonee in tlicir hoinehnld, see
ulco ]ring kc111 alis�e uuth'r guct.rnnsent %pow -.ot, hil
'rhe first 5-ftsr callim- and art development plan,
IN'girrrling in 191, will mare conlinuml govemtarnt
sn1)port her 11roiVel5 aisacst jtl reviving u;ititmaI cultum�
A Korean folk uric Iniope p;lrticfp;s ed in till
lntvrnatimial Folk Ails Festivai at 111e ttloticls
01 snpic Ca in 14172 and ��as Vitt ltti+iastic: ill
ftxT1vtnl is FATo pe, the Middle Fast, ;11x] 'i'hailand.
Despile the rigor ref amternporiFp Koresn ur!Wic
and inteikelo rl en6avor. knuwltdge antl ;giprttiia-
$io[* of what is living done is linsltmi In u w4i,tively
ssrall notnlre� of tilncated IM"111L. who live nsiwtly to
thee citit -s. Llr.likr japan, wlcich hax had all iniprxtuut
ni -whant e!.m for sevrril centurim, So till! Korea is
jnCt ht to tlr vclop 1111 urluln sssiddle ciacs that
vokild ]xtx]ut a 11oinge49% isltrrest ill tlm Wtirld of
fashions. tire: ter, nrasic. line] literatwe. to the
nuantinle, litosit SAl uth Kortarts contImlt. to hMlk to the
distant 1wi us the elrllutdinwlit of their eniturr]
J. Pudic information
Publiv infinniuti. It r i'diu uh cornlstralirrly new in
Soulh K oy-a- Mader the 1'i dymotp. lxrttks Herr the
chief 111euns of runinisinic:dion ether thnn wow rif
mouth. After aesnrrdnK >;orca. the jtilanthc wok
9:41vantage of mudeni clevclnprnrnts io the daily paK.c.
radio, stage, uud rrxrtim, pictun:ti prim;irily for
1 111'r1w1wr.. Sitax 194:5 poptilar inten-sl in
Public Iufotniation incdiu has n tititile l us the literic.1
level lut� "m and atmmunicltiou fucilitivi have
linprovLel. DF �spite irlwunitictia xt1Yl!M1Aithtt e ffort% to
coutnd ptdItc iuforrriu li n, tio lit h Kernarts �.iit uAwit
Ccnlers and Increasingly in novel areas ate fairly well
ii4orrned ulrout muji>rul[yl r1111u1t
phlgralw% jilt- humifcnst live.
GI Lady 19T3 no r�stiftl:iEtvl I oql1&111 '1A 5ct, slew
lwlit!VL to lie in Ilse in South Kowa. Urig�nall most
sets tcenr ingx)r14A frllor Jap all mid Ihv Crgiir(I Maim
and were mviictr largely ley Well- fum�lim fn Il
Sand 111111 I'ns:lll area. The govtn)o)vill is fixlcrir)g
the 41on1cslic l)nahrtiion of '1 %cis, lumeve 11114
hoixpc to work onl some rrlcans of we lling 'I rt'l�c�v,
tit tiuutli Klln�::e households 4011 a ulorllhly nslallnlenl
basis. 'Chouviods t)f Seilal cif �v ll.c lhmuged arc::trul
Ilse few T1' h'erilm than in that oily to Hatch the
landfng of lilt- first nten fill the 1111uI) ill joky. ME), 11111!
TVyieweM ti ll utverSlni suit�illc 20 111Q1yolpic
(.;illll's 111�ld III Mllllith IA Atig11m arld 5e1Itelltl)rr
K. Suggestians for ftlrthclr reading (U /OU)
[Irlftcll, Vfticrlll S. It� A Kunxol Rriitcctt
Farul crrlr! Sca. C ilrnhddl:r: lar and Ulliycr%lly l rose,
lire I- :1 c1m,rprrhens sIlidy of Sn1lclt:I %Is ie:nlrs a t.1 ;ly, consims
I' '11111Y of alas :11111 119111 rrttcrrlainmcol. M(r4l
programs migimlte 11) scowl :Ind arc ndavvil bu
R ;Inllal stal�o115, e11yCrili9 (111� Ilrharl ;111(1 l)tllsl (if lilt.
rllr:J :IAtiU df Se011111 Kllh�a. "S 11411 In Irarlsrllil. over
pritgrim hours I ue'ck to \'Drill Knrra and lu till
large Km au 111 ltiarity �n the 1'rllllles Itcp11hlic of
Clilfta. The mmirid of 11w5 prilgr nss t4as lu rg ely
a (dJlnnlllllltii. Iml sifter the tti'll Karca% Nwill-
Stn)tll Clnirdiet;ding C;ouultitll,e' a};re in Nilvem1wr
11173 III halt) "Illlli iltd Slalllll'rltlg" 1111 Naomi piligmins.
St-nill has; 5lopiw of arllltflllleilig arty broad sts as Iwillg
specifk:llly thrrigilvd f1r Narth F Iff or the i(4prCa6t
t�anllttunitr it China, KHC dotes IrnrISfIIII 1111(l11l 11
progru1) ltuun lx r ctrl; 1o111e Kumarlsh) f 111)1111. KliC;
alse IrlrlsnlNs J)wgram. lti 1"lilotm Asia. will Imirr
America ill English, Frraell, Jaitallescr,
M:aldurin. and S ilisli.
!n ad(1lti +)tt 111 !hc guccrn�tcul nidfu, Sfitttll Kuna
has Iti'11 Small climi11Crcial flt't ii71tI4S, Ille iMlinllwn
Iiroadlatling (:(lrp. and the �liulgyang 3inaele- a%litig
Company, plug tilt' non�1)[4411 Chriklilill EEro;Idc:tstltllr
tiyslrrll :old +cycrJ iodic �dull stations cmitnIled by
private apt[ rell,titius it6ty tr sty. fly hlte 1973 theme: Herr
Illm ;lt 73 radi mad r ;lrul[yl r1111u1t
phlgralw% jilt- humifcnst live.
GI Lady 19T3 no r�stiftl:iEtvl I oql1&111 '1A 5ct, slew
lwlit!VL to lie in Ilse in South Kowa. Urig�nall most
sets tcenr ingx)r14A frllor Jap all mid Ihv Crgiir(I Maim
and were mviictr largely ley Well- fum�lim fn Il
Sand 111111 I'ns:lll area. The govtn)o)vill is fixlcrir)g
the 41on1cslic l)nahrtiion of '1 %cis, lumeve 11114
hoixpc to work onl some rrlcans of we lling 'I rt'l�c�v,
tit tiuutli Klln�::e households 4011 a ulorllhly nslallnlenl
basis. 'Chouviods t)f Seilal cif �v ll.c lhmuged arc::trul
Ilse few T1' h'erilm than in that oily to Hatch the
landfng of lilt- first nten fill the 1111uI) ill joky. ME), 11111!
TVyieweM ti ll utverSlni suit�illc 20 111Q1yolpic
(.;illll's 111�ld III Mllllith IA Atig11m arld 5e1Itelltl)rr
K. Suggestians for ftlrthclr reading (U /OU)
[Irlftcll, Vfticrlll S. It� A Kunxol Rriitcctt
Farul crrlr! Sca. C ilrnhddl:r: lar and Ulliycr%lly l rose,
lire I- :1 c1m,rprrhens sIlidy of S