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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDPOl- 00707R000200070024.2
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now
published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per-
ishability can be updated on an individual basis. These chapters� Country
Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog-
raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and
Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters,
particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to
all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only
minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into
one volume.
Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact
book, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta-
tistical data found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of the factbook
omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence
and security organizations.
Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS
Program, production of these sect �,ons has been phased out. Those pre-
viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major
portion of the study is considered valid.
A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory
of Available NIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent
classified Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and
number and includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the
ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization.
Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate
chapters of th? General Surveys can be obtained directly or through
liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Int:-Aligence
Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction
of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi-
nated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
This ducument contains information affecting the national defesise of the United States, within the
meaning of title 18, sections 793 and 794 of the US code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation
of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibired by law.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re-
leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern-
ment or international body except by specific authorization
of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with
the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di-
rective No. 1.
For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the
portions so marked may be made available for official pur-
poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel
provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or
the National Intelligence Survey.
Subsections and graphics are ind'evidually classified
according to content. Classification /control designa-
tions are:
(U /OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only
(C) Confidential
(S) Secret
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
I_1 �:160 :1 ll7f]:a:01 Fill 11 I1Z Qillyflfl:i1I1I1XIIIIIN111YZ &a
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3. Gdansk� Gdynia
G. Approaches
4. Szczecin (Stettin)
1. Land
5. Other important areas
2. Sea
F. Internal routes
3. Air
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
Fig. 1
Location and comparative area (map)
Fig. 12
The village of Murzasichle photo)
Fig. 2
Characteristics of the climate ("WP
Fig. 13
Warsaw �Lodz strategic area map)
and graphs)
Fig. 14
High -rise buildings in Warsaw
Fig. 3
Distinctive geographic factors table)
Fig. 15
Warsaw photo)
Fig. 4
Cultivated field in the Polish Plains
Fig. 16
Upper Silesia strategic area (nap)
Fig. 5
Cross country movement of
Fig. 17
Coke plant at Katowice photo)
conventional forces map)
Fig. 18
Gdansk Gdynia strategic area (vwp)
Fig. 6
Amphibious landing areas table)
Fig. 19
Szczecin strategic area (nap)
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Beach at Sopot photo)
The countryside near Lowicz photo)
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Szczecin photo)
Other important areas table)
Fig. 9
Upper slopes of the Sudeten
Fig. 22
Internal routes table)
mountains (p hoto
Fig. 23
Boundary data table)
Fig. 10
Forest in the Sudeten mountains
Fig. 24
Land approaches (table)
Fig. 25
Military geographic factors
Fig. 11
The Carpathian Mountains (photo)
(nap) follows
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
Military Geography
A. General (U /OU)
Located on the North European Plain between
Western Europe and the U.S.S.R., Poland has the
painful distinction of being a historical area of armed
conflict. The country has been ravaged for centuries
by superior military forces and laid waste by armies
that have taken advantage of its easy terrain to reach
objectives elsewhere.
All of Poland's land boundaries are shared with
comember Warsaw. Pact countries �East Germany to
the west, Czechoslovakia to the south, and the
U.S.S.R. to the east (Figure 25). In the north there is a
305 -miles coast exposed to the Baltic Sea. The
country's southern borders are marked by a chain of
mountains and hills that effectively interrupt the
movement of ground forces except thruugh a river gap
known as the Moravian Gate.
Together with East Germany, Poland functions as a
Soviet buffer zone against attack from the west.
Conversely, this position provides a choice stage to
muster offensive forces against the NATO line of
defense in the west; most NATO affiliated European
capitals are less than 1,200 nautical miles away
(Figure 1).
Since World War II, Poland has been transformed
from a predominantly rural and agricultural society
into a society that is predominantly urban and
industrial. Postwar government policies of ubaniza-
tion and industrialization have caused a general
movement of population from the countryside into
existing and newly created urban centers. Calling to
mind the fierce but futile Warsaw Uprising during
World War II, these centers may play a iortress role in
future conflicts.
A roughly square shaped country approximately
100 miles on a side, Poland has an area of 120.600
square miles and is slightly larger than Ohio, Indiana,
and Kentucky combined (Figure 1). The estimated
population is about 33.2 million. The country would
be hard to defend, except in the mountainous south,
'Distances are in .statute miles unless nautical miles are specif-
ically stated.
501987 11.73
FIGURE 1. Location and comparative area (U /OU)
because of a lack of natural barriers. Rivers are the
only hindrance to the free movement of military
ground forces in most of the country (Fi 25), and
even the largest streams form only limited obstacles.
B. Topography (U /OU)
Approximately 90% of Poland is a densely
populated, mostly cultivated, rolling plain crossed by
generally north flowing, meandering streams. The
remainder of the country, the extreme south and
southwest, consists of the rounded, forested, sparsely
populated Sudeten Mountains and the more rugged,
forested, sparsely populated Carpathian Mountains.
C. Climate (U /OU)
The climate is predominantly maritime but is
modified at times by continental influences. During
winter (December through February) the intense
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10 10 10
S 3 5
30 30
20 f 20 20
10 10 10
allo lip P"s
30 30
20 20
10 I I 10-,
20 0 M
FIGURE 2. Precipitation, snowfall days, relative humidity, cloudiness, thunderstorm days, and temperatures (U /CCU)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
Icelandic low and the equally intense Siberian high
direct a flow of cold, moist Atlantic air from the west
or southwest over Poland. Imbedded in this flow is a
moderate incidence of cyclonic activity. These storms
and their associated Fronts cause long periods of
inclement weather, characterized by overcast skies,
frequent precipitation, poor visibility, and a raw,
damp condition. This regime is interrupted
occasionally when invasions of polar continental air
from the Siberian high bring very cold, dry, sunny
weather for brief periods. During summer (June
through August) the extension of the Azores nigh over
Europe directs a flow of warm, less moist Atlantic air
from the west or northwest over Poland. Although
showers and thunderstorms are frequent, the weather
is very much improved in this season, with mainly
partly cloudy skies, better afternoon visibility, lower
relative humidity, and a generally mild pleasant
condition. On occasions during summer, hot dry winds
from the south or southeast cause abnormally high
temperatures. Spring (March through May) and
autumn (September through November) are transi-
tional seasons.
Winter temperatures are quite low. Mean daily
maximum temperatures generally rise :only to freezing
or slightly above (Figure 2), whereas mean daily
minimums are in the 20's F.) and teens. The lowest
temperatures, resulting from outbreaks of cold air from
the east, often fall below zero and occasionally reach
�20 �F. anc �30 �F. Maximum cloudiness occurs in
winter, averaging over 70% throughout the season.
Low- hanging stratocumulus cloud decks are
widespread, and there are only occasional breaks in
the overcast. Winter precipitation is frequent and
mostly in the form of snow. However, accumulations
are small, and mean monthly amounts are generally
less than 2 inches over most of the country. The winter
snows and low temperatures result in a snow cover that
is persistent in the south but becomes intermittent in
the north. The poorest v ?sibility conditions are
encountered during this season. Fogs are common in
the morning and occasionally last throughout the day.
The frequent overcast skies and restricted visibilities
result ip tong periods of dull, gloomy weather. Relative
humidity remains high throughout winter, in the 80's
and 90's, and creates a penetrating dampness
which is alleviated only during the invasions of drier
air from the east. Surface winds are light to moderate
and predominantly southwesterly in this season over
most of the country. Strong winds, 30 knots or gre.: ter,
range from occasional to frequent in the southern
Summer temperatures are pleasantly mild or warm.
Mean daily temperatures range between maximums in
the upper 66s �F.) or low 70's to minimums in the low
or middle 50's. Mean temperatures are 10 to 20 de-
grees cooler ii-i the southern mountains. During the
infrequent spells of hot, dry winds from the south or
southeast, temperatures rise abruptly to the 90�F. to
100�F. range. Mean monthly cloudiness is at a
minimum in this season, generally averaging between
55% and 60% throughout the country. Cloud cover is
greatest during the afternoon, when convective
activity expands the cumulus puffs into large cloud
masses. The frequency of precipitation remains high in
summer. The showery type of rainfall results in
increased mean monthly amounts, generally ranging
between 2 and 6 inches. The heaviest rain falls during
thunderstorms, most of which occur in May through
August on 3 to 7 days per month. Light fogs in the
early morning also remain fairly frequent but quickly
dissipate by late moming. Afternoon visibility in this
season is much improved and offers the best conditions
of the year. Relative humidity is mole tolerable in
summer, especially when afternoon average values are
mostly in the 55% to 65% range. Weak westerly winds
prevail, but strong winds of short duration may occur
during thunderstorms.
D. Military geographic regions (C)
Poland is divided into three military geographic
regions on the basis of environmental conditions that
would affect operations: the Polish Plains, the Sudeten
Mountains and Hills, and the Carpathian Mountains
and Hills (Figure 25). The principal geographic factors
that make each region distinct are shown in Figure 3.
1. Polish Plains
This region, which covers approximately 90% of
Poland, is suited for most military ground operations.
It is predominantly a cultivated, gently rolling plain
(Figure 4); there are mixed forests on sandy soils in
lowlands, scattered marshes, and sw;.mps along the
middle and lower reaches of stream. A few scattered
areas of low, forested hills and stream dissected
uplands rise above the surrounding plain in the
Southeast. The region is drained principally by the
extensive Oder and Vistula systems, which are
characterized by wide, meandering :fiver- having
marshy flood plains. The road and rail netw;nks are
well developed and serve both the numerous large
cities and populous rural areas; the networks are
extensive and especially dense west of the Vistula.
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FIGURE 3. Distinctive geographic factors (U/OU)
Polish Plains Sudeten Mountains and Hills Carpathian Mountains and Hills
Elevation above sea level
700 or less
1,000 to slightly over 5,000....
1,000 to slightly over 8,000.
(in feet).
Steep; rock
Steep; rock..................
Steep; rocky bluffs and gorges.
Local relief (ir3 feet)......
500 or less
2,000 or more................
2,000 or more.
Slope (in percent)
10 or less
30 or less....................
45 or less.
Rock or gravel
Rock or gravel...............
Cobbles, pebbles, and gravel.
High water............
Late February through early
Late February through early
Late March and early April,
May, locally Nnvember to
May, locally in July.
locally late June through July.
Low water
May and August through
August through November....
September through November.
Upper course........
Steep; rock
Steep; rock..................
Steep; rocky bluffs and gorges.
Lower course........
Low; sand, silt, or clay........
Low; sand, silt, or clay........
Steep; rock.
Upper course........
Rock or gravel
Rock or gravel...............
Cobbles, pebbles, and gravel.
Lower course........
Sand or mud
Gravel, sand, or mud.........
Inland waterways connect most major population,
industrial, and foreign trade centers but are not used
to full capacity.
The principal road network is mostly bituminous
surfaced and suited for sustained military movements
year round. Secondary pads are numerous but in
many places are not suited for military traffic.
Extensive areas are moderately to well suited for the
construction of new roads.
Vehicular offroad dispersal and cross country
movement (Figure 5) would be generally unimpeded
over the central plains section when the soils are dry
(May to October) and frozen or snow- covered (late
December to March). The only major terrain obstacles
are extensive marshes and swamps in the east and
northeast and large rivers that in many places flow
through marshy valleys. Soils are soft and large areas
untrafficable during the spring thaw, beginning in late
March or early April and lasting 2 to 6 weeks, and
following autumn rain- producing frontal systems,
usually in October.
There are few opportunities for concealment from
air and ground observation, and troops operating in
this region would be handicapped by the lack of
natural cover from flat trajectory fire. In much of the
region the only cover and concealment available
viould be in built -up areas.
Conditions are generally suited for the construction
of bunker -type installations except in hill areas in the
southeast and along major river valleys. The deep soils
and low relief make conditions generally unsuited for
the construction of tunnel -type installations.
Most of the region is well suited for airmobile and
airborne operations. Many places are suitable for use
as drop zones, helicopter landing zones, or for landings
of assualt -type aircraft on unprepared surfaces.
Moreover, once on the ground, troops could move
quickly to their objectives, either on the numerous
FIGURE 4. The Polish Plains are
cultivated for rye, wheat, sugar
beets, and potatoes. This field near
Poznan is being harvested for rye,
Poland's most important grain
crop. (U/OU)
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Limit o! Polish
0 25 50 75 100 Miles
0 25 50 75 100 Kilometers
FIGURE 5. Cross country movement of conventional forces (C)
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Plains and low hills, few large streams
Fair to good*; unsuited during late autumn
Fair; unsuited during late autum
Fair to good.
and many small streams.
rains, in periods of winter thaws, and
rains, in periods of winter thaws,
during spring runoff.
and during spring runoff.
Plains with many lakes. forested plains,
Poor; severely restricted in direction by
Same as for tracked vehicles.
Poor to good.
and plains along major streams.
takes, forests, and compartmented by
streams. Unsuited during late autumn
rains, in periods of winter thaws, and
during spring runoff.
Perennially wet plains; some areas
Poor; fair when frozen.
with dense networks of canals and
forested hills and steep
*The conditions shown are for May to October, the optimum season for conducting ground operations.
FIGURE 5. Cross country movement of conventional forces (C)
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roads or cross country. Climatic conditions for
airborne operations are most favorable in summer,
when there is a minimum of cloud cover and fog.
There are many airfields, mainly in the northwest and
south, and numerous sites are suitable for the
construction of new airfields. Runway alignments
would seldom be restricted, and little grading and
clearing would be required.
The coast is mostly unsuitable for large -scale
amphibious landings because of partly obstructed
approaches, stretches of bluffs at the coastline, and
numerous obstructions to movement inland from the
coast. Of the stretches of coast that are suitable for
large -scale landings, all but a few are along the
western part of the coast and the best of these is in the
vicinity of "Molobrzeg (Figures 6 and 25). Along the
eastern part of the coast the best stretch is between
Gdansk and Gdynia (Figure 7).
Irregular warfare operations would be severely
restricted by the open, nearly level terruia and
moderately ,Tense population. Movement would be
easy except following rains and the spring thaw when
the ground is soft and muddy. In small, scattered areas
of forests, swamps, bogs, and marshes movement is
restricted year round. The value of forested areas for
purposes of concealment is diminished by the presence
of relatively open surrounding terrain, moderately
dense population, and easy accessibility by numerous
roads. The population is concentrated mainly in
industrial and commercial centers in the western part
of the region. There is at least one large city in almost
every province, and numerous small villages dot the
countryside (Figure 8). Food and water would be
available mostly in the central and southern sections
FIGURE 6. Amphibious landing areas (C)
FIGURE 7. This beach at Sopot, midway between the
cities of Gdansk and Gdynia, is well suited for large
scale amphibious landings from the Baltic Sea. The beach
is 5 3 /4 miles long and has a maximum width of 135 yards.
Exits from the beach are good to all parts of the Gdansk
Gdynia strategic area. (C)
of the region, but many water supplies are
contaminated and would require treatment. Shelter
and natural fuel would be most plentiful in the forests.
Large supplies of food, clothing, medical supplies,
small arms, and ammunition would be available only
at s ^.tittered storage depots, mainly in the large cities.
Supply by air would be relatively easy in the nearly
flat to rolling terrain.
2 Sudrten Mountains and Hills
This sparsely populated region is mostly unsuited
for military ground operations. It consists of generally
parallel mountain ranges oriented in a northwest-
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Number of beaches...........
4 major, 1 minor
1 major.
Beach lengths
3 to 9.2 miles..................
5.7 miles.
Total usable length...........
30.5 miles
Beach widths:
Lnw water
10 to 110 yards................
20 to 135 yards.
Beach material
Sand, some gravel..............
Moderately firm.
Tidal range
4 feet or more..................
4 feet A* more.
Occurrence (maximum;
19% July thru September.......
10% JaL'lary thru March.
Nearshore bottoms:
Mild to gentle.................
Sand; sol!le gravel, rock, mud....
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
southeast direction, rolling to steep hills, dissected
slopes, and scattered, rounded mountain summits
(Figure 9). Scattered basin areas are commonly found
between the ridges. The region is drained principally
by the swift headwaters of streams flowing northward
to the Oder River. Both the rail and road networks are
sparse. Except for main roads, which are bituminous
surfaced and in fair to good condition, most roads are
gravel or unimproved earth and are sometimes
impassable during rainy periods. The rail lines are
largely double track.
Nearly all vehicular movement would be limited to
the roads, most of which lead through basins and
narrow, steep -sided valleys. Sharp curves and steep
grades would slow movement, and in winter snow and
ice impede traffic. Landslides occasionally block roads
during the spring. Even under favorable conditions
only a few principal roads could sustain year -round
FIGURE 9. Upper slopes of the
Sudeten mountains south of Jelenia
Gora are steep, rocky, and support
only sparse vegetation. Maximum
elevations are nearly 5,000
feet. (U /OU)
military traffic. Terrain favorable for the construction
of new roads is found only on the valley and basin
floors and in the rolling hills near the Polish Plains
Conditions for vehicular offroad dispersal and cross
country movement are mostly unsuited because of
steep slopes, dense foresis, and rough terrain.
Vehicular movement off the roads would be
practicable only in large basins and in areas near the
Polish Plains.
Evergreen forests on the middle and upper slopes of
the mountains provide year -round concealment from
ground and air observation (Figure 10). Deciduous
forests on the lower mountain slopes and in hilly areas
provide good seasonal concealment. Num--rous surface
irregularities afford cover from flat- trajectory fire.
Large areas are suited for the construction of
underground installations. Shallow soils, exposed
bedrock, and steep slopes severely restrict construction
of bunker -type installations. Areas of loess in the
northern part of the hills area are well- suited for
bunker -type installations. Locally, fractured and
faulted rock poses problems in the construction of
tunnel -type installations.
Most of the region is unsuited for airmobile and
airborne operations because of steep, rugged slopes
and dense forests. Sites suited for drop zones or for
helicopter landing zones are limited to the scattered,
larger basins. On the ground, troops would be
confined to the roads, where their movement could be
blocked easily. Climatic conditions for airborne and
airmobile operations are most favorable in summer,
when there are mild temperatures, low wind speeds,
and minimal cloudiness and fog. There are few
existing airfields and few sites suitable for the
construction of new airfields. Only in the scattered,
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FIGURE 8. The countryside near Lowicz, west of Warsaw,
is almost wholly pastoral. The rural villages and scattered
farmsteads are cor,,ected by tree -lined roads. (U /OU)
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FIGURE 10. Nearly all forest lands
in Poland are under state control.
The random spread and growth of
these trees in the Sudeten mountains
south of Jelenia Gora indicates a
a lack of planned forestry
management. (U /OU)
larger basins and va!leys are sites available that would
require little grading and clearing. In most of these
sites, however, the runway alignments and approaches
would be restricted.
Irregular warfare operations would be confined by
the rugged terrain, for the most part, to troops trained
in mountain operations. Within basins, movement is
restricted by bogs, lakes, and miry soils during the
spring thaw and after heavy rains. The sparse
population is concentrated mainly in villages and
towns in the basins and valleys. Food is available
mostly in the cultivated parts of the hills and basins.
Potable water is available only from swift mountain
streams; elsewhere, it is contaminated and must be
treated before using. Shelter and natural fuel would be
most plentiful in the forests. Large supplies of food,
clothing, medical supplies, small arms, and
ammunition would not be readily available. Supply
by air would be limited to isolated basins and valleys,
most of which have restricted approaches.
3. Carpathian Mountains and Hills
Unsuited for most military ground operations, this
region consists of mountains oriented in a east -west
direction, extensive hilly areas, and scattered basins.
The mountains are more extensive and the footbi!is are
more rugged than those in the Sudeten Mountains and
Hills Region. In Poland, the Carpathian Mountains
range from broad, discontinuous, heavily forested
ridges in the west to sharp, barren ridges and jagged
summits in the central section (Figure 11). The hills
are rugged and largely forested near the mountainous
sections, but in many scattered areas, especially
adjacent to the Polish Plains, the hills are more
rounded and are partially cleared for pasture and
cultivation. Most of the region is drained by the
headwaters of streams which flow swiftly northward to
the Vistula River. The rail and road networks are
sparse and less developed than the networkF in other
parts of the country. Most of the roads are unimproved
FIGURE 11. The Carpathian Moun-
tains have the highest elevations in
Poland. The lagged, barren crests
of these mountains near 'Zakopane
form the boundary with
Czechoslovakia. (U /OU)
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and passable only in dry weather. The few
bitumimous- surfaced roads are generally oriented
north� south, and single -track railroads extend through
the large river valleys, basins, and major passes at
elevations of 1,600 to 2,000 feet. Most inhabitants of
this sparsely populated region live in the basins and
valleys (Figure 12) near the major lines of
Some areas are suitable only for troops specially
trained and equipped For mountain operations. Steep,
forested slopes restrict vehicular movement to the
roads, and unimproved roads become untrafficable
after heavy summer rains and during the spring thaw.
Even on the few principal roads which extend through
the large basins and valleys, steep grades and sharp
curves hinder vehicular movement. Heavy snows,
sometimes several feet deep, halt vehicular movement
for extended periods nearly every year. In spring,
landslides occasionally block roads. The terrain is
unfavorable for the construction of new roads, mostly
because of rugged relief, and considerable grading and
clearing would be necessary in most areas. Only on the
floors of large basins and valleys and in scattered areas
along the northern fringe of the rolling hills would
construction be practicable. River valleys would be the
only source of sand and gravel, although much
bedrock is available for crushing.
Both offroad dispersal and cross country movement
would be hindered severely by the rugged relief and
dense forests. Vehicular movement off the roads would
be possible only in large basins and in scattered areas
among the rolling hills. Year -round concealment frorr.
air and ground observation would be afforded by
dense evergreen forests on the upper slopes; large
deciduous stands provide seasonal concealment on the
lower slopes and in the hilly 'areas. Surface
irregularities afford Lover from flat trajectory fire.
Conditions are largely favorable for the construction
of underground installations. Only narrow areas of
loess on the outer edges of the hills are well suited for
banker -type installations; locally, fractured and
faulted rock poses pr)blems in constructing tunnel
type installations.
Most of the region is unsuited for airmobile and
airborne operations because of the rugged relief and
dense forests. Sites suitable as drop zones or for
helicopter landing zones are limited to the large
basins. There are few airfields that could be used to
support airborne operations. Only in the large basins
are there sites which would require a minimum of
grading and clearing for the construction of new
airfields, and at most of these sites alignments of
runways and approaches would be restricted.
Irregular warfare operations would be confined by
the rugged terrain, for the most part, to troops trained
in mountain operations. Within the basins, movement
is restricted by bogs, by lakes, and by miry soils during
the spring thaw and after heavy rains. The sparse
population is concentrated mainly in the villages and
towns in basins, although isolated farms outside of
settlements are common. Food is available mostly in
the cultivated parts of the hills and basins. Potable
water is available only from swift mountain streams;
elsewhere, it is contaminated and must be treated
before using. Shelter and natural fuel are most
plentiful in the forests. Large supplies of food,
clothing, medical supplies, small arms, and
ammunition would not be readily available. Supply
b./ air would be limited to isolated larger basins, most
of which have restricted approaches.
E. Strategic areas (C)
Four areas designated as strategically significant
are: Warsaw� Lodz, Upper Silesia in the south,
Szczecin, and Gdansk� Gdynia (Figure 25).
'For diacritics on place names see the list of names on the
apron of the Military Geographic Factors map, the map itself,
and maps in the text.
T r
W t
FIGURE 12. The village of
Murzasichle is overshadowed by
the stark, commanding heights of
the Carpathians (U /OU)
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FIGURE 13. Warsaw �Lodz strategic area (C)
FIGURE 14. Extensive reconstruction
since the end of World War II has
turned Warsaw into a showcase of
Polish achievement. Among the new
developments are blocks or high
rise apartments, government offices,
and commercial enterprises. (U /OU)
FIGURE 15. Warsaw, the national
capital and largest urban center,
dominates all phases of Polish life.
The skyscraper of the Palace of
Culture in the background is the
tallest buildi ig in Poland. (U /OU)
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The Warsaw �Lodz and Upper Silesia areas are the
country's most important urban centers of industry,
government, and culture. These urban industrial
centers also contain numerous military facilities and
command the country's most important transportation
routes. With their dense concentrations of buildings,
these strategic areas offer a prime footing for organized
resistance in modern warfare. Szczecin and
Gdansk Gdynia are the principal port areas,
containing large shipyards and the country's most
important naval facilities.
1. Warsaw �Lodz
This strategic area (Figure 13) is in the east central
part of Poland. Warsaw, the country's capital and
largest urban center (January 1973 population
1,623,000, including nearby suburbs) is a modern
metropolis (Figures 14 and 1 .5), the focal point of
railroad, highway, and air transportation networks,
and the largest inland port on the Vistula River. A
large, modern airfield nea- the southwest edge of
Warsaw is the principal Polish civil airfield, and as
airfield a short distance northwest of the city ranks
among the best military fields in Poland. Warsaw is
the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and the
national command center of all Polish armed forces. It
is also the site of the country's principal military
academies and has billeting facilities for about 35,000
troops, several supply and ammunition depots, and
other large storage facilities. The city is a major
industrial center and the prime telecommunications
center of the country. It produces about one fourth of
the country's output of electrical, telecommunica-
tions, and electronic equipment. It is also �a large
producer of alloy steel and metals, industrial
machinery, and transportation equipment, including
motor vehicles, tractors, gasoline and diesel engines,
optical and photographic equipment, precision
instruments, pharmaceuticals, and various items of
equipment for the armed forces. Lodz, the second
largest city in Poland (916,000 population, including
nearby suburbs, in January 1973), is also a large
industrial center. It produces about 40% of the
country's textiles. Also of significance is the output of
electrical and telecommunications equipment,
machine tools, textile machinery, dyes, phar-
maceuticals, small arms, and military supplies. It is
the site of several large air force depots and has
barracks for about 10,000 troops, extensive storage
facilities, and an airfield near the southwest edge of
the city. The total storage capacity for refined
petroleum products in the strategic area, excluding
that available at airfields, is 700,000 barrels.
2. Upper Silesia
Called the Ruhr of Roland, this strategic area
(Figure 16) in the south has the largest concentration
of mines and industries in the country and is one of the
leading industrial districts in Europe. The area's
central core has an urban population of almost 2.5
million people largely concentrated in about half a
dozen cities of at least 150,000 inhabitants each. The
outlying cities of Krakow and Czestochowa had
populations of 605,000 and 189,000, respectively, in
January 1973. This strategic area is at the junction of
east -west road and rail routes that link soutFzm
Poland with the U.S.S.R. and East Germany and
north -south road and rail routes that join the Baltic
port areas with southern Poland and Czechoslovakia.
A closely knit web of roads and railroads serves the
numerous industrial and mining installations within
the strategic area. The principal telecommunications
facilities are at Krakow and Katowice. Military
barracks, large ammunition depots, and extensive
storage areas are available near the major mining and
manufacturing centers. Nearly all of the country's
zinc, lead, coal, and most of the domestically
produced coke come from Upper Silesia (Figure 17).
More than 90% of the national capacity for iron and
steel production is in this strategic area, close to the
best domestic deposits of coking coal and iron ore.
Most of the iron and steel plants are in the vicinity of
Katowice, but the largest and most modern steel plant
is near Krakow. Numerous industries produce
synthetic rubber, plastics, and industrial and
agricultural chemicals. The strategic area is also a
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FIGURE 16. Upper Silesia strategic area (C)
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principal producer of armaments, tanks, tracked
artillery prime movers, engineer and telecotnunica-
tions equipment, and other military materiel. Several
military and civilian airfields serve the area. Thr-
storage capacity for refined petroleum products,
excluding that available at the airfields, is estimated at
2 million barrels.
3. Gdansk Gdynia
This strategic area (Figure 18) on the Baltic coast is
one of the two most important port areas in Poland.
Gdansk (January 1973 population 440,000, including
its northern suburb of Sopot) is significant for its bulk
cargo handling facilities (primarily coal, iron ore., and
grain), the nation's largest shipbuilding and ship
repair yards, and a coast guard establishment. The
port exports Polish coal and imports Swedish iron ore.
Ind -rstries produce a significant quantity of
telecommunications and electrical equipment for
maritime uses. Gdvnia (January 1973 population
229,000, including the northern suburb of Rumia) is
the best equipped Polish port and t.Fe country's
principal naval base. It has the nation's third largest
shipyard, important ship repair facilities, and
industries which manufacture marine radio equip-
ment. There are two military airfields, one north of
Gdynia and another south of Gdansk. Large grain
elevators, extensive vegetable -oil processing facilities,
and several fish canneries are in both cities. Excluding
the storage capacity available at the airfields, facilities
are available for an estimated 1.2 million barrels of
refined petroleum products. There are several military
barracks and depots in the strategic area. Naval ships
are berthed mainly at Oksywie and Hel.
4. Szczecin (Stettin)
Situated in northwest Poland near the mouth of the
Oder River, this strategic area (Figure 19) functions a,
FIGURE 17. The Wawel Coke Plant
at Katowice is one of several plants
that process coal for industries in
the Upper Silesia strategic area.
Smoke, steam, and polluted air
mark this area as the heartland
of the Polish iron and steel
industry. (U /OU)
Poland's major port, serving both seagoing and inland
waterway traffic. Szczecin (Figure 20) (January 1973
population 346,000) is the country's principal center
for handling coal exports and Swedish iron ore
imports. Most of the products manufactured in the
Upper Silesia strategic area are shipped through this
port. It has the country's second largest shipyard and a
repair yard for large oceangoing vessels. In addition,
the city is Poland's largest manufacturer of
Gdaii k
.X J,f JJS'"
Ll "R7 7 i.
I`fjf s a 'x'r
-I--i- RaIlrOad
rra Amphibious
landing area
;a. TczeWit
f Airrield
0 5 10
Statute miles
FIGURE 18. Gdansk Gdynia strategic area (C)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
se_�� 4
4 ,1
Autobahn 0
r- Railroad
0 3 6'r
Statute miles
FIGURE 19. Szczecin strategic area (C)
FIGURE 20. The city of Szczecin at
the mouth of the Oder river near the
border of East Germany controls
the flow of both oceangoing and
river traffic into the central part
of Eastern Europe (U /OU)
construction cranes. Major chemical plants produce
sulfuric acid and superphosphate fertilizers. Other
industries include meat and fish canneries, and large
grain elevators. The city also has several large barracks
and military storage areas. There are two airfields, one
of which is military. At Swinoujscie, about 35 miles
north, are two naval bases (one Polish and one Soviet)
with munitions depots and barracks. The estimated
storage capacity for refined petroleum products,
excluding that available at the airfields, is 825,000
5. Other important areas
In addition to the strategic areas, there are four
areas of growing significance: Wroclaw (Breslau),
Bydgoszcz� Torun, Poznan, and Radom Kielce. Each
is an industrial area, having installations manufactur-
ing a wide variety of military and civilian products,
and functions as a military center with extensive
billeting and storage facilities and at least one military
airfield. As transportation centers, all of the areas
dominate regional transport networks, and two of
them Poznan and Wroclaw� occupy strategic
positions astride internal routes leading to East
Germany and Western Europe. Figure 21 provides a
more detailed description of these areas.
F. Internal routes (C)
T` selected internal routes (Figure 25) are the
easiest avenues of movement between the major land
approaches and the strategic areas, from the
amphibious landing area near Kolobrzeg, and
between the strategic areas. Letailed information on
the selected routes is presented in Figure 22. The
offroad dispe.. and vehicular cross- country
movement data presented in Figure 22 describes the
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
FIGURE 21. Other important areas (C)
Wroclaw Fourth largest city. Major rail center of southwest Poland; major inland port on Oder River,
538,000 serving vessels of up to 5.3 -foot draft; ship and railroad repair facilities. Storage for an esti-
mated 307,000 barrels of refined petroleum products (excluding that stored at airfields).
Several powerplants and a combined capacity of 294,300 kilowatts. Headquarters of military
district and air defense zone, ammunition storage, bi ?leting facilities for 15,000 troops, one
military and one civilian airfield, telecommunications center. Industries produce electric
locomotives, railroad passenger cars, seagoing and river vessels, truc::s, buses, trailers, military
vehicles, recoilless guns and antitank missile launchers, ammunition for aircraft cannon and
small arms, fuses for shells and bombs. Also manufactures machine tools, road construction
machinery, electronic and electrical equipment, chemicals, and synthetic fibers.
Bydgoszcz �Torun area:
Radom Kielce area, includes:
Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski.......
Skarzysko Kamienna.........
Significant port on a major canal linking Vistula and Oder rivers, serving vessels up to 5.3 -foot
draft; ship repair facilities; important road and rail junction and major railroad repair shops.
Headquarters of military district and air defense zone, a major air force base, military depots,
ammunition storage, and large billeting facilities. Otte of country's largest producers of
propellants and explosives; a major loader of artillery shells, handgrenades, and mines;
producer of detonators, 'fuses, ammunition, and handgrenade casings. A major producer of
electrical and telecommunications equipment, road construction machinery, and consumer
Port of Vistula River, regional road and rail junction. Large warehouses, and storage facilities
for ammunition and refined petroleum products; extensive billeting facilities. A major pro-
ducer of electrical, electronic, and telecommunications equipment. Manufactures hoisting,
shipboard, and earthmoving machinery, chemicals, fertilizers, textiles, and synthetics; pro-
ducer of processed food.
Fifth largest city. Most important road and rail junction in western Poland; major railroad
repair shops. Center of rich agricultural area and commercial, telecommunications, and
industrial center. Billeting for 13,000 troops; two major military airfields. The principal
manufacturer of marine main diesel engines, electric locomotives, air compressors, specialized
railroad cars, tires, tubes, chemicals, and consumer goods. Industrial output also includes
agricultural machinery, machine tools, ball bearings, and machineguns. Storage facilities for
315,000 barrels of refined petrole +m products (excluding that available at airfields).
A major producer of ball bearings, spark plugs, ignition coils, detonators and other ammunition
components. Metalworks assembles dump truck and tanker bodies, hoisting mechanisms, and
special purpose vehicle bodies; major alumina works.
A major iron and steel plant producing pig iron and crude and rolled steel
A major chemical works producing propellants and explosives.
Telephone equipment plant supplies about 40% of country's total output, partly for military
use; small arms plant; major military airfield.
Largest ammunition manufacturing and loading plant, producing most of Poland's small arms
ammunition; also loads mines, aerial bombs, mortar and artillery shells.
Largest truck plant, producing about one -third of national truck output; also manufactures
diesel truck engines; large iron smelting plant.
terrain adjacent to the route selected; data for cross
country movement away from these routes is given in
Figure 5.
G. Approaches
The perimeter of Poland consists of 305 miles of
coastline and 1,922 miles of land boundaries (Figure
23). Poland claims territorial waters for 3 nautical
miles and fishing rights to 12 nautical miles. (U /OU)
1. Land (C)
Developed transportation facilities in the land
approaches are good. R. )ads are mostly two- or four
lane bituminous or four -lane divided concrete;
railroads are 4'8'/2 gage and single or double track in
East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Railroads in the
U.S.S.R. are 5'0" gage, but transloading facilities to
4'8'/2" gage are generally available at the border.
Offroad dispersal is generally unrestricted. Cross-
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA� RDPOI- 007078000200070024 -2
FIGURE 22. Internal routes (C)
East Germany border near Kostrzyn to
Gdansk Gdynia strategic area. Generally
flat to rolling plain, numerous streams
lakes, and marshes. Mainly evergreen
forest, some cultivation.
East Germany border near Slubice to
Warsaw �Lodz strategic area. Rolling
plain to west of Poznan; more gentle
terrain with low hills, streams, and
marshes to east.
East Germany border near Zary to Upper
Silesia strategic area. Nearly flat to
rolling plains, some forests in west and
east, terrain mostly cultivated.
Czechoslovakia border at Cieszyn to Upper
Silesia strategic area. Route through low
hills and plains in crop, and forests.
U.S.S.R. border in southeast to Upper
Silesia strategic area. Rolling terrain
along edge of foothills, forests in east,
remainder cultivated.
U.S.S.R. border near Hrebenne to Warsaw
Lodz strategic area. Flat to rolling plains
and a few large and many small streams
and ditches; mostly in crops or grass,
forests predominant in extreme north and
in vicinity of Pulawy.
U.S.S.R. border near Terespol to Warsaw
Lodz strategic area. Nearly flat to gently
rolling plains, some low hills and marshes;
mostly cultivated.
U.S.S.R. border near Geniusze to Warsaw
Lodz strategic area. Nearly flat to gently
rolling plain with d;ssected and marshy
areas. Mostly cultivated.
Two to three lanes, intermediate (1.5 to 3.0 Double track, 4 1 8 1 /2" gage, to Pila; single Fair to difficult. Offroad dispersal difficult
inches thick) bituminous, some cobble- track, 4181/2'1 gage, from Pila to strategic in west and some areas in east. CCM
stone and cement concrete stretches. area. partially restricted by forests, lakes,
marshes, and seasonally wet areas.
Two to three lanes, bituminous, good Double track, 4 gage, electrified from Good to poor. Offroad dispersal generally
condition. Cobblestones in towns and Poznan to strategic area. easy. CCM partially restricted, par
villages. ticularly in west, because of rivers,
peat bogs, and seasonally wet areas.
Two lanes, concrete and bituminous, in
fair to good condition from East Germany
border to north of Boleslawiec and from
point southeast of Wroclaw to Upper
Silesia strategic area; four -lane divided
highway from north of Boleslawiec to
point southeast of Wroclaw.
Two lanes, bituminous and cobblestone
stretches, fair to good condition.
Two lanes, bituminous, fair to good
condition. Short sections of stone block,
Soviet border to strategic area.
Two lanes, cobblestone with brick and
bituminous concrete stretches; good
Double track, 4 gage, Plectrified
east of Wroclaw to strategic area.
Double track, 4181/21' gage, generally east
of route. Electrified from Zebrzydowice
to strategic area.
Mostly 4181/2" gage, double track, electri-
fied. Dual gage (4 and 5 and
transloading facilities near border.
4 gage. Border to Rejowiec single
track; Rejowiec to Pilawa double track;
Pilawa to strategic area single track.
Lublin to strategic area electrified.
Offroad dispersal and CCM difficult
because of rivers, locally steep slopes
and gullies, and seasonally wet ground.
Offroad dispersal easy. CCM mostly
unrestricted, except for lociLl areas of
forests, streams, and brasonally wet
Offroad dispersal and CCM difficult
bemuse of forests, seasonally wet areas,
and locally steep slopes, particularly
in east.
Offroad dispersal and CCM generally
fair. CCM locally restricted by forests
and streams and seasonally restricted
by soft soils.
Two lanes, concrete, some cobblestone Double track, dual gage (4'8 and 5 Offroad dispersal fair to unsuited. CCM
sections. Fair to good condition. from border to point short distance west restricted by rivers and seasonally wet
of Terespol; double track, 4 gage, areas with miry soils along river valleys.
from latter point to strategic area.
Electrified Minsk Mazowiecki to strategic
Two lanes, mostly concrete and bituminous,
some cobblestone sections; fair to good
Double tack, dual gage (4'8 and 3'0
from border to Geniusze; single track,
41 8 1 12" gage Geniusze to Bialystok;
double track Bialystok to Lapy; single
track Lapy to Lochow, second track
under construction; Lochow to strategic
area electrified.
Offroad dispersal generally easy, CCM
restricted by rivers and seasonally wet
areas with miry soils in low areas.
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FIGURE 22. Internal routes (C) (Continued)
U.S.S.R. border near Braniewo to Gdansk
Gdynia strategic area. Rolling to hilly
plain with lake%; mostly cultivated but
some forested areas.
Gdansk- Gdynia strategic area to Szczecin
strategic area. Gently rolling, low -lying
coastal plain; cultivated except in marshy
areas along rivers and in scattered
forested areas.
Amphibious landing area near Kolobrzeg to
Gdansk- Szczecin internal route. Marshy
coastal plain,
Szczecin strategic area to Upper Silesia
strategic area. Nearly flat to rolling
plains; many forested areas, but mostly
Upper Silesia strategic area to Warsaw
Lodz strategic area. Flat to rolling plains,
chiefly in crops or grass with scattered
patches of foiist; forested area in south.
From Upper Silesia Warsaw -Lodz internal
route at Piotrkow Trybunalski to War-
saw -Lodz strategic area. Flat to rolling
plains in crops or grass and scattered
patches of forest; forested area in south.
From Warsa.r -Lodz strategic area to
Gdansk- Gdynia strategic area. Nearly
flat to gently rolling plain; cultivated.
From Warsaw -Lodz strategic area to
Braniewo- Gdansk internal route near
Elblag. Nearly flat plain, cultivated.
Two lanes, bituminous, good condition.... Double track, dual gage (4'8 and 5'0 Offroad dispersal easy. CCM restricted
border to Elblag; double track, 4 by rivers, wet, low areas, and numerous
gage, Elblag to strategic area. lakes.
Two lanes, cement and bituminous concrete, 4 1 8 1 12' gage; single track to Runowo, Offroad dispersal easy. CCM restricted
good condition. remainder double track. by forests, rivers, marshes, and sea-
sonally wet areas.
Tracks and trails from beach to nearby
gravel surfaced road which leads to two-
lane bituminous surfaced roads, even-
tually connecting with Gdansk Szczecin
internal route.
Two lanes, mostly concrete and bituminous,
good condition; some cobblestone sec-
Single track, 4'8 gage, leading inland 15 Offroad dispersal fair to poor. CCM
miles to single track, 4 1 8 1 /2" gage. restricted by forests, dunes, marshy
Double track, 4 gage. Generally
parallel to, but not within, internal route
from strategic area to Poznan.
Two lanes, bituminous, good condition.... Double track, 4 gage, electrified.....
do None
Mostly two lanes and bituminous, good
condition. Some cobblestone stretches
south of Torun; some gravel with
potholes south of Wloclawek.
4 gage, electrified, generally parallel
to, but not within, this internal route.
Single track to Kutno, double track to
Gdansk- Gdynia strategic area.
Two to three lanes, rrostly bituminous, 4 gage, double track, generally
good condition. parallel to but not within this internal
Offroad dispersal fair to poor, locally
unsuited. CCM restricted by forests,
lakes, and seasonally wet areas; locally
hindered in south by steep elopes and
Fair. CCM restricted locally by streams
and forests and by seasonally wet areas
with soft ground.
In south, offroad dispersal easy; CCM
restricted except along rivers. In north,
offroad dispersal fair to poor; CCM
severely restricted by rivers, canals, and
seasonally wet areas.
In south, easy offroad dispersal; CCM
partially restricted by rivers and
seasonally wet, areas. In north, offroad
dispersal fair to poor, CCM restricted
by rivers, lakes, and seasonally wet
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FIGURE 23. Boundnry data (C)
Baltic coastline....... 305 Claimed limit of territorial waters 3 nautical
miles; fishing rights to 12 nautical miles.
Undisputed. Heavy fortifications around
Swinoujscie, on Mierzeja Helska, and Along
western shore of Gulf of Danzig.
Czechoslovakia....... 864 Demarcated, undisputed. Recognized by United
States as legal international boundary. No
fortifications of significance on either side.
East Germany 283 Demarcated, undisputed. Not recognized by
United States as legal international boundary;
called Limit of Polish Administration. No
major permanent fortifications. Polish side of
border, only a few minor defenses guarding
bridges. East German side of border heavily
U.S.S.R.. 775 Demarcated, undisputed. Recognized by United
States as legal international boundary. No
fortifications of significance on either side.
Narrow benches backed by sand dunes,
stretches of bluffs, small lakes, and
Most of border along Sudeten and Carpa-
thian Mountains; gap in mountains along
Oder River. Steep slopes in mountains;
gentle slopes on plain along Oder.
Most of border delimited by Oder and Neisse
rivers across nearly flat to gently rolling,
forested or cultivated plains. Bogs and
marshy areas common. Medium to dense
networks of streams.
Nearly flat to rolling plains with hills and
mountains in aouth. Bug River delimits
portion of border in south.
country movement is restricted in many places by
lakes, drainage ditches, forested areas, and soft ground
in the spring and autumn rainy season. Detailed
information on approaches is contained in Figure 24.
2. Sea (C)
The sea approaches to the coast of Poland are from
the North Sea via the Skaggerak and Kattegat straits
and the Baltic Sea. Offshore approaches are clear
except for a few shoals, banks, and scattered wrecks.
Nearshore approaches are partly obstructed by
longshore bars, wrecks, shoals, rocks, and groins. In
addition, shoals are present off the larger river mouths.
Nearshore bottoms are mostly sand. The tidal range is
negligible, and surf 4 feet or higher may be expected a
maximum of 24% of the time from January through
March, 18% April through June, 23% July through
September, and 21 October through December.
The best amphibious landing areas are along a
3 1 /s -mile stretch of coast centered slightly west of
Kolobrzeg, and a 5 3 /4 -mile section between Gdynia
and Gdansk. These landing areas provide access to a
strategic area or to an internal route leading to
strategic areas (Figure 25). Exits are primarily by
tracks and trails to bituminous- surfaced coastal roads.
Predominantly sandy shores are backed by grass- and
brush covered dunes. Closely spaced groins interrupt
sonic stretches of sandy shore. The coastal zone,
backed by a nearly level to rolling plain extending
more than 20 miles inland, is covered principally with
low field crops, scattered small lakes and lagoons in
the west, and patches of forest; a range of low hills
extends about 16 to 35 miles inland from the western
coast of the Gulf of Danzig. Characteristics of the
landing areas are summarized in Figure 6.
3. Air (U /OU)
Air approaches' from the northeast and east are over
the western U.S.S.R.; from the south over northern
Romania, Czechoslovakia, northern Hungary,
northern Austria, and the southeastern part of West
Germany; from the west over East Germany and the
northeastern part of West Germany; and from the
northwest and north over southeastern Denmark,
southern Sweden, and the southern part of the Baltic
Sea. Weather conditions in all approaches are best it
summer (June through August) and least favorable it
winter (December through February). Spring anc
autumn are transitional periods.
During the summer, cloudiness is at or near the
minimum (40% to 75 and predominantly of
cumuliform type in all approaches. Thunderstorn
activity, however, is at a maximum in summer anc
thunderstorms occur on an average of 2 to 8 days pe
month. The greatest hazard to flying during thi
season is severe turbulence associated with thun
derstorms and convective cloudiness. Severe icing
conditions are present in large convective clouds anc
'The discussion zone for air approaches extends approximatel,
200 nautical miles beyond the borders of Poland.
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FIGURE 24. Land approaches (C)
To Szczecin strategic area from East Berlin.
Nearly flat to gently rolling plain; mostly
To Kostrzyn, Poland from East Berlin. Nearly
flat to gently rolling plain; mostly culti-
To border at Frankfurt, East Germany from
East Berlin. Nearly flat to gently rolling
plain; mostly cultivated.
To border south of Forst, East Germany from
East Berlin. Nearly flat to gently rolling
plain with extensive areas of marshes, bogs,
lakes, and some forests; some brush, grass,
and cultivated crops.
To border at Ciessyn, from Zilina, Czecho-
slovakia. Mostly cultivated hills and plains
in north and south, some forested hills and
mountains in central part.
Four lanes, divided, limited access, con- Single track, 4'8 gage............
crete, good condition.
Two lanes, intermediate bituminous, good .do
Four lanes, divided, limited access, con-
crete, good condition. Terminates near
southwest section of Frankfurt.
Four lanes, divided, limited access, con-
crete, good eCrditi�n to road junction
about 50 miles south of East Berlin; two
lanes from junction to point near border
where road terminates.
Bituminous, two to three lanes, fair to good
Southern approach to border from L'vov, Two lanes, bituminous, fair condition.
U.S.S.R. Rolling and dissected plains and
scattered, forested hills.
Northern approach from Lvov, U.S.S.R., to
border at Hrebenne. Rolling and dissected
plains with scattered, forested hills.
To border from Brest, U.S.S.11. Gently rolling
plain, numerous scattered, wet, and forested
areas; mostly cultivated.
To border from Grodno, U.S.S.R. Nearly flat
to gently rolling plain, mostly forested with
large areas wet most of the year.
To border from Kaliningrad, U.S.S.R. Nearly
flat to rolling plain; mostly cultivated with
scattered forested and seasonally wet areas.
Two lanes, mostly bituminous, some
crushed stone and improved earth, fair to
good condition.
Two lanes, bituminous and cuucrete, fair
to good condition.
One to two lanes, bituminous ir most of
route, some crushed stone near border;
fair to good condition.
Two lanes, bituminous, good condition....
Double track, 4'8 gage...........
Offroad dispersal easy. CCM restricted by
areas of soft ground, lakes, ditches, and
Offroad dispersal easy. CCM generally easy,
but some local areas of soft soil, perennial
wet places, ditches, and forest.
Offroad dispersal easy. CCM restricted in
places by lakes, bogs, and forests.
Single track, 4 gage............ Offroad dispersal easy. CCM severely re-
stricted in large areas of bogs, marshes,
lakes, and forests.
Offroad dispersal easy. CCM generally un-
restricted on plains except when soils
become soft and miry or when snow cov-
ered from mid November to early April.
CCM generally restricted in steeper hills
and mountains.
Offroad dispersal easy. CCM restricted on
dissected plains.
Double track, 4'8 gage, electrified.
Offroad dispersal easy. CCM restricted in
dissected plains and forest areas.
Double track, 5 gage, from L'vov
48 miles westward; dual gage
and 5 remainder of route. Trans
loading facilities.
Single track, 5'0" gage. Transloading
facilities near border.
Dual gage (4'8112" and 5 to border; Offroad dispersal fair to poor. CCM re-
transloading facilities. stricted by numerous forests and marshy.
Do!Ible track, 5'0" gage; dual gage Offroad dispersal easy. CCM restricted in
(4'8 and 5 near border; areas of soft soil and wet areas.
transloading facilities.
Dual gage (4 and 5 to border; Offroad dispersal easy. CCM partially re-
transloading facilities. stricted in forested and seasonally wet
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
thunderstorms extending above the freezing level,
which is usually near 10,000 feet. Visibility is usually
good except during showers. The prevailing winds
aloft to at least 55,000 feet are westerly, and their
mean speeds do not exceed 50 knots.
In winter, intense �migratory lows and associated
fronts cause extensive, multilayered stratiform
cloudiness (50% to 85 low ceilings, poor visibility,
and moderate to severe icing conditions. The freezing
level is frequently at or near the sutiace during this
season but occasionally may be near 7,000 feet in the
south. Thunderstorms are rare even in frontal zones,
and turbulc,ce is seldom severe. Cold, dry, easterly
winds from the interior of Asia occasionally produce
clear skies for several days in the northeastern and
eastern approaches. Fog, snow, and haze are the
primary restrictions to visibility. The predominantly
westerly winds aioft reach maximum mean speeds of
about 50 knots near 30,000 feet in the southern and
western approaches.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPF20\/EE:) FOR RELEASE. 2009/06/'16= (--IA- F2E:)P0- 1- 00707F2OOO200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE= 2009/06/16= CIA- F2E:)P0'1- 007078000200070024 -2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2
Ml[[lory Geographic factor_ flouro 25
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070024 -2