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PPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 25X1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 25X1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES A. Joseph Wraight, Che irman Meredith F. Burrill, Executive Secretary Department of Commerce Government Printing Office . . . . . . . Robert D. Hodgson, member Elvyn A. Stoneman, deputy Cyril Barsky, member John C. Martin, member Charles D. Rouse, deputy Roy L. Hulick, member Michael D'Angelo, deputy Arthur A. Baker, member William B. Overstreet, deputy Russell P. McRorey, member Myles R. Howlett, deputy A. Joseph Wraight, member Charles M. Killens, member Henry R. Henson, deputy C. Sumner Spalding, member John /.. Wolter, deputy David Bodycombe, member Merrill R. Brown, member Department of State Department of the Army Department of the Navy Postal Service . . . . . . . Department of the Interior Department of Agriculture Library of Congress Department of the Air Force Department of Defense Central Intelligence Agency DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Rogers C. B. Morton, Secre - . y Communications should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, U.S. Board on Geo- graphic Names, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 -~ Hong Kong alnd Macao OFFICIAL STANDARD NAMES approved by the UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Prepared by the Defense Mapping Agenc'f Topographic Center Washington, D.C. 20315, November 1972 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 - 114000' I I '''". . c -"':1 . ./773 -iii r: San.hsiar d,~~ A ~-- \ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 FOREWORD This gazetteer contains about 3,000 entries for places and features in two lists: Hong Kong (2,875) and Macao (125). The entries include standard names approved by the Board on Geographic Names and unapproved variant names, the latter cross.referenced to the standard names. Users of the gazetteer should alfrays refer to main entries for approved names. The names in thi$ gazetteer supersede those in all previous Board lists for the areas. The basic name coverage couesponds to that of maps at the scale of 1:10,000 for Hong Kong; 1:4,000 for the city of Macao; and about 1:50,000 for the remainder l,f the Province of Macao. Entries include the names of first-order administrative divi- sions, populated places of an sizes, various other cultural entities, and. a variety of physical features. Most of the entities can be identified and located by the ap- proved name or a recognizable variant of the approved name on one or more of the following sources: HONG KONG 1. Hong Kong 1:2.5,000, Series L882 (0.0.5. 331), Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1969-70. 2. Hong Kong 1:10,000, Series L844 (0.0.5. 231), Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1968-70. 3. British hydrographic charts, British Admiralty, London, various scales and dates. MACAO 4. Planta Geral da Cidllde de At acau, 1 :4,000, Reparti~ao Tecnica das Obras Publicas, n.d. 5. Da Silva Rego, A. and Eduardo Dos Santos, Atlas Missio. nario Portugucs, p. 179, 1964. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 Interp:-etation of entries It has been necessary to express in code numbers and letters some of the information in the gazetteer in order to accommodate it to machine tabulation. Name.-Approved :;tandard names and unapproved variant names :lppear in the first column. The variant names are always cross-referenced to the standard names by use of the word "sec." Names cont3ining generic clements preceding the specific term (except names of populated places) arc alphabetized by the specific part; thus Mount Davis, the name of a hill, is listed as Davis, Mount. \Vhere part of a name is underlined, the use of the part not underlined is optional. If two or more names are approved for a feature, each is identifie; in parentheses and any or all may be used. Language labels are used to identify alternate local names of noninternational features. Local names of international features are identified by major-political-entity labels. Wh~rc only one country is identified parenthetically, no name is avail- able for the feature in the other country. Chinese names romanized in the system adopted by the Hong Kong Government (the Eitel/Dyer-Ball system) were approved as shown on the sources. The diacritical marks used in approved names of Macao are the tilde (~), acute accent ( , ), and the dieresis ( ., ). These marks are to be used whether the names are written in capital or lowercase letters. Portuguese uame elements were treated in accordance with standard Portuguese orthographic practice, including diacritical marks. Diacritical marks in non.Portuguese name elements were retained where they did not contravene standard Portuguese orthographic practice. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 Designation.- The second column contains designations or abbreviations of designations of the entitit'5 to which the names apply, as listed below. Because practically all geographic tenns have varied meanings, the senses in which many of the designa- tions are applied in this gazetteer are stated in the list to reduce ambiguity. It should be noted also that the differentiations of tenns that can be made in any gazetteer will vary with the quality of the maps of the area and with the nature of the entities that are named. In Hong Konr and Macao som~ of the features do not fit precisely into the l..ategories used to designate them and others could be designated in two or more ways. ADMD first.order administrative division (district in Hong Kong; concelho in Macao) ANCH anchorage (place within a harbor or roadstead where ships anchor) bay (coastal indentation of a size intennediate be- tween a gulf and a cove) building boatyard cape (seaward end of a projection of land of such position and size as to cause offshore coastwise shipping to change course) CHNM marine channel (chaanel between coastal islands, reefs, or shoals; between an offshore feature and the mainland; or through a shallow marine water body) military camp cemetery cove (small bay) docks (the space between two piers) docking basin (basin or enclosure for reception of vessels, and provided with means for controlling the water level) DCKY dockyard (yard or stOr:lg~ place for naval stores or timber for shipbuilding, with facilities for building or repairing ships) BAY BLDG BTYD CAPE CMPM CMTY COVE DCK DCKB APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 IT GDN HBR HDLD HLL HLLS HTL ISI. ISLS LCTY LT LTER MNQR MT MTS PASS PCLD PEN PIER PK PMPW PP!. PPLL ii fort; military post (defensive structure or works, generally of little or no present military significance; may be in a state of ruin) gardens harbor (body of water providing shelter for ships) headland (conspicuously high piece of land jutting out into or fronting the sea) hill (landfonn with moderate r~1ief, moderate to low elevation, and small summit area) hills hotel island islands locality (minor area or place of unspecified or mixed character and indefinite boundaries) lighthouse leased area quarry mountain (landfonn with conspicuous relief, moderate to high elevation, and small summit area) mountains pass (way over, through, or between mountains or other high land); gap (low place in the relatively even crestline of a ridge or other elongated relief feature, apparently not used as a pass) dependent political entity (Hong Kong); overseas province (l ~:lcao ) penL"lSula (area of land projecting into and largely, but not entirely, surrounded by water) pier (long, narrow structure extending into the water to afford a berthing place fcr vessels) peak (separately named summit on a larger elevation) water pumping station populated place (city, town, village, settlement) populatt:d locality ( area of di~persed, separately- named villages) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 PPLX PRK PRN PRT PT RDGE RF RKL RKSW RKW RSTN RSV RUIN SCHU SEA SHOR SLP STM section of populated place (part of a city or contiguous urbanized area named as an entity but having no known administrative status) park prison (includes training centers, juvenile refonna- tories, and drug treatment centers) port (place where waterborne cargo is transferred to and from ships, including: facilities for berthing ships and handling cargo) point (minor projection of land, or its extremity, into a water body) ridge (elongated, relatively narrow relief feature with a more or less continuous crest) reef ((;~fshore consolidated rock hazard to navigation with a least depth of twenty meters [or ten fathoms] or less) rock on land (includes exposed :-ock on hill summits) rocles in water rock in water (individual rock of such character and importance as to be identified by name, situated either above or below the surface of a body of water; often associated with reefs but separately named ) railroad station (building used for th~ transaction of railroad business, located beside a railroad tr,: ,ck at a point where trains regularly stop to take on ~nd discharge passengers or freight) reservoir (large artificially impounded body of water) ruins (structure in a state of ruin, but not necessarily of great antiquity or archeological interest) university sea shore (narrow zone of land immediately adjoining the sea) slope (gradient on thc sidc or end of an elevated relief feature) stream (river or other running fresh water body; perennial in all or a part of its course) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 VAL valley (area between and lowcr than ridges or other elevations, drained by one or more streams and tributaries ) WHRF wharf ( structure serving as a berthing place for vessels ) Latitude and longitude.- The third and fourth columns in- dicate geographic coordinates, with longitude based on Green- wich. Coordinates were generally read to the nearest minute and are for finding purposes only. Coordinates were read at the ,flap symbol for populated places and other entities occupying limited sites, at the mouths or lower ends of streams, at the summits of mountains and hills, at the extremities of capes and points, and near the centers or midpoints of other features. Area number.-The number in the fifth column indicates the political entity in which the place or feature is located, as listed below: 443 Hong Kong 444 Province of Ma!:~-.o Glossary of generic terms The following tenns occur as the generic parts of standard names in the gazetteer. The English tenn or terms which cor- respond to each local term were applied after objective study of cartographic and other sourc' materials, and do not necessarily reflect dictionary or other nonnalized usages. The parenthetical abbreviation (P ) designates Portuguese words; the remainder are Chinese. baia ( P ) ................. bacia ( P) ................ .t" (P\ ceml eno I. . . . . . . . . . . . . chau ... ................. colina (P) ................ concelho (P) .............. doca (P) ................. bay basin cemetery island ( s) hilI first-order administrative division docking basin iii APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 !!! fortaleza (P) hoi hoi hap ilha ('-"') kok ..... kwan to md .... parque (P) pedra (P) ponta (P) porto (P) provincia (P) shan ... ....... fort marinc channel l11CAI LUNG ."N COYE zz IS N ... 011 E .u _AU SAN TEl "IlL IZ 16 10 1131 51 E US KELLETT ISL....O 151. 2Z 17 N ... II E .u UNG H"U sa HA KENCi HAU ...... ZZ ZI N ... la E U3 KAU SA" TI!! "T zz 16 10 ..S 51 E .u UNG ....lOG HA "IlL ZZ Z. N ... II E U3 KAU SHAT WAN ...... 2Z 16 10 11.... 01 E ..3 KAU SHI ."1 ...... IZ ZI 10 ... II E .u U_OY TONH :>PLX ZZ 17 N II. 07 E .u K"U TAN TSO ...... ZZ 30 10 ... IS E .u "EUI ISL..NO Sl!E KAU SAI CHAU 151. zz ZZ 10 II. 19 E .u KAU TO ...... 2Z ZS 10 ... n E .u KEUNG SHAN SEE LO.EA XEUNG SHAN ...... ZZ IS N 1131 SS E .u KIDHI!Y HILL HL.. zz JlN ... 01 E U3 KAu TONG "AU IIAY 2Z Z6 10 ... ZO E .u x I K YEUNG TSUEN ....1. ZZ Z7 N ... 01 E .u KAU TO '''AN NT zz ZS N ... II E ..3 KAU TSIN U" ;-.. zz ZI 10 ... I. I! .u KI LINfO HA SEE SAI UNCi "IlL 2Z ZS 10 ... II E U3 KAu .A KAN" SEE ItAU WA Ke:NG ...... II ZI N ... 01 E U3 KILPATRICK. lllIUMT HLL 2Z 31 " ... OS E .u KAU W. lCeN" ...... zz ZI 10 ... 01 E .u KINGS HILL HLL ZZ 31 10 ... 10 E U3 KINGS "AAK "IILX zz 19 N II. 10 E us KAU .A UN" UN TSUI!N "P.. ZZ 21 10 ... 01 E U3 KITTEN HIL" HLL IZ 31 N II. 10 E .u KAU YI C"AU IS.. zz 1710 ... O. E U3 KI!! CHAU 15.. 2Z 1710 ... 19 E U3 XIU SAI "IlL zz Z6 N II. 00 E U3 KI!! Kill< TAu PT 2Z Z3 N ... n E U3 KIU TAU PIlL ZZ Z9 N II. 09 E U3 xI!! I. II.G HA SEI! S"I KENG "IlL 2Z ZS N ... I. E U3 "IU TAU .AI PP.. IZ Z7 N 1\. 00 E .u KIU TSUI PIlL zz ZZ N ... 17 E .u KU ..ING HA MOl IIAY zz Z6 H ... 17 E U3 XIU TSUI CHAU ISL zz ZZ N II. 17 I! ..3 KI!I ..ING HA LO "At ...... IZ ZS N ... II E U3 "I VAN 51.. SEE XEI VAN SHEX AU. ZZ ZZ N ... ZO E "'3 U APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 KI UN 51." ~~ K~I ..,.-N SHE.. RKS. 22 22 14 II. 20 E 443 ..O"ooM COCKY"IIOS S~E KI UN S'A SEE w~1 YAN SHE-lit AKSW 22 22 14 114 20 E 443 KOWLOON DOCKS DCK 22 Ie 14 II. II E ..3 KNOB At!el' seE 'UNG UNG PAl AI' 22 2e 14 II. 17 E .u KOWl.OON PEAK SEE f'1!I NGO SHAN ..T 22 20 14 II. 13 E ..3 lItO" TAl "AI J# U 31 14 114 Ie E 443 KO....OON PE"'IN$tA.A PEN 22 19 14 II. II E ..3 KO LONG PPL 22 UN II. 06 E .u KOWLOON POINT SEt' T51__ SHA ISUI PT 22 17'14 114 10 E .43 KO....OON RESERVOIR RSV 22 21 14 II. 09 E ..3 KONG CHAU SEE KUNCi CHAU ISLS 22 29 14 II. 22 E 443 KONG CHOW seE KUNG CHAU ISLS 22 29 14 II. 22 E .'3 KOwLOON AOCIIt RU 22 Ie 14 II. 12 E ..3 KONG "A PPL n 33 14 II. 13 E .u KaWLOU" TONG PPLX 22 20 14 II. II E ..3 KONG HILL HLL 22 30 14 II. De E 443 ..'UAI-HUO KU SF.E HAPPY VALLEY 'PLX 22 16 14 II. II E ..3 .OIlllG .UM 5E~ ..UN MUN \:H.... U UN II. ZZE 443 KUAN "ANG SEE lit_UN TONG PPLX 22 19 14 II. I3E ..3 KUK CHAU SEE LUI( CHAU ISL 22 I. 14 II. oe E ..3 ItCHG PU 'SIoeN PPL 22 UN II. 13 E 443 KO.... 51'" UN IIAY 22 16 14 II. De E .u "'UK LIU PPL 22 2314 114 10 E ..3 KONG 'A' PAl ISL 22 20 14 114 22 E 443 "UK PO PPL 22 32 14 II. I. E ..3 KONG tAU SAN nloeN PPL 22 26 14 II. 02 E 443 KUK PO VAL 22 3214 II. 14 E ..3 ItO"G tAU TSue" PPL 22 26 .~ II' 02 E 443 KUNG CHAU I5LS 22 29 14 II. 22 E. ..3 KUNG KEI 'SUi SEE KEI KOK 'AU PT 22 23 14 II. 23 E ..3 KON HA.... PPL 22 26 14 II. 12 E 443 KON "UN SEF KWN iliUM CHM. 22 22 14 II. 22 E 443 KUNG ..AN 'SUI!N PPLX 22 17'14 II. 07 E ..3 KON TONG SEE It. UN TONG ;:;>PLX 22 19 14 II' 13 E "3 KUNG "IU PPL 22 2214 II. II E ..3 KOOH TSOI Kill< seE ...UN T$01 Kill< P' 22 ~9 N II. 20 E 443 KUNG TONG SEE KilUN TONG PPLX 22 19 14 II. 13 E ..3 Ka PAl UE wONG (HUK "OK pT 22 UN II. ~9 E 443 KUN GU .AN SEE CHUNG HO_ WAN eAY 22 UN II. 12 E ..3 KUNJOI KOK SEE TIT CHAN CHAU ISL 22 16 14 II. 16 E ..3 KO PAl AKSW 22 II 14 113 'JS E 443 KO PO PPL 22 31 14 10 E 443 KUN '0.10 SEE "WUN TONG PPLX 22 19 14 II. 13 E ..3 ICO PO 'SUEN PPL 22 27 14 II. OJ E .U KUN 'SOl KOK SEE Tn CHAN CHAU ISL 22 16 14 II. 16 E ..3 KOP 'ONG PPL 22 31 14 II. 15 E "3 KUNYAMSLLIM RANGE SEE , litO TIN HO" PPL 22 27 14 II. oe E 443 WAN CH.... S..... ROGE 22 UN 11. I. E ..3 'U'A~ ';H..tJ SEE UI CHAU ISL 22 22 14 II. 19 E ..3 KO 'ONG PPL 22 26 14 11. 19 E 443 KWAI CHUNG SEE "A KWAI CHUNG PPL 22 21 14 II. De E ..3 KO TONG HA YeUNG PPL 22 26 14 11. 20 E 443 KO "'00" PPL 22 19 14 II. II E .U KWAI CHUNG SEE CHUNG KWAI CHUNG P~L 22 22 N II. De E ..3 KO...oo" SEE KOWLOON CIfY PPL,J( 22 20 14 II' II E 443 K"AI LING SEE PAU '''I SHAH HLL 22 Ie 14 II. I. E ..3 KO ..0014 SEE KOWLOON PENINSUt.A PEN 22 19 14 II. II E .U KWAI PO LAU PPL 22 26 14 114 14 E ..3 K"AI SH"N HLL 22 I. 14 114 I3E ..3 KO-..oo" IIAY IIAY 22 19 14 II. 12 E .u K.-AI SHEa PT 22 ~d N II. 03 E ..3 "O"CON CITY PPLX 22 20 14 11. II E 443 KO....OON DOCKS OCK 22 Ie 14 114 II E 443 I(.-AI TAU LENG PPL 22 30 N II' II E ..3 .. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 K...I Uu LENG "T 22 )0 N 110 II E 44) L"I CHI SHAN PPL 22 26 N II. 10 E ..3 K.AI UU LING SEE ....1 UU LENCi PPL 22 30 N II. II E 443 L..I CHI .0 PPL 22 32N II. 15 E U3 Kw..1 T"U Sh..H SEE ..41 UU LENCi "T U 30 N 110 II E 443 L'" CHI YUEN PPL 22 23 N II. II E ..3 ..AI T5A I ."N eTYO 22 UN II. 01 E 44) 1."1 PElt SHAN PPL 22 29 N 110 13 E ....:! "wAI vI TAN BAY 20 15 N 110 17 E 443 LA! TAU SHE" PPL ?2 31 N II. 16 E ..3 "WAN TEl PPL 22 )1 N II. 09 E 44) L"" LEI T5AI ISLS 22 Ie N II. 19 E ..3 ....... TEl NO 5T" 22 31 N 110 09 E ..3 L"" fltA C...AU PPL 22 )1 N II. 05 E ..3 "wAT Uu TA" eAY 22 23 N II. 19 E 443 L"" TUI ...N SEE SHE" ItWU WAN PT 22 22 N II. Ie E ..3 IC..AU CHAU SEE ""I CHAU ISL 22 22 N II. 19 E 44) LAMe HILL HLL 22 31 N II. 09 E ..3 "WO CHAU IC..A~ TO 151..5 22 '6 N 110 21 E 443 LAM (HE PPL 22 16 N 113 55 E ..3 "wo 1..0 WAN PPL 22 UN II) 56 E ...~ LAM HAU PPL 22 26 N II. 01 E ..3 ".UN CHAM ...... ISL 22 2) N II. Ie E 443 LAM..A ISLAND SEE po" L I U .CHAU ISL 22 12 N II. oe E ..3 KWUN HANG PPL 22 26 N II. 15 E 443 L"MMA PA TCH RF 22 15 N II. 07 E ..3 ItWlIN "UN CH.... 22 2~ N II. 22 E 443 L.... S"N TING SEE PAK itA SHAN ..T 22 16 N II. I3E ..3 ..."" "UN RuiN 22 22 N II. 22 E 443 L.... TEl PPL 22 25 N 113 59 E ..3 KW\.IN TONG PPLX 22 19 N II. 13 E 443 LAM TI N PPL 22 21 N II. 06 E ..3 ".UN TONG TSAI ."N cove 22 Ie N 110 IOE 443 LAMTONG SEE T.....G LUNG ISLAND ISL 22 15 N II. 17 E ..3 KWUN 'SA I ISL 22 16 N II. 17 E 443 LAM TONG HOI HAP CH'" 22 IS ... II. ~5 E ..3 "WUN..T501 .00< PT 22 29 N II. 20 E 443 LA MTONG J SLAND SEE "WUN YAM KENG PPL 22 26 N II. OT E 443 T....G L'ING ISLA'C) ISL 22 15 N II. 17 E ..3 LAM TO""-I Mel PT 22 I. N II. 17 E ..3 "WUN ..... SHAH PPL 22 22 N II. 13 E 443 ..UN ..... SHAN SEE WAN CHAM SHAN ROGE 22 ,. N 110 I. E 443 LAM TSUEN SAN TsueN PPL 22 27 N II. oe E ..3 ... UN ..... ."N BAY 22 UN II. O~ L: 443 LAMTUNG ISL.AND SEE KWU TLWG PPL 22 30 N II. 06 E 443 TUNG L.U~G ISLANO ISL 22 15 N II. 17 E ..3 L.... UK _AI PPL 22 25 N II. 22 E ..3 L.... .AN KO" PT 22 19 N II. n E ..3 LAN KO" TSul PT 22 2. N 113 5. E ..3 LAN NA I .AN PPL 22 15 N II. I. E ..3 LAN NAI ."N B"Y 22 10 N 113 5~ E ..3 L.,,'FANS PL.AIN V"L 22 32N 110 09 E 443 LAN NA I ."N V"L 22 23 N ... 20 E ..3 L'" CHEE CHONG SEE L.AI CHI CHONG PPL 22 2T N II. 18 E 443 LAN-NAI-WAN SEF L..I CHI CHONG PPL 22 2T N ... 18 E 443 LAN HAl WAN TSAU U. PPL 22 23N ... 20 E ..3 L"I C'H .OK PPLIC 22 20 N 110 oe E 443 LAN NAI wAN LEI UI( PPL 22 23 N II. 20 E ..3 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 LAN NAI .AN 10"" \lit PIlL U U N "A 20 E U3 LEI U ..UN SI!!! LEI ,~ IOUN PPUl 22 17 N ... 110 E U3 LAN NAI .... TSAU UK PPL I! U N "A 20 E U3 LI! I U MU'" 2E LEI ,~ NUN CH_ 2Z 17.. 114 110 I! ~AJ LA.. _" PAl .... U JlN "A 16 E u3 LE I u "UN POI..T SEE LAII TAG IIU TAl .,ue SHAN ISI. U IS" 113 56 E AU LEI .,III! NUN POIN' PT 22 17.. ... 110 E U3 LAIITAG CIIA_L CH_ U 10 .. ..3 SO E U3 LE I "III! NUN PPLX 22 17.. IU 110 E AU LE I "III! IOU" CH.... 2Z 17" ... 110 E 10.3 LANTAO 154-_ SEE TAl "III! SHAN ISI. U ISN 113 56 E u3 LA" TAD HAX III!E P'*G .ow.; SHAN "T I! IS .. 113 55 E AU LEI .,III! IOUOO 1110., 1110" Z2 17" ... 110 E 10103 "AN TAU sa TAl .,VI! SHA.. IlL n IS" "3 56 E AU LE I "U2 "UN trORT PT 2Z UN ... 110 E ..! LA" TAU CH_L SEE LA..TAO CH_L CH_ II 10 t! 113 SO I! U3 LEI Yue IOU" POI..T PT 2Z 17" IU 110 E AU LAN TAU I Sl.AHO SEE TAl "III! IIHAN ISL I! 15 .. 113 56 I! u3 Lek ::!! PPL 2Z 31 .. "4 12 E AU LeM" CHANNEL CH_ 22 07 .. IU 17 E 1043 LAN TAU ..e.... Kif P~ .00tG SHA.. liT I! 15 .. 113 55 I! AU LAO SHUI PAl Sf!E LO IIHIII! PAl PT U 17 N "A 110 E U3 LE MOTTle SHOAL 2E LAP SAP CHAU ISI. I! U.. 114 17 E 4103 HAU TSZ KOK PAl .... 22 29 .. II. II I; AU , LAP SAP U.. IIAY I! U N 114 15 E U3 LENG Pili TSUI!N PIlL 2Z 31 .. ... .. E AU LAP SAP UN COVI! UII" "A 07 E U3 LI! lOG SHA.. lOT Z2 30 N "4 10 E .U LENG TSA I PIlL 21 31 .. 114 10 E AU LAI' 110 nUEN PIlL I! 32 N "A I! E U3 LE~G PAl TI.. PPL 22 III .. II. 17 E 443 LAP ., TSIII!N SEll SHEK CHU" AU PPL II 32N "A 13 E U3 UU PAU 5HA PIlL U 17 N 113 S6 E 10103 LI!~ SHill!.. .10.. PIlL Z2 21 .. II. II I! 443 UU PAU 5...... Lcn II III N 113 59 E U3 LE~ SHIII!N .AN CHioU ISL 12 21 N IU II E 443 LAU...... PIlL II aa N 1110 .. E U3 LE~G SHill!" .AN IIDI HilA Z2 21 N IU 10 E AU LEUNG IIHU I TSENG PIlL 2Z 27 .. IU 011 E ioU LAU NA I .AN lEE LE~G TI.. TSUEN PIlL Z2 25 N 113 511 E AU LAN NAI .AH TSAU "" PPL U U.. "A 10 I! U3 LAU ..UI ~UNG PPL U 30 .. 1110 10 I! U3 LEUNG UK PPL 21 III N 113 52 E AU LAIIUING 2E LUK ICI!NG .0.... UK PPL U 31 N UA 13 E U3 L I -1110 CH ANNO. SEE LEliA CHAN..EL CH_ Z2 07 N IU 17 E 443 LI!AD III"I! PASII SEE YUlEN KONG AU PAIS U IS .. 1110 09 E U3 LI_A SHUI-TAD SEE LI! 1110 CHA....O' CH.... 22 07 .. II. 17 E 443 LUSI!O TUAITOA., SEI! LIN AU PPL Z2 27N 114 09 E ioU NEV TII"AITOIIIEII LTEA II 15.. 1110 011 E 10103 L I N PA S"AN liT 2Z 110 N ... OS E ioU LECKV PASS PAS." U 32 N 1110 06 E u3 LI.. PA TEl PPI.. Z2 16 N IU OS E 443 LEDGE POINT III!E CHI!UNG PAl TAU .... U UN 1110 IS E AU LI" PU TSF'IG SHA" HLL Z2 110 N 114 U E 443 LEIGHTON HILL PPLX II 17 N 1110 II E U3 LING HILL HLL 2Z 30 N II. 011 E 443 LEI \.It PIlL II 32N 1110 09 E U3 LING NAil 1110" TSUI!" !'PLX 2Z III N ... IA E ioU LEI \.It TSU2" ppt" U26N "A 00 E U3 LIN II. HANG !'PL 21 UN IU II E .U LEI \.It TSUI!N "PL 22 27 N "3 59 I! U3 LIN TONG Nfl PPL Z2 19 N II. 07 E U3 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 ;.,IN TONG MI:l TSOI YUI!:N PPI. 22 2~ .. II. 07 E 663 LONG KE .AN BAY 22 22 N 114 23 E 663 LION AOCK SEE SZ TSl SMA" AKL 22 2. N II. II E 663 LONG "EI 1'1'1. 22 23 .. 114 16 E ..3 L I rn.e GREEN ISLA"D 151. 22 .7 .. II. 07 E 663 LONG POINT SEE PA. IIA T5,UI pT 22 21 .. II. 16 E 663 I. II 1\.t 5A1 ."N SEE Slu CHAt ."N BAY 22 16 N II. IS 663 LOh. RIDGE ADGE 22 31 Ii II. 09 E .U 1.1" POK 1'1'1. 22 32 N II. 06 E 663 LONG VALLI!Y VAL 22 30 .. II. 07 E 603 Llu TO 1'1'1. 22 2. .. II. 06 E 663 L.OONG TA\J see LUNG NG.... YUEN TAU pT 22 21 .. II. IB E 603 LI-WA" ue (Hlu KkhG .AN SHAN HLL 22 .s .. II. 15 e 663 LDDSHUI "AI SE!' 1.0 SHUE 1'''1 pT 22 17" 114 10 E 603 1.0 (HAU 151. 22 . . .. II. IS e 603 1.0 $HUE LING 1'1'1. 22 32N II. 09 E 603 1.0 CHAU ISEO! TSA.... TAl UK PPl. 22 23 N 11. n E ..3 SHA TIN PPl. 22 23 N 11. 11 E 043 SHAN KAI WAT PPl. 22 25 N 113 58 E ..3 SHAN KAt .AT SI!E HA SHAN KAI WAT PPl. 22 JI N 11. 09 IE .03 SHA TIN SEE SHA TIN VAl PPl. 22 23 N 11. 12 E 003 SHA TIN VAL 22 22 N 11. 11 E 043 JO APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100150009-3 SHAflH 8AY SEE $HA TIN HOI 6AY 22 2" N 110 12 E ~03 ~HEI("U C"'AU SEE SHEK KWU CHAU ISL 22 12N 113 59 E ..03 5HA UN "01 BA. 22 2.. N 11. 12 E ..03 SHEKKU C...Ov SEE SHEK KWU CHAU ISL 22 12 N 113 59 E ..03 5HA fiN "E_ TO.N 'SEE SHA TIN PPL 22 23 N 11.. 11 E U3 SHEK KWU CHAU ISL 22 12N 113 59 E U3 SHA fiN TAU PPL 22 23 N 11. 11 E U3 SHEK KWU Lu.... PPL 22 23 N 11.. 13 E UJ SHA UN "'AL.LIEY SEE SHA UN VitoL 22 22 N 11.. 11 E uJ SHEK KWU LUHG PPL 22 27 N 11" 09 E UJ 5HA UN Ul PPL 22 23 N 11. 12 E U3 SHEK KWU UN 8AY 22 22 N 11.. 16 E ....J SHA TONC HAU "El pr 22 19 N 110 21 E UJ 5HEK KWU WAN pr 22 22 N 11.. 16E U3 SHA TONe;. HAU SHAN ISL 22 19 N 11.. 21 E UJ SHEK LAU PU PPL 22 17N 113 56 E UJ 5HA~T'OU-CHIAO SEE 5HA TAU ItOK PPL 22 J3 N 11. 13 E U3 SHEIt LAU ru.... PPL 22 25 N 11.. 10 E ..03 S"* T~IU PPL 22 22 N 11.. 21 E U3 SHEK LEI PPLX 22 22 N fI" 06 E ..03 SHA TSUI pr 22 21 N 11.. 16 E UJ SHEIt LE I PUI RESERVOI" RSV 22 21 N 11.. 09 E ..03 SHA TSUI TAU pr 22 17N 113 56 E UJ SHEKLOK T SU I SUo SHEK KOK TSU I pr 22 1.. N 11.. 06 E UJ SHAU KEI WAN PPLX 22 17N 11.. 13 E U3 SHEK LUNG K"'G .or 22 23 N 11.. 05 E UJ SHAU KI U" SE4!' SHAU KE I .AN PPLX 22 17 N 11. 13 UJ SHEIt LUNG TSAl PPL 22 2.. N 11.. 14 E UJ $HA WAH 6AY 22 16 N 11.. 07 E U3 SHEK MIU SEE SHEK NIU WAN 8AY 22 17N 11. 17 E ....J SHE" 10""'(; 'SUI SEE SHEK f ON~ rsu I PPLX 22 17 N 11. 06 E UJ SHEIt Mlu WAN BA'.~ 22 17N 11.. 17E uJ SHtK CHA", ISL 22 II N 113 5. E UJ SHEK MUN UP PPL 22 16 N 113 56 E UJ SHEI( CHU""G AU PPL 22 32 N 11. 13 E UJ SHEt( NGA pul PASS 22 22 N 11.. 13E UJ SHEK ("Uhe; KOK PT 22 15 N 11.. 16 UJ SHEt( NGAL CHAU ISL 22 26 N 114 26 E UJ $HEK CHUhG TSUI SEE SHEIe. CHUNG KCIC. PT 22 15 N 11.. 16 E UJ SHE KNGA" CHOw SEE SHEK NGAU CHAU lSL 22 26 N 11.. 26 E uJ SHEK HAH~ PPL 22 25 N 11.. 16 UJ SHEK 0 SH SHEte. 0 .AN 8AY 22 1.. N 11.. 15 E UJ SHEKKA C....UN-TAO SEE SCKQ I SL A"OS ISLS 22 10 N 113 5. E UJ SHEK 0 PEAK PK 22 14 N 11.. 1.. E UJ SHt.K tap ..1:1 PPLX 22 20 N 11. 10 UJ SHEK 0 VILLAGE PPL 22 1.. N 11.. 15 E ....J SHEI( KfP ..I RESETTLE.EIIT AREA SEE SHEK 0 .AN 8.0. 22 1.. N 11" 15 E UJ SHEK KIP ME I PPLX 22 20 N 11.. lC E U3 SHEK PAl TAU PPL 22 2.. N 113 56 E UJ $utK KIP NI VILLAGE: SEE StotE-K KIP Nfl PPLX 22 20 N 11.. 10 E UJ SHE:,I( PAl .AN H8R 22 15N 114 o. E UJ SHEKPAIWAN SEE AIIEROEEN PPL 22 15 N 114 09 E uJ $HEK Klv TAU PPL 22 J2 N 11. 12 E UJ SHEK PA I .AN RESETTLEMEI