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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 tooo . . ~ - , _ - _ - ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ NIS GAZETTEER Q wfq - eW st Africa ~ Volume II French West Africa w~ J f ~ , 4- � ~ ��i J ~ � ~ , F8R 0 - ~ ~ ~ Jv APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 CEP:TRATL INTEL*,I(}ENCE AC}EN('.Y Washington, D. C. August 1954 . This Gazetteer is issued aa a standard component oi the National Intelligence Burvey !or West Africa and lists official standard names approved by the United 9tates Board on Geographic Namea These names supersede all previous decisions on geographic names in this area. Thfa GazettPer also lists the variants of official standard names for reference gurposes. These variante are not approved as stand- ard names. . The NI8 C{azetteer for West Afrlca comprises the following 2 volumes: Volume I Eritish Cameruons, (3a;nbia, Ciold Coast, Nfgeria, Portuguese Guinea, Sierra Leone, Spanish Sahara, Togo, and Togoland. Volume II French West Atrica. Thiis tiaxetteer will be adequately maintained by published revision. Disfi,ribution of this publlcation is made by the Central Intellig2nce Agency and is for official use only. r . y, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21 : CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 ~ r ~ HIS 6AZETTEER West Af rica Volume II French West Xfrica Official Standard Nomes Approved by the UIeTITED 'STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES . 4 Prepared in the Division of Geography, Department of the tnterior Published by the Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. August 1954 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 FOREWORD " This two-volume gazetteer contains about 66,300 entries for places ANCH anchorage MSSN mission and features in westem Africa. These entries include approved standard AR.EA tribal area, geographical PrS'T mountain - names and unapproved variant names, the latter cross-referenced to the area hiTS mountains standatd nar,~es. Users of tbe gazettees should always se/er to main SANK bank(s), mudbank OAS oasis entries /or approved names. BAY bay, inlet PEN peninsula - BCH beach(es) PLN plain BLDG building POPL populated place This volume contains about 34,400 entries for French West Africa. CAh1P camping site POST military post Volume I contains about 31,900 entries fo: British Cameroons, Gambia, CHAN channel PT point Gold Coast, Idigeria, Portuguese Guinea, Sierra Leone, Spanish Sahara, CLIF cliff(s), bluff, escaroment RCKS rocks Togo, and Togoland. CNAL canal RDGE ridge CONF confluence REEF reef(s) - CST coast REGN region Interpretation of entries DEF.P deep, submarine canyon ROAD roadstead DEPR depression RSTA railroad station It has been necessary to express in code numbers and letters some DRNG dcainage acea SALT salt flat - of the intotmation in the gazetteer in order to accommodate it to the DSRT desert SAND sand area machine method of tabulation. DUNE dune(s), dune area SECP section of populated place ENTR entrance SECS section of stream Name.--Approved standard names and unapproved variant names ESTY estuary SHOL shoal(s) a2peat in the first column. The vaciant names are always cross-refer- HALL waterfall, rapids SITE site, ruins enced to approved names by use of the word "see." Where part of a FED federation of tenitories SLPE slope standard name is underlined, the use of the nonunderlined part is FISEi fishing ground SPRG spring(s) optionaL Wtere two names are approved fot a feature, each is identified FRST forest, forest reserve STR strait, passage in parentheses and either or both muy be useci. Names that consist of VK;,E gorge, defile STRht stream, distributary specific and other elements are alphabetized by specific part; thus HILL hill(s), hill area TERR territory Dune d'Abanhela is listed as Abanhala, Dune d'. hlarks that occur on ISL island UPLD upland, plateau recommended names include the acute accent (as in Abarhe), the grave ISLS islands VAL valley, area between dunes accent (Riviere), the dieresis (Daia), the cirrumflex (Cote), and the LAvN lagoon(s) WADI wadi(es), waid mounth, area aadilla (Ftanqaise). LAKE lake, intermittent lake o` wadies . LCTY locality WELL well(s) % Designatioa-Designations, in the second colunin, are sometimes LDNG landing WSTE wasteland abbreviated and represent groups of features, as follows: iARSH marsh, swamp WTR}i waber hole(s) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02121: CIA-RDPO'I-00707RU00100060006-6 Latitude and longitude.--Coordinates, in tne thicd and fourth columns, are for f:nding purposes only. Where the scale of soucr:es permitted, t4ey were read to the nearest minute. It is to be noted that for much of western Africa accurate maps are not available and therefore the coordinates given may be subject to revision when more accurate sucveys are published. Admin:strative division.--The number in the fifth coluinn, 540, is the area number assigned to French West Africa. Locational reference.--The number in tne las: column indicates a map or chart where the feature may be located by its standard name or a recogcuzable variant of its standard name,as follows: Ol Croquis de 1'A/rigue Fsanr,aise au 1,000,000, Institut Geobraphique National or Service Geographique de 1'Armee, various dates. 02 Carte des Colonies de 1'A.O.F. and Croquis de Reconnaissance des Regions Sahariennes, Service Geographique de 1'A.O.F., Dakar, various dates; scale 1:500,000. 03 FFrench West Africa], most sheets Service Geographique de 1'A.O.F., some sheets Institut Geographique National, various dates; scale 1:200,000. 04 A/rigue 1:5,000,000, Institut Geographique Natzonal and Service 3eographique de 1'Armee, various dates. OS Principales Routes et Pistes de l'A/rique Franr~aise Croquis a 1'Ectielle de 1:2,500,000, 11inistere des Travaux Publics et des Transports, Institut Geograpiique National, 1949. 06 French hy,lrographic charts. "I The code UO is used for cross-references and for the names not to be found on one of these six references. Glossary of generic terms The following terms occur in the standard names listed in the g,azetteer. Each of the meanings given applies in the case of one or moze of the names. acheif, achouif a d rar dune mountain(s), hill, plateau a f tout agelt, aguelt ahzar ain aioun(et) alab, aleb, alib(at) alous amane anou anse aouinat, aouinet argoub ariert atig(at) baie banc(s) beiket biar bir bolon bouer, Douir bowal butte can al c ap chai ne c}:aussee cheggat, chegget chelkhet chenal chutes col colline(s) ~ cote crique cuvette dahar dakhlet, darhlet daia, daiet, dait, daya, dayet defile depression long depression well, pon d wadi spring, well spring(s), well dune hills well well bay, cove, inlet spring, well, pond hill long depression dune bay,inlet bank(s), shoal(s), ridge dune well well, water hole stream well mountain, hill hill stream cape, point chain of mountains, hills reef long depression drainage depression channel rapids pass hill(s) coast stream valley, depression escarpment, cliff, hill(s), hill area gorge depression, well, water hole defile depression APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02121: CIA-RDPO'I-00707R000100060006-6 I derem dunes guel b iiill desert desert guelta(s) well(s) d}iar, dhra escarpment, cliff, hill(s), hill area hadeb piateau djebel iiill, mountain hadebt hill dra dunes, hilts halte railroad station eche depression hama6a plateau ehi mountain, hill hassei, hasseye, .iassi well elb dune hofert, hoffra(t) depression emi mountain, hill ile(s) island(s) emplacement site i lot i sl and enneri wadi iracher, irazer wadi ecg dune(s) kedia(t) rriountain, hill(s) erigi,' dune(s) kesseret salt flat eaout; dunes ' khat wadi eteng lake . khenig gorge falaise(s) escarpment, cliff(s) � kori wadi, drainag- depression feidj area between dunes koudia(t) hill fello mountain kra(a) wadi, depression foret claissee forest reserve kraiat dunes forets forests kreb(b) cliff, escarpment fosse submarine canyon kreibat hill(s) foum gorge, pass lac lake g.aa^'t dcainage depression lagune(s) lagoon(s) gal b hill(s) langue sandbar gata hill, mountain maader wadi gare railroad station mamelles mountains gasbet depression marais marsh, marshy lake glatt well mare(s) pond, lake, well, water hole(s) glebet, gle.;b(at) hill(s) marigot marsh, wadi, stream, estuary, channel gleit well massif plateau, hills, mountain(s) golfe valley mbeket dune gouirat hilts melzem well, water hole goula cliff mleizem viater hole(s), drainage depression aoulbi stream, wadi mokta long depression gour hill(s) mont(s) mountain(s), hill(s), ridge grara, gratet depression, well montagne(s) liill(s), mountain(s) greh(in) hill nbak dune gue ford nbayet dune APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/21: CIA-RDPO'1-00707R000100060006-6 nbeikat, nbeiket nbeyt nebka, nebket ogla, oglat(s) ogui let oudei oudian(e) oued ounissoui pess.age pesse pic piton(s) plage platesu pointe presqu'le puits rade ra g rapide repido ras reci f reg region rio riviere dune dune dane(s) well(s) well e�adi area of wadies wadi well pass channel, pas�, mountain, hill, peak hill(s) beach plateau, shoal point peninsule well roadstead desert rapids rapids point, cape, hill rock, ceef c.tesect rer,inn stream, estuary stream, estuary rock rock(s) rack(s), hill(s) salt flat channel marsh, salt flat(s), salt lake spring hill railroad station tadjnout tadrar tagelout tahlai taiert, taieurt tajalet tamat tamourt taref tasf tarso tassili tayaret, tayart, tayert tejalet tenere teaitoire tichilit timitt tombeau touarfat touijilit touiyirat toujounine uad, udeiat vallee zarah zemlet, zimle(t) ziret well hill mountain well long depressiou hill, cliff well wadi, well, water hole, dcainage depression hill hill, dissected slope plateau plateau 'nng depression hill . desed tecritory well, water hole wadi tom b hill dune, mountain depression well wadi valley, wadi dune hill, dune, ridge dune roc roche(s) roch er(s) sslines sanEuinet sebkhat.,;;)� sebkhet source steilt, s!al, steilet, steilt station Reporting of eROrs It is requested that all who use this gazetteer aid in its correction fot futare printings by reporting errors to the Boatd on Geographic Names, Intecior Departrnent d3uilding, Washington 25, D. C. A statement of the source of the correct information will be useful. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02121: CIA-RDPO'I-00707RU00100060006-6 AA3Df C,ALB EL SEE A9Lt GAL:^n El. 'rIILL 22 44 N 12 42 W 540 00 AADAM LEHNO I SEE ADAM LEHENOY H I l. L 21 15 N 15 09 W 540 00 AAGDET SEE AGUET C L I F 20 56 N 12 SO W 540 00 AAGUEILET TANAUDART SEC AGUNET DEPR 20 08 N 16 14 W 540 00 AAICHA E D J E R A SEE AYCHA DlGIRA HILL 21 19 N 13 42 W 540 00 AANtt DAYl~. EL DEPR 26 51 N 8 27 W 540 07 AAMs DAIT EL SEE AAMf DAIA EL DEPR 26 51 N 8 27 W 540 00 AARCf UAD WAD 1 25 48 N 9 20 W 540 00 AAU 1 NAT Ut! FERQU 1 Cf UAD SE.E AOUINET OUM FERFGIKr OUED PIADI 25 32 'N 9 23 w 540 00 , ABh80YA STRtA 6. 42 N 3 29 W 540 .03 ABADA YELL 15 OS N S SS E 540 01 ABADAROKOUM VJAD I 17 30 N 6 '16 E 540 01 ABqD t N \NAD 1 19 08 N O 45 E 540 01 ABAD'J ~ KOUTE POPL S 20 N 4 09 W: 540 03 , ABA ~ SK vlELL 16 51 N 4 41 E 540 01 A9AICAR WELL 15 17 N S '19 E 540 O'1 ABAKAT 1 A STRivI 6 15 N 3 31 W 540 03 Af3AK0~1 RA POPL 17 02 N 1 33 W 540 03 ABAKRp POPL S 25 N 3 14 W 540 03 A6ALA AREA 16 45 N 8 00 E 540 07 ' ABALA WELL 14 54 N 3 28 E 540 07 _ A?qLACK SEE AEALAKH WELL 15 1 1 N 5 08 E 540 00 ADALA~ POPL 14 54 N 3 29 E 540 01 ABALAK SEE EBAKA WELL 15 17 N 6 15 E 540 00 ABALAK WELL 16 48 N 8 02 E 540 01 A9ALAKH WELL 15 1 1 N S 08 E 540 01 J ABALAR VJELL 15 51 N 5 39 E 540 O'I A9ALAFLAR AFAGAG SEE ABATAFtTAR AFAGAG `NEI.L 17 54 N S 12 E 540 00 ABALEtr1MA VJAD I 15 34 N 6 23 E 540 01 ABALEMMA V/EL L 16 16 N 7 49 E 540 01 ABALENE V/i~D 1 'I 8 43 N � 2 38 E 540 01 ABANH:~LA � DUNE D~ DUNE 17 31 N 'I 13 E 540 01 A9ANKOR SEE BAIV KOR H 1 L L 16 51 N 3 46 W 540 00 ABAOUA POPL 6 22 N 3 52 W 540 03 - ABARA DEPR 20 39 N O 48 W 540 01 ABARAt HANEK SEE EL HAgARA CLIF 22 38 N 12 22 W 540 00 _ ABARAGOUAL WAD 18 SO N 3 01 E 540 01 ABARAKAMt MONT MT 19 24 N 7 40 E 540 O'I ABARAKAT SEE IN TABARAKKAT WADI 18 46 N S 56 E 540 00 ~ 795 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/21: CIA-RDP01-00707R000100060006-6 ABARAKAT 4YELL 17 SO N 5 03 E 540 O'i ABARAM POPL 13 47 N 1 1 26 E 540 O'f ABARHE bYELL 16 33 N 8 04 W 540 O'I AC3ARHE PU ITS SEE ABARHE VYELL 16 33 N 0 04 W 540 00 _ ABARNACH DEPR 17 29 N 2 42 W 540 01 ~ ABAROK %VELL 16 53 N 4 43 E 540 01 , ABASSUE STRM 5 53 N 3 27 W 540 03 ADATALEf OUED '/JADI 20 45 N O 35 W 540 02 ABATALLO WADI 18 42 N 7 39 E 540 01 A3ATARTAR \VcLL 17 53 N S 08 E 540 01 ABATARTAR AFAG AG WELL 77 54 N S 12 E 540 07 ASATEiv1tJA SEE AS qLE.i1MA `.VcLL 16 16 N 7 49 E 5,40 00 A B A T C L 1 f O U E D Vi A D I 15 39 N 7 21 E 540 01 ABATCURK t DE WELL 20 1 1 N 14 10 E 540 01 ABAZZAGOR VlELL 17 20 N 7 25 E 540 01 AB9AKOIRA SEE ABAI