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Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000400050066-7
For Release 2005/06/22 r CIA-RDP74B00415R000400050066-7
tom? iliill I-A
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-:1. ~,/ `1..~ y/^~.V LJ 1~ `~/~./ i~ I.L. -a.1 ~v 41
a1~ o
yy r nam in the lollowingg planner: 1 redly into Sai ;on's Tallsonll? past. two years, Senate had
diJ llcli. r.LlU~ci':1D71 First the raw .opium is lint. airport, subjected defense bud get to
A Royal Laotian prince and'hauled from deep in Northern, With Vlolnamcs" custom of- great scrutiny. As result, ad-
the Laotian Army commander Laos through L'urnla and into ficials lookin?r, tug oilier way, ministration's budget in 1'JS`J
the Laotian town of Pan Bouei the heroin passes into illicit ll~.d been cut by six billion 6-101-
have now been idantified as Sai, with former Nalionalistichanllels. Ti,c cores sman lars,
the principal traffickers in the Chinese soldiers-turned drug identifies South Vietnamese) "lie expressed interest. n
heroin used by U.S. troops in smugglers riding shotgun on Premier 1'rarl '1'hien isheinl as I ~'I (,~;tltual 13;,.al.cc . o'. c
South Vietnam. the shipments. the man behind the corruption ;eduction) in Eu npe as p~ .'t
At Ban Bouei Sai, the Lao-j of the customs agents, but of desire to rcc uce aeon-
Furthermore, a eongres- tian Army commander, Gen. they stop short of calling him meats. HHe ...,> ac'v~ at_
sional investigation has con-
firmed our earlier allegations
that the Central Intelligence
Agency is involved in the Lao-
tian heroin operations.
the opium into 1: icritiallc,' Steele's draft report is u s i n g :lnlcrieall uppliad served for U.S, diplomats who "IKosyeiil res ions ed t.i2..,
planes and protecting the have failed to use tllei: level- U S S.il. alas r.-'.v ys favor C:
smuggled cargoes with U.S.- a,,e against such men as Rat: l-I disarmaill^'-.t. ~1e assarte t:.. .
The investigation S:'as made;suppliccl grans, koun and Prince Bcun Oun to j
,.~O1Ct n1111ia1'y buci,.~'cttdaS'~
by Reps. Robert Steele (R Once it reaches Vientiane, get the drug traffic cut off at, .,?i per cent of U.S. military
Conn.) and Moran Murphy the morphine base is pros-!its source. budget, and no'caing N v,-.3 hid-
essed in Gen. 1 athP.coun's labs 1 Steele points out that in
D-ill.), both m aaeh's of e der, in other pa is of budget.
( n .-
into "Number Four;' ligroin, a Turkey some pron.._,,SS has ,He
House I''orel Yn affairs Com-+ pure grade of the deadly drug been made, althou,,.11 slowly, safer So~t not ee
d' S 'rte's on
mittee. almost unkno'.vn in Southeast though diplomatic chauncls to `'ip0rccIL
in cutting rut :y ,flier pi P tares by six bilion. dollars. So-
Steele is e al'ing a report Asia until tr?affie'ker, began; cut off the flow of heroin to,
that will allege CIA Air Amer- turning it out especially for the United States,
A Il.iat also noticed President's
American troops. Ina future column, we will
ica aircraft have been used to detail how American ex-GIs statement that military budget
transport the drug from north-
ern Laos into the capital city
of Vientiane.
It says, however, there is no
evidence that the CIA had any
official policy of letting its
planes be used to move the
drugs. Furthe rlnore, it adds
that the agency has now
cracked down on the practice.
. According to the draft re-
,port, prepared by Steele for
;House Foreign Affairs Chair-
man Tom Morgan (D-Pa.), the
deadly drug is transported
from opium fields in Laos to
the battlefields of South Viet-
Protection alid Payroll
Throughout Laos, the heroin
operation is protected and
abetted by Prince Boun Oun,
inspector General of the
and deserters, assisted by cor-
rupt Thai officials, are begin-
ning to move huge quantities
of heroin into the United
States to replace the Turkish
Once processed, the heroin os '"ial oil A,rlils
is flown into South Vietnam 7 a
aboard military and civilian The U.S. embassy, reporting
aircraft from both Laos and to the State Department from
South Vietnam. oscon w on Sen, Ed Muslcie's
Some of the carefully cofidential conversations
wrapped packages of the, with Kremlin leaders, gave
near U.S. troop emplacements on disarmament: ! he ereied._no a ssa e and
in the fields. Others reach the " A;u'skie be gin by tali;i'ng' tv,ls, lrpf negotiating any agree.
troops after being landed at about di die to reduce mill i[ ant,"
gullying' air sirips or flown di- tart' expenditures. He said in' ? ? is;I, SPIT-.McClure Syndicate, inc.
"Soviets `follow these events
closely,' said Kosygin. Specifi-
cally on SALT, Kosygin said
both sides are approaching
question differently, with
`great wariness and care' but
with great desire of finding a
solution in limiting strategic
armaments.' 10
Footnote: The hush-hush re-
port noted that Nluslcie had
emphasized the "unofficial
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