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Publication Date: 
April 8, 1948
Approved for Release: 2022/11/14 C00144185 /0 BEST COPY AVAILABLE :72 has 7or np".3.ease through azvIEw PROSRM of t2isC1YfItelligence Agz.ncy. Date 2- 9V ER? TV-1 hLe-foreif?.n Branch � � ;40 ;ii o1 jej.C.'.e-L, 7 /P ' OILY) - a7.X.I.L. SJGT71...emittal of Repor-: on Zerlin Operations Base I. 2raasmitted horewith le Report on Berlin Operations Base, January 1946 to :larch 1948. rlhe report is submitted in two copies 7ith the master ditto. One has been sent to Karlsruhe headquarters, =o are retained here. 2. A word of s-,planation is -necessary concerning the origin and development of this report. It was begun orig- inally as a Chief, Berlin Operations Base, Progress Report for 19&1.7 soon became apparent that. it was impossible to dis- cuss 1947 without going into the background of the preceding year, for which no overall report had been submitted. Inevi- tably the preparation of the report stretched out over the -fitnt three months of 1948. In the meantime, the situation was changed by the proposal that I be transferred from Berlin Base. With this possibility in view, my concept changed from that of a mere progress roport, to an overall statement designed to help and guide my successor. From this concept emerged the thought that the same report might be of general interest to Headquarters, and it was with this in mind that it was finnlly written. 3. I do not know whether the report as finally presented requires any general circulation in your office or other parts of OSO. For that reason I have sent it fa:0?i, leaving it ap to you to decide how far it should be shamn. I am aware that some very frank statements are made about American officials and agencies, and for that reason you may wish to keep it closely restricted, or you may decide to break it up and circu- late individual sections, suppressing others. In any case, ila7e no pride of authorship in the document. 3-22-'1; Is/ Chief, BOB Approved for Release: 2022/11/14 C00144185 Approved for Release: 2022/11/14 C00144185 PART I INTRODUCTION 71q(sef,ie 5:57.--, ;.? �2, � Z' J ,9e7 , � , The basic element in the history of the Berlin Operations Base during 1946 and 1947 has been the maintenance of continuity as a unified Detachment, in what may be-described as a semi- overt status. ,In this respect, no fundamental changes were made in the situation which had existed 'since the end of 1945. Throughout the two years of my regime, there have Indeed been numerous occasions on which the advisability of maintaining this status has been questioned.. Sometimes the question was raised -by Heidelberg, sometimes by ourselves but each time the answer was the same: the operational, administrative, and liaison ad- vantages of a compact unified Base outweigh the security advan tages*.of-dispersal and deep cover. As long as our primary mission remains the servicing of the Theater Commander and other local - -customers, as opposed to the secondary mission of establishing a -long range, permanent, truly clandestine coverage, the Army will have to know who we are and how to deal with us. Externally, the adMinistrative and liaison connections which have been built up elaborately over two years are a precious asset which we Are reluctant to liquidate. Internally, the cooperation between the :-Branchesi. the intimate connection between the case,officers and the:executiveheads! the convenience of our building with its. admirable facilitiesl-all these have teemed to outweigh perfection- 'ist.COnceptions of,segregation and deep cover. We have, In other words, mai tained a middle course. We have avoided the "cordon sanitaire" but we ve also kept a substantial ' .jmeaSUre onymi .ty, It is, of course, ImPossibIe-to be sure that Atm:1r Security measures have been sufficient to divert the attention of the opposition completely. In a position such, as ours, one. .does well to remember the Greek moral "Count no man happy. (read unblotn) until he is dead!" Nevertheless, we feel some confidence -that our security position is radically different from that of the overt agencies, 5-2 Berlin Command, CIC4 and the Intelligence Office of Military Government in Berlin (0MGSS). AlI\their execu- tive and staff personnel are known and have become Soviet EI'8, Perhaps our personnel may also figure on those MI's, but so far no case of:Imajor significance has come to our notice. Some 10 British and American agencies which would be in a position to re.- port any major security break affecting us have provided at. least negative confirmation of our practical anonymity. ZeCurity-wise, our semi-overt status has caused us some un- :happy moments. The most alarming flurry was that brought about by. the Associated Press dispatch on the so-called underground railway, E E 3.2 ( Approved for Release: 2022/11/14 C00144185 Approved for Release: 2022/11/14 C00144185 - or,46._ ET - 2 - alleged to have spirited Mikolajczyk out of Poland. The unfor- tunate reference to "a War Department detachment" sent us into a prolonged tailspin, from which we gradually emerged, clinging to the hoe that the difference between "a" and "the" WDD may- have escaped the attention of unfriendly eyes. At any rate, 'we did the best we could to lock the barn door; we found out the identity of the culprit and got the matter into IG channels. We were-able to derive at least a vindictive satisfaction from the fact that the indiscreet OMGUS official was abruptly returned to the States. We have never been able to ascertain whether the ether offender, � i� e the AP correspondent, felt any remorse for Nis unethical release of false information, damaging to American security, or whether any deterrent effect was achieved. . This incident remains the only one of which we are cognizant affecting the security of our Detachment as a whole. The result- ing decision to change the name of the Detachment would have, been inevitable in any case, since the passing of the War Department has made our designation a rather conspicuous anachronism. We look forward in the spring of 1948 to a carefully planned charge of name and toyer, carried out by an officer 'specially designated by Heidelberg to explore all the vanifold administrative complexi- ties which such a more entails. We hope for once to -have a thoroughly cogitated and relatively foolproof approach to a problem which in the past no one has ever confronted with sufficient thoroughness. The other principal blow to our security through indiscre- tions by the press was the publication by Joseph Alsop of the . substance of one of our secret reports entitled "Speech by Sokolovsky". Vie have never fully, got to the bottom of this leak, - partly.because it has seemed Inexpedient to press too hard. It seems almost certain that this report was shown to- Alsop on instruc- tions of the highest State Department authority in Berlin. Whether this action was, as one Important official put. it, "a deliberate leak" based on orders from Washington, we have not attempted to find out, but we have let it be known at the highest level con- cerned that our agency does not recognize the existence of any - authority competent to release our classified material for publi- cation without prior clearance. In connection with Detachment security, we have made repeated efforts to develop outside cover positions for individual staff members.. From the outset, however, we have been greatly frustrated by an obstacle which for the time being seems insurmountable viz. the refusal of General Clay to permit the use of Military Government cover for clandestine operations. During the first, half of 1947 we made a number of tentative approaches to the -problem. . With the full approval of the �MGM personnel Officeri the Theater Director of Intelligence, and even the Chief of Staff, Brig. Gen. Charles_ SE/ET Approved for Release: 2022/11/14 C00144185 Approved for Release: 2022/11/14 C00144185 Ca � � Galley, we actually installed *:-/-icnr9 ficci