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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
March 3, 2022
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Publication Date: 
September 26, 1970
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Approved for Release: 2022/03/01 C01307259 k. ii S. � TRACK IT � Li t. 26 September 1970. � . Actionj 1.L:Santiago reported on a meeting between Frei and a group of three key minister w o told him he stands in way of a solution asked him to resign, and authorize them to order army to intervene. possibility of the A Station was authorized to discuss the Army attempting to sway (b)(1) (b)(3) 3 r The Ambassador's response to the Department through our channels indicates he taking steps to implement "economic pressure campaign",._:7 (b)(1) (b)(3) 5. Soviets reporting �n develo in s tuat on n on press and radio B.LAccompl ishments e �ase (b)(3 prir(b)(1), v (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) gmajor step was taken in the direction of increasing the climate for a coup with the approval and funding of the", J program. tentative moves were made in(b)(1) soliciting assistance and in planning for increasing economic pressures. .And additional intelligence M(3) was collected about PDC internal maneuverings in connection with a military coup C.ESituationj � ELatest reporting indicates that key PDC Ministers are con- tinuing efforts to get Frei to have the military intervene-or authorize them to order the military to make its move. Mean- while Minister of Economy, Zaldivar'S public address describing the rapid decline of the Chilean economy may have set the stage for follow-up.economip_action.LAt least the Ambassador appears to believe this and has already taken some steps to hasten this. general economic decline. (b)(3) FRE TEXT COPY-DO NOT REEVE Approved for Release: 2022/03/01 C01307259