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February 11, 1974
PDF icon MEETING WITH MR. WILLIAM [15816488].pdf224.78 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 . INTERNAL USE ONLY Li AFIDENT1 AL ,.... ROUTiNG _ AND RECORD SHEET , ski (Optional) i Meeting with Mr. Bill McAfee (State) , FROM: ... :-.3 , EXTENSION NO. 9164 DATE 19 7. ITO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) � DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED Mr. Colby DCI � 7D-5607 Bill, Attached is ft-1y Memo for the Record of my discussion with Bill McAfee which I briefly reported to you on 6.February 1974. I think you would be particularly interested in the following paragraphs: . C.-. / c_.. C.._ _S � . . . ,-� � ,-), - - � � . ---- 10-15: THIRD COUNTRY . ' EFFORT 16: DEPARTMENT OF STATE COMPLAINTS 19:- RE-WRITE OF ROGER CHANNEL AIRGRAM 6693 which was meant to be the substitute for the Presidential letter that you had proposed. . . EWI � � � � : ,..--- . /k-/--c � 10. 1-- - ,-.4 .' .:',, ., 11. i 2. 13. � 14. �- 1 . � . � ,,,-,* FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 3-62 SECRET n CONF DEfiTi AL INTERNAL I taci: v Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 u M.CLASS, El ED Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 11` February 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with Mr. William McAfee, DDC/INR Department of State on 6 February 1974 ROBERT R. MULLEN COMPANY 1. On 6 February 1974 I visited Mr. William McAfee, DDC/INR, to brief him of our use of the Robert R. Mullen Company for Initially this meeting was scheduled for the afternoon of 4 February 1974. Mr. McAfee had to Cancel this date. I was not available the next day. By the time we met, CBS had broadcast our cover involvement with the Mullen Company via TV in the evening of 5 February and in an expanded version via radio on 6 February 1974. 2. I told Mr. McAfee that we had one officer under Mullen cover in from May 1971 to August 1972 and another officer from August 1969 to June 1973 in I said these officers had beet engaged in operational activities which were compatible with our understanding with the respective host intelligence services, but that the latter had not been informed of their presence. I added that toward the end of the previous week, we had become aware of the possibility of the public revelation of our cover relationship with the Mullen Company. We, therefore* instructed our Chiefs of Stations in to brief their Ambassadors and with their concurrence, the chiefs of the liaison services. This was done on 2 February 1974, and on the same day, Mr. Shackley briefed Acting Assistant Secretary of State Hummel. Mr. Roosevelt then informed Assistant Secretary Hartman on 4 February. I said that as of the time of our meeting, we had no indications that the publicity would result in difficulties by the but I stressed that the reaction of was never predicted. E2 IMPDET r (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 3. Mr. McAfee expressed his particular disappointment of not having been briefed on 2 February 1974. He said that he had been in the office as Duty Officer. This would have put him in a position to handle the inquiry by Deputy Assistant Secretary Wells Stabler on 5 February 1974. Mr. Stabler is the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European Affairs responsible for the Low Countries. I let this observation pass without comment. Mr. McAfee then asked me for the names of the 2 NOC officers. I replied that as long as their names had not been made public, I preferred not to do so. -2- Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 ASSISTANT SECRETARY KUBISCH LETTER TO AMBASSADORS IN THE WH AREA 7. While arranging the meeting with Mr. -McAfee the previous afternoon by telephone, he asked me whether I had seen the drafi letter to ambassadors by Assistant Secretary Kubisch. I said I had, and that it presented problems. Mr. McAfee said that Mr. Kubisch was anxious to get it out. I suggested we discuss it during the meeting and informed that we would do so. 8. Mr. McAfee asked Mr. James Gardner to join us. The latter opened the meeting by stressing the urgency to get an agreed draft. I said this could be achieved if Mr. Kubisch would accept that CIA will not participate in the CASP exercise, and that discussion of CIA personnel and activities would be on a bilateral basis between the Department and CIA. I added that we had no problem with doing this at the time of, but outside of the actual CASP review. Messrs. McAfee and Gardner agreed that CIA affairs should not be discussed in front of other participants in the CASP review. b)(1) b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 -4 - Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 kr;-tr.1 I L 41. Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 (b)(1 (b)(3 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 -6- 'T - Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 DEPARTMENT OF STATE COMPLAINTS 16. Mr. McAfee then took his turn of getting some complaints off his chest. It consisted of two items: a. CIA's Use of the PFIAB (b) (b) TRANS.1�411-1-At..51.1P -0: Wlaen joined us to discuss the Kuhisch draft Room NO. RENIPARKS. said t 1V1r. Colby has ret of all. Watergate rr� ttached The a ra expla'!..xis what is ( (=YCI of volu.rnes. complete set is -70:1C 1G. fRotAt 01_,C Buusg. Room so. D 35 FORM " '241 REPLiv FEB 55 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 .K1:::1"/SEUITFE Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416 (b) (b) RE-WRITE OF ROGER CHANNEL CIRCULAR AIRGRAM 6693 19. 1 asked about the status of the re-write of Roger Channel Circular Airgram 6693 of 17 December 1969. He said it was with the Secretary of State. Mr. McAfee had previously told me of a number of re-drafts, one of which finally went to Deputy Secretary Rush. He had it re-done again, but INR took exception to the elimination of an unidentified paragraph. The. last version and INR's dissent were sent to Secretary Kissinger where Mr. McAfee believes it will rest for a good long while. COMMENT 1) 3) 20. This frank carried on in a very friendly points of view and" heartburns some long-standing issues. and rather atmosphere extensive exchange of views was as an exposition of the respective " in the hope that it may assist in resolving (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Orig: C/CCS DCI -- DDO ADDO Chief, Cover & Commercial Sta (b)(1) C/AF, C/NE, C58 (Paras. 4-6; 10-15) -8- (b)(3) Cr,VH (Paras.4 -6; 7,9; 10-15) C/FA, C/EUR (Paras. 1-6, 10-15) (b)(1) Chr(,no (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C01474416