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(b)(3) CIAAct
RCE1L-1rles HRC EVDAY: Betsy Fische9i
LITICO Playbook, presented by the U.S. Postal Service: BERNIE'S MATH
V 71-o
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:45:44 PM
h conventions look like blockbusters - OBAMA. continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be President'. - TRENT DUFFY to Kasich - (b)(3) CIAAct
Classification: viN,
Still dubious.
What percentage of that 79M do the listicles and pop culture news account for?
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:45 PM
To: Neal Higgins
Subject: FW
(b)(3) CIAAct
POLITICO Playbook, presented by the U.S. Postal Service: BERNIE'S MATH: Both conventions look like blockbusters -- OBAMA: 'I continue to believe Mr. Trump will
not be President' - TRENT DUFFY to Kasich - VOGUE profiles HRC B'DAY: Betsy Fische
Interesting statistics on BuzzFeed readership.
MEDIAWATCH "How BuzzFeed's Jonah Peretti Is Building a 100-Year Media
Company:Once the 'bored at work' network, BuzzFeed is now a globally
distributed digital media powerhouse read by 79 million people every month," by
Fast Company's Noah Robischon: "Although BuzzFeed currently employs
approximately 1,200 people and is valued at $1.5 billion, Peretti still largely
thinks of it as his teaching workshop. ...
(b)(3) CIAAct
From: Mike Allen]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 6:18 AM
Subject: POLITICO Playbook, presented by the U.S. Postal Service: BERNIE'S MATH: Both conventions look like blockbusters -- OBA A continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be
President' -TRENT DUFFY to Kasich - VOGUE profiles HRC B'DAY: Betsy Fischer...
(b)(3) CIAAct
02/17/2016 06:14 AM EDT
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; maJLen@pOLLJiGo coM )
and Daniel Lippman(@dlippman;
SIREN -- Apple resisting magistrate order to share iPhone information in San
Bernardino killings: .They have asked us to build a backdoor to the iPhone. -
L.A. Times: "Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook said his company will resist a federal
judge's order to access encrypted data hidden on a cellphone that belonged to
the terrorist couple ...
"In ['A Message to Our Customers'] posted early Wednesday, ... Cook argued
that such a move would undermine encryption by creating a backdoor. that could
be used in future cases.
Read the statement. ht p'//..pple coilOkvIoB
Good Wednesday morning. BOTH CONVENTIONS could be crazy: We could be seeing a
race where Bernie stacks up delegates and can push his agenda even if Hillary
BILL OCHER, senior writer at the Campaign for America's Future, and Politico
Magazine contributing editor, "Why Bernie Sanders Wins Even If Be Loses: If you
have delegates, you can make demands.: "There are no 'winner take all' states
In the Democratic primaries. Every state allocates delegates on a proportional
basis. So even if Clinton rights her ship and starts racking up clear primary
wins ... her victories could be as thin as his in terms of delegates.
.The primary system is set up perfectly for a strong insurgent candidacy ...
The Democrats' formula for distributing delegates is downright socialist. ...
The delegate fight now shifts to terrain more favorable to Clinton than
Sanders. ... The stronger the Sanders minority, the more plausible it would be
to force, and possibly win, floor votes on stricter Wall Street rules,
rejecting corporate campaign cash and single-payer health care."
httb.//politi co/lSxzHhO
--.Clinton makes pre-Super Tuesday cash dash," by Gabe Debenedetti in Atlanta:
"Clinton's top bundlers and donors are reconciling themselves to a jarring new
reality: The money advantage that they had long taken for granted is unlikely
to last - and the campaign might even be outraised by Bernie Sanders' over the
rest of the primary season. ...
.Between last Thursday's Democratic debate and February 27's South Carolina
primary, Hillary Clinton is scheduled for 13 events, Bill Clinton for 11, and
Chelsea Clinton for nine - alongside a host of other fundraisers hosted by
surrogates and aides..
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/09 C06975748
SNEAK PEEK - VOGUE profile of Hillary, "The Race Is On,. by Jonathan Van
Meter in their March issue: "When Clinton is the only woman in a room, she has
a particular way of introducing herself: Hand jutting straight out, head up,
she looks right into the eyes of men who are all taller than she. Her body
language seems to be saying: I an, at the very least, your equal; I an also
probably the most powerful person here." h
TV TONIGHT -- MSNBC hosts acne-hour town hall at 8 p.m. with Donald Trump,
moderated by Joe and Mika, while also at 8 p.m., CNN has night 1 of its GOP
town hall in South Carolina with Cruz, Rubio and Carson, and Anderson Cooper
BITE DU JOUR -- "Meet potential Obama nominee Sri Srinivasan, who could be
the first Asian-American on the Supreme Court,. by Fusion's Casey Tolan: "At
Srinivasan's confirmation hearing in April 2013, Sen. Ted Cruz noted that 'we
have been friends a long time.'.
--"Scalia to lie in repose at Supreme Court" - AP: "The ... public will be
invited to pay its respects Friday from 10:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. ... [His]
courtroom chair was draped in black to mark his death as part of a Supreme
Court tradition that dates to the 19th century."
PRESIDENT OBAMA at a presser in Rancho Mirage, Calif., on a Supreme Court
nomination: .I'm amused when I hear people who claim to be strict interpreters
of the Constitution suddenly reading into it a whole series of provisions that
are not there. There is more than enough time ... I understand the pressure
that Republican senators are, undoubtedly, under. ... [T]he Court is now
divided on many issues; this would be a deciding vote. ... I intend to do my
job between now and January 20th of 2017. I expect them to do their job as
--OBAMA on TRUMP: .1 think foreign observers are troubled by some of the
rhetoric that's been taking place in these Republican primaries and Republican
debates. I don't think it's restricted, by the way, to Mr. Trump. I find it
interesting that everybody is focused on Trump, primarily just because he says
in more interesting ways what the other candidates are saying, as well. So he
may up the ante in anti-Muslim sentiment, but if you look at what the other
Republican candidates have said, that's pretty troubling, too. He may express
strong, anti-immigration sentiment, but you've heard that from the other
candidates, as well.
"You've got a candidate who sponsored a bill -- that I supported -- to
finally solve the immigration problem, and he's running away from it as fast as
he can. They're all denying climate change. I think that's troubling to the
international community, since the science is unequivocal. ... But this is not
just Mr. Trump. ...
"I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be President. And the reason is
because I have a lot of faith in the American people, and I think they
recognize that being President is a serious job. It's not hosting a talk show
or a reality show. It's not promotion. It's not marketing. It's hard. ...
"[A]s you get closer, reality has a way of intruding. And these are the
folks who I have faith in, because they ultimately are going to say: Whoever is
standing where I'm standing right now has the nuclear codes with them, and can
order 21-year-olds into a firefight, and have to make sure that the banking
system doesn't collapse ... And the American people are pretty sensible and I
think they'll make a sensible choice in the end. "Transcript
httP.//1 000gov/iP03mxU
II A message from the U.S. Postal Service: Direct Mail Is Now a Digital
Delivery System:Mail technologies can prepare campaigns for a digital home run.
As more constituents are turning to digital channels, digitally enabled direct
mail can break through political noise to bolster voter engagement. Know what
mail can do. And know it can do
YOU'RE BACK! Patrick Gavin (@pwgavin): "New video: I'm pretty sure I've been
banned from Politico's Playbook.
...His YouTube channel, where he's making a video every day to try to score an
interview with POTUS http.//bit 1,4J10fUdvC
RNC COO SEAN CAIRNCROSS memo to Members of the RNC, "Debate Ticket
Allocation":"[T]he ANC has been accused of .stacking. the debate audiences with
our donors. This is incorrect. For example, in South Carolina the approximately
1,600 debate tickets were allocated as follows: 642 to campaigns; Approximately
300 to the ANC/elected officials/in-state grassroots activists (of these, only
10 to RNC donors); and The remainder to the South Carolina Republican Party and
CBS News. ...
"St. Anselm students have been accused of selling their tickets to donors and
lobbyists. This too is incorrect. Every ticket to ANC-sanctioned debates is
matched on a name identification basis to its holder. Individuals who receive
tickets are entered into an electronic database before they arrive, and are
required to produce a government-issued photo ID matching the name in the
database and on their ticket before being allowed entry into a debate..
DAILY TRUMP - WashPost Style lead by Ben Terris in Fountain Inn, S.C., "Would
a Trump win here add injury to insults?As one poll after another affirms his
lead, some South Carolina Republicans are worried about damage to the GOP
brand. (online: "Meet the South Carolina Republicans who are horrified by the
Trump coronation.): .Maybe because Trump has been leading in the polls here for
months, ... and maybe because other Republican candidates say they will support
him if he is the nominee, this doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
"Over drinks, aides for other campaigns speak wistfully about a brokered
convention - once the pipe dream of journalists and Ron Paul supporters, but
now a scenario many are counting on as their last-ditch safety net. ...Hogan
Gidley,a veteran GOP operative and South Carolina native who until recently
worked on the Mike Huckabee campaign, believes that Trump could be a fine
nominee, and that the so-called establishment is just 'freaking out' because
they have lost control of what's going on..
JACOB HEILBRUNN on Politico, "Trump Is Trampling Over the GOP's Corpse:
Republican elites who want him to go away don't realize that he's already taken
over an empty party.: "The irony of the new darling of the party's disenchanted
base is that his open divergence from the putative ideology of that base is
near-complete. Trump preaches Trumpism; he doesn't seem to care at all what the
official party doctrine is supposed to be. Trump is not only not a neocon; he's
something close to a Robert Taft isolationist, a stance the party has rejected
since World War II. He's not only not a Reaganite small-government guy; he
openly says he won't touch entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid and Social
THINGS TRUMP SAYS - BuzzFeed resurfaced video yesterday of Trump talking
about sleeping around on Howard Stern's show a decade ago: .I've been no lucky
in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there - it's scary,
like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel
like a great and very brave solider."
POLL DU JOUR -- USA Today front page, above fold, "USA Today/Suffolk Poll:
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/09 C06975748
WHO SCARES AMERICANS THE MOST?Findings show voters fear unwelcome policies
coming from either party in White House,. by Susan Page and Jenny ling:
"Percentage of likely voters who say they would be scared if the candidate won
their party's nomination: Trump 38% Clinton 33% Sanders 28%..
httb.//usat y/10HVCgm
2016 PLAYERS -- .Kasich hires former George W. Bush press aide,. by Reuters'
Steve Holland:. The adviser, Trent Duffy, is an Ohio native who worked on
Capitol Hill when then-Representative Kasich was chairman of the House Budget
Committee. Duffy, who has been a public relations consultant in the years since
serving in the Bush White House, will be a national communications strategist
and responsible for national media outreach on behalf of Kasich's campaign for
the Nov. 8 election..
N.Y. DAILY NEWS cover, .DOLT .45 -- Desperate Jeb Bush gets ripped for tweet
suggesting guns are 'America'.
...The original Tweet httpq/
.Despite a distinct lack of support from Senate colleagues - not one single
endorsement - the Republican presidential candidate and freshman Texas senator
has a small but loyal group of supporters in the House who are flying to
rallies, meeting with voters and trying to convince the electorate that he's
not such a bad guy..
--FLASHBACK - Politico, Dec. 29, .House rebels crusade for Cruz: Most
senators can't stand him, but a collection of House conservatives is going all
out for Ted Cruz in 2016," by Anna Palmer and Lauren French
--"Cruz Misstatements: Cruz and his collisions with the facts" - AP: "A look
at some of Ted Cruz's collisions with the facts as some of his Republican
presidential rivals level charges that the Texas senator has trouble with the
UNDERSTANDING BERNIE -- "Sanders' brother shares political odyssey,. by AP's
Jill Lawless in Oxford: "These are exciting times for Larry Sanders, a stalwart
Green Party campaigner in Oxford, England. He's just been appointed to a new
job as his party's national spokesman on health. And he's helping out his
little brother Bernie with a small electoral campaign on the other side of the
Atlantic. ... To Sanders, his brother is always Bernard, never Bernie, which
just doesn't 'sound right.'"
TOP TWEET: @heatherhaddon: "Christie's return to public lifetoday: one
local news van and few reporters here in Trenton so far."
CLICKERS - "Cartoonists Take on Hillary Clinton": .Politico's Matt Wuerker
handpicks his favorite HRC-themed cartoons..18 keepers httb://politi 0o/10HRRE
--"The weirdest, best photos I found in an old Bernie Sanders archive,. by
Fusion's David Matthews -25 pis on one page http.//fus in/iTaDxr,
TRAILER OF THE DAY - .'Bastille Day' Trailer: Idris Elba, Car Chases and a
Terrorist Plot.
HOT VIDEO - .This Guy Went To IKEA And Pretended To Be A Couples Therapist. -
4-min. video
OBAMA ALUMNI - Matthew McGregor and "another OFA 2012 alum, Toby Fallsgraff,
now do a baseball podcast in our spare time from working with Stephanie Cutter
and Teddy Goff (and Jen) at Precision (Matthew) and with Jon Carson (Toby).
Each week, we have a campaign alum friend on to talk baseball and this week we
had Jen O'Malley Dillon on. It's no Axe files, but Jen gets into what got her
into the game (mom!), accidentally seeing the Mets play in the 1986 season
(sick sibling...), and whether or not America is ready for two Chicago baseball
fans in a row (spoilers: yes.). h1tb.//
-- Huffy Wicks, former Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public
Engagement and campaign strategist for President Obama, andSally Smith,
Founder and Executive Director of The Nexus Fund, will launch a new podcast,
The Riveters. The new podcast, designed to give voice to the modern woman, will
feature a collection of stories on the struggles and successes of female
leaders across sectors. ... The first three episodes, set to be released
[today] ... will feature: Jay Newton Small, TIME Magazine contributor and
author of Broad Influence ... Neera Tanden, President and CEO of [CAP and]
Sarah Thomas, [NFL's] first female referee..
FIRST LOOK -- .American Principles Project , a 50104 organization, is
unveiling anew website, ... which is designed to help
inform voters about Donald Trump's close ties to the gambling world..
MEDIAWATCH "How BuzzFeed's Jonah Peretti Is Building a 100-Year Media
Company:Once the 'bored at work' network, BuzzFeed is now a globally
distributed digital media powerhouse read by 79 million people every month,. by
Fast Company's Noah Robischon: "Although BuzzFeed currently employs
approximately 1,200 people and is valued at $1.5 billion, Peretti still largely
thinks of it as his teaching workshop. ...
"'We can make predictions about how a particular piece of content should
spread through this network based on where it begins,' says Duncan J. Watts, a
sociologist with Microsoft Research and early BuzzFeed adviser ... That's why
you might see an article titled 'Guys Confess Secret Reasons Why They Cry' on a
page devoted to stories about cats..
--.Reddit Hires Twitter's Former News Manager As Head Of Journalism And
Media,. by TechCrunch's Megan Rose Dickey:Mark .Luckie's new role will entail
working with media organizations, as well as government organizations..
VALLEY TALK -- "GoFundMe Has Helped Raise $2 Billion to Support Causes, Like
Bringing Water to Flint," by Re/code's Dawn Chmie ewski "Water for Flint is
one of more than 100 grassroots campaigns that collectively raised more than
$405,000 to help residents without access to clean drinking water-including
some 8,600 children ... The cause-based funding site has seen its growth
accelerate. It took nearly 60 months for users of the platform to raise $1
billion in support of their causes. GoFundMe reached the $2 billion mark in
little more than nine months."
--N.Y. Times Quotation of the Day: PALMER LOCKET, 23, a co-founder of
Oculus, on figuring out how people will interact with the imaginary worlds
virtual-reality technology is creating: .It's nice that science fiction exists
because these are really creative people figuring out what the ultimate use of
any technology might be. They come up with a lot of incredible ideas..A1
article, at fold, by Nick Wingfield, "Tech Industry Turns to Sc -Pi for a
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/09 C06975748
HOLLYWOODLAND - Billboard's 2016 Power 100 List: "No. 1. Lucian Grainge
No. 2. Michael Rapino ... No. 3. Trent Reznor, Jimmy Iovine, Robert Kondrk,
Eddy Cue ... No. 4. Doug Morris ... No. 5. Martin Bandier."
TRANSITIONS -- Lizzy Price, former comms. director for the New Hampshire
Democratic Party, is joining Correct The Record as deputy comms. director.
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Bush 43 education dept. alum Kent Talbert ... Matt
Chayes, NYC City Hall reporter for Newsday
BIRTHDAYS: Betsy Fischer Martin, the pride of New Orleans, Bloomberg
Politics podcast host, executive in residence at AU, and contributing editor at
More magazine (gumbo tips: Ella, Jonathan, Julie) ... Dianna Heitz, senior
multi-platform editor at CNN and a Politico alum ... Ashley Berrang, comms
director for Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (h/t Amy Graham) ... Curtis Tate,
McClatchy D.C. bureau national correspondent and train expert, who won the
National Press Foundation's Feddie Award last week ... Sean Cartwright, chief
of staff in the Employment and Training Administration at Labor (hit Aoife
McCarthy) Brian Jack, Dr. Ben Carson's ballot access, delegate, and now
Southeast director, is 28, celebrating by filing petitions and calling
delegates (h/t David Pasch) ... Surya Gunasekara, chief of staff to Rep. Jim
Renacci (R-OH) birthday, celebrating with the arrival of his second child, a
girl, with mommy, Senate EPW counsel Mandy, and their first born son ...
... Mark Shriver ... Spence Geissinger Shantanu Chandra, senior associate
at PwC Advisory ... Richard W. Pinto Jr. of Fabiani & Company ... Cara Camacho,
back at Treasury after a stint at the NSC (hubby tip: Adam Hodge and baby Owen,
their 8-month old son) ... Drew Cantor ... Ted Gavin, managing director &
founding partner at Gavin/Solmonese ... Barbara Shipley, SVP at AARP (h/ts Jon
Haber) ... Politico national editor Kristin Roberts ... Politico's Kelsey
Tamborrino, Andrew Bilski and Lindsey Sullivan ... Greg Matusky of Gregory FCA
Public Relations ... Frederick "Freddie" Hill, comms. director for the Senate
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and an Issa/OGR alum (h/t
Lauren Hammond) ... FCC's Alison Kutler, a Visa alum ...
... Adam Benson of Digital Citizens Alliance and VP at Vrge Strategies and a
Dingell alum ... Alicia Davis ... James Lynch, client services director at Ark
Fleischer Communications, is 29 ... Alex Sutton is 5-0 ... Deborah M. Hohlt
Allison Bunn, White House alum now a law student at DC Berkeley ... Ali
McLaughlin, managing editor of Washington Life ... Surya Gunasakera Shana
Marchio ... Kelsey Rohwer, PR manager at Time Inc., is 25 ... Lachlan Markay,
reporter at Washington Free Beacon ... Samantha Vinograd, VP at Goldman Sachs
and an NSC alum (hit Leslie Poellnitz) ... Bush 43 WH alum Skyla Freeman ...
Steve Smith (the one from NM not the one from CA) ... Ashley Graham ... Dave
Cieslewicz ... Mike Sager ... Eric Traczyk (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
... Hal Holbrook is 91 ... Barry Humphries (aka "Dame Edna") is 82 ...
Football Hall-of-Famer Jim Brown is 80 ... Michael Jordan is 53 ... Larry, the
Cable Guy is 53 ... Olympic gold and silver medal skier Tommy Moe is 46 ...
Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) is 44 ... Paris Hilton is 35 ... Daphne Oz
("The Chew") is 30 ... actress Sasha Pieterse is 20 (h/ts AP)
DESSERT - "John Oliver is bringing his stand-up act to the Kennedy Center in
August,. by WashPost's Peggy McGlone:"Oliver, host of HBO's ... 'Last Week
Tonight,' ... will perform three shows at the Kennedy Center in August. Oliver
appears Aug. 25-27 at 7 p.m. in the Concert Hall. Tickets are $59, $69 and $79
and go on sale to Kennedy Center members on Thursday, and to the general public
on Friday. Tickets [will be] available online and by calling the box office at
(202) 467-4600."
...Tickets htto://
rr A message from the U.S. Postal Service: Direct Mail is Now a Digital
Delivery System:Mail technologies can prepare campaigns for a digital home run.
As more constituents are turning to digital channels, digitally enabled direct
mail can break through political noise to bolster voter engagement. Know what
mail can do. And know it can do more.
Thanks to augmented reality (AR), QR codes, Intelligent Mail Barcode tracking,
personalization, and omni-channel integration, mailboxes are the new inboxes.
Learn more about tangible messaging and digital engagement
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