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Wednesday, February 10, 2016 12:56 PM
(b)(3) CIAAct.
(b)(3) CIAAct
RE: POLITICO Playbook, presented by MetLife: D.C.'S DOUBLE HEADER: 100TH New
Hampshire primary, and Budget Day! � FIRST WINS for Trump and Sanders, or shock
upsets? � MARCO ROBOTO strikes AGAIN -- SHAUN DONOVAN: Obama determined
'to run through the tape'
They forgot to give your title. So no plug for networking purposes!!
Also, more importantly � the NYT Mag cover story will be on NYC's first lady.
The other lead feature is on PeeWee Herman.
Looks like the mag held off for the following weekend, which I'm sure had nothing to do with 60 Minutes holding off.
Because they promised that they did not coordinate.
(b)(3) CIAAct
Subject: FW: POLITICO Playbook, presented by MetLife: D.C.'S DOUBLE HEADER: 100TH New Hampshire PriMary, dilU
Budget Day! � FIRST WINS for Trump and Sanders, or shock upsets? � MARCO ROBOTO strikes AGAIN � SHAUN
DONOVAN: Obama determined 'to run through the tape'
From: (b)(3) CIAAct
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 12:43 PM
Just FYI...see highlighting...way down below...
(There's a political operative named
who keeps a list of birthdays, which Mike Allen uses...)
(b)(3) CIAAct
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/09 C06975713
From: Mike Allen [] (b)(6)
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 7:36 AM (b)(3) CIAAct
Subject: POLITICO Playbook, presented by MetLife: D.C.'S DOUBLE HEADER: 100TH New Hampshire primary, and Budget
Day! � FIRST WINS for Trump and Sanders, or shock upsets? � MARCO ROBOTO strikes AGAIN -- SHAUN DONOVAN:
Obama determined 'to run through the tape'
02/09/2016 07:32 AM EDT
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman;
INSIDE THE CAMPAIGNS -- "Clinton weighs staff shake-up after New Hampshire ," by Glenn Thrush and Annie Karni:
"Hillary and Bill Clinton are so dissatisfied with their campaign's messaging and digital operations they are considering ...
changes after what's expected to be a loss in Tuesday's primary ... The Clintons ... had been planning to reassess staffing
at ... Brooklyn headquarters after the first four primaries, but the Clintons have become increasingly caustic in their
criticism of aides and demanded the reassessment sooner ...
"[S]everal people ... said Clinton would be loathe to fire anyone outright and more inclined to add new staff.... At the
heart of problem this time, staffers, donors and Clinton-allied operatives say, was the Clinton's decision not to appoint a
single empowered chief strategist ... The focus of their dissatisfaction in recent days is the campaign's top pollster and
strategist Joel Benenson, whom one Clinton insider described as being 'on thin ice."
--@davidaxelrod: "When the exact same problems crop up in separate campaigns, with different staff, at what point do
the principals say, 'Hey, maybe it's US?"
Good Tuesday morning, and welcome to one of the most romantic and consequential days in American politics, the New
Hampshire primary. The banner headline of this morning's Union Leader: "Today is the poll that counts." The Granite
State has a fresh coat of snow, but a front-page Union Leader headline notes: "We've had elections in much worse."
Boston Herald cover: "TRUMP'S 'HUGE' TEST." All polls close by 8 p.m. AP reports from Dixville Notch, N.H., that in
midnight voting that persists in one quirky town, "Sanders won over all four Democratic voters, ... while Kasich sneaked
past Donald Trump, 3-2."
Today is the 100th anniversary of what is now the "First in the Nation" primary. Per New Hampshire's Presidential
Primary Centennial Anniversary Commission: "The first New Hampshire primary was held March 14, 1916. It was not the
first-in-the-nation at that point, as the Indiana primary was held one week earlier and the Minnesota primary was held
the same day."
--@kristymcampbell : "Spotted at last @JebBush NH townhall: @sallybradshaw, wearing funny glasses that have an
American flag in one eye and "Jeb!" in the other
MONSIGNOR MEACHAM reminds us that it's Shrove Tuesday (preceding Ash Wednesday).
ALSO HAPPENING TODAY! Setting the table for the $4 trillion+ 2017 federal budget, out at 11 a.m. today,SHAUN
DONOVAN, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, spoke to Ben Weyl , editor of the newest
addition to the Politico family: a DAILY budget newsletter, publishing at 4:30 p.m., the Budget & Appropriations Brief.
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Director Donovan, a New Yorker and former Obama HUD secretary who took over OMB in July 2014, told Ben about
Obama's last budget: "[W] hat you often see in a president's last year is either a lame-duck budget that kind of trimmed
its sails or the opposite: a budget that is all vision but gives up on the idea of putting forth specific proposals that can
actually become law....
"[T]his budget has got visionary proposals, but also very specific things that ... we really think can and should get done
this year, despite all the noise and distractions of the campaign.... The State of the Union was one of the earliest,
certainly, in memory.... [T]he President was bound and determined to get right out of the gate quickly and to run
through the tape." To sample Budget & Appropriations Brief, by @benweyl and @MatthewNussbaum: ... For Politico Pros, our new budget homepage
TRUMP on N.Y. DAILY NEWS cover, "Is N.H. smarter than THIS 5th-grader? Our nation is doomed if clown who calls
opponent a 'pussy' in public wins primary." With inset of classic Daily News wood of Palin endorsing Trump: "I'M WITH
SHIFTING GRANITE - L.A. Times Al, "Old towns, new political turf in New Hampshire," by Cathleen Decker in
Manchester: "Increasingly, New Hampshire voters are [Boston] suburbanites, particularly in the long stretches of the
state's southern tier, where housing developments now form unbroken furrows north from the Massachusetts border.
Those changes in the state's population - and in its political leanings - have made New Hampshire less distinctive than it
once was, more in tune with the concerns of the rest of the country."
--CHEAT SHEET-- L.A. Times Al graphic: "The Connecticut River Valley, bordering Vermont, strongly favors that state's
senator, Bernie Sanders.... Clinton and Marco Rubio hope for strong support in the state's heavily suburban southern
tier.... Aging industrial towns like Rochester are strongholds for Donald Trump."
** A Message from MetLife: We keep our promises. MetLife pays over $30 billion a year in claims and benefits. We're
proud to have earned a place in the lives of more than 50 million Americans who rely on us to be there for them. Learn
more: **
STADIUM MOMENTS, Politico's special homepage for big events, has launched.
COVERING THE COVERAGE ... NBC: Lester Holt will anchor live updates of "NBC Nightly News" from Manchester for all
time zones, and network special reports throughout the evening.... CBS: Scott Pelley will anchor updates in the 8 and 10
p.m. hours, with John Dickerson, Nancy Cordes and Major Garrett in N.H....ABC: George Stephanopoulos will anchor
special reports in prime time from New York, then "Good Morning America" from Manchester. David Muir anchors
"World News Tonight" from Manchester; Dan Harris and Juju Chang anchor a special wrap-up edition of "Nightline."
ABC's team includes Jonathan Karl, "World News" Saturday anchor Cecilia Vega and "World News" Sunday anchor Tom
Llamas. Pic of David Muir in New Hampshire
Fox News: Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly co-anchor from Manchester, 8 to 11 p.m.... CNN coverage runs from 7 p.m. to 2
a.m., with Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer and a cast of thousands.... MSNBC: Rachel Maddow and Brian Williams anchor from
Manchester beginning at 6 p.m., joined by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd. Chris Matthews will be live from JD's Tavern
throughout the night.... NPR coverage begins at 8, hosted by An Shapiro and Audie Cornish.... PBS: "NewsHour" airs a
special from 11 to 11:30 p.m. Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff are joined by panelists David Brooks, Mark Shields and Amy
Walter. Political director Lisa Desjardins joins from New Hampshire, and "NewsHour Weekend" anchor Hari Sreenivasan
from New York.
D.C. GOES NORTH ... "K Street targets D.C. influentials - on campaign trail," by Anna Palmer in Manchester: "Companies
and associations increasingly are putting serious resources behind events aimed at the influence set on the ground in
early primary states or flying in for debates. The sell, lobbyists say, is more casual and less transactional than trying to
finagle face time in D.C. to sell legislation or press a policy. With cameos by Blain Rethmeier, Kenny Day, Amos Snead
and Robby Zirkelbach
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SPOTTED in New Hampshire this weekend, volunteering for Jeb: Juleanna Glover; Anita McBride; Fritz Brogan, a
fundraiser and co-owner of D.C.'s Mission and Hawthorne; Kimberley Fritts of the Podesta Group; Rob Collins of S3
Group; FP1's Ryan Williams; Edison Electric's Brian McCormack; Frank Mermoud; Jay Zeidman; Ford's Ziad Ojakli;
Morgan Ortagus; Keith Sonderling; Scott Arogeti; Allen Flores; and Ann Herberger.
JAY ZEIDMAN, who worked in the Bush 43 White House and was liaison to the Jewish community who is now managing
partner at Resolute Venture Partners in Houston, told Daniel he's knocked on over 150 doors: "People seem more
interested when they hear the personal connection [to Jeb]. ... We all paid our own way to come up here and to attest
to the guy." Pic of Jay Z holding two "Jeb!" signs ... Pic of Fritz Brogan holding a satirical sign "Cut
Our Military!!! Vote John Kasich"
HEATHER PODESTA has been in Manchester for Hillary. CHARLIE BLACK (who's neutral) was also spotted in the 603,
visiting Susan and Steve Duprey and attending campaign events for Jeb, Kasich and Rubio. He ran into Frank Luntz and
Susan Nelson.
HOW THEY SEE US-- "You're reprimanded!': An innocent abroad on the American campaign trail," by Brussels Playbook
author Ryan Heath in Nashua: "To an overseas visitor making his first foray into U.S. presidential politics, the campaign
trail showed off a dark and defensive America. Where was all that sunny optimism - the Apollo missions and Ronald
Reagan's 'shining city upon a hill' - that made the United States the world's role model? I didn't see much of it. In its
place were angry candidates playing to even angrier supporters." Subscribe to Brussels
STATE OF THE ART -- "Company tracked Iowa caucusgoers' phones," by USA Today's Donovan Slack: "Dstillery, which has
been called 'Picasso in the dark art of digital advertising,' ... used location data to identify more than 16,000 devices at
caucus locations across the state.... Caucusgoers who were expecting a child or had a young baby tended to be
Republican, and they showed up in greater numbers where Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was victorious.
"Other family behaviors - those associated with both working and stay-at-home parents, buyers of kids' clothing and
back-to-school supplies - were high at caucus sites that went to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.... Sports fans (NCAA, NFL, NBA,
NHL, baseball and fantasy leagues) showed up in greater numbers at caucuses won by Rubio and Sanders. NASCAR fans,
however, correlated with Trump and Clinton support. Techies - information-technology decision-makers and technology
buyers - correlated with Rubio and Sanders support."
JUST POSTED: "What Clinton said in her paid speeches -- Recalled one attendee: 'She sounded more like a Goldman
Sachs managing director' -- by Ben White in New York: "It was mostly basic stuff, small talk, chit chat,' one person who
attended [a Goldman speech in 2013] said. 'But in this environment, it could be made to look really bad.' ... Clinton
spokesman Brian Fallon dismissed the recollections as 'pure trolling."
DANA MILBANK in WashPost, "Bernie Sanders is no revolutionary": "Sanders portrays himself as an iconoclast, an anti-
politician. But he behaves in many ways like a conventional pol.... [H]is actions are not those of a revolutionary. Sanders
is part of the Washington firmament."
--"Brock: Time for Bernie's 'purity bubble' to be burst," by Gabe Debenedetti in Manchester: "I think that it's about time
that voters got a glimpse of reality, which is what's happening, and President Clinton did that. It was a strong call to
arms, particularly to her supporters - and I include myself in that - who have stayed too quiet in the face of those
character attacks, and that's over. What she correctly called the 'artful smear,' we need to call attention to," David Brock
... told POLITICO on Monday morning. 'Senator Sanders is trying to live in the purity bubble, and it needs to be burst."
ANDREW ROSS SORKIN "Dealbook" column atop N.Y Times Business front, "Roadblocks en Route from Wall Street to
Washington": "For some at the top of Wall Street, there is only one job considered better: a top job in Washington.
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Every presidential election cycle, financiers jockey ... to become [candidates'] biggest fund-raisers and, more important,
close advisers.... But in recent years, Wall Street executives have either shied away from working in Washington or been
impeded by lawmakers hostile to their nominations."
SAM YOUNGMAN had his last day Thursday at the Lexington Herald-Leader, and has started as a partner at Off the
Record Strategies, a comms and P.R. strategy firm started by Mark Pfeifle, deputy national security adviser under
President Bush 43. Mark is based in D.C. Sam (an alum of The Hill and Reuters) is working from Lexington and plans to
write for The Daily Beast.
2016 PLAYERS -- "Clinton Hires Dick Durbin Staffer [Gabe Rodriguez] To Lead Latino Outreach In Colorado," by
BuzzFeed's Adrian Carrasquillo: "Rodriguez ... worked on economic policy for Sen. Dick Durbin and on the failed
reelection campaign for former senator Mark Udall in the 2014 Democratic wipeout."
PLAYBOOK HIGHLIGHT REEL ... "Rubio, Lampooned for Repeating Himself, Does It Again," by NYT's Jeremy Peters and
Alex Thompson: "This is what he said verbatim [to a crowd in Nashua], as his wife and four children looked on: 'We are
taking our message to families that are struggling to raise their children in the 21st century because, as you saw,
Jeanette and I are raising our four children in the 21st century, and we know how hard it's become to instill our values in
our kids instead of the values they try to ram down our throats.
"In the 21st century, it's becoming harder than ever to instill in your children the values they teach in our homes and in
our church instead of the values that they try to ram down our throats in the movies, in music, in popular culture." YouTube
�"Bush would 'eliminate' Citizens United," by CNN's Tom LoBianco and Ashley Killough: "If I could do it all again I'd
eliminate the Supreme Court ruling' Citizens United, Bush told CNN's Dana Bash. 'This is a ridiculous system we have
now where you have campaigns that struggle to raise money directly and they can't be held accountable for the
spending of the super PAC that's their affiliate." Not long after Bush made his comments, Donald Trump [tweeted:]
'Now that Bush has wasted $120 million of special interest money on his failed campaign, he says he would end super
PACs. Sad!"
JASON ZENGERLE in GO., "Why Did Marco Rubio Decide to Run as a Robot?": "Not only are his speeches and answers to
voters' questions stultifying, he rarely makes himself available to reporters' questions on the trail, as well.... And pity the
poor reporter who tried to lob a question at Rubio outside one of those press avails. One evening last fall in New
Hampshire, I watched a Rubio aide physically bodycheck a New York Times reporter out of his boss's path as the
candidate made his way out of a town hall. The result is an overly coached and coddled candidate who's ill equipped for
political combat."
--"I saw a Marco Rubio town hall in New Hampshire that should terrify Democrats," by Vox's Andrew Prokop: "To this
nonpartisan crowd, Rubio worked hard to portray himself as pragmatic, positive, and connected to working people's
struggles.... Far from being robotic, Rubio came off as quite personally appealing and adept at reaching people. He
looked like an incredibly formidable candidate overall - like someone whom Republicans who want to win should
seriously consider nominating, and whom Democrats should be very afraid of." http://bitly/1PLqEre
FIRST LOOKS - AMERICAN BRIDGE put together a supercut of Rubio's debate talking points mashed with stump speech
footage, "Marco Roboto Glitches Out." 90-sec. video
--SEAN SPICER memo to reporters and allies, "Clinton Cannot Spin A NH Loss," forthcoming this a.m.: "The Clinton
campaign has been desperately trying to lower expectations ... but they cannot credibly spin a loss in a state that has
delivered for them over and over."
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TRAIL PICS -- @bennyajohnson: "Say it ain't so, Joe! #Feelthebern" [Joe Scarborough holding a Sanders "Future to
Believe in" sign] ... @NYTimeskrugman: "Ready for primary day. Also directly tweeting for the first
time. So this is a test, also very silly."
CLICKER - Films of "The Candidates: Politics as you've never seen them before" - "With their eerie, slowed-
down time and wealth of visual information, they make the stale gestures and rhetorical tropes of campaigning feel
startling, poetic, disturbing. Shot by Christopher Morris ... the films seem to expose all that is at once venal and spiritual
about American politics, precisely by not trying to look natural."
"NERD TOURISM booms in New Hampshire," by Shane Goldmacher : "Gawkers, gadflies and junkies are flooding the
state to catch an up close glimpse of the next president of the United States. The political tourism business here is
booming as political professionals and amateurs alike get into the act, shaking hands and taking selfies ... [O]n Monday
... [a] show of hands at a Cruz event in Manchester showed a majority weren't voters." http://politi.connZI1KS
OUT AND ABOUT in MANCHESTER - SPOTTED at the News and Brews event hosted by CNN and the National Beer
Wholesalers Association at The Foundry in Manchester, during a blizzard: Alex Burns, Major Garrett, Juleanna Glover,
Jennifer Granholm, Tammy Haddad, Chris Hayes, Will and Kelli Ritter, Rob Saliterman, Symone Sanders, Jackie Kucinich,
Benny Johnson, Hunter Schwarz, Evan McMorris-Santos, Brooke Baldwin, Don Lemon, Jeff Zeleny, Phil Mattingly, Sara
Murray, birthday boy Manu Raju, Matt Dornic, Ben Jacobs, Sabrina Saddiqi, Tarini Parti, Kevin Cirilli, David Rennie, Alexis
Levinson, MJ Lee, Tom McCarthy, Matt Sullivan, Paul Owen, Betsy Klein, Ryan Williams, Garrett Quinn, Rebecca Spicer.
FLASHBACK -- "Resurrection: How New Hampshire Saved the 1992 Clinton Campaign," by Patrick Healy: "A week in
February 1992 revived Bill Clinton's presidential campaign and made the state hallowed ground for the Clintons."
SNEAK PEEK --This Sunday's NYT Magazine cover story, "Chirlane McCray and the Limits of First-Ladyship: What two
years in Gracie Mansion have meant for a woman who aspired to be the "voice for the forgotten voices," by Rachel
Kaadzi Ghansah: "[A]lthough the woman by [de Blasio's] side with the long dreadlocks, tiny nose ring and activist past
had obviously not made de Blasio black, she had given black New Yorkers a sense of representation, a sense that unlike
Rudolph Giuliani or Bloomberg, her husband did not lack empathy." ... The cover
http://bit. ly/1T2fHT9
THOUGHT LEADERS - BILL GATES on, "Progress on Clean Energy": "The digital revolution was built on
government investments in the Internet and the semiconductor. Our thriving biotech industry relies on government
investments in basic and applied research into drugs and other therapies. Energy is actually one area where we have
historically invested far too little, so it is fantastic to see leaders changing course."
PLAYBOOK METRO SECTION -- "Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C., to Open Ahead of Schedule," by WSJ's Peter Grant:
"The Trump Organization, which has been converting the Old Post Office building with its soaring clock tower into a
luxury 263-room hotel, is set to open it in early September, according to Ivanka Trump, Mr. Trump's daughter, who has
been spearheading the project. The opening had been expected by the hotel industry later in 2016.... Ms. Trump said
the Trump Organization is announcing the opening of the Washington hotel now because it is going to start accepting
reservations, and the timing has nothing to do with Tuesday's New Hampshire primary.... [Jose] Andres's planned
restaurant has been replaced with a BLT Prime steak house."
DATA DU JOUR -- "Legal Fees Reach New Pinnacle: $1,500 an Hour"
--A snippet from Bruce Mehlman (lobbying firm Mehlman Castagnetti) quarterly Washington Update shows Donald
Trump has added 25,654 Twitter followers EVERY DAY since launching his campaign on June 16, 2015
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WASHINGTON, INC. -- "S-3 Group And Bryant Row Team Up To Create S-3 Public Affairs": "The merging of talents of the
two firms will allow them to provide a greater array of corporate and issue-based coalition and advocacy work.... S-3
Group is a boutique government affairs firm anchored by John Scofield, Mike Ference, Rob Collins and Martin Delgado.
Bryant Row was founded in 2015 by Amos Snead." ...
TRANSITIONS --JOHN MURRAY to Monument Policy Group - Murray comes from JAM Strategies and "[p]reviously, he
led the YG Network ... and acted as an outside advisor to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. John served as Deputy Chief
of Staff during Cantor's tenure as Republican Whip and Majority Leader where he oversaw communications, strategic
initiatives and political outreach."
ENGAGED -- Carly Freedman, political consultant with Schrayer & Associates, Inc. to Bradley Schlafer, financial analyst at
Gate Gourmet. The two met in undergrad at GWU, and he proposed by getting down on one knee (in the snow) in
Aspen, CO. Pic with two horses and snow-capped mountains in the background
WELCOLME TO THE WORLD -- Chris and Amanda Fleming welcomed Addyson Grace Fleming to the world yesterday at
3:17 p.m. Mom and baby are doing very well and Addyson already has Dad, And big brother Smyth wrapped around her
little finger. Chris is principal at Smoot Tewes Group, and Amanda is the director of major gifts at Public Citizen. Pic
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Elliot Schwartz in Jeb's war room and a Free Beacon alum ... Raul Vidal, senior partner at
Omnia Economic Solutions ... Brian Besanceney, SVP of public affairs at Walt Disney and a Bush 43 WH, State and DHS
alum ... (was Saturday): WashPost's Richard Cohen
BIRTHDAYS : Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is 59 ... Roger Mudd is 88 ... former Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) is 70 ... Washington
Gov. Jay Inslee ... Tom Szold, national political director for Carly for President and a DCI Group alum ... Alex Priest, digital
brand and content lead at Uber ... L.A. Times alum Abbe Goldman ... Nancy Reynolds Bagley ... Larry Rasky, P.R. guru and
chairman and CEO of Rasky Baerlein and a Deadhead and Biden whisperer ... Politico's Kristen Hayford is 27, celebrating
in the newsroom for the primary tonight, then later in the week with a joint happy hour at Jack Rose with Politico
Magazine's Margy Slattery, another L.A. native who's 27 tomorrow ... Saat Alety, comms. director to Rep. Ed Royce (R-
Calif.) (h/t the Birthday Planning Committee) ... Anna Perina in the War Room at CAP Action (h/t Emily Tisch Sussman) ...
Commerce's Van Freeman (h/t Kiara Pesante) ...
... Audrey Scagnelli , a CMR alum now on Team Carly ... Jay Michael Plant ... Kelly Lungren, CoS for Rep. Morgan Griffith
(R-WVa.) ... Aaron Kraut ... Teal Pennebaker ... Anne Plummer Flaherty ... Gail Huff ... WUSA alum Jessica Doyle, now
director of corporate comms. at Starwood Hotels & Resorts ... State Department's Kendra Miller ... Lauren McGaughy,
who covers the Capitol for the Houston Chronicle, formerly of the Times Picayune (her heart is in New Orleans) and
Asahi Shimbun (h/t Ben Chang) ... Victoria Suarez-Palomo, special advisor for strategy and planning for Secretary of
Education John King ... Elizabeth Shelton ... Dom Bartkus, Democratic pollster and director at Penn Schoen Berland ...
... Adam Caskey ... Scott Heiser, DSCC alum ... Cameron Colby Thomson ... Debbie Hellman ... Richard Real ... Sam
McCabe, DNC director of data services ... Elizabeth Shelton ... Kayce Ataiyero, comms. director for Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL)
... art gallery owner Geoff Young ... The Atlantic's Joe Pinsker ... Neal Higgins ... Luther Smith ... Jen Kern (h/ts Teresa
Vilmain) ... Nobel Prize-winning author J.M. Coetzee is 76 ... actress-politician Sheila James Kuehl ("The Many Loves of
Dobie Gillis") is 75 ... Carole King is 74 ... Joe Pesci is 73 ... Alice Walker is 72 ... Mia Farrow is 71 ... Travis Tritt is 53 ...
actor Jimmy Bennett is 20 (h/ts AP)
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