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Publication Date: 
October 5, 1973
Approved for Release: 2022/09/21 C06954153 Weekly Summary Summary -Secret- 5 October 1973 MI 0390/73 Copy No 49 Approved for Release: 2022/09/21 C06954153 Approved for Release: 2022/09/21 C06954153 (b)(3) CONTENTS (5 October 1973) (01) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) M DDLE EAST AFRICA 15 Portuguese Guinea: Rebels Proclaim Independence (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/09/21 C06954153 Approved for Release: 2022/09/21 C06954153 Portuguese Guinea REBELS PROCLAIM INDEPENDENCE q? the anti-Portuguese rebels met inside a "lib- /5 ['There are indications that Lisbon has been erated" area of Portuguese Guinea last week and assessing the high cost of its continued presence declared their long-awaited independent state of in the territory. Portuguese officials told the US "Guinea-Bissau." This political move by the insur- 7., Embassy in Lisbon last week that Lisbon had gents will generate new international criticism of? resumed indirect probes for an accommodation Portugal's presence in Africa, but is not likely to with the rebels. The rebel declaration, however, bring an early settlement of the insurgency in the and the diplomatic recognition the rebels have territory l received will make it more difficult for the Por- tuguese to construct a political arrangement on 47 TA communique issued by the African Party their own terms. Tor the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde indicates that party leaders have assumed the top , positions in the new "government." Luiz Cabral / p Most African and a growing number of other and Francisco Mendes, both major party figures, , nonaligned nations, as well as China and the will serve as chief of state and head of govern- r,Soviet..Union, have recognized the rebel govern- ment, respectively. Aristides Pereira remains in61 / mend 'International reaction will become clearer the key post of head of the party although he &when the Africans raise the question of Guinea- holds no government twat - 06 Bissau's status at the UN. Nigeria's General Gowon, in his capacity as current head of the OAU, has called a meeting of African foreign 1The independence declaration is intended to ministers in New York to coordinate a common give the rebels an appearance of legitimacy that position at the UN in support of the rebel regime, will enable them to gain increased foreign eco- nomic and military assistance. The Portuguese still control the important areas of Portuguese 5' (Portugal is accustomed to verbal abuse of its Guinea, and the military situation is stalemated7 African policy, and argues that neither diplomatic grerrhe insurgents, however, have improved their ie. recognition nor UN resolutions will change the military position this year, largely through a new internal situation in Portuguese Guinea. After 1. capability�Soviet-supplied SA-7 surface-to-air O7 some delay, General Bettencourt Rodrigues has ai missiles�to counter Portuguese air power. They arrived in Bissau to take over as the new corn- -1 I have also made some limited gains on the ground mander in chief and governor. The general's actions over the next few weeks may give some indication of Portuguese intentions. Page 15 WEEKLY SUMMARY 5 Oct 73 Approved for Release: 2022/09/21 C06954153