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Document Creation Date: 
July 11, 2023
Document Release Date: 
December 7, 2022
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Publication Date: 
June 4, 2014
Approved for Release: 2022/11/07 C06934485 From: Sent: To: Subject: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 3:21 PM FW: CIA + social media expansion / Georgetown-CIA conference Classification: UNCLASSIFIED DELIBERATIVE PROCESS PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT FYSA VR, DD/OPA Please contact From: Sent. Wednesday June 04 2014 .20 PM To: Cc: Subject: [AIN] RE: CIA + social media expansion / Georgetown-CIA conference for scheduling and urgent issues. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED AIN EMAIL Approved for Release: 2022/11/07 C06934485 Approved for Release: 2022/11/07 C06934485 Dean, We'll be looking for it to re-tweet, welcome etc. Will it be before 5? (b)(6) Best From: (b)(3) Segt� Wednesday lime 04 7014 2.71 PM (b)(6) To: (b)(3) (b)(6) Cc: Media Subject: CIA + social media expansion / Georgetown-CIA conference Team NSC / DNI: 1) Just wanted to alert you that later today CIA is finally scheduled to expand its social media presence to include Twitter and Facebook. First tweet likely scheduled late today and will be very innocuous. This has been roughly a year in the making and we've had to overcome a great many hurdles internally. This expansion will build our online presence beyond CIA's public website, mobile site and our existing accounts on Flickr and YouTube. 2) And, as a reminder, on June 11, CIA and Georgetown University will be holding a joint public conference on national security entitled "The Ethos and Profession of Intelligence." The full-day conference will be held at Georgetown and is open to press. CIA Director Brennan is the keynote speaker and former FBI Director Robert Mueller is providing opening remarks. Happy to send over additional details upon request. Best, Dean Boyd Director, CIA Office of Public Affairs (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) 2 Approved for Release: 2022/11/07 C06934485 Approved for Release: 2022/11/07 C06934485 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 3 Approved for Release: 2022/11/07 C06934485