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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
July 27, 2022
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Publication Date: 
December 10, 1947
sr " ;!i$C � 4SP.W41%4414 Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 C06933171 - � 402 4109 BEST COPY AVAILABLE '11 . � 10 Dumber 1947 IdDICRANDIN 0 captain Smut N. Voris unto Mitt 'RUMPS.. Obialtives Agony, Room 20267, Pontoon, Washington 25, D. O. . . Subjeett Prot. (psi Valtber Gorlash � � 1i I have been approasbed by a Dritish U4.�Meer ter SSW sent on a repast by Prot. Gerlach to awe from the Dritish to the II. 11, Sons it aormanb I ban stated that vhile I had se Wootton to aerialists return to IOWA I *odd not speak tor the United Mates deventsent.'.1 '� ltL further suggested that the ablest be handled tv_autisorities dill*. &Utah : lens of Ilernany with. the oesreepooding Rip 1� ortielaig. in' the Anerisu � . . . . . . . . . � � a. I pass tha above to you tor your. istorartioc, together !Mb' �'� the relleving resarks regardiarGerlaoh it wilish v� ever% � ' . � Re vas deputy tor nnaloar photo. dirsetty to Nem= wring in the latter days of the var and when the oases of the aelienn =oleo Optimists were ttaally disposed of some tis. aXles the eapitulation of Oorsany, be vas settled at the Vaiversity at � Donn in the British Sag* ' ' � � .� � _ I. it is Unireileefi that derlaoh has never been ham at am and has asked Omission to go to likaich, his old bons, puneaaistar. 'Ile need to be protease? of *Mos at the Vaiversitg, of muh. I. Technie&Up, Oerlseh is sonsiderad a emote,* saisitiit by both U. and British smutted. � one of the bettor sea wag the Oman persoLel, 1 �;������� sua szioi � 1111.7 0122402, Prof. (No %oho, � Outtral Avow .� . L. Z. 12112111 Apprord1044.1r&vy...0 :gate 111.111111F. 4189 931222 '2 Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 C06933171