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Publication Date: 
February 22, 1972
Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580 Secrg DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin ,Seeret N2 42 22 February 1972 Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580 Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580 .S.EGREr No. 0045/72 22 February 1972 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS SOUTH VIETNAM: The military situation. (Page 1) LAOS: yang Pao's offensive has slowed. (Page 3) USSR: Damage to winter grains. (Page 5) IAEA-EURATOM: Negotiations on safeguards. (Page 6) ZAIRE: Government and party changes (Page 8) PHILIPPINES-CHINA: Visit by Marcos' emissary (Page 8) El SALVADOR: Election tally (Page 9) SEGR-Er Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580 Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580 .Sgeft-rr IAEA-EURATOM: The third round of IAEA-EURATOM negotiations on safeguards rcquired by the Nonpro- liferation Treaty (NPT) begirLs today, but an early agreement may not be possiblc. The NPT, which entered j requires the IAEA to verify t adherents do not divert fissj peaceful applications. ThesE ments were to be in effect tn have been delayed for a numbE rangements between the IAEA a sensitive, because they must only regional safeguards syst volve several states with adl. clear programs. In an effort to move thE EURATOM along, the IAEA staff forthcoming set of proposals the EURATOM position that, as IAEA personnel need only veri rather than inspect civilian West German industrialists he sistent on this procedure, ma rigorous IAEA inspections col: mercial disadvantage vis-a-vi such as France. Bonn will nc it is satisfied with the tern agreement. France, which is not a r to the talks with the IAEA, h that it may stir up new probl partners. Paris professes tc the EURATOM position on the I ternational transfers of fise French also allege that any s EURATOM as a community might though it is not a party to t IAEA. 22 Feb 72 nto force in March 1970, .hat non-nuclear-weapon onable materials from verification arrange- next month, but they r of reasons. The ar- nd EURATOM are the most take into account the em in existence and in- anced non-military nu- negotiations with recently offered a to accept essentially a matter of routine, fy EURATOM records nuclear operations. ve been especially in- intaining that more id put them at a coin- s nuclear competitors t ratify the NPT until s of the safeguards arty to the NPT nor as lately been hinting ems for its EURATOM have difficulty with AEA's policing of in- ionable materials. The anctions invoked against affect France even he agreement with the (continued) Central Intelligena Bulletin 6 Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580 Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580 The IAEA-EURATOM negotiations are also being closely watched by Tokyo. The Japanese want the safeguards on their facilities to be no more onerous than those on EURATOM and have conditioned their ratification of the NPT on this. The Soviets have recently maintained a low profile on safeguards questions, but Moscow also will be chary of grant- ing too privileged a position to EURATOM. 22 Feb 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin 7 Approved for Release: 2022/02/16 C06924580