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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
December 2, 2021
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
October 21, 1968
Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C06923736 tjotit I , Nisi SE T/SENSITIVE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 21 October 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Walt W. Rostow Special Assistant to the President The Honorable Dean Rusk Secretary of State SUBJECT: Views of Vice President Ky on the Proposed Bombing Halt 1. (b)(1) (b)(3) a. Ky is pleased with Thieuls press conference statements at Vung Tau, calling the position which the President enunciated on a bombing halt one which all Vietnamese can support. Ky believes that the GVN leadership is more united on the bombing issue than it has been on any recent question, and although he had suggested a tougher line to Thieu, he has no policy on the bombing issue separate from the President's. b. Ky sincerely believes that achieving an agreed GVN position on the bombing halt is not enough; it is vital also to reach agreement with the U.S. Ky proposed to Ambassador Berger on 18 October a possible compromise which Ky regards as eminently fair. This proposal calls for the announcement of a bombing halt "after consultation and agreement between the GVN, the USG, and the Allies" coupled with a statement that the DRY has agreed to meet with GVN representatives to explore ways to end the war. Ky believes this statement would meet the GVNis political need for a publicized quid pro quo and the source "understands" that it would be acceptable to Thieu. (Comment: Ambassador Berger says that no such specific compromise proposal was offered by Ky during their 19 October talk.) ET/SENSITIVE SE;L'KET CRIII? fri alb:mane and ds;losiiicatten Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C06923736 Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C06923736 SE ET 1/SENSITIVE var. c. Ky believes that an important missing factor is know- ledge of how the bombing halt proposal originated. He does not know whether the U.S. has already made secret commitments to the DRV or whether there is still room for considerable maneuver. He hopes to elicit this from Thieu or Ambassador Berger. 2. is convinced that both Ky and Thieu will go to (b)(1) some lengths to accommodate the U.S. on this question. Asked what (b)(3) the GVN might do if the U.S. simply announced a bombing halt unilaterally, he hazarded the guess it would issue a statement re- serving its own rights and might even withdraw its observer dele- gation from Paris. If, however, after the American announcement, the DRY subsequently invited the GVN to talks in a manner which recognized the GYN's primacy in SVN affairs, the GVN would probably accept. considers Thieuis Yung Tau reference (b)(1) to the GVN refusal to sit down with the NLF in any guise unfortunate (b)(3) propaganda, since both Ky and Thieu arewilhirtg to settle for an NLF presence at Paris sOlong as the GVN does not appear to be plac_e_ on an equal footing with the Front. 4_ T/SENSITIVE ,21(ET Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C06923736