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PDF icon LETTER TO MAJOR GENERAL W[16100779].pdf217.26 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 C06922963 ca -$) .r4 g a) .-d d g -P 0 a) 04 0 �,--i 0.0 -P m 4-1 12 January 1950 o g 'd 4)0 at a) -0 co m -p 0 ra 02 z3 -P 4, al ca 03 ca g 5 g 0 c3 a) 0M -0 5 g ta 4-, 04 03 $-4 g 0 a) 0 0 p4, 0 g -PO 0 0 m Major General William J. Donovan . .4.4 at u) Donovan, Leisure* Newton, Lumbard and Irvine o TS g 0 00000,i Two Wall Street ! o ,--.1 r-i m 4-1 .rs .0 New York 5. New York m 0 :R .-0 � CO �r1 ,.. 0 0 d 4-, 4.1 $4 $4 �,-i -0 0 my dear General Donovan: 0 ,o Di rcs m } m o �g--1 a) N-4 k g 0 k cd The additional and correctional material which you 043 a) +5 -P -r1 Id act �r-1 I have submitted is now in the process of being integrated .a) -p 0 -P , M rn into the OSS War Report insofar as possible, and it is 0 z 0 0 0 hoped that the project will be brought to an early 0 a) -P -,-1 ,0 .ft cb 0 0 conclusion. �ri rt)\,, C-1 4) 4., -$) $4 o3 With reference to the "Augur" plan mentioned in 0 0 ..-1 Cl) 0 g -P C. -p m your letter of 29 December, this report has been located 02 0 m g 0 -1-1 0 and appropriate mention of it will be included in the 0 d M WHH 4-, .-4 CO ! 4, Far East section of the History. Your calling this over- 01 04 g a) o3 -P 0 $4 -g ^ci sight to our attention is appreciated. 0 �f-D CO d -P g ,0 CD 0 Ti a) gi i 0 in S-1 �r-I Sincerely, P 0 0 6 CO 00 i o �r-I r-I CD 0 -P A X) $4 sgd & disp via ER 1/12/50 cr) g 03 af 0 ,_g g ed CO , 0 -P 0 d -i-t r4 4.) P4 r-I ,.0 R. H. HILLENICOMB2 ---... us oi 0 . .---1 -P 0 g 0.8 Rear Admiral, USN g �H r.n �r-I CO 0 -P C.) CO Director of Central ! - I g 0 0."-..,,--i m Intelligence I a) T.4 �H ig /.4 t--.1 04 -13 DOCUr.7....7( tO. g ()) NO G::::-1-7 !-* !'!.:13. 0 k g taD or! 0 0 "::* :2 -P - od R4 ADSO:DCI:b � +3 ,0 r-t CY; 4*. " . . ':"; 7r. 4-) -d 000 Distr: tt- ...: i...:. i...2. Orig -addressee PATLI 18 1;49A31 IIZVLEV: al-064540 icy-DC! file 2cy-ADSO w/basic & Orig&3 of Col.Pruden's memo, 1/10/50 end l draft of above ltr.6coLt. s. C.....L. f, NOTE: Basic re Gin Donovan's ltr, 10/19/49, 0-7037. He states matr which he has promised has been forwarded. Still one gap in history - -plan which he submitted to JCS, State & � General Iledemeyer in 1945 for org of an intell unit for comprehensive study of China. Name of study was "Augur" and it is vital part of work of the org., and serves as example of failure of exec officers to take advantage of such studies. If study cannot be located, request his ltr be included no. acA_PProv for Release: 2022/08/04 C0692290. roject had been submitted even thc 44- .,.,41, 1....., ,......A.,,,r4,......A in matr -- ER0-8247 Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 006922963 � COP! � pONOVAN LEISURE NEWTON LUMBARD & IRVINE Two Wall Street New York 51 N. Y. October 19th 1949 Rear Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter central Intelligence Agency Washington 251 D. C. Dear Admiral Hillenkoetter: ER 0-7039 I have your letter of October 5th, relative to the OSS History. In examining the history, I found certain errors in the statement of facts. In order to make proper correction, it has been necessary to obtain statements from Key personnel of the OSS who had definite knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the different operations. This has been done and the statements are in course of preparation. I have talked with Kermit Roosevelt and will send the papers on to him as soon as they come into my possession. Sincerely yours, signed - William J. Donovan Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 006922963 Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 006922963 � � PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL TIAL ER 0-6778 5 October 1949 Major leneralWil)le= J. Donovan Dcncvin, Leisure, Newton, Lombard & Irvine ?wo Wall Street New 'fork 5, N. 1*. Dear General Donovan: junt today / have received a memorandum from the Direotor of the Joint Staff which reads, as follows: otto agencies of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have ireicated an urcnt need for the completed history of the �Moe of Strategic. Services and have roqueeted that it bo fUrniehed at tbo etrliost p=c- ticable date. In view of this, information is requerted as to when the document may be eolected.11 Could you please give MR the information requested in order that I o/Ny transmit it to. the Joint Chief's . of Staff, Mr. Ecrviit Roosevelt, of course, stands re,* to confer with you if he can be of mrAy assistance in this matter. vre7 best wish D: RHH/gc Distribution: Orig - Addressee cc- DCI 2 cc - ADSO (for believe me, Sincerely, Signed - Dispatched 10/6/49 thru ER(sealed) R. 11. Hillenkoetter Rear Achairal, USN Director of Centre3. Intelli game Director, Strategic Services Unit) Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 006922963 � Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 C06922963 CONFIDENLIAL � IR 0-6620 a) a; 4.E1 a) +3 $7. o al ri 0 .4 O '0 g -4-1 -1-1 -p 4-4 01 O IA 6 0) O P4 u$ tO a) �Z)1 $ H rti r-4 t1 -)) O 0 O H 4) 11 XI CO � +) �ri C.) a's -4 a) al 0 .4 or' P4 4.) 1:$ 4.) 0 CO k 0 O4-4 .2 ck2 4-4 0 nos 0 O 0 O 0 0 000 g to.d +) 0 2 0 g � r0 0 k 000 ef84) g4C1) 21-9 ki otit �ri ri 0 0 � ....I � 0 rn 1 I-4 0 el ON �0 0 -4 �0 4-4 ONto It.a4-Z23 et1 04 \ I r7.1 0 0 r-I CO 28 September 1949 1MORANDUM FGR: The Joint Chiefs of Staff SUBJECT: History of the Office of Strategic Services 1. The CEmtral Intelligence Group, the predecessor of this Agency, was directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to prepare a history of the organization and operations of the Office of Strategic Services. This has been in process for several years. On completion of the first draft, about eighteen month, ago, a copy was aent to .iajor General William J. Donovan, Director of the Offite of Strategic Serviees, for his comments. This first draft copy was returned with General Donovan's comments which were incorporated into a second draft at which time General Donovan asked to see the second draft and to make further comments. This second draft was furnished General Donovan the early part of this year, qnd so far we have heard nothing further from him directly*. 2. The history of the Office of Strategic Services was classified by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as TOP SECT, but me have recently learned that General Donovan has forwarded to various other people separate volumes of the history for farther comment and rewrite. 3. It is requested that the Joint Chiefe of Staff give guidance to the Central Intelligence Agency in thls matter�whether to wait until General Donovan returns a corrected draft, or whether to press him for a return in the immediate future. Signed & dispatched by hand DCI 9/28/49 R. H. HILLENKOETTER Rear Mmiral, Director of Central Intelligence D: RHH/gc Distribution: Orig. & lee - JCS - DCI 2 cc - ADSO -- for Director, Strategic Services Unit. Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 C06922963 Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 C06922963 9 JAN 1948 MORAN=i TMIt JOIN COUPS or SfATF IMMOUNs Joint Seeurity Control Subjeets War Report of the atm. of Strategie Barstools Pant to the request of the joint Chiefs of Staff * WarReport of the activities of the Offiee of Strategic Services has been completed ender the jurisdiction of the Director of the Stra Services Umit and the supervision of the Joint SecurityGoatrol. A. copy of the report was admitted to Major General Willimn J. Donovan, Director of the OBS, for his review and any desired eommeet. 114 has obliged that his oomments will be forthooaing reasonably soon. Copies thereof will be provided upon reeeipt. Three typewritten, bound eopiee of the report together with pertinent comments by the Director, SW, are forwarded 1- R. H. HILLFNKOETTER REAR A0MtRAL. USN OIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Approved for Release: 2022/08/04 C06922963