Groundwork for Initial Operations with New NSC Authorization

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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
May 4, 2022
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
April 1, 1970
Approved for Release: 2022/04/29 C06920340 01:10UNDWaRY FCL 7::NITIAL OPERATIONS WI T NI;W NC AUTHORIZATION On 21 November the 3i8C authorized the expeadit-ure of for the strengthening and minimal arms equip- ment of 2,1)00 troops under Simbolon, this sum to include tan million rupiahs ($325,000) cash for Simboloa to rebuild his troops and solidify his role as the dis- sidents' coordinator. NSC's action specifically approved a CIA memorandum submitted to the NSC on 19 November, which summed up in considerable detail the facts, discussion, conclusions and recommendations pertinent to the Indo- nesian program. *Subsequent to the NSC's approval on 21 November of the special political program for Indonesia, the DCI notified the CIA Comptroller, in a memorandum dated 28 November, that fiscal year 1958 funds totaling tha Indonesian project could be released from ne CIA aeserve for Contingency. The DCI's memorandum indicated tha-: expenditures might be written off to expense on the basis of receipts or appropriate statements in lieu thereof, and a certification by the Chief of FE Division that such expenses were necessary and within the authority of the project. FE Division was to maintain a single substantive "Eyes Only" file on such expenses. Project HAIK was approved on 2 December 1957. RET Approved for Release: 2022/04/29 C06920340