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Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
MEMORANDUM PORs Deputy Director, Plans
SUBJECT: Medical Survey Report of
13 May 1952
Executive Officer for Deputy Director (Plans)
/0 Copies of subject report, prepared by Dr. Stephen L. Aldrich,
Chief, Special Support Division, Medical Office, are submitted for
your information and appropriate distribution.
2. The study has been written in sterilized form so that the
complete report may be circulated without editing among compartmentalized
Divisions as well as field stations if so desired.
3Q Cover sheets with recommended addressees are attached to the
enclosed copies.
Qrig & 1 - Addressee
1 . ADPCv
1 = ADSO
1 - ADO
1 -CftE
1 - C/SE
1 . Os
1 . CAL
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
4 MARCH to 5 APRIL 1952
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t44411rd.vw `k*.e
This Medical survey was undertaken by the medical office in
order to obtain a clear0 realistic0 and objective picture of the
medical support program as it now exists in the field; to assist
and advise the medical offioers in their planning of future logistic
and training requirements; to make a preliminary survey of certain
stations where DYCLA1M medical facilities do not exist; and to assure
the availability of adequate medical support for DYCLEAN as well as
DYCLUCK personnel and operations,
This report will be presented in the form of individual station
commentaries for the benefit of those who are only interested in
certain phases of the medical support program. There will be a
Recapitulation section following the station commentaries .for the
benefit of cosmic planners and broad policy cutters*
An adequate supply of sterile copies suitable for distribution
to interested parties will be available at the A1AD office including
copies in capsule form for those who would like to thoroughly digest
this report.
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5 March to 11 March 1952 and 19 March to 22 March 1952 (b)(3)
The conception and implementation of a overall medical support
plan for and edit:cent areas was carried out largely through
the efforts of Vihose foresight and understanding
of military channels and liaison made it possible for him to develop
a nucleus from whiclaa much larger medical support program can be
developed, by means of medical maehinationsa had himself
attached to the DTELDER Surgeon General's Staff stationed i
which position gave him freedom to draw on DTELDER supplies an
ities as well as access to the DTELDER records, an arrangement which
has proved valuable on many occaiions for purposes of backstopping' b 3
hospitalizations both in the
Followime return to th
has been most ably tilled by
face, has continued to broaden an
military. At the present time
and in RTEXOTIC General Hospitals*(bX6)
atasa the position with DTELDER
who, scalpel in hand smile on
strengthen our position with the
spends very little time at his (b)(3)
office in since there is little need for active olinical support
in this arca a irnia time. However, his military position with DTELDER
Will continue to be the keystone administratively, for our medical
support in this general area. has been given the responsibility
of coordinating supply requests from our other neighboring stations au
well as handling all requests from this office for medical and medico -
operational information. freedom of action allows him greater
mobility than the other physicians; therefore he would be the logical
medical representative to be called on for medical support to station�
with DYCLAIM facilities.
With the recent arrival of
actual patient care has been adequa
insight and professional competency
this position. It is hoped that an
in in the near future
in the problem of
sly resolved* keen.
makes him ideally suitable for
office Will be made available to
With the arrival of the new medical technician,
will be able to handle the usual run of illnesses presentee ea, aeleee
and indigenous personnel. Serious illnesses and injuries can be
admitted to the General Hospital. It is generally agreed at
this station that s safer from a seourIy standpoint to admit ine
digenous persons to the military hospitals
an in complete agreement
with this opinion.
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At the present time 95% of all medical supplies can e urchased
hysicians from the General Hospitals or throug from
warehoueeso Certain specialized items �age Nut onal kits
or Indigenous (sterile) First Aid Kits are being made up from items
purchased on the local econamy (see report on HTEXOTIC)0 There does
not seem to be any great need for stockpiling of large stores of
medical items in this area in the immediately foreseeable futures
however the withdrawal of HICURIO forces would obviously embarrass
our support structure to a large degree* The authority for the re.
quisitioning of supplies from DTELDER is contained in Letter
There would be obvious advantages in establishing a more inclusive
authority for support from government channels through
There does not seem to be a need for increased expansion of
facilities at this time; however, existing facilities could be further
developed� will continue to develop good liaison and control
over certain an Hospitals and Sub-Station Dispeniarys in
(b)(3) and environs play a role in our support of future 4raln ng
(b)(6) operations� facilities will be developed in the near
future. It a my s ncere hope that more emphasis will be placed on
certain medico-operational phases of our support� Field interest see=
to be keen regarding certain specific aspects of medico4o �rational
support and it is hoped that contacts established with and
DYCLEAN will prove fruitful in the development of this neglected phase
of our overall program..
10 Current medical facilities and support are flexible enough to
handle any expansion envisioned in the near future.
25 There appears to be a general lack of awareness t some stations
of the existenoe of a medioal support program in It is my (W(1)
sincere hope that I have helped to make it clear to the various branches (b)(3)
of our organisation that our physicians' are available for the support
of all DYCLADtpersannel and operations, limited only by the amount of
time available anUthe geographical distances involved. This particular
point was discussed with DYCLUCK and DYCLEAN repreaentatives in order
to prevent any future misunderstandings�
Some of the following recommendations have already been iiplemented
in the field but are included in this list for the record.
It 18 reookmended thats
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2. A vehicle be made available on a 24 hour basis for
during periods when rather active training is being undertaken at the
training site.*
30 be transferred from the ZRELOPE projoet VO to the
station an t he be given an advancement in g rade based on his
superior handling of his job and his increased responsibilities.
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seZ.0�tt Ir
10 March 1952
medical problems are handled by the looal
hospital which is of the station type. To date this procedure has
been adequate for most medical needs. Seriously 111 patients and/or
complicated oases are evacuated to the General Hospital at
for definitive treatment. Local indigenous physicians are used to
great advantage in many cases where their reliability is !mown.
There does not appear to be a need for DYCLAIM medical facilities
at this station at this time.
Needed medical supplies could be purchased locally or through
In the event that this station should require greater medical (b)(3)
support1, such support could easily be arranged through (b)(6)
on short notice.
1. The general health of station personnel as reported to me by
is good. states that morale is excellent as they are
all too busy to ore or frustrated. I think that this pretty well
points up the situation, at many of our stations� i.e. basically there
are less serious morale problems where our people are busy and close
to he operational problems and receive rather immediate satisfaction
from their work. Stations farther removed and of a support natures on
the other hand, slim a higher incidence of dissatisfaction due to fres.
tration and lack of a feeling of accomplishment.
2. It is recommended that the contact (bX3)
r::7:7;edical support necessary and that
ersonnel are to be evacuated to edictal care so
e notifiedw (bX6)
a e can adequately follow up each case and backstop their records.
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STATIONs RTEIDTIC - 11 March 1962 to 17 March 1952
The medical support at
nd his assistants
up a program of support whi
farther advanced than any of the other
tared by
has set
0 very, native, and
faoilitiese The scope.
of support needed at this station is oonsiderable and p with
his apparently infinite capacity and eaergy, has been able to fulfill
the needs of the stations in a most complete manner.,
The routine medical problems which arise at this station are
handled by and his assistants on a personal house call basis
or by appointment at his office which is in a rather remote part of
the city* More serious problems are hospitalised at the HTEXOTIC
General Hospital and are handled in much the same mmn#r as the eatients
at In addition to the local medical care
are dispatched weekly to the various training sites in the area where
physical immunisations and sick calls are heldo More serious cases
are brought in to or personal care0 Medical technician
has been .stationed permanennty at tne Larger mraloinsuit
north, He will remain at this site as long as the type of training is
such that serious injuries may result. Seriously injured trainees from
this area may be evacuated to
y Station NCB i al and from there
back to if neoessaryo will visit at regular
intervals in order to provide professional support and liaison,
The supply problem at HTEXOTIC is quite similar to that at
Man Y medical items are available through government channels9 however
in some instances, has had difficulty in locating supplieo
sent from will be able to help in the proper
r supplies in the rUtureo In addition to the usual channels�
is making active use of the local economy for both first aid
and nutritional items and has succeeded in developing excellent "sterile"
Firet Aid and Nutritional Nits which may prove to be much more economical
and certainly more available than anything which HTCURIO has produced*
The results of the first "field tests" are awaited with great interest,
If successful, it is hoped that future requests for such items can be
channeled directly between stations in the field rather than back to
4A0 -
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Discussions with representatives of the various desks did not
reveal any concrete plans for expansion of training at this station0
However, increased demands for support aids from HTEXOTIC are ex-
pected on the basis of subsequent discussions with neighboring stations.
It is likely that an additional medical technician will be needed in
the near future to help with the assembly of kits. Requests for oertata
items from HTCURIO have been received and are in ths process of being
filled for shipment. Certain aspeota of the support of LCLEMUR can
best be given by our HTEXOTIC staff.
10 The same general observations noted at are applicable
2. Close liaison between the medical officers will be
necessary as the medical support program develops.
It is recommended that:
1. A mediCal technician be sent to HTEXOTIC tn time to help
prepare for the "spring planting".
9 be given every assistance in his program to develop
"sterile kits for the use of indigenous operations.
3. Reports of medical rejection of indigenous personnel by
be submitted directly to the Station Chief.
40 be sent to LCLEKUR for the purpose of 'laying on
details of evacuation of medical patients from LCLEMUR to the
General Hospital at HTEXOTIC and also to help them with their
specific requests for indigenous "sterile" kits.
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STATION: LCLEMUR - 17 March 1952 to 19 March 1952,
My arrival at this station along with approximately nine other
DYCLAIM representatives marked the high spot of my trip,
might add that in spite of this extra burden added to their normal
duties, the station personnel expressed a friendly attitude of co..
operation and a genuine desire to exchange views and information
Unsurpassed by any other station visited during this survey�
At present, the station utilizee a small hospital for all (b)(1)
of their medical support. They have found this to be sufficient to (b)(3)
date but there is a possibility that as the station activities increase,
be a need for added support from our medical personnel in
There is no secure way to take care of indigenous personnel (b)(1)
at this time except through the use of indigenous physicians. (b)(3)
There are no DYCLAIM medical facilities at LCLEKUR at the present
As indicated earlier, there is a need for "sterile" First Aid
and Nutritional Kits which could best be filled at HTEXOTTC. Occasional
requests for medical supplies could also be routed through HTEXOTIC,
There 'is no need for full time DYCLAIM medical personnel at
LCLEMUR, However, there are certain supply problems which could best
be worked out On a personal basis between the at ' d our medical
officers in It would be advantageoue i could make a
more thorough investigation of the hospital at LCLEMUR and lay on
arrangements for the future evacuation :of seriously ill patients to
a General Hospital in provided that it can be arranged/
S -E.0
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It is recommonded*thatt
10 be permitted to visit LC LEMUR when requested (b)(3)
by LCLFEUT2 :for purposes of medical support, (b)(6)
2. That routine requests for supplies and/or definitive medical
care for the LCLEMUR station be routed through HTEXOTIC before for-
warding to RTCURIO.
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STATION: 23 March to 25 March 1952 mad 27 March to 28
March 1952
The problems of medical support in this area are somewhat different
than those faced in Because of the political policies of the
government it is mandatory for DYCLAIM to utilise some sort of
_1 At the present time is handling our
entire support for this area in addition to his regular\
This dual role is being handled in
a most efficient manner by at the present time, however, de-
pendent care and numerous ouse calls throw rather heavy demands on
his time. During absence from the Dispensary it is necessary
for one of the other SS physicians to backstop him. Local arrange.
ments were made to handle this and one of the trustworthy DYMADNESS (b)(3)
physicians had been partially cut in for this purpose. All minor problems (b)(6)
can be handled through MADNESS facilities or at one of the local hospitals,
Arrangements have been made to send an more serious Problems to
for hospitalisation at the HTEXOTIC General Hospital, DYMADNESS officials (b)(3)
have been cooperative and are delighted to have an added physician on (b)(6)
their staff furnished by DYCLAld.
Present facilities include the DTAADNESS Dispensary and a wing of
one of the indigenous hospitals for the use of OCCIGAR employees. In.
digenous employees are usually referred to local indigenous physiciani
for hospitalization, for security reasons, Their outpatient care is
handled by (b)(3)
The procurement of supplies has been carried on through DYMADNESS
and DYCLAIM channels, Unfortunately, this organisation has not been
ahle to service our stations with the smooth flow of material which is
required, Delays of shipment and procurement have been a source of
frustration to all of our medioal personnel, Serious consideration will
be given to the problems of supply by this department and efforts must
be made to shorten the delays of such critioal items is antibiotics and
wIccines as epidemics and infectious diseases are no respectors of �
suggested that these sources be
HTEXOTIC and and Irti- has en
channels and lead times, has had the opportunity to visit
tapped for some of his more urgent supply needs,
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it is suggested that
we place a MAIM= medical technician at this station and fully clear
another medical technioian and medical officer in the Dispensary
for backstopping purposes. There is no indication at this time that
any further expansion will be necessary. More effective use of the
medical facilities at neighboring stations should solve the existing
problems provided that MADNESS personnel will give us the necessary.
1. The cooperation, particularly one of the MADNESS medical
officers, has been excellent and materially aided in the establishment
of our medical support program at (b)(1)
2, Morale at this station seamed to be excellent.
3. A keen interest in First Aid and Nutritional kite was noted.
1. replacement should be procured, given operational
training, given some language instruction and placed in the field not
later than mid August 1952* Action on this has been instituted.
20 A DYMADBESS corpsman should be sent to as soon as (b)(1)
is practicable. A corpsman has been recruited for this purpose and (b)(3)
by 15 May 1952.
should arrive a
3. The next replacement corpsman and physioian to be sent to
by MADNESS should be cleared and briefed by DYCLAIM for
their use as backstopping personnel. Clearances have been instituted
through Military Personnel.
4. InformatiOn on the Blue Cross Program s ould be sent to
this station (requested by station personnel)0
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. 25 March to 27 March 1952
This station is one of the largest now being supported by our
offioe in this area. The medical care of station personnel is under
the supervision and guidance of medicel technician whose
keen insight, medical knowledge� and abilities as a chaplain and
physical education director mike him the ideal station medical tech
nician0 I had the pleasure of making rounds with him and observed
his technique in treating all sorts of cases ranging from arthritis
to varicella and WAS greatly impressed by his good judgment end pro..
Passional dignity� sees most of his patients either at his
dispensary or in the ame. erious problems which require more de-
finitive care are referred to a select group of local doctors0
attends surgical procedures involving an anesthetic in the role of an
interested student therby acting as a security control� Fortunately.,
there have been very few serious problems requiring hospitalisation�
Dispensary is utilised for routine roblems. Hospital.
izat on cases are referred to one of two looal hospitals.
The same problems of supply exist here as are found in any isolated
location� Local supply sourdes are tapped for some items but for the
majority of items, headquarters sources will have to be utilised�
No changes are contemplated for the present. I was
the station might be enlarged considerably at which time a DYCLAIM
medical officer might be necessary. I
The decision as to the necessity or
a medical officer should be deserred until the station personnel and
the medical technioian feel that they are no longer able to cope with
the medical problems in a secure manner.
informed that
1� At the present time there
for the many smaller stations
is no effective medical support
which operate in the areas adjacent
these stations have certein medical
to Individuals manning
problems__ and should be given both
medical support and prover immuni.
the requested
sations as needed� One year
that permission be granted to
re to mate a survey trip ef theee
smaller stations in order to brmag
supplies and medical advice to
these individuals. This permission was not granted� Present station
S.E.CeReEeT (b)(6)
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SmE.X.Rm.w.T (b)(3)
personnel advise me that could make this trip
and recommend that it be danao Knowing the problems which
sometimes can occur at small semi.isolated posts, I would strongly
urge that permission for regular trips to these stations be granted
by the proper authorities in RTCURIO0
20 Based on the abilities and responsibilities placed on
I would further recommend that he be given a raise in his
30 I recommend that seriously incapacitated patients requiring
definitive care be evacuated through our facilities in or
HTEXOTIC whenever possible�
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wore mado at
. 30 March to 2 April 1952
DYCLAIM medical facilities are not available at this station
at this time. There seems to be a difference of opinion regarding
the competiyacy of the physicians at the local PBPR1RE Hospital in
Some of the personnel use this source for care as suggested
by the DYUAROON. Others prefer to use local physicians in whom they
have confidence.
Local hospitals and physicians offices are used by the !I%ation
At the present time theiAl is very little need for 07)ecific modioul
items. Small items can be pent easily from headquarters to the fie1d
Growing interest in "spring planting" and Nutritional Kito will inoroclso
the need for medical support. This can best be handled 'ey wing the
facilities already present in
NO added-requirements for medical arpt-ort are foroseon az:cept
as montioned above.
1. it recommended. that the station contact
for any soecific requirements for supplies or end
that their facilities be utilized for the care of soriou medical
problems which cannot be handled
2. Severa sr observations of striking contour and p?oportiono
but are not pertinent to this repor.:;.
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The more mundane observations and recommendations applicable to
each station have been listed in the specific station reporte. The
following impressions are of a more general nature and are to a degree
applicable to all stations visited during this survey trip. I might
add that many of these observations confirm mv Previous impressions
gained during resi tour
It is the overall goal of our division to give effective service
to all elements of DYCLAIM on a global baois. To attain this goal in a
secure manner and sometimes on very short notice requires a degree of
flexibility which is difficult to establish in an organization in which
compartmentation is one of the basic precepts. Proper resolution of
this problem can only be attained by shifting more of the authority for
medical support to the field medical officers. In some cases this will
mean actually moving personnel responsible for medical logistical supports,
particularly those with administrative ability, to central control points
in theroverseas areas. This would in effect, produce a merger of headca
quarters and field elements and might materially reduce the delays and
misunderstandings which invariably occur under the existing organisation.
It would be naive of me to state that .our medical support program
has reached its finest hour. There is, however, e unity of purpose and
goal among our field medical staffs which will materially aid in the
development of an active flexible support program. At present there
is no immediate- need for expansion of personnel and facilities except
as noted under station commentaries._ Some stations were unaware' of'
the presence of DYCLAIM medical facilities and had no adequate plan for
the secure hendling of seriously incapacitatedpatiente. In each case
I have attempted to give the.stations,specific instructions as to the
methods of *contact and use of our existing facilities. It is hoped
that this will .tend to increase the usefulness and centralize the med.
/cal support program,, avoid the duplication of facilities, and establish
a plan of evacuation for patients using as the central point.
Although dental support has not been Specifically mentioned in
this report0 it is felt that local facilities are adequate for the
care of routine problems. Cases requiring dental surgery should utilise
the medical facilities at the General Hospitals in
The use of indigenous doctors for the oars of our personnel has
been questioned in some quarters. In my opinion, indigenous physicians
should be used at stations where DYCLAIM medical facilities are not
readily available provided that the station personnel Teel that these
physicians are politically reliable, Cases which require the use of
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3.E -G
amosthetic and speoch indneZ.n di-ugs should bo handled by DYCLLIE
medical personnel where it iu operationally feasible�
P2oper ocresning of indoonot:ii pL,r2onqed propaatory to a ehfAnge
of location or tealuilaT wa] strosTode The Gtation physic5.ane lace
instructed to notiy the Stioro. (:Isef of rledoal rojectios at
t should be, noted in this rport that the Ilerfel. of TITOU and
DYCLISC will not effect thoiodioz3. super t progesia 312i fiand
headou:Irtv2s stl.'f have beeii svaiIeWe for support to both Eropc in
the paute
- � -
oro ce,:erel asp4o:o PP ope:,:-1,tiona3 suppok-t eas, 1;,.st bJ
handl(Q by the Illadiesi e- tPese aFec-Itv; �'" slkipu-t *
are in "wed of further de-711t,m_e:.1-1�hoie at-0:e6 tion mariioal
offioo.Ps to utilise the fi-i t'Isud to obtair_ fi.aferalatioP o-
oppeo=ition Dledieal eouipmeAt lzudi�t�Itheds of treatiwot in (b)(1)
ea-am, it i hoeed that Infoncsi;iol, ran holo us in 1:,,evior:x6ine, (b)(3)
and b,Istopping certain p 'ales
ku,m orost she.411 by ef th fon stai0orLs in rt4.2,x..'d
to oat:iog sueolies was v,1.1., nottoceMec, iTlu
field 'fv-cro cirea:ly been abLe to hfap in thc developlreht of Icitu using
local ii)digcrous supply soureee proc.nromout. murthoz- davolOp.,
1,1uat (-CLeng hese /Ines is 4_771 p1.0s5..,,)ss the p.o.-3eat tIiro. Oue goal
will be to ,ovelop ndequatJ kit:J J*or ILutTl'AolLal Arct cid wio and
still -Aain the noceosary
:tini medical 'Grainat; vf iLlflippf13u;z ha.;
developed ,n this areae te;Poups zrs� in It will
becchib wro ;p -nit thei; to trainifer TJill 130 necessau
along 21r-V,Tr-,1, sonihation, a,-10 f7-pot ;It Iin;o
Lloaepl suo)ort from 1 17,.2pply stt;7kdI)oint is fa y AdaquL:te.
The inqumomble steps throArhioh rr-o.onts oNaltuol uaan
deleyo :And result in frustatien insane tases t:otunlly jeopardise
the effective imorulmeos phyoiolan the filth It is P&:,
purpose in ,thie ..oport to -Itterapt to pin point the eelays detailo
Itevor it is cb7ious to cc: MU -c-Am 'nave had 25.(ld-co9rience that
there will never be MA efetive.ileicEl supoly yyith the field
until we stop opo:eating at a ..rus atco le-ica The medical deportnont
must have a stocifoile of -,raM.y.2.-7ailable drags a:d. ouppiies o. Imnd
which it ca:dral-.7 in to, enof:entree %lose 312.6!), a pro ram !Lc
approvzBd eTiel atitiv-ated in ..;!1, near Vturo '.7-e stand c:good chanco of
being caught win our asplJiA
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In many instances the physicians have been able to work out
local mann of obtaining equipment and supplies. The use of letter
has been of some assistanoe in this regard. However, it is
dangerous practice to rely on personal relationships for local 'supplies*
An overall letter of authority from should materially help
the situation*
A system should be established for the emergency air shipment of
medical items* There have been and will continue to be times when our
field physicians will need certain items whioh are not available locally*
The use of commercial air channels in emergency situations should be
Generally speaking, seems to be
adequate* In most cases they have relative freedom to carry out their
duties without arousing undue interest.
A civilian status gives much more freedom of action in
and should be utilized as much as possible*
I was impressed by intense interest0 zeal and realism of the
people with whom I talked at the field stations* My impression it that
morale in the area was generally
superior to that seen in the area in lay own experience* This is
quite good and certainly
undoubtedly due to the superior living conditions, opportunities for
outside interests, and the absence of physical isolation. On several
occasions I noted that the same basic problems of plrponnel miscasting,
delays in the handling of the personal finances of some of the station
personnel, and the everepresent problem of responsibility without authority
caused considerable concern in the field. It is well to remember that
to the average individual isolated either geographically or by the
nature of his work, the seemingly insignificant details loom larger
until they obscure, albeit superficially, the more basic, drives and
motivations* I do not want to imply that these individuals lack bailie
motivation* On the contrary. I felt that vital motivation is present
in its most kinetic form in the field, However, I Ab feel that rather
serious consideration should be given to the seemingly unimportant de-
tails which when totaled represent the basic obstacle to smooth friendly
relationships and mutual understanding between field and headquarters
personnel. This problemmight be worthy of a serious stu'
I feel that our physicians can and in many oases have played aa
important part in helping the often tired and overworked utaff employee
to ventilate his feelings. The mental trials and tribulations ex-
perienced in this type of work again supports the concept that man is
basically a (=passionate animal in spite of his conditioning and training.
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
At the present the our �olieaEa porsonueI p_ro able ;-41 1:optdle
tlie bulk of the strlf and sta-i endorcr,ro. it oppes that in
the aear future the aionuat of dcoeut0ea% er_re will noviouflly compromise
the effective utili;;ation of the si:a-i;ion ar"inal o.eiicerH an6 7t will
be necessary for tho Statioq Ohik,T5 'Go ;:arA:vuot staff personnel to use
other available facilftietJ encep'4;1L eotional oases, It zInst be
remembered that the 1;irforizy rospimsibilit of the Static. eeoal
Officer is to care for the indigou,ws peraellnel Isho are 7i-lable to get
adequate care throlzGh usual chaunolz seorisity ra.nnen:36
There is a groving intorest La a career program as evidenced by
many question frail our medic$A.1 techniemso This pr:Jses a chaileage
to all of 1200 We should develop such a owam as soon tLa- possible if
we are to retain the services of 2.r.;E of b171. caliber with vile
The Station Medical Officers felt ;11f..,Z; there 7103 a reed for some
sort of direct communication to the licilf,ca Office in o be
used for technical purposes end certain highly sensitive =22cacal problcms
During my absence an adequate plan for tiornamioriAatac had beau devised
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237
Obviously0 it is impractical to attempt to record all the details
and ramifications of the medical support program in this report. Ins�.
far as possible. I have attempted to give a more general picture which
might be of value .zi;o. those interested in the overall support of our
overseas activities in this area. '1: have attempted to cull this la
formation from as many different sources as possible in the field and
to reflect the dominant theme in this report I Will be happy to discuss
any specific problems with interested parties at any time.
As is Usually the case, I have geincd considerably more from this
survey trip than I have given. It s hoped that my efforts to answer
some of the medical probleos in the field have in some u-ay repaid the
men who gave so freely of their time and who made it possible for mm
to gain an accurate picture of their problems and requirements.
would also like to express my appreciation to the DYCLELM mad
DINLITC briefing effieer3, the A & L staff. the Travel Offices and to
the field station personnel who made it possible for me to return with
safety and dispatch gleaned and picked and feeling somewhat like a
pithed frog but with a greater appreciation of the problems which
this office must solve.
Approved for Release: 2023/03/10 C06913237