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Publication Date: 
August 20, 1974
PDF icon CYPRUS SITUATION REPORT #[16031930].pdf136.51 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720 ET (b)(3) NO r �REIGN DISSE1471.10�BESSEM-2433ROA-14-- -tfterefteeNtl-uw-erietteo ONLY/CONTROLLED WARNING. SENSITIVE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED SC No. 073217/74 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY August 20, 1974 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM CYPRUS Situation Report Number 16 (As of 0700 EDT) (All times cited are Nicosia time, unless other- wise specified.) MILITARY SITUATION 1. The military situation on Cyprus remains quiet. The Turks are expected to continue their consolidation efforts on the Rarpas Peninsula today but have previously encountered little resistance in this area. CYPRUS REACTION TO THE DEATH OF AMBASSADOR DAVIES . 2. A government spokesman in Nicosia said yester- day evening that the government of Cyprus is determined not to let "this tragic incident" affect relations with the U.S. The crime, which he attributed to "irresponsible troublemakers," will be investigated immediately and those responsible brought to justice. NO FOREIGN DISSEM/NO DIXEM ABROAD TOP ET Cont 'd E-2, IMPDET Class By: (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720 pletely discredited throughout Cypr a leader of the Unified Party. the Cypriot politician attributes EOKA-B loss of prestige to two factors: ir NO FOREIGN DISSEM/NO DISSEM ABROAD BACKGROUND USE ONLY/CONTROLLED DISSEM RNING SENSITIVE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVE EOKA-B DISCREDITED IN CYPRUS 3. The EOKA-B movement, a right-wing terrorist group that favors union with Greece, has been corn- us, according to the � --it encouraged the belief that Greece would in- tervene milttarily in any crisis; and � --it failed to distinguish its fighting. TURKISH POLICY 4 elf during the the policies of the Ecevit government have hardened as a result of the Cyprus crisis, in the future Turkey will pursue its national interests with greater strength and determination and without regard to world opinion. The Turkish government believes that it has been let down not only by its West European allies,and� the-2UN, but by the US as well. Special emphasis was given to Turkey's dispute with Greece over oil rights in the Aegean. the fighting on Cyprus proved of defending islands far from its mainland. Turkey -2- -VIMANTNGSENSITITE-50111teES _ that Greece was Incapable Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720 2.124P-SIDC1Irr NO FOREIGN DLLEM/NO DISSEM ABROAD W N : SENSITIyE SOURCES AND METhOD reportedly is prepared to take the islands close to its shores and make the Aegean a "Turkish sea," if - the Greeks do not agree to divide the oil rights equitably. 5. Regarding the Cworts conflict itself, the incidents as the killing of six Turkish Cypriots in aphos do not stop, .the Turks will take strong reprisals. Turkish forces would extend their area of Kokkina and the harbor area if the Greeks continue fighting. control to 6. the US would lose its support among pro-American elements within the Turkish government if any move was made to reduce or stop aid to Turkey. anti-American elements within the government is probably an attempt to offset any tendency in the US to move toward Greece as a result of Karamanlis' decision, to pull out of NATO and the threat this implies to US farces in Greece. GREECE-US 7. Greek Prime Minister Karamanlis has made no firm decision to review bilateral US-Greek agreements, Karamanlis is dis- appointed that the US has not given him the support he needs to counter. the mushrooming anti-American sentiment in Greece, but as of last Saturday, he still hoped to avoid reviewing the agreements. He noted however, that if the Cyprus situation continues to deteriorate and the US does not alter its position he might he "forced" to initiate such a review. 8. On 17 August the commander of the Greek armed forces issued an order to all army, navy, and air force commands to protect American equipment and personnel . in the event of anti-American demonstrations. The order WARNING': SE -3- iNu rutmIGN DISSEM1110-13113� Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720 --T-OP-SECRTY NO YURBIUN DibStaitm0-uioo,m;ri tam.mwm. BACKGROUND 1J3E ONLY(CONTROLLED DISSEM NING� SENSITIVE SOURCES AND 1ETHODS INVO noted that only Greek personnel should be used in dealing with demonstrators and that no Americans should take part. ATHENS REQUESTS GERMAN MEDIATION 9. The Greek government yestetday asked Germany to investigate whether or Uot it could act as mediator .between Athens and Ankara during the current Cyprus crisis. The request was made to the German ambassador in Athens and passed by BoUn to the German embassy in Ankara for comment, The next situation report will be at 1600 today unless developments warrant additional coverage. -4- Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907720