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August 19, 1974
PDF icon CYPRUS SITUATION REPORT #[16031927].pdf336.35 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 _.-TOP-SECKFT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY August 19; 1974 * INTELLT0ENaE MEMORANDUM CYPRUS Situation Report Number 15. (As of 1700 EDT) (All times cited are Nicosia time, unless other- wise specified.) STATUS OF TBE US EMBASSY IN NICOSIA 1. as of noon (EDT) the situation at the embassy-is under control. Crowds are no longer evident anywhere in town since President derides banned public meetings. 2. remains skeptical, however, over the willingness of the Greek National Guard and Cypriot police to take effective measures to stop any new dem- onstrations. This skepticism is based on the fact that they did not stop.the first demonstration and On'indiCations that the first attack was clearly designed to kill Ambassador Davies. The majority of the gunfire during the first attack was directed at the ambassador's office and residence, 3. the demonstrators may have other targets. The police have identified some of the demonstrators as members of.EOKA-B, a-right-wing terrorist group that favors union with Greece. 1....20 - Cla Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 4. The embassy's staff is considering evacuation to an old American compound in the city where they would regroup for a UN escorted-convoy'to one of the British bases. 5. Ambassador L. Dean Brown, a former ambassador to Jordan, is flying to Cyprus to take charge of.the embassy. MILITARY SHAKEUP IN GREECE 6. In .a move apparently designed to further consolidate its.position, the Karamanlis government today reshuffled the armed forces high command,. which had been assoCiated.with the Previous military regime and its Cyprus policy. 'Armed forces ehief. General Gregorios_Bonanos. and army chief. General'. Andreas Galatsanos- were sacked as were several other senior military officials. According to the.US embassy in. Athens, Greek Defense. Minister Averbff has reportedly named retired General Dionysios ArbouziS, who commanded the Greek army contingent'in Korea, as the new armed forces chief: Averoff'also stated that. Lt. General Devoe, who commanded the third army corps and reportedly.played an'instrumental role 'in the return to civilian rule, is ,also moving up,. presumably. to become army chief. A press report, however, states that Davos has 'been named as armed forces, chief. Averoff indicated that the navy and. air force leadership, which had not been as cloSely.associated'with the previous military regimes, would not be affected by the changes.. He also mentioned that former strongman General Ioannides would not be affected: Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 TO-19 PEACE TALK PROSPECTS 7. The Turkish deputy chief of mission (DCM) in Nicosia informed the US embassy today that Turkey still hopes to get Greece back to the conference table in Geneva, but the Turkish official admitted that such a development is unlikely. In response to a: question concerning Ankara's attitude if Greece refuses to negotiate, the DCM speculated that the Turkish Army would remain in place on Cyprus with Turkish authorities running their portion of the island "as if it were an- other province, of Turkey." The Turkish DCM also admitted that it would be, difficult to get the Turkish-Army to withdraw from any territory prior to a political settle- ment. He also thinks that it is highly unlikely that Ankara would consider reverting to the multi-canton proposal earlier floated at Geneva. In general, he was, pessimistic over the prospects .for a political zettlement,any time in the near future. 8. The Turkish embassy official also stated that Cypriot Nice President Denktash will return to 'the is- land today to seek an early meeting with President Clerides' out details on running Cyprus. Turkey will permit Denktash to discuss only immediate.isues � such as handling prisoner exchanges and refugees, but he will not be permitted to address broader political questions. 9. According to the French news service, Cypriot President Clerides said today that he would not nego- tiate over Cyprus under any kind of ultimatum. Clerides, speaking at a press conference held prior to the attack on the US embassy, said that the current situation cre- ated by the Turkish military moves could not be accepted as the basis for negotiations. Clerides also said that nego- tiations could take place in a "propitious" atmosphere if such problems as the return of refugees and displaced persons could be solved. He also accused Turkish forces of "atrocities" in occupied regions, but balanced this statement by praising the commander of Turkish forces in Famagusta -3- TO ET Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 and by condemning the attack of Greek Cypriotirregulers- against a Turkish Cypriot village. GREEKSOVIET TIES 10. The US embassy in Athens reported today that Greek ministry of foreign affairs sources on August 17 denied reports that negotiations are. under way-in'MoscoW on a military agreement between Greece and the USSR, The ministry sources stated that such reports "do not corres- pond to reality." The denial Was-prompted-by'a front,- page story in a prominent-Athens.neWspaper, It quoted a high-ranking official of the Soviet embassy in Athens as stating that inquiries. on the matter should be addressed to the Greek embassy in..Moscow. 11. Reports of Soviet-Greek military nooperation have surfaced several'tiMes-during the Cyprus crisis but-have never been confirmed. It is possible that the Greek gov- ernment may be floating such reporte in order to put addi- tional pressure on Turkey and: the US,. Elements of the Greek left could also be responsible forlfloating:tha story to win support for improved Soviet-Greek relations: -STATUS .OF UN FORCES ' 12. Concern about the continuing military action on Cyprus and the threat it of the ,UN' peacekeeping forces.there may cause another reconsidera, otion by the Security Council of the force's operating mandate. The UN troops have been consistently hampered from fulfilling even their. Minimum humanitarian responsi- bilities not only by Turkish refusal to allow them accees. to Turkish-held areas, but also by' the indecisive- ness and timidity UN officials in New York, most notably Secretary General Waldheim. 13. A resolution sponsored by Austria, among other countries, and passed by the Council last Thursday high- lighted the membership's concern for UN- -4- TO Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 ITALY ALBANIA Akrodri 11-4 t44.!:,111:i4 ! " 4 !!Cieti) �! 111 EDITERO,A,EANE SEA LIBYA arnaca Famagusta CYPRUS UK Sovereign base area 20 55642587;4 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 troops, particularly in light of the napalming by Turkish aircraft of a clearly marked UN vehicle, an action which claimed the lives of 3 Austrian soldiers. The Canadians have now reiterated their intention to press for another review of UNFICYP's mandate. They are _questioning 'whether such a review would allow any kind of role. for a - peacekeeping force if the preserttpartition of the island remains in effect. 14. The Soviets would undoubtedly welcome recon- sideration.of this contentious issue and might possibly hope to use the occasion to gain the inClusion of some of their own allies on the force. The Turks, who have argued throughout the conflict that UNFICYP is not playing an unbiased role and has, in fact, abandoned the Turkish Cypriots to the Greek forces, would also likely insist on inclusion in the force of contingents from Moslem countries. The Turkish foreign ministry has already been soliciting troop contributions from some of its Moslem allies. TURKEY EASES.MARTIAL LAW 15.. The Turkish Council of Ministers today lifted martial law in four provinces, all of which are in the western and southern parts of the country. MILITARY SITUATION 16. Turkish units have not advanced today. A press report from Cyprus indicates that the Turks have rein- forced their line southwest of.Tymbou airfield but have not attempted to move westward toward the Nicosia- Limassol7. road or south toward Larnaca. MAINLAND MILITARY ACTIVITIES 17. -5- TO ET Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719 _TCLP--BECRrf US Navy officials at Souda Bay in Crete report sighting five commercial ferries with troops and tanks in Souda Bay on the evening of August 18. -6- TO Approved for Release: 2022/02/28 C06907719