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PDF icon TEN THINGS I LEARNED ABOU[15929773].pdf129.71 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331 UNCLASSIFIED Ten things I learned about leadership in the CIA from Mentors and OJT (PRB ver). 1) Be Down to Earth, Helpful, Accessible, and Humble. - As a leader, don't take yourself too seriously. A good leader realizes that � "you work for your people", "they don't work for you". - A leadership position is not a personality trait � definite pitfall if air of too big for britches. - Don't be "that guy/gal" � too cool, or too full of him/herself. CIA is full of type A personalities. 2) Maintain a Positive and Inclusive Work Environment: - Infuse a ton of positive energy, a real key to success. You need to be the cheerleader. (PSR Bullet: Foster a positive work environment that espouses teamwork, creativity, mission accomplishment, inclusion, accountability, professional development, and fun). Keep the workplace fun, productive, full of great teamwork. - Recognize contributions across the board. - Managing a team in a first world location is harder than in an austere environment �first world environs tend to create drama. - - Sarcasm is caustic, try to stamp it out. - - Teambuilding events can be great � bottom up is best. 3) Adapt leadership style to the work unit/environment; only add value. - Each team environment is different, has different people � teams can flourish with adaptive management style. - Don't fix what ain't broke. After on the ground a while, make informed changes that positively impact mission and morale and generate better OPS/FI/CA results. - If make a mistake, own it. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331 Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331 UNCLASSIFIED 4) Have a Plan: Key to success in the CIA - Play chess not checkers. - Convey vision, mission, and tout successes � great OPS breed more OPS. - Know the difference Between OPS and Activities. - Racoons never get ahead � avoid a "chase the shiny optic" reactive work environment. Use pro-active engagement, strategy and planning to achieve success. - Don't let "perfect" be the enemy of "good enough" � don't overthink something to death, and avoid OPS progress. - A diversified OPS portfolio is the key to sustained success. While home runs can win games on occasion, focusing on solid base hits wins games over time. Have a laddered portfolio with different maturity dates � short/med/long term, and varying degree of statistical success ("probably will work" to "moonshot"). - Mission, impact and camaraderie motivates a team; however, metrics don't motivate. 5) Partnerships -- Be a Bridge Builder: - Maintaining a productive relationship is 10 times easier than rebuilding one that has been destroyed. - Do the right thing, treat and partners well, and realize your success depends on your positive reputation established through professional interactions with partners. Bureaucratic KARMA is real: What goes around, comes around. Short term gains (at expense of your partner) always translate into a long term loss. 6) Embrace Risk and Push the Envelope: - HQS encourages the field to take risks to achieve the mission � smart risks. - We only win on offense, not defense. (Recruitments, Fl reports, CA OPS � push). Push aggressive and well thought out OPS. - Consult HQS to make sure you understand "the line", and have "top cover". UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331 Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331 UNCLASSIFIED - Know when to stand on the line, and when not to cross the line (on particularly aggressive OPS with very high risks). 7) Empower, stand up for, and learn from your employees: - Empower, support, and don't micromanage employees � encourage them to take on responsibility. Recognize and encourage professionalism � because there are two kinds of people in CIA. - Anything that goes well should be credited to the employees; anything that goes wrong is your (as a leader's) responsibility. Trust in the workplace is key � you get it for free, but once it's gone, it cannot be recovered. - Empathy is your biggest asset as a leader; use it. Receive mode is far more useful than "broadcast". Managing down is far more important than managing up, and any team will recognize where a leader's priorities are (down or up). - When managing up � suggest outreach infrequently, with a defined "one stop shop" e-mail that explains strategy, status and plans. Showing compassion in an officer's time of need can make a big difference. 8) Do the Right Thing, even when Harder than Doing the Wrong Thing: - Small picture -- Opportunity Cost: Focus your team on productive OPS that achieve CIA's core mission focus; don't waste time. - Big picture � Correct Serious Problems. Lead by example, take on the hard challenges, right wrongs. 9) Positive, open, and productive communications is key to success: - Be diplomatic in all communications. Two Rules of thumb: 1) if anyone could possibly be offended, they will be; and 2) assume noble intent (until proven otherwise). - Pay particular attention to cable traffic, and never write when mad. - Encourage and foster productive relationships between employees; defuse tension where needed. - Only have a meeting if there an excellent reason to have one � the value of a meeting is what happens after the meeting. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331 Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331 UNCLASSIFIED - Have an open door policy and one-on-ones; You can find out what's important to your employees. 10) "0 The Places You'll Go" -- Things will not always go your way: Don't sweat the small stuff � serious issues deserve serious attention, little nitpicky things are not worth aggravation. Choose your battles. Plan for a rainy day � mindset. You've got to expect the unexpected, to be blindsided in short order, and react appropriately � and lead. - Learn from leaders and mentors in the organization of how to handle minor setback and serious situations in a manner that inspires confidence in the team. - When things turn serious, that is your time to inspire confidence in your team. - Bad news does not get better with time. - Don't try to control things you can't control, because that is wasted energy; focus on what you can impact. - *Closing Remarks -- Have fun, make an impact, and realize that this is a unique career path and organization � everyone wants to work here. It's an honor and a privilege to be selected for a leadership position. Everyone's time in CIA is finite, so make something great happen during your time here. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/06/21 C06894331