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Publication Date: 
November 4, 2017
Approved for Release: 2022/12/27 C06888512 UNCLASSIF,IED Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Engagement 4 November 2017 Scenesetter (U) You accepted an invitation from Dr. Shirley Jackson, President of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and Co-Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board to visit the campus and participate in a series of events. Dr. Jackson's invitation is a result of trip to RPI earlier this year. All events will be held in RPI's Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC). Attire is business." (U) Lecture to Rensselar Community: Upon your arrival at EMPAC Dr. Jackson will greet you and escort you to the green room where you will have a chance to have a brief conversation about the moderated conversation and get mic'd. At 1700 the program will begin with Dr. Jackson giving opening remarks and introducing you. At 1705 you will give prepared remarks, then move center stage where you will be joined by Dr. Jackson and participate in a 20 minute moderated conversation. At 1740 the conversation will transition to pre-submitted audience Q&A. The program is expected to end at 1755. (U) This event is on-the-record, however, the event is closed press. It will be recorded for archival purposed. This is only open to the RPI community with valid RPI identification, with local VIPs, by invitation only. RPI anticipates over 1000 attendees. (U) Meet and Greet with select students: At 1800, you will be escorted to the Studio Beta Conference Room where you will informally engage with 50 students specifically invited by RPI. Per RPI, invitations include students involved in ROTC, information dominance majors, and diversity organization leaders. There room will be set up with light refreshments and cocktail tables to encourage informal networking and mingling. There is no formal agenda for this engagement. (U) Tour of Cognitive and Immersive Systems Laboratory and Institute for Data Exploration and Applications: At 1845 you will take a tour highlighting the work RPI students are doing and be shown a demo of innovative technologies (b)(3) (b)(6) (U) VIP dinner: At 1930 you will be escorted to the Founder Room for dinner with approximately 30 individuals, including RPI faculty and attending Agency officers. There is no formal agenda, however Dr. Jackson will provide brief, opening remarks. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2022/12/27 C06888512 Approved for Release: 2022/12/27 C06888512 UNCLASSIFIED (U) will meet with Dr. Jackson and RPI staff earlier that day in preparation of your visit. They will be in attendance at all events during the day. (b)(3) (b)(6) (U) You can direct students interested in careers at CIA to the CIA Technical Hiring Division Recruiter who will also be in attendance. will have a (b)(3) recruitment booth set up to answer questions prior to your arrival. (b)(6) Background (provided by DDI): (U) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (est. 1824) is the oldest private engineering university in the United States. While it has always had a reputation for technical excellence as an "engineer's engineering school" under Dr. Jackson's leadership RPI has significantly evolved its core curriculum to develop well rounded students who are collaborative problem solvers. RPI (which is similar in "class" to Carnegie-Mellon, Case Western and Drexel) attracts high achieving US citizens (90%) from working/middle class families who tend to have a strong work ethic, value long term employment with established companies and excel in practical application (through internships and co-op work experience) --- this differentiates it from "big market/big name" schools like Stanford, Berkley and MIT. RPI also has long term tightly coupled tech development relationships with IBM and General Electric. (b)(3) Attachments: � Sequence of Events � Dinner Attendee List � Biographies � Background on Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity Project � Fact Sheet and Current List of Agency RPI Alumni � Q&A for RPI � Remarks UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2022/12/27 C06888512