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April 19, 1963
PDF icon PRESIDENTIAL MEETING ON L[16386048].pdf154.62 KB
Approved for Release: 2024/06/12 C06887353 Lo_04 17�)-19 4 Memorandum From thee :7 Directorate of Plans (Colby) to the Director of Central_Intelligence (McCone) undated [April 19, 1963]. (1.?Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI-McCone Files, Aj :7 Soopet. Sent via the Deputy Director (Plans). APPROVCD 10.F.ASr; njuE .30 DEPART/NT OF STATE E3 Retain ci trl Change/classify to-- 6 With concurnmsa pf Nciwesity U Iii part and eimista 33 shown EO 12356, Sec. 1.3 (a) ( A/CDOISF1 by qe44" Approved for Release: 2024/06/12 C06887353 Approved for Release: 2024/06/12 C06887353 eCtr2 41,19 14 if MEMORANDUM FOR: VIA: SUBJECT: PARTICIPANTS: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director (Plans) Presidential Meeting on Laos, 19 April 1963 The President, The Secretary of Defense, The Attorney General, Undersecretary Harriman, Assistant Secretary lulls man, Assistant Secretary Nitze, Mr. McGeorge Bundy, Mr. Michael Forrestal General Carter,C --3t, Mr. Colby 1. General Carter gave a briefing on the situation in Laos. 2. In answer to the Presidents question, Mr. Hilsman stated that the present difficulty comes from an escalation of the tension between the Pathet Lao and the neutralists. 3. The President asked what diplomatic action was in course or contemplated. Governor Ha.rritnan and Assistant Secretary Ialsrnan stated that we had gone to both. the British and ICC and had supported Souvanna Phounaa in plaping clear responsibility for the present situation on the Pathet Lao. They stated that the Depart- ment is considering a direct approach to the Soviets, including possibly the dispatch of Governor Harriman for a personal discussion with Chairman Khrushchev, but they want to be very sure what pressure points we have to apply to the Soviets before sending him. They pointed out that the Soviets themselves have very slight leverage itirsrk �a- 1 Excludc1 v erv:�r:cizI czci � . . DO,,ARTVIENT Of STATE Botain clErzySn Ohangelciaesly Jot With ccra;tirrence ciaasify C3 in pad and excise Lie shown SO 12365, Boc..,1 A/coal:is by �. � kt' Approved for Release: 2024/06/12 C06887353 � Approved for Release: 2024/06/12 006887353 IP ^ is,03 'OM on the DRV and the Pathet Lao, as they are currently giving them little aid. The major danger from the Soviet and the Communist point of view is one of reinvolvement of the United States in the situation and they consider that this possibility could be suggested to the Soviets. The President asked whether we would not appear to be bargaining from a weak position by sending Governor Harriman, to which the answer was the contrary, that the Soviets would take this as an indication of our strong feelings. Also brought in was. the importance of taking some action which indicated to our friends and the neutralists that they were supported, in order to � maintain their morale. 4. Mr. Bundy stateg that any- approach to the Soviets should be viewed in context withAurrently the scheduled presentation of United States and British views on nuclear testing. Khrushchev is returning to Moscow this weekend at which time the British and the United States Ambassadors will probably see him on this subject. It was suggested that they might add orally our strong concern over Laos. 5. With respect to possible United States military action, Mr. Hilsman indicated that the State Department is considering as a minimum the return of the White Star teams. A further step might be sending United States forces to Thailand. At this point, Secretary McNamara reiterated DOD's recommendation that United States troops not be sent to Laos,and various other contingencies which had been discussed. If troops were sent to Thailand, he stated that they should be air elements, not Marines. He stated that consideration was being given to moving a carrier task force into the Gulf of Tonkin off Hanoi as a direct threat. At the minimum, it was suggested that we might alert some of our forces in order to indicate the seriousness of our intentions. 6. The President then stated that he wished to have a National Security Council meeting on 20 April, at which the Department of Defense should propose steps which could be taken in the military 2 ..,;41,1111nr Anoroved for Release: 2024/06/12 006887353 Approved for Release: 2024/06/12 C06887353 2 4,:ic #.1? /11 field and the Department of State recommend various steps in the diplomatic field. He has asked that Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson return from the West Coast for this nr eting in order that it may consider the Soviet reactions and attitudes. 7. On at least two occasions during the meeting the President indicated his belief that Soviet activities in Cuba should be considered as an element of the problem in Laos. He recognized that action against the Soviets in Cuba would not affect Laos directly but he did feel that the Soviets were continuing the type of harassment effort in Laos that we had stopped by the Cuban exiles. and that the Soviets were not moving out of Cuba as we wished. He believed that there were perhaps direct steps we could take in. Cuba, such as resumption of low-level reconnaissance, which would place pressure on the Soviets at a place where they were somewhat weaker as a concomitant action to pressures we might impose in the area of Laos. cc: DDCI 3 ���� ryi " r OW' wel 3 William E. Colby ft Approved for Release: 2024/06/12 C06887353