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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
September 12, 2023
Document Release Date: 
June 30, 2023
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
December 21, 2020
Approved for Release: 2023/01/23 C06877556� FOIA Request ID: 7568 FOIA Request submitted by: John Erin Binns Submitted on: December 19, 2020: 15:04 - America/New_York Request: "Gangstalking" is a type of extrajudicial harassment program with similarities to t program and the Stasis Zersetzung program which targeted political opponents. Both the CIA and foreign intelligence agencies regularly harass targets (often terr whistleblowers) using gangstalking programs. Gangstalking can include: Bribery of the target's friends or family, gaslighting, ho slander, the use of microwave weapons on a target, baiting (the target is encoura by agent provocateurs), vehicle sabotage, physical surveillance, illegal wiretaps, device hacking using software exploits, etc. The CIA's program most likely has a code name which I do not know. Victims of gangstalking programs call themselves "targeted individuals". 1. All records pertaining to gangstalking operations by the CIA or their contractor targets, specifically those which are carried out in violation of Executive Order 12 2. All records pertaining to gangstalking operations by the CIA or their contractor targets. 3. All records pertaining to any gangstalking programs that foreign intelligence ag 4. All records pertaining to any street theater application or GPS tracking spywa street theater. Definition of street theater: The target's phone is hacked and infected with GPS strangers are then hired to locate the target using a mobile app and start fights threaten them. I am looking for source code, binary copies of the apps, etc. e FBI's COINTELPRO r suspects or e break-ins, libel, ed to commit crimes ugging, electronic against domestic 33. against foreign ncies have. which is used for acking spyware, th the target or Approved for Release: 2023/01/23 C06877555 Approved for Release: 2023/01/23 C06877555 5. All records that come up for the keyword search "targeted individuals" and which gangstalking. Fee Waiver: Fee waiver requested: Public interest & no commercial interest If my fee waiver is denied I will pay up to $100 are related to Approved for Release: 2023/01/23 C06877555