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March 28, 2024
Document Release Date: 
February 9, 2024
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Publication Date: 
February 21, 2017
Approved for Release: 2024/02/09 C06866887 From: To: Subject: Date: Ronald D. Boyd Michael R. Pompeo; Gina C. Haspel; OPA End of Day Report, 21 February 2017 Tuesday, February 21, 2017 6:55:51 PM Classification: UNCLASSIFIED/ (Li/LEL:Wel Mary Louise Kelly (National Public Radio) asked if CIA had any comment on today's Op-Ed by former Agency officer Edward Price in the Washington Post and whether there had been a spike in departures from CIA since the inauguration. \ \ (U/dS:1.14erGreg Miller (Washington Post) asked about issues related to the WH push-back on last week's New York Times story alleging contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence. Among other things, Miller noted that WH COS Priebus has said he had been provided approved language by the IC to push back on the story. iMiller said he had been told by a senior congressional source there was no evidence" of contacts. t (UNES:1�14tr) Bob Windrem (NBC) asked about reports of Russian hacking and covert influence operations underway currently in the United States and in European countries that have upcoming elections. Windrem also asked about a rumor that D/FBI read congressional oversight members the "riot act" last Friday for allegedly leaking information about Russian intelligence. \ \ (U/a5.14eriAdam Goldman (NY Times) plans to run a story in the next couple of weeks on Robert Levinson and alleged backchannel negotiations with Iranians to secure his release. He said he planned to report, among other things, that U.S. intelligence and Turkish authorities jointly abducted an IRGC general who disappeared in Turkey in late 2006, and resettled him in a Western European or Scandinavian country. (U/15.43t1t77 Jason Leopold (BuzzFeed) asked about language in the FY16 Intelligence Authorization Act regarding stepped-up reporting on Russian aggressive behavior, including assassinations./ (U/alebttll Jonathan Landay (Reuters) asked how North Korea developed the capability to use solid- state fuel in its ballistic missile launch on 11 Feb. Approved for Release: 2024/02/09 C06866887 Approved for Release: 2024/02/09 C06866887 (U/LES:Aftri) Mark Hosenball (Reuters) asked whether the assassination of Kim Jong Nam was orchestrated by a North Korean sleeper agent who worked at a Malaysian herbal medicine company. (UHF.Q.LJOT Deb Riechmann (AP) asked about a Reuters story that FSA rebels in northwestern Syria have been cut off from payments and support following recent attacks by Nusra. Riechmann has heard that funding was at least partially suspended before the inauguration. Dean Boyd Director, CIA Office of Public Affairs Classification: UNCLASSIFIED// Approved for Release: 2024/02/09 C06866887