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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 25, 1978
pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C06863657 , National v Foreign ij Assessment ." Center (b)( 3) ,c9c //.'-, Ce r-14 Weapons Intelligence Daily Review 25 January 1978 op secret W1 W1DR 78-017J 25 January 1978 Copy 6, (b)(3 pproved for Release: 020/09/28 C06863657 ppro ed for Release. 2020/09/28 C06 Tge-leerei OFFICE OF WEAPONS INTELLIGENCE Weapons Intelligence Daily Review 25 JANUARY 1978 RORSAT ENTERS IN CANADA on 24 January Cosmos 954, the Soviet radar ocean reconnaissance satellite (RORSAT) reentered the earth's atmos here over western Cana .a visual sight ngs were reporte by res �ents o the Pine Point community just south of Great Slave Lake which, although sketchy, correlate with the reentry of Cosmos 954. Although we are unable at this time to det rm if any fragments survived reentry Of primary concern is the extent to which the nuclear reactor broke up during reentry and what fragments, if any, impacted on earth. We believe the reactor is of the Romashka type (see figure 2).. This system uses 49 kg of U-235. We believe there is a high probability that the reactor broke up during reentry. However, the graphite fuel disks (see figure 3) could have survived. The high altitude dispersion of the fuel would pose a minimum health hazard; fine radioactive particles reaching the ground would also pose a minimal health hazard. Multiple fragments reaching the earth's surface Increase the hazard potential to a severe level. Should the Romashka fuel disks impact intact, the debris would he lethal within a ten font radius. 34866/78 -1- Report No. 017 (b)(3) (b)(3 (b)(1 (b)(3 (b)(1 (b)(1 (b)(3 ) ) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C06863657 pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C06863657 34866/78 4041,0.1 25 JANUARY 1978 orirSiero- -2- 017 *41 (b)( 3) 3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C06863657 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C06863657 (b)(3) 3b..r 25 JANUARY 1978 Figure 2 Cutaway View of the ROMASHKA Reactor-Converter Assembly Thermal insulator Thermal insulator Reflector cup (thermal insulation) 575100 1 78 iff�etAtetPlel, Shims End face reflector Container reflector Converter radiator Fuel disc Be reflector Control rod Vessel End face reflector Cutaway View of the ROMASHKA Fuel Disc Graphite UC2 575110 178 Figure 3 34866/78 lap�Seers.- -3- 01 7 (b)(3 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C06863657