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PDF icon JOSE PADILLA, PETITIONER [15825431].pdf127.55 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 PR9Vv0110 0 V... Findarw WWW.FINDLAW.COM ���'.'"�, � UNTIED STATES DISTRICT COURT. FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK JOSE PADILLA, WRIT OF HABEAS COWS Petitioner -v- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Respondent . CIV. Oahe DONNA R. NEWMAN, under penalty of PerituY affirm as 'Mem I am duly admitted to practice before the United *States District Court of the Southern District of New York. 2.1 was assigned by this Court to represent Petitioner Jose Padilla on or about May 15, 2001 pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act. I file this Petition, on behalf of Jose Peak, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2242. as his attorney and representative. 3. Jose Padilla. an American CitiZek was arrested in Chicago. Illinois. at O'Hare Almon MaY 111111111.111111111111111111.Counsel represented Padilla at every aim promo:be in this district. Her representation has been continuous and remains up until the present. In connection with her representation of petitioner, counsel has filed motions, visited petitioner regularly at the Metropolitan Detention Center where he was detained until June 9. 2002, consulted with family members and spoke to the government on his behalf 4 On information and belief: on May 9.2002. the United States Department of Justice, without notice to counsel.11111111.111.1111111111.1.111111.11111111111111111MIMP Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 FindLcrw WWW.FINDLAW.COM � . � . � - � vast. 11111.1.1111101101.111111.1111Pumpi ow the Gu.stodY aPadi114.0 the ".: United States Department of Delimse("Delbrise Deparunenr). On information and belie& President Georgo W. Bush signed an executive order which authorized the detention ofPadilla as. a "enemy combatants at a military prison. On irdbrmation and befieE Padilla is being Odd in sapegation at the high-security Consolidated Naval Brig in Charleston. South Carolina: 5. The government. hu.refused counsel's request for information concerning her client's stein. Counsel has had to rely upon nevis ripens tor 'Arminian. 6. The Department of Dekose his not remanded to counsel's request to visit with her diem. 7. As a detainee in a military prisons it is likely Padfila's access to counsel will be strictly restricted. 8. WAccording to recent press releases, that informant is Abu Zubaydah. Mr. Zubaydah has been credited with informing the United States of many schenies of at Qaecia. all of which have proven to be not supported or corroborated The only result of his information has been filar among the citizen of the United Sates. News commentators have questioned whether Abu Zubaydah has used our own intelligence and our media to put fear and panic into the American -2- Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 � . . � � . � � .� people. 111011111111=111111110 . * 10. 1111111111Wued on the recent infbrmation, there no longer edam probable cause to detain Padilla twiny raison. . 11immunumill.111.1=1111=111111111.1 vimiNint 12. A grand jury investigating terrorism was in session during the period of time Padilla was detained in New York. Padilla was not charged with an offense, and has not been charged with an offense. On infbnnation and belief the grand jury was not presented With evidence of Padilla's alleged involvement whh the "bomb scheme" or asked to nstunt a Bill of Indictment. The evidence linking Padilla to the alleged "dirty bomb" plot is weak at best. There is insufficient evidence for the government to obtain an indictment against Padilla. 13. Congress has not declared war and yet. Padilla is being detained at an "enemy combatant- though Articles &War have been passed. Padilla's detention is pursuant to an executive order. The current regulations governing military tribunals do not apply to ClititaRS. Padilla has not been charged with a crime by the mWmuy court. 14 In short, the government's latest maneuver, similar to the government's detention her& is an attempt to detain Padilla indefinitely. Further, similar to the conditions Patna experienced here. 23 hour lock-down, leg and virist irons whenever upon any movement from his -3- � MIN Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 cell, no finely visits or contact w continue there. However, in addition. he is now ibreciosed from meeting with his attorney. 15. Padfflas Censdtutimud rights have been violated, sarong the rights which the government has violated am his right to Due Process, his right to be free from unreasonable seizure, hisdgldtondhlsdghttoagmndjwy. 16. In the evert dds Court dachas to hear tWs petidon on the Dowd that it lacks jurisdiction and that jurisdiction lies in another this district, petitioner reepecdWly requests that the Court transfer this petition to appropriate (*strict cant which deal have jurisdiction to hew this petition. Wherefore, Petitioner respectibily requests this Court to order peddoner immediate return to this Jurisdiction, his release from custody and in the alternative, order, the respondent to permit petitioner access to counsel, including but not limited to telephone calls and personal visits. Dated: June 11,2002 Newman. Attorney for Jose Padilla 121 West 276 Street. Suite 1103 New York. N.Y. 10001 (212)229-1516 Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355 P�OVIDNO NV FindLaw WWW.FINDLAW.COM e/.1 " .e� AFFMMATION 017 MAILING DONNA R. NEWMAN, attorney for Petitions; Jose Padilla. hereby Minns under the penalty of perjny pursuant to 74 USC 1746 to the Mowing That 08 the 114 day *Hum 2002, I served a copy ofthe widths Petition for Habeas Corpus Relief by hand to Assistant United States Attorney, Eric Bruce and filed a copy with the Clerk of the Court for the Southern District of New York, SOO Peal Street, New York, New '- York 10007. � . . Dated: June 11. 2002 .4ineaur6/ #414.�Nwp,e Donna R. 14esvrnan 121 West 27. Street, Suite 1102 New York. New York 10001 (212)229.1516 6299 Approved for Release: 2020/09/23 C06844355