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October 31, 1960
PDF icon AIR FORCE TECHNICIANS TO [15803114].pdf351.31 KB
: Thi,s Malodor comains�informalion '5�; t 13; W.S.C. Socs..793 end 794, tho � � ' �'%-� � ,t �;;��,., :401 , �-�� it,..:nixstApproved for Release: 2020104121C06841338 ��111.1. �4. r I ; � N.-.��� � � , � ,3 . ���� . 4 - CENTRALANTELLIG.ENCE AGEOY � ,. A � � 7 � *TitiO � � -1-�; affecting the Notional Deferise Of the United States within the mooning of tho E6pionago Lowe. transmissions/. revelation of which in any manner to on unauthorized porton ispr?hibitscl by law. -� . , � ;I.., � - . , � ';P '17 .� � �-� � I� � . ��� � � . � , ' � � - .p -E-LC%-R E . � � - � - , - 4 , - - 1 - ".* ''' -' � .,3,:.., ' � -� :` 3 c , -.A.,- 41 � 1= !:, s� ����� � '' , ... ' ...,:;.!;.��";:;,'",../ Source is a 23 year old ex-Marine who prent the period from February 2.959- -�c:,-.;:;,-;',....:::.�;: :::;�4.,,,;,..5 5th.-trugh.,ruly 19t10 serving in the. C'uls.r...n Arry and the Cuban Air Force. - 'Re-.? -;;;;.:�-..:;.:����::: :1,:. obtained his 'diacharge- from the Cuban Air Force in June 1960 and returned... .:1....; a., �4�:*:' f� 4; ! trii /.....2f.'� � 7;,;;�41Z; 3.. to the 13 vie.'16xico..City on 30 Aug E�o. According to source., he had been ... J-4.. .i'f'�'ila.=-�'r: "nominated- by the Marine Corps to enroll in the Naval Reserve '... Officer Trming:: i,�,-*.i";�: r; � . 1 �Lfr.� ',:��1�.,.4. ):?' ,'` � . � -,,, nr- 1 -1,!"`���'- .'�� Corps ak. a US�unive.rsity, .'..even lie had not finished Ills high school .. �.,-,..-ft- ..; # "Nt.--=,� t.";0.:,�-.,���� , � . , ; � .1;�...:,.=2,..:, .:!�:.V. educacion. rle reportedly did not 'accept this offer bece.uSe.'-he vas raueh_morec :�;':','..�-�r:.-.:��/?1 interested in Special 'Forces type activity, and this leg tx. ��� his decision:to:�''-'.. ':.�77.�� -�'��� ,;�::'-; s�-'1*-.1.�''., � z - � � -,-. � - 5 -: ���,`� ' ! � : '''; ' � leave the Marine Corps and a short time later to enlist ',i n the Cuban .A.7-.y. 3 ...,---,7.1/4-i'-:�;',- '-' I' --:��� i ,.. - ,. .. .1, ',... . . , >�� . . .. :1.�� :.. :.:: .1.het appears to �be a keen observer. W'aile' source's plans 'aro.indefinite, he 7.,���� �:-F- ';:4), - - � !. . :::' ..,-.. ,�s should be available for futher,. interview during .the .ne-4...,.tt.r.. weeks -(mid-f......� ....-y.,--,--..z, 4::..:., -:- -:-: it:',....):;.:,' October-November 1960). .,����k. ,-� ' ; : � '. .... ._.� . . .2 .....�:=2.,�21...�������,-; i: ,..:`.- v�*. ',;:-..) "'-', `;: ,��,�). ,,. t7.� ', , r,.. f.� � � �,, . ,I . . , . .� , g.,� �. � ; ..,� ..L.,.. �,'; 4-.,'. , : `..: ;I: -- 4P, �;:t..1,11 . el; ..., : '. !,:-.,:: 'f::: ....I:, �,;'!":., 2.:�:: %), 1.. � ix .. ;�. .,:1,.. ,,, ���.� -..:..., - ... . � .!..., - ,..-:. . -7. � - .. -� . t:. � � � - � .. ,, ",, .., .... :r.. 4:�.!� .1,-...,�. . .... - � :. 1 ,,, - ..c. -. � . :-- 7 ,, , - � --,�,. . - , .-: .:�..., .-..: � - �.:. --_ -.:: ,, 7-.., ..,,,,:, .:�.......7, ..7.... .....� -i'a� ������,. 1-.:ii ���-'-. ,:... �� s �i --. � � -1? -.. 4- . - � . . � �,- 7 - � . -.. . ��� -- � � -` i :., , .-.: - � ..� � ..., �� : ��:�� .. k� � ..7,� .-.... ,,.. 1 ,,,;(�,...,:..., ,Shortly. before Iv departure from Cuba in mid-August 1960 (I,Irad been dischaltad ..I.-7:,:;erom the, Cuban Mr Force in mid-June-191a) but bad remained in Havana for two_ , a �;� , *.i.:.4.,.:-.-:,;,-...- ...r?, '.; months). I� Riga]. (1,12. Air Force technician. :He 'told r.te�that '21e � :'," � f,,,...1.5:1�.:(f.,,,,,?.,�1:!�,.. �� with about 30 other Cuban Air Force technidio.ns in late 1.9 it.U.2,-.ze.t ,_ '- . � - =%�"�: 4- i''..."'� r�-���� ����I'',60 to attend a� radar school in Czechoslovakia. He also stated that a �... ' �ri,..._;�., '.1, ��� $ � r $ � � � ,f`'��������� A " t� �41 ':f., ' e ' cubc.r.�.T:ritannia aitliner wa.6 to be' used to fly this &Tou-e to Czecksoslava'F.ia-,, . .i. .. �:� l'� i ""..t ' Ithi.oba:151y via Spain;'..' Rica]. nOted that he had heard that Cuban 0-2 persemlel..e,',- �,.....:�,. Vere holding u�P'tO proars because they did not know all of the details �:11 ,��,.:.:-,..-,..t .... olvcd. Consider' ing my !own expe.riences with the confusion rampant iii the A.- ..7--,-.i .,..,...� .i.- .- - - r�A':::�i .1. r,,.1.:�','�1 Cuban military services and especially' in the area or military ;:intelligences,, '�--:.� ; �:, F. ;11,..:1 '';'.':�:!rf It appears to ii.o to be quite possible that 0-2 a3 attempting to stal1 this:s.,�,- i���..; ".::'-'�'iSrogram until they Could rind out more of the details. � I believe that the ti,':�'� ''';:- :.V.��* � '.;�'��- /�:- ....'. � ��,....1. technicians finally departed for Czechoslovakia after I left Cu-Lap...but' It-haire - �;� -' e.4'.'.,.,?: ::;���-� :.. -'no confirmation of this. ' �� ::- - ;����� � � k., -- ,,,, -.A . �ei.,,--.., ��,�..�,.,14.:��,..� .. . � - �� - S. .� '� � ' � � , ��-� 7 -, .:����� �� ., --t--- - � . . . 1. . � � r - .., - A,�:. � ..! t C.'-"... "' '' ' � ' ' , , � . ,.. � ..i!ii :... '1' � 't 2.''�I talked' to a Cuban Air Force pilot frdm�Paracoa (about 90 .miles east-inOrt-Iii\i'..;.... ' t.4.4.r.? .�,��� .", ' , .4...1 .. . �� .;`� t... east of Gu:.i.nt.d.r.s..qto),. who told me that 35 Cuban aviation cadets ,4ad �bee'i sent' t---�:.:.-1," i��� � ..r ..x� ...4,....� . c..1,3'..'t's��:73:, �I''.�to Czich.3slovakla for training.: _Some of the. other Air force pilots doubted::�'1'. .4 i ,�" � , .. _ , , t _ .. � �' -. � ' :, , �-i -..� 4. '� � - '�� this report, because' they said no Czechs spoke �Srlanish Isle].. �:,, !; .: .:- 2,' ;., '.; .::.....1.. -'0...',�, . ; I ' ":��� 5 � � 3.-4::.7, � .''.5 i...-': ' 1 � � ' .: �-'.. �. � . �i' :4- 1 4 - � '":1 ' t � . ..:':.,i,: � ii. '1,1. � 1,:, : 3. � An intere.5tIng developme.nt occurred in.mid7Au,Fust at. the Heavana.Air-Force 7-.17, �� ,..!...,...-Ba.ze (pres...-,2.1.ably ::.4-.,:a Antonio de lo a Penos}. About 50�pe,recnt. of the .;���!�. .1!,,,,,.-*;:, ;;;.�%.�7.':..,;' mechanics at this 'caoa�were tranoferz.-ed and the base, %ras 3.eit under. the ..-.f';r:-.�::-.17. .,'�-� , .. '!....!..s...;:..ff.i .,- com-r�aad of 7-,,,e...lo Root-ado- (z.ank �nctknown), a Eeod,Triend of .nche", Guevara:. � '.?!..4...,-, , P� i���.,� : 7. ;4'4 � ' . .`� A - it � ,�� .1/ _ '' NI . �''' . It was � rtuac::,--ed at the ti-rab that ,the he was, beinc,- read :toil to work' :on lif:711����.-4"... f-1:0-i������'" �!::- �� � � -�� se.c:�,-et ai-crf%rt (prcsut.-nably.Soviet); - ; .� . .�:��� ' � '� � - -.. �� .....f..�;, .-�--'i. :%?..,' -.� � . . ,. .. -.� '-� , . .; o � ". �11 ' ...- ..� � � �." � :P � ' . .- ....� .. �� � � ���� . � � ?���� :-�� � %.:, '..� y ; I,' � '�... � ' �.% � -7 � ... � �� .. � . - - � � � --���1 c.', �;-- ; Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841338 R. � � . , � ... � . ..., :4,...4. 4....,..., 1 � . . . ,. , .. t ''��';',--- -e: .14: '?�*,.tt-.1.6 My belief tl-bixt the Czech carbines which recently appeared in Cuba vrere transported to 'Cuba on a Soviet tc.nker rnot further identified] 'which �:.._ -��'.�,-:"..�;��� .1. ,1,-.',,Arriicd� in Havana about 5 Jun 60. ' 'Thin vessel docked at La Cabt5a first � " � r"'..-t-:. - � ,., , ' -�-. t � .: ,remaining there about six, days, and then'toved to the petroleum dock for '�-: �:',:' , .... : Af t �-�:"�,� ��:!,:tmloaclint3.' I.observed a taw Czech carbines (with the broad, blade, 9" 'bayonet - j....�....', . .� , -.-....,.., ,....,.. : 1t4), -..,,,,..�.� IV , Vain, folds back along ,the side of 'the stock) in the hands Of the irgiLi.tia at"..; '.vi i ..,:a,��P.: ::'. 't i ..4 � , ., � ��-�SArf,italizila Air Force )'in early August 1960. ..� ., �i�.:-:,z ��,s. � Al- '" � � -..., ! - .: ; �����..z,,, ��,;.I 'personally did. not see any Soviet Bloc military teChnicie-ns 'during rry '. ;:,;:�� '...;, Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841338. . � - . � �� : � - -X � '� � � 3,170,077 . . � ��� � " � ar t'a� `,10 4.-�,;�....-,totx...�oA duty. in the Cuban Army and Air Force (February 1959-June q...9u0'-- ). -�: J.� 73:4 'I�dicl.'sec a .few �Chinese technicians near the IA (National Afg=ian Beforr.i � � �- '-'"��'''.*.i!..",�.r.r.nstitiate) building in Havosta in late July 1960. One of these Chinese was auppasedly an expert in rice cultivation. _Be spoke poor Spanish, p.nd t- �.. 1.� � .1." `'-'� � It; overheard him .extolling the wonders of the "new Chins." to a group of Oahe:is. I heard of the appearance of a few Chir.ese technicians whci we're .alleged' 74to: be experts in sugar _cultivation, but did-not observe them and. cannot It-'�Veriir 'their :existence. � .� � ' �4���' 1 1:���� , � a, � ai�,; � � � � � � � t. ;;� ..." � � : � -1 4: *'� � � � � �, 1. � ^' .;;�� . � � ��� . � �� 11 � .' wa ' s ..,i, � !': 4,-, � -.! - �� ,.. �e' .. 4 � , ',. '1, .�`, .., . .,', ... end. - .,., 4 4.*�'... .., � .., !. 1. ! 1 %�.� . �'� ak . , '.. .. ''�' -.). 4 � - ..." ...: ''. Z....N.. - .1- � ...;.� %.' �,,�-� ,- -�:;'� � �,..'� - -, 1 v, , .xl," - , - i , ' � " .)..? '' 1-1, , . _.�.. .. , �a; ".! : r � ' � � tti r � 12_.� � : 1, ".. � t. � , -4. � ci � � � 4. *. .1. �� � �ti. ^ .� ;�'.4 � � : f� 4.4 '� � :? t, '114 � �, � �3 ." ? � g0110-Ali � - � � :�1 � 1 � � � � ��, � 't � � � - � :��� � V -4 �� �a: � �,..e � , , " � . 4 ,��' Pa` � � � " 1.1 � : � a .; � � 'N DIssalt kmatib ^ � 7 � ' � . .� � -Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C068-4133e. ��' ' P: � .� ". �