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January 6, 1961
PDF icon REPORT OF PHONE TAP IN HA[15803112].pdf437.11 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328 , ; �.-,����� ra ;",,�� ' .�� � t...�� ;;;, � . � � � t '� 0 ri ;' , $1 t � � , , y., ��� � ��1 t � � � en it � - I,'" � ^`.�*-'4!. 7770 .� �����i A. � ` ) te-% *k"'" � � e � --I . � �.� '.!������_.; ' -411 7 :�17'. � � � U�����). �>�����:�� � "�.� ���.� it' � � � �Ationo��������re,"��-Lt.r.���-�� ��� ������ ;2 sil*.i" � �-� �-�� 1.'LL r- � -�-�-����`A-r-- � . � �� � � � _ �. � �. � , � :� CENTRAL 1NTELLIGENCE.AGE Y . , . � This niaierial contains infornial�on affecting the National Defense of the United Stales within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, T�ile 'T8, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to on unauthorized person 4 prohibited by law. � . � � � . 4.TIP,7MT181 ��.� �� � � , CabaiNienragua �COL:;�ITRY � ,...* '� +.� � ' � � . REpOR.r NO. ;� ..0.0 . �, � .:� � _.!_. - � 7 , , , . . . ... , . . . . - �'SUBJECT 1euort Of Phone Tap in Havana/Harold ' DATEDISTR. �,1: . 6. ',.�. . tszrtiriez Now Leading Frfmte Revolucionaria� .., .. .- ' ' Se.ndino from Tegucigalpa, Receiving NO. PAGES * � / � I � ' % i.� ! :Alia; in Name. of 'Ricardo Gonzales , �� .. .. , i � .� , . . . � , . �t� -.' DATE:OP 'I....late Dec nu ;,.. PLACE .6.� ' '. .. late � . . , ' - DATE AGO. i '. --I /Dee% 60 . � .. � . .24 nits ts�UNEVAI UATE'D iwouAATioN, - � e . � ..REFERENCES' � , � ' � � : � . � . SOURCF: US national, former non-commissioned officer in the IZ Marine Corps. � �� ..�t. � ' � d:a da Y."' '' � ' d � d� Source is a 23-year old ex-Marine who spent the period from February 1959 .� through July a960 serving in the Cuban Army and the Cuban Air Force. He � � %obtained -his discharge from the Cuban Air Force in June 1960. and returned to the DS via: MeXiC9 City on 30 Aug 60. During .1960 source' became active in Havana. in the Fri!)nte Revolucionaria Sandino, a Nicaraguan revolutionary � movement led, by the Martinez brothers. When source left Cuba he planned ' � to return to Honduras to assist the Nicaraguan rebels. , . � � �� � � � � � � " . ., '. :'' ? . � .d.: ....Naout one week 'ego, 'Pate December 1960] I received a ler..i.g 'distance phone . call from Jimmy Gentry, a friend of raine who also served' with Castro's ��,' ,..'�:..'-1.. ,d '..;': ,d forces in Cuba during and after -ale Revolution. He stated 'hat he was �'''. � - 'd"d'''. ': ''', ':-living at 953 Penn Street, SW, Miami, Florida, Telephone 'FRanklin. 4-3265, Gentry said it would be a.very-good idea for me to call Chester Simpson ' � � � 'in Havana. Simpsonx� a Nicaraguan who spent most of his youth in the US, , 1 -'�;' ,was working with us in Havana on the Nicaraguan Frpte ReVolucionaria � .4 -s�Sandino prior to my departure in mid-August 1960, ,and hehad remained in, , ...� � LIvana. Gentry reported that ,Simpson could be reached by calling Robert( . ''. Hernandez in Havana a,-. 325945 or 323227. � :' ' � , ' .!..a.t.- 0 ,. � ; ��� , 0.' . . � . � � . 2,a-I immediately plaegd:;:p. long distance call to the first number listed above � :and talked to a Cnbanthere. Simpson wan not available on either of the �;-: two numbers at the ..-gte. of my call so I requested that the Cuban find � ..,:1;��;'�.. f d' Simpson and have riiri'.4vailable six hours later, which would be 0300 hours,' Havana time. T.pp4eW a second call at that time and' talked to Simpson. - .....,'Ha was very happy'frAchear from me but he was not at all anxious 'to converse ,..' in any detail. %oldie stated three times before 1 could understand him that '.' 1 ought to know the phones were tapped. We then- -continued our conversation ,. -%%-in a roundabout fashion without mentioning names, and very little ..- % Anformation.was developed. . 4 � � , � � � ft .! .. . :. ,. ,. . � �, � I ' ': .. :,� :, � .! . 3t,, t tried to find out from Simpson why Gentry had been So anxious for me to '6a11 him, but this was impossible to do using the double talk necessary , . because of the phone tap. I indicated to Simpson that he should establish contact with Jrnrold Martinez (one of two brothers who head the Frionte � , da � � d. Revolucionaria Sendino, the other brother is Allejandr0)) who finally' was -, �� -. '. ;;:.. ' able to leave Havana in. late August 1960 and who now is living in . .. � Tegucigalpa, Honduras. : . 40 � . � . � � . � � � . ... � . 4. 1 asked Simpson If he had any information on William Morgan (without � .i � % ..mentioning his name, naturally). Simpson was not able Igireflain6recent information on this Rano � . �I Pr. r �,, � 1 1 %.0,-1' �.1_.:11'R L LH L__Ific . ''..;11m 1____I �F___J Dm, VIA`rt � � . . � APMY r71.'''.....7�77.1177-27.71-,'Z''' e. ",i� .� .iv� � ,� v \"' ,���1 � 7 '41 �t 1 � r ��� -...����;- � � � � -- ',II .17�17, .r - . /;�� r! ,\ 4_741:Jett, � � ., NOFORN � 0 / 3 LIS1 MI: 111."1"'"^".'" Iirteet.4 to hell- �""rt".'"oet of CIA, AEC :Ind J-Ifl, oen�I, run Stair And Delestrso. te41771-�77iTil " . rh direi -""Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328.4b.--1'ar**:13Dd19"'-`-rri ;���,�� NIS � " ".� , .� Jr-ME .7.. Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328, ., EA-US M.A.Zt% 4t!) Aim 415 AIR - 7i:Crau7,tri, Jr:1?;aO :� � . � � i I t � � : . .. . . . 1, %. , :�� � ; . : � � �� .,' ,, L. A tolephnno call recently. wss coacived by H. Laihneker, *..ief of .., �tha ton Ansolos Vint4 Offico, fram a can who identified blitaclf as Jerry �.' ..; P..nenuins, Jr., at 243 Va6t Voiley D1v4.,- Alb.a4bro, Colifrnin. M. : lisanin2 rs*ortod that he Gtf4d 0.:1 WY.-difIllarine W1.1% bed roecntly returned :. 'to tho 30 frnn Cuba utters he had�ea:ved se,:aa 18�Nooths in tho Cabon Ar1,17 -4i , (?sratroop acent) and the Out= Air Yorco. (Ste enC1oow.'0 L. Dio3rn:Ala. �Bata an athject.) � . . .� :. . � .. 2. On 11.0ot. LS60 (and subsoluontly oa 12 OCt. dad 21 Ont. 19E0) rondricksoa of thn Los Ansolos 02fic* cotacted Eozoins, to relotod tbo 4.' - followInd. 1:n /oft htsh school in tbs middle of hin JUAIOZ year to join : 1, 11.. . '..the Da Marino Corps (entiotod 1) AN:. 1954, J1./k8,247). .MarciAertedly , !!.�.:.;,'� !� row to tho rank 9f i.;erscont and durios the latter portion of bla tour . : �%: Oa was dirchozgad on'17 Oct. 195J0 ha attended Dainbridso Nl Acmd�cr..3:1 , --� 1 rrawatotory�Sehoel, Nc-onins clatTe4 to ivo bean acce-pte :tato tho Uaval' r :' .i..... '7E.eatrve 02ficcr� Troipins Corps aubetecuent to his attendnnco at r.oinbridsa � '-417)and 41-3,reFortedlY vos�olatod to atcand tbo ITolvoruity of Mittouri. � -7 i ., , '� � t� " ' .. , . . . � . . . . � ; - � ' r ! ' i. : :-�3.- lie! chnziod bio mind and docidol mot to enter ths 11Xiit prozrom . % ,%�� 1: ,, hacauna he;erauted, CO came in Splaial.Vercas type activity. Ve otatpe, ' . :.-� tbat ha tried coveral arta:A to obtain train:1oz of thia try eit Ft. Bross sr ' Vt. BesAilv bt'at he was not succookful. Eo then qacidecr.te lcova the ":' .� ::,..tflevice and vervarl'the hslonce of his tour at the Naval Academy, AstoFolie;.'. �':�14ryiantl. , �,� � . : � . . 1." I: - 1 .. � ..�� �. . ., � . . . . .. � -. , .. - -:71.1,.-., ..e.. �ii;.,aainszoternad to California in October 1.95 and ilyr4ad at %,orlaus'. ,. , � �acd jo::'dicaledin-s hoovy labor, an ha put it. " got4q:-4haFo". �ra loft � for C,:ia hy air via Mioci on or about 10 Fob. 1959, arriyi4in nirat,lada ::,' - � /9 ''eh. 195). nis reasons for GoioS to Cuba aro not cori-olotay clear in thc, F -rArld of this writer (aor�doco the writr holiava they aro camplatt41 oloar� - ---,in IkrantrVo olln4)�hut. =rang the reasons undoubtedlg�ara the followins: ., ., -- :. . . . ,. , _ , . � � .. -. - . - A. otrana desire to ar.p=ionce�tbe ozcitemlut and Oarour .,,,,of Onrforo,.ond.particularly guorilla oarfore. ariA tbo opportunity. axoricincg? in the fio/d. - � - � � . � - ' � ' Y.e,;�1 . . . ..-.1.1.' Tha�oi0,artnnity to combilo the abovo-600tio-aad 4calre t4t1.1. identificatiOy0Ath a "just' ammo. s , . . � .....�.� � �, ., ,.. ., - � ..v � � � . � .. �- . � :.::..c. � o, Adesiro to neo for 'Amaolf tfault vat coins on in Cahn., and : i'-paeoihsly to oarvo a nicht for-hitsolf fron vhich ha mlaht be abto- .� . .' .toiniluielleolaterdev,D.000enzo. ' � , . - , �%.').;;;,- .' ��' � . - � ' .% � ' . . , , .1 .;. :.4:,(..': ., , �� '.5. At any rate, Ibmnins roportedly bluffed his cc.ay it) the Cuban Army, .k. with no prior cOnne.CtiO4S Lavina Zoca redo in the U. (t to to hnvo '.;� 1 � - ', ' 1 � costactod officinla to the alb:tra COLTO014C, �Moo. in los toPolos 'prior 'to� : ,,..,, -� -.%.> A. 1 1 f. , ,, Ids dc,parture and alao to havo talked to a fall 26th o2' 4O*.MCvaniont m=b-aa'a:.,� .�' 1 , 1.,01a,,i-a 4 0:11,3) :E.ElanIce, .but raccivoC ye hallytho-a.)' . , �.% � . � ���� � .� � ; . � ":. � �:�� ;:',�����:,' � '4'''.��!. .� . ; . � . !NDEXED..c., � SEN. 6 'ER- � ..1 ) " - .�... . Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328 Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328� . I � ��� ^ .327:RY P. ImumilIF: ":- � I , tt, ..i � % � ' . . . 't , 4 4 .. T.:6. no re-pinta that Capt. Zolw,ly ?lite:cal, n UN attic-a:Al t.:1-213 ; In..rebre- '' mry 1959 v.e..a.s eer7ina nt liondquartors,-Ganersa Staff,.Camp Coiombla, bsCriellded , -'1.41.13 and obtained a ;:aso for hin. 2ft tanoi Lo S number of ath=n officers ta- . :t/cdtal; le..1. (fos) CasItillo end Maj. tamilopanop.' Thn latter ocat him .'''. to !lay. Eari- " -',-, ,st Co-- Ft ro ai --1.1 3 VI .,-, (194$ or 1949) 1..0 .:,-..3t..! .1"......, - .44...3 LI .. II MI 1.4,4 .00 0 4. Ct.. � �tv.illovtl.' formiot a isratroop 1-t.oitiment.. , - � � � ' , ; - . . .. . � �% 7# *IjoT Borbenot reportedly dtd not liho Fenning or wivit him ia his � ' unit hotraznning obcoinod erdore from "Cantle" &telling to.t,th reratrov - eestueet sz'on officer. MO. Corbanett rafued to Lccit in4.3 az officer so' .� ^ .he went isto the it op a SarLeant aboxt the cod e2 February 1939. .12crni,11; . -ste3r.14,c4t: unit un41 DoconLor 1959. Ho helped train patatTeepopo fitzt � , .ot San Aotoalo do ictresno Air Votee n!,:o and it nonr Sao Zoce. do it Lajas', .a tova ahcut 3mi1on aouthe;lst of Dovana on tho centtol bigh=ty. [See �. � , 00-D reports � b � . P tnti � , 'for rL.t. � egthered fxem iltmnina In initial dobrief.s. tdvzoce copies of 4datione1 PrZ � ' � � . co1ecve4 from Lim 11411 tin fz.,.tvardcAs if . ' �. **!:"� � c,lti.7,er MI) rennin to the Cuban Air Force4 itha raratroop '113:Irene iyan dwo in train-la:1 4nd had oot.evda ceF.pletad (ma Jong. van natio-nod rt rnn Julian Air ror;:e DoCO (inactIvlb) Oero bo fiw potrols and halved trsin'rlittin durins the day aid lad to= , roplAnalusance pntrole atainst the ,'Lntt-revolutionarico nt obtained � , frous the Cuban Air Force tn 1960 (betwem 10 and 15 ZL:le) is flantly loft Hamann eloot 21 Amis. 1560. Eo net.; to 4emico City end re- � ; p.niacd there until 30 1940 whm he anterel the US yin Sta Aatonio� . A ' � :� i , . � : . , . . 9:' �While la ths Cuban Az:v. Steninz beor%me involved raft.% a tr_FrInr Og .. iactartvtlmsaildly -acre int..f.To6Coa in.mountioll an invasiOn of Zitcarazva ran 0.:tha. bhile the datalls of this story As re1ate4 by Utan1a3 cre-zatIt ' involvOi, the baolt �titans io Toup.hly az follows, A Nicaral;a3n w:and contscted a aumer of troo2cTs in the rnrntroop�ilegint to ref.:mit_ :.� ' , .........4. ....or :,.voitetcors car cm mpedirion to Nicaracsm. AbaTzt 15 of no4nirven C17o*.ave .",, , . .-ttaro iurolvcd. The- expo:110.m twmad out to be well infiltested t7Lebe3ti-.' ' Canty� porsoenal cad tzettetioeas ond thn expedition apro.licii to ilave as tts. - ,.. ' (�:. tdo primarily tha oce_uleition of aT1= fop anti-Castro retiti.onerif.ts end .:I: �� � . , '.:',ETi/t to seoarrlso� Cast7o by tieing :Am politically to tli..lverant dzzit7nnd - , � . ,, ' .to ovcwthrow Brant04t1kmloa in larzraton. _. -� � 4, , ' � , .. ..r......�.... , , , � , . � � .10. The expedition novor loft Cu-.' End Fsrfanin capturta 'in ey small-2s OtIrtat 61,ptorthor 1959. tarming alloce4that this abortive i:trptAltian sot him i'ctc:Tented in Ntcproznan nctivIt1o5 in. aft eed he deciacd find out imoro nby!st,then ben goT oxn baeve,round zind to attezpt�to �Ptz.tect hio man in3Afnuatroop Rer;in-tilt. Rs thell initiated coninct tzth �numbr of Vicarn114:elbnizn, Collinicans, etc., who had ns their primr.riy. 'aiv'e the ovortbrow o4 00toblizhe4 &vett:moats either in Hicataggia,ct the ' . � � � � . � �- . � � ��� � �. � Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328. Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328 . Jn.=".1Y e. 11,nuft;4111,. � ' 12. .nanning.mntioacd eontaet win Chester ylv...ot whe reportedly wee :' :, ', lo'cated at on* ti-n in Washington,� D.C. sad cello was attenptin to establish- , 0 hasa to train nicerapcts in Cube prior to invadin3 ricere.zea; plus conteCt (1:an), a DLeatatean national whe had hern Invelvt.4 ia the ,J Otca1l'03 of a CuS-an plane which wes nova to the Devialcsa Capuhlic; nad -;� co PrIxi*nl's a illterntwaa mile vho Ind beea inpliented in the ... , .. .: , Issacesteation or er.-Presidant Sot=n and who had worked closely with Ferran' :until n brock occurred botwen Fri:Awes and rarfen in Vacc=bar 1959. L t� .;. 1.� .i. 124 Ronninz vae =Tested by the Cbon C-2 on or about 15 Ally 15r.,0 � ' ' " ., wta DrImiones end aarold p:,:tfo:lz IMert Ile:lair-E.; described cs tha . , ', �. ; ,::. ' "tnilher 7o mkft in the Nicara:luon trtvcment located in nendnres). The three � : :� - , , .. r�-;:n1 vtra held for about five dayo ond them released. rrixtenes, eceordifig '.'. to Re:In.:mai, new ta lacatad in V'mlo:cuels. tnreld n'ortincI hsd..planned ., I . leave Olba vith Iktnnin fy, end to c2eld teva ttas in Mn:.deo CitY; , nnro/d - ; . ..,,..., -. . Martinez eptild. ant leave the cafrItry, according to ty.x.nia-.1,,, bocnuao to � :1,, .. . CoLt:-....relsts in Cuhe hod aoplied prescure to as Caen Cct,steuniatn -:, .;'� . r ..� ' , �� 'IA order to pr,sreat his retecn to tleurha,-as eildier Vicarae,ne. .13,' Ban:limp, also noted tbat Alojewlra nytIneI (7.nroldbe rotper) We: .'' ' � tho lco'i.:t1? oe a revolutionsry ce1e.14 (rnynte Izeva;cionerie Gnniliqo) c.!blch , recently was captured by elem.:lairs el' the lictxluren A7.11y. Alnjanzlro ;�:art4ecz ....... reportsdly In am in pr14.-.on in r.ondnres. Ecnniaa aloe reZarren to tIrla t.,.=... .7 furs located in C4cego, jacklIsrdeca and Joint Sobb who recently vere '..., captured in Te.,-,toliril. whea they tarne4. over some 1.-otT.I.ed Ricerca:zee rebels/ t- the Rondnran ..t: f � � . . ; . . � � .:: .- ..., ,� .1: ; �. � ,- 4- : � � .., , ; . . , . . . . . . � � . . : 'f'. 7 '''' - IA � VIP ir,'' tV�ia .fittariaene were rcc..t.-H-Jai fronl a llondmren prima end -rate- ra,si0 ; �Ps! OA US szt-zotif...a batncen mid-June end 1 July 1960, uncter. t4lat.K:oze�rcr:lezvd ' � . fela to be-clystor,Ono eirmr.v;teocoo. Rvmyrn /n Cuba allez;eJ that eLthcr- t14.or TOT. olficielo .4-ere-instruatal in 'loving Chece ti.:� ma returnea to �.-- tb4 CS.. IlenAinp, atitch thnt in his oPinion they both merely wtze daportzd ''. ' !.co-: r.buderes. Pa qvonected the* two Arlericons with a P1eeza4;uan./n.Ch1onto .) ': .: -,nOna*Calllorzo 't .ho reportedly Ln awaitios trio/ la Chicajo on chorres. .: pf-raoruitios for a 1pFatcp covern=ent. . . . - ,- - : ..%,.-? � . . - ..,. - - ...I.; ' '': :! � � -, .'...--.;:''. � :-..T. IS, nonning co to be ttmdte$ by in antic4at1on co.E? journey to J ,, ,_ � '. :.:: '''� 11=IdleM5 in c4innanti4n with tha lante=t headed by the Martilloz brothers. . : i. �'; f : ;.- � ',,: �Uo taintains thnt tho Nvrtineo brothers arc entt-Ce=maists iito helicze that '.",: t, :neither the Cut= nor the Xicaregv_en Con=unit= are to be tr.wated. Manin!C '- !�'-r.6141.ced that. Ihrold Zarticz has close cont.:It:Zs ulth Cuhen cennter-ftgeaa4a. � :.- �Mania oho heve told 1153 that the Counter-n*1meg� C6rra (CEC) re.t. � � ' tb6.ocber. Cuban intelliccoo awmcion (C-2, DirAaoud Dna) 4.$.1 /nflitrati : Wc4=2ZA/sta a:1d *a ect-lea of tho CZ. Rept-lima ro?ortell that both tba tie#tince brothers end 1Trlialonos vore wiry much afraid vhat ony moire they p-r0--- '.,:c*itatod in bilcarnoa vould mee.oiy open to eoor for..tho VicezantLen c�C:traCCZ: .. ' 26io IA Cut.,4 to t-ovo'la sztd exploit tho. chaotic tituatIca to their aca benefit.' � � � , , ,i; .r..!:,, ,oi�� � 7,44. �,� � � . e�,...,..' ,... .; i..�;. , ,, - �� . :, .. .. '?.... � - : - V . '. ' SEGV1t: 1 .... � � ' . .�, ���., � � , 1 4 *. � 14 " Pv�:: 4-Z7. ZITO.E:gTrgSr.,y j � � � ( � . � � s Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328 � .? jip4V.� Ln=grA110., � Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328. � F l� .� .� . � � 16. T.!elning mly beVo dceidcd to contact CIA because or remarks made� by-e Sgt. &leo Pitn'tg srd by Dr. Froaciace Dusto, aa v%-tatisto who Oars a Ilrsttivn from the Castro roF,Aton terrolininz Cuba, te;;:ortelly inid that CIA he17ed out ie CA:ate:ea/a and that it would be n : �L teed thing if thy nould help out in Cuba. Dr. Fri:zionesotetcd that Cheater . LaoaY0 hod becn olozo to riAht in.ennecttaz un Secretory og State Christian . 1 � Porter in an .etept to elicit support for lotnyoio Nioaravan wevolatientry rlaVeZ.:2:31t. � � .. . .� . .., . ; � 17. Walla it is difficult to aeets Drat:lines trum votivco for hla post ..:.,:. aCtivitiee end patathly still more dtfficult to aeacrtele where his true ,- A,'. � .,. ' ..--loyelties lie, it does eppear that NI r4.41%:. be Useful either nov future. Fro ra eenverrationa to date (throe short see-star:a) ; ttat tenstn to act rio al000ly alliod.with hie Nicaraguan frimdsthnt no ' ; troilld find it Imi-cesIble to ceeeentroto his atteration c/sewhOca. nis in- . . ;: tarest in rTocial Fp'cge"t� tyge activity apc,ears to trencleeud 41 other la. , � , ) -. -f ; MZODifl* an4 ha prebabl wou/d not besitnta to roture to Cuba if such 4are � � � 406>vght usfUl. � ' ,t,- . . . ,. ,�. : t � .� . lila retie:role' in discussini; his connection with tha Tlicarn&l.eln movo-. , � tzrit. (thtttler.::irtez broil-I.:re) tico la directly with his (oaq rculy otharat) intelligence oporatione connected with re�iol2ettenary move.; ' PlrinCsi. Eamnin r�olcaint. that tha US should utilize a aut-,bot of Spoelel � .- ... :. , �,,..fooss typea be ale to reet�trate certain ravolutiouOrrats ; ,F 0..rLy 11,ac:r.!, atte...a positions of roll influence TilOtluAlie orde.el=tone. , att ji..:..;,444.sUbaelutntly er9t to ct-canel tha mvmant's antivAties into nroaa which �.4tranaat,..favorable, or at worat lenot detrimental to U3 intoresta. Us goreecoa tha itevitabla fx:iti of rroaident Saew:a in Flicaraom and, furthemore, thnt - . .f.....this &tilt:ill be'breazht about by the Fettluen brothe-ra. flo elm alaSsm tes. 1 '...-eocotail:e che danaere of Ce=nuniat toko-over inherent in tl!e overthrew or ?resident'Sm-)ta., eod be bopos that the E.13 will bo qukok to prevent'sceh, ..; ..,. ; pream&417 thrcurl,b the use of peopie 41ko htmaelf. � ' . . . . . . , . . , .-. . .� � � .-, ., ...... /0. Uenutn ttaint4/a that ha loftrat end fOrsnost" 4n kat-Cir.z.n,. , that his true 1pw44y rimaine with thSs country. Thit, may yell be � i ,., trut,�Nt it slr)a.1.4 W4Oted that bis reeeening.oppoare-to bo bof,ed pri- .. � : 'Wxlxily oe'hie rewoct.for tho stvarlot ability exhibited by the U3 military ' . . :,;. porrotuel he bee sa,rraath la the post. Ile, appears:to ho littloinf/oaaol. . ,. Iztsy.lor.p balia.fa ia deratic primciples. , - , :. � .; , 1. �� - � - �;'.' � � � � � � � � �� . ... � - . :i� � , ' ' � � . � � �� ;*7�'�;�'-''�'�'!�17`:-.�-�`:'77-7;-�-'''''-'"�; � � s'� � Approved for Release: 2020/04/21 C06841328