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March 3, 1967
PDF icon REDEX CORPORATION REDEX-P[15811386].pdf580.26 KB
TO: Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615.8www- � txcluaea CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 D, actor Fe ral Bureau of Investigation Atte tion: FROM: Deputy �irector for Plans SUBJECT: Redex Cor Redex Corp Armaments, above companx William W. Tur and Ram arts Ma in Redex � oration; Redex -Pacific, 'ivision of Tnn_t ennsolidated ratipn Rtntime Vi n am C. of s, 1404 New Yo4/Avenue NW. or,,, representative of both Redex azino. Vietnam, nc. 1. One William W. Turner identical with William W. Turn FBI "bugging" practices for Ramparts Magazine, called on Foundation, San Francisco o described as a tall, clea early 30's and said he w California. He said he Corporation and produ his name, Redex-Paci said he was calling a telephon call f identified regularly Mr. old foundations on The Asia directly t other que IRS? w' the fo know for ho is believed to be who wrote an article on vember 1966 issue of the h adquarters of The Asia 26 Jan ary 1967. He was cut, sand -haired young man in his a free-lan writer from Sausalita� was also emplo d by the Redex d a business card which listed simply c, Division of Rode Corp. Turner pen The Asia Foundati as the result of om Mr. in New rk City. Turner s a "free-lance writer who ontributos ew York Times Sunday Magazin . He said im he was doing an article on rican d wanted current, complete backgro d information oundation for his article. Turner th n proceeded the question of TAF's source of funds. iong tions, he asked: is your income reported the re can I examine these records? were you one of dations looked at by the Patman Committee? di ou at some American foundations have been used as a onduit IA funds? ry.tcr,r1::� dc...:crr,Agn � �.r.d Excluded (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) (b)(7)(c) (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 tXCIUaea � SEMI 2. Turner was described as pleasant, deferent and therwiso a picture in studied innocence throughout the coiversation. At tho same time, he asked exactly tha "righ quo tions. Turner nevor revealed a connection with Rampar maga no, and thr% mffir'in1 with whom he talked was not aw of Tu er's4 or connection with Rampartse . a y regarding Redex Corp. an raise interesting guenti to a possib e connection betwoon Ramparts and Redo of articles on the San Francisco Examiner of 8 F from the Wash gton Daily News of 28 February 19 the Washington ost of 3 March 1967, are attach convenience. Th indicate that Redex is eng variety of activi es including the sale of governments and in viduals, spy equipment, devices, telephone ,r ramblers, and at pros "t1c go-go � " for a niaht club t by and one its ns as Copies %bruary 1967, , and from d for your ed in a wide 3 to foreign anti-bugging nt are recruiting be opened in Saigon 4. Name checks of Ag ncy files o subject individuals and organizations are bein run and he Bureau will be (W(1) informed of any pertinent i ormat on. ODA Attachments - 3 (b)(3) 2 SECila (b)(6 (b)(7)(c) (b)(6 (b)(7) (c) (b)(6) (b) (7)(c) Excluded Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 � �� : 4* ; � ' .; s � ' e* ;7:)1 �1',-..-�,�� �����-���.-- � �����., �1,..., e� '. , . � \ .1.0 1. ' I � � � " ! l t i % le ����� � � � ; � � .. %) e- . .. Q. � %) `` '' ' � . 1 j � - � � . . Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 r_xciuueu � 17.'? L je,;) "1 '''', 0,-11, f.'.', (7.!"5 .'n'''1', .13�, 'My , , : ,;'L t',_,/:...,;:...a...i.:.1.Q.,iill. . ', . rhi %.�.,p ' .1 .. , .- . �,:' ay. traiLii. U. 1,1J cvar,;(;..t.zroternr,r4r.: t. ., � � '.::. ,Tirel - .WASIIINGTON' � Au enterirrisine, � electronics ex- play � .!ecutive, with an ear to Washington's' w.rreilip.jitters bits. ,, debugging kit belongs in every .Capitol Full officesuggested to every congressman that a $1405 do-it-yourself days �'.. i beside i ' . the water cooler. � �� � � - The sales pitch also offers a scrambler for $349, so. congressmen can talk unmonitored, � . : But the manufa(turer, _flirlyrd,j...,111.ezi, .presideit_of � liszts_corp , has found his potential cur.tomers are less concerned about electronic snooping than he thought. So far one senator and one congressman :�-�� I3ast will , ot reveal even their parties�have made inquiries. I ., ho �,r; trade will pick up when more congressmen re : tod � after yesterday's buzzard. &debugger weighs 28 pounds and has rabbi - , � radar- c loop and a space-age panel of knob : ". ters, but ast insists even a child can operate' The ' ortable scrambler" looks like a mond phone , and fits ovei the regular receiver. It cony, ts English into 0 �,:. : what sounds �e Cninese and can be tin rambled only by, ; , a matched gad,, i on the other end of 4 ,e line. ,. .- . '� �. -' Each set of phones is doded ifferently to prevent._ , , . eavesdropping by maverick scr �bler,owner.�. ,,� �-� �.., 7, . ,- �, � � � � ,;$�, : , '. :: .,,�;����1 .11 ..:���� � � ��� Til ears, a and me- TI' work Lab � Cl � do, Bath But the fore, an and , Dia � Fo .! � 4,3 , .01.�����,. � c..1: Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C068321 !s Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 EXCI U u ea � Mt C.N TVA' &Malik in-AZ/. TUESDA:4_ r AIWA= �3 D. kt,'� rJ/14 sas GO-CO ;IT Igalar) . Cy JULLIN rortrasoN I By late kind or early May GIs r� i based in Saigon will be enjoying ' � � 10 topless American go-go danc- ,:. �.,'i crs imeerted ter the eiLfs new- ent night club by an eaterprising .,.. 4, Washington businessman and ' _... his Vietnamese partaer. ,; For an admission fee of t'S .; and a minimum of $10 (beer will be $1 a can, whisky $2 an � �'� ounce) American troops can 'observe" and talk to the nears at . The Saigon . Di otheque A-Go-Go, the i brain � of ItYr'terd L. Best'd ' � Washin �n and Nguyen Ba - i ,. ,.1 lung of .gon. � The two m who operate Cie ' ? ' ,.=it �-Vietnem, Ise., 1 dth heedemarte s at 1-ag1ew ...,� york-av inv, I. cult catty . e r u-nniag no spaper advertisements in shizgton, Baltimore and SP1 It �lam seeking topless recruits. LIE DETECTION :-1 To qualify, Mr. Bast ays, girl must be-het:7;0n and 23 years old, single, to sign a six-month contra and take a lie detector test. "We don't vent any hard- ., �� bitten stripm rs or prostitutes," Mr.. Ba said yesterday. "That's le trouble with the � � joints a GI's frequent over ther now � they get taken ; La re they know it." � The Saigon Discotheque A-Go- Go, he said;� will, be a ty-pleal i American go-go nightclub. .; "For .715 the GI will have rock ,� '.' 'a � roll music (by two 1 Vietnamese bands) to listen to, i American girls to observe and -.. f ;ual.arican girls to talk to. i LIPPEAL '.� "Of course they'll be topless 1 ..; � (cnly on stage) which I'm sure will appeal to the (ii," he said. � I DO said the girls will wear . i "pasties" while dancing and ; I vial don a blouse or other , covering when sitting at a customer's table or dancing with him. 4 "They will drink only ginger ' ell ale, provided by the management," he said, noting -, 1^ " the widespread criticism of i,;�.� � ; Saigon B-girls in present night � �:�..i.�:,, . ' clubs there. 'ETT/S01/3' IR n72 �\ (777(7 tUil 1.11.1 club, but said it will seat 7.1 persons initially with room to expand to accommodate 11C3 if necessary. ASSOCIATE These arrangements ale being taken care of by his associate Mr. Hung who, he said, has "interest" in the Saigoa P st, formerly published by the outh Viet Nam Ambassador o the United States, Bue Die: Mr. Bast said he strict screening of pros active go-go dancers is =ices Ty because of the high ca' he wants and because R ex-Vietnam will invest ap oximately $1'40 in each g in transportation alone. To hat end, the lie detector tes to be given each successful pli c a lit includes suck questions as "Do you believe the. United States should Le fejliting in Via Nun?", 'nail "Is there anything in yetr, background that would subject you to blackmail?" � SECURITY . Bast said one of the sec � ity problems the U.S. Les trice tered in connection with existin,, Saigon night clubs is that rn � of their B girls Viet Cong eats. "Our girls, if course, will be anything but," said. also Le The girls w forbidden by their ontracts ta marry, and may aye the contracts renewed onl on the company's option. "Aft all, they have to be an asset us. We're in business to make 'a pzofit," Mr. Last said. Ile saki that if the Saigon clah is a success, Redex-Vieteieni plans others in Da Nang, Cem Ranh Bay lir.d in Bak, Tardland in re,sponse to till buildup of American forces. there. ;.; r � �� � � � He said he, personally, does , not know the site � � � tXClUaea� , . . . * -�:�� Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 txcluaea 4.� � ^J.�;y Diehard Sevro TV'ashinzton Post Mr& Wiiter If a wealthy Arab pliace i�vels he'd like a few dozen � !,3anir.,h machine gun:, or a clutch of Italian hand Gre- nades, Richard Bat says he can arrange it. � If an American infantryman in Vietnam wants to send his sweetheart an electric blanket, Richard Bast says he can ar- ranele it. If a Hottentot potentate wants anything from a case of canned nuts to a planeload of electronic spy equipment, Eichard Bast can arrange that, too. "I'm a middleman," says 'Bast. He leaned forward in his swivel chair, his 6-foot, 1-inch, WO-pound frame nattily le- splendont in a silk-lined blnek mehair stilt ha picked up in c'D 1. 0 in 'o pairs of . lie pnas,:d L.10,1i0" his tiny, c...ti�k, paneled on the ulata rico,- of " York ave. nw. A couple of Ca matia news wile plans for Ids toni, go-go '.ito no-go a nil;htclu Hong Kong with . trouscrs for :,,55 (ii Ls con- %laced it would cost ashianten). "I'm in the cs:port-hni business," he said. "icople oat:: coant:y 'want r..N.nehatitlise fruna oo.zatry. I ;,.,et it for thent. Yoa name t 1AL:chant:ice mid I Lan Lot � t in rae:-0 Saigoi 11; Sal rt mike �01 New ai;o Lt La tevoaled � export� yr.J. GiLlsae 1;oinz,1 to llaat cad a Victim- ler plan to open' in y ate Going to call it the on 1.4zeotit...znie Ca;r0 he in opening it tk ea. JI 6.10 because a wants to do acme- f our boys in Vietnam. e 4 a profit 1.1UtiVe, i&O L.eIZ.C.11.3 to einn.Le tne L'et into Lk; plt.c.! ad a r..-::�ni.num of cd(), which they may up by drinking Li eau (bast is (...exasive 1.3np;�..te becs) r witian.y for 2 aL,Itot. Coy LA e � Lot erin'LL:5, th3. Inay La chla to oiann! 1,it 'Le a a 40 1.J Go-no Gitls, viho tola. onstage Lnt. tt,p�; .1 on the 6.'2,1LO ilGve. ^ N?.:31d fl tin! LekVicc.- r to tuciz n/intnu, by buy- ing drilt 1.0t "CI no " EaL,t said. � not. L Lag to in! .:y � Ltt � plat...J. � jut what %.,4, ant to Lot nv,,ny fronl." 1;44. in taking time ont _ \C/ 1.... ----) I '`" ! I 11,',_. --..'..i. /L '...._v_. hL ln..y scht....taie-tn � .- r.nnlicants ttia Lula L%.1, "Ulla te:ey ta..2 iin'i that. old man." 1;n,,t �nicy toninpLt..i cntor, by n niter. to t� thJrt.nalth.:,; bAto Lac:Wily ; Ti. ! .a; I � . nunth cont,:as.t. ;do f, " tennspsi tail; 1 A�I'on:nrnniajoL. the Daici:-.;ai. tI no jurisic'..!r-t clonal , Vie main ii L � over, otn.....e � L could. ran ; . Excluded Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615 :r- � Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615*� u ea !fa N.. v. 7-� ively concerned� with such lest people think of pistols, hand grenades, to; arily as a night club foreign governments and pri.- vate individuals overseas. �-� erchandiser," he ' All companies are headquar- reputable bug- , tered in Bast's office in Wash- is not a neo- ington, two rooms which' are ' of interna- , ident suits, oversized gold-colo cufflinks, a- 1965 , Ca Fleetwood and a ho Chesterbrook, Wood which be estimates $60,000; "I like n Bast said. He lives in Weeds with If son, two da dog and t house which to, an fled sa of Inc., im- zu � � . s.� ��: - -t ment, ranging from' teleVisiOn " sets to spy, devices. O Redex Corp., which sells almost, anything to anybody in foreign countries other�thart �Vietnam., � , O Consolidated Armaments, . k � - Avenue' office, -there is a war house on L Street ne. i�d . shop In � � �� � ...jig spy devieps for 'Corp, . Inc.:, which sells mostly small Bast spenc�is,' matters. In fact, he is arms � machine guns, rifles, months', 'ef th Washington the. time 11 ning buyers. . He Chcsterbrook wife, Edith; a hters, a mongrel co, cals. Also in the a tiger Skin rug � picked up in Calcut- a: mounted fish identi- as a wahoo, which Bast he caught off Montego The customers, 'governmen- tal and private, that buy arms, spy devices and other mer- chandise, according to Bast, are in French West Africa, Ni- geria, Uganda, Greece, Saudi Arabia, France, Kuwait, Jor- dan, "� Lebgnon, Switzerland, Thailand and South Vietnam. Richard Bast is arinan who .. . . ,..r� � 41. , . . �o irV3.. � ,i;�EXCIU d ed ::.�,- ',10.)).,..-: 4t,,,,Li: 1 .:,,..�4t34-4,:, 1:f.v.i4iitinty;:.--.i.,T:2,i14.,, ,...:4,.01. ,icat.'0,eatigilittPvithAvimiler Ng-. .,_4fw � r.,...-4120fatiskv � .91.1.iris to Gip Go South Vietnamese government: which. Might. refuse to issue visas if the U.S. Government ,requested such an action.; 'But .'it would be a 'Mistake to of Richard Bast as ex- el ehe worn him pr operator. � "I am a .said. "I am nessman, who pbyte in the 'w tional marketing.' Bast is the p three companies: � Redex Viet - Na which in addition to gir ports Japanese cars (the I Bellett with a 1500 cc engin scotch, bourbon, Japanese an Philippine 'beer, and a wide variety a electronic equip- only slightly sbigger than' a couple of telephone.. 'booth.. : His secretary sits in one room; Bast is in the other. 'In' the:.,�. room with" Bast are soniekfile cabinets, two telex machines for sending and receiving o . ders for overseas 'business, desk and a photo copy. a- chine. In addition to his hie York understands the c ing a good credi In keeps handy a refe Va., ter from the First s worth Bank of Washington e things," form his counsel, Margolius. "My service is a question o integrity with me," Bast said. "I feel that when I am dealing with overseas clients I am in a Sense representing this coun- try. I have to be honest" " Bast is a native of Washing- ton. After his graduation from Eastern High School he was employed briefly as an ap- prentice pressman at The Washington Post. Then came service with the Marines in Korea. Bast says lie received the Purple Heart there. After the Marines he re- turned to the presses briefly, but that work did not appeal to him. He had suffered a slipped disc and his back hurt. .jear ,in his � ice; the rest at is traveling; syln- eclined:rd/ .0.1�14stiril;;Phigs year � gross, smiled and, said; "J t say we dcf, aiiiee busi- 1 'ss." Nor could she estimate is profit margin, ''.It:yaries, depending on the Itierchan- disc. Somatithe* 4t: only,3..or 4 per cent, other, time it-Is as high as 50 per tent". Whatever the 'take, enough to keePhim In. mohair See Bast -B4 Col. 6 =�' � � � a. In 1954, he was employed by. John aVashingto4 lawyer, as nprivatelnitestiga- tor'. and Precesd' server. :rie Started the, Redgx Corp:- in � 1960. Ho is still licented�as a private detective.:. ' � "I've come along way from the pressroom," he said. "Lie s been good to me. I' ah';i:. a Ii g examplethat there is an' oppi tunity for': people with integi y who .are. willing to work." Approved for Release: 2020/07/27 C06832615