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Document Release Date: 
December 10, 2019
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Publication Date: 
December 15, 1989
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Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826824 I_s -/ I I-I � � l_l� 7-) GERMANYS: Parts. Links NIultiplying The two Germanys are rapidly expanding political and economic tie; andhancellarKohls visit on Tuesday may accelerate this trend. Offic:al links also arc expanding rapidly. West German Economics Minister Haussmann met yesterday with East German Premier Mod-ow and other officials and agreed to form a joint economic commission to expand trade and investment. East German Foreign Minister Fischer and West German officials also met Wednesday to discuss unspecified security issues: earlier this week Bonn and East Berlii agreed to hold their first high-level military talks 011ie � groups have been even more ambitious. The East German opposition group Democracy Now yesterday proposed a three-stage plan Fora united, neutral Germany. Comment: The expanding network of links is outpacing formal policy decis.ons and moving the two Germanys toward de facto unity. The root cause is the weakness of East German institutions: for example, West German support probably will play a major role in determining which East German parties can compete effectively in the election set for 6 May. Kohl will finalize the joint economic commission proposal during his visit and probably complete agreements on infrastructure projects. He may offer a major aid program. He also will use his visit to advance his proposals for confederal political structures, but plans like those of Democracy Now make it more difficult for him to retain public support for measured progress toward confederal institutions. The growing economic ties he is arranging will in any case push East Germany toward a more market-oriented economv and lay the economic groundwork for reunification. eGrL TCS 2990/89 1 15 December 1989 Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826824