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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 8, 1989
PDF icon NID USSR LITHUANIAN DEC[15743469].pdf60.94 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826809 I I I I-1 I 0 1_1 USSR: Lithuanian Decision Will Reverberate Widely The Lithuanian Supreme Soviet's more yesterday to legalize a multiparty political system in the republic will help raise the issue of the Communist Party's role to the top of national and republic le i agendas; it will further erode the party's status and prestige. The Estonian party Central Committee yesterday endorsed removing the constitutional guarantee of thc republic party's leading role, a decision that must be formally approved by the republic's Supreme Soviet. This week the republic legislature in Armenia failed to draw a quorum to consider a similar constitutionfil change but is likely to return to the issue soon. The Lithuanian legislature's decision comes on the eve of a series of local and republic legislative elections throughout the USSR that will end in March. In local elections in Estonia and Latvia this weekend and in elections that follow, most candidate backed solely by the Communist Party apparatus are expected to fare poorly. President Gorbachev has repeatedly rejected calls for a multiparty system. Last month, moreover. the USSR Supreme Soviet voted not to put the issue on the agenda of the Congress of People's Deputies. which reconvenes Tuesday. And my Sakharcur and five other prominent Deputies, however, have called for a nationwide warning strike on Monday to demand the Congress remove the guarantee of the party's leading role from the USSR Constitution. Comment: In the short run, the Lithuanian party's decision and its all but certain move later this month to declare itself independent from the CPSU may improve its competitive position in February's republic elections by removing major source.; of public resentment toward it. In the long term, however. leveling the playing field in the republic's political arena will undercut the party. The Lithuanian and Estonian decisions will also encourage other republics. including Latvia. Georgia. and perhaps Armenia. to follow suit. Gorbachev and his allies are almost certainly concerned by the Lithuanian vote. To forestall other republic legislatures. they probably will try to work out a constitutional compromise that guarantees the legitimacy of other parties bu:. preserves a special status for the CPSU. The Lithuanian decision. and events in Eastern Europe. will raise the public's awareness of the debate over the party's role and might increase popular participation in the nationwide warning strike Monday. Tcs 2984/89 8 December 1089 Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826809 Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826809 t�t �1 �1 TOrSticrer-- Republic and Local Elections Begin in the USSR Republic Local Soviets Supreme Soviets Russian (RSFSB) 4 March 1990 4 March 1990 Armenian (not set) (not set) Azerbaijan (not set) (not set) Belorussian 4 March 1990 4 March 1990 Estonian 10 December 1989 18 March 1990 Georgian 17 June 1990 25 March 1990 Kazakh 24 December 1989 25 March 1990 Kirghiz 25 February 1990 25 February 1990 Latvian 10 December 1989 18 March 1990 Lithuanian 24 March 1990 24 February 1990 Moldavian 25 February 1990 25 February 1990 Tajik 24 December 1989 25 February 1990 Turkmen 7 January 1990 7 January 1990 Ukrainian 4 March 1990 4 March 1990 Uzbek 18 February 1990 18 February 1990 TCS 2984/89 8 December 1989 Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826809