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Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 , - - \ CONrIDENTIAL 2 Newsletter Product of a Quality Circle Suggestion For The Benefit of All Employees of The Printing and Photography Division Office of Logistics Vol. 6 No. 1 March 1988 Introducing Our New Chief Is he really new here? Of course not! To the position of Chief, yes, but certainly not to the Division. He entered on duty with this Division on 26 December 1961� thanks to an excellent decision by who hired him. Except for the last two years, all of his time since then has been spent right here in P & PD. His official biog- raphy reads as follows: 1960; EOD CIA 15 November 1960. Headquarters assignments in DA in- clude Deputy Chief, Deputy Chief, P & PD; Production Manager, P & PD; Branch Chief, Prepress and Press branches, P & PD; and Chief, Special Printing Plant, PSD. External trainiog: graduate and undergradu- ate studies in printing/business man- agement, American University; Roch- ester Institute of Technology; and Northern Virginia Community Col- lege, 1963-1973. Others: ESC Pro- gram for Managers, Kings Point, N.Y., 1982; Metropolitan Washington School of Printing, 1962-1965. WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED By (b)(3) (b)(6) To recap some of career, let us walk backward through the last few years and list some of his major ac- complishments and/or involvements. -GeNftEYENTTAT While at P & PD: � Acquisition of a six-color press � Acquisition of a four-unit web press � Acquisition of a Hell scanner and Camex � Hot metal to ETECS conversion (b)(3) � First printing of the CBJB (b)(6) � Acquisition and installation of the ATEX systems (b)(3) � 1978 Division consolidation (b)(6) � Special/general printing plan' consolidation � First COM recorder from ODP tc(b)(3) PSD (b)(6) This all sounds great, but let's get to the more informal tidbits about thE(b)(3) man who is often referred to as W.D(b)(i and the place from where he came. First, what about F�!? Would you miss it when driving through if you were to sneeze or blink your eyes? At one time, yes�but not now. Now the town has a four-way traffic light�installed in 1985. It currently has a population of 56C(b)(1 ) (sounds like a place to escape frorr(b)(3) when you're young, but return to as you mature) . police de- (b)(6) partment consists of one volunteer policemanH (paralyzed (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 - from the waist down and driving a specially equipped police cruiser) . (b)(6) The nearest major city, is about 13 miles away. That's where (b)(6) residents must go to do their shopping. The town's major in- dustries are Supra Boats (fishing and (b)(6) otherwise) and Industries (manufacturer of copper powder) . (b)(6) Per the mayor's wife, (b)(3) and former classmates, the (b)(6) town may be small, but it's mighty. In 1987, it won the State "A" Champion- ship in girls' basketball and boys' foot- ball. "And, of course," said Norma, "it's the place of humble beginnings for (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) Now let's talk about How much do we know about him? I would like to recapture a few of the events of Walt's life by making brief mention of some good and bad moments that I've heard about. With this, I may be put- ting my job on the line. (b)(3) Good moments: (b)(6) � When his nickname was "Cotton." � The day Clifford Holland caught 5 lbs. of bees on his arm without getting stung�"you remember Clifford; he bought the old Simp- son place." � When he was a courier and would drift down to SPP and run the collators. � When he worked part-time at the Camp Washington Shell station. � When he printed his first process job on an A.B. Dick in his basement. � When it rained and would be found in the parking lot catching night crawlers. � When he practiced fly-casting be- tween the light poles in the park- ing lot. � When he would be drinking at a bar with and have to telephone back to the shop and explain how to fix a press or run a job. (b)(3)' (b)(6) � When the new 19 X 25 press . would start up and would come running out of his office to watch or help. � When the Barracuda and Plym- outh would race on the Agency compound. (b)(3) � When he became known as WD-4(1?)(6) � When he upgraded his drinking preference from PBR to Red, White and Blue. � When he came prepared to give a briefing at his GS-15 promotion. � When he gave Mr. Casey a tour of P& PD. Bad Moments: � When switch jobs. � When he thought his wife was going into the furniture business. CONFIDENTIAL (b)(3) (b)(6) � When he took three days to run a job and was told by that he had three hours to rerun it. � When he bought the 22" ATF Chief�but without a manual. were told to � � � � � (b)(3) (b)(6) When told a secretary(b)(3) from the OPS Center that (b)(6) had eyes for her. Whe told the DCI's office,(b)(3) said we're not going to run(b)(6) anymore of your work until you number the originals. (b)(3) When would show up (b)(6) at house every Sunda(b)(3) morning to drink beer. (b)(6) When he sent dead roses (b)(3) When he bought his farm because(b)(6) a bulldozer came with it. When he tried to hire the ga.(�b)(3) printer. (b)(6) When lost his tackle box anu camera under the waterfall witt(b)(3) help. (b)(6) jeep lost a carburetor (b)(3) (b)(6) � When soft plug. � When the motorboat sank. Judging from what we know anc(b)(3) have heard of what assessmentE(b)(6) (b)(6) can be made of him? Is he still a country boy, a farmer, a mechanic? An outdoor sportsman (Mr. Field and (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) Whe ppears "out of it (b)(3) we now know where his mind is. li-)/(0) CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 CONFIDENTIAL This was among the first process color graphics printed press in the basement of his home Ironica gin and some of his favorite pastimes. Stream)? Is he honest, fair, even tem- pered, and good natured? Is he a good listener, understanding, and kind? Well�that's a fair assessment! Some people would classify him as "a country gentleman with culture." He's certainly a person who wants to get involved and is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He appears to be com- fortable almost any place, whether it be behind a desk, at the wheel of a tractor, or operating a printing press. He's creative, versatile, and hard working. Does he have any faults? I'm sure he does�he's human. He shows It was produced on an A.B. Dick depicts both his down-home on- frustration at times, occasionally pre- fers to do things himself, on occasion forgets when he should remember, and remembers when perhaps he should forget. But, don't we all? Most importantly, he's a good politi- cian�he looks out for his employees. He's intelligent, rational, and pos- sesses that one rare quality that many managers lack�good common sense. He's been an excellent manager to date, and I'm sure he'll prove to be an outstanding Division Chief. Congratu- lations, (b)(3) (b)(6) CONFIDENTIAL (b)(3) Better Late Than Never(b)(6) By January 15 was a historic day in P & PD. Historic in that the long-await- ed automatic tab laminating and die- cutting machine (Scott Ten Thou- sand) arrived�two and a half years after the Office of Procurement wrote the purchase order. And, just as his- toric as its arrival, two days after its installation the backlog of tab produc- tion in Bindery was eliminated. Follow- ing is an account of just how bad the backlog had become (at times it seemed like the tentacles mentioned in Jules Verne's book) . Until 1978 the few routine (yet time- consuming) requests for tabs were processed in either the P & PD Press Branch letterpress department or by hand on the SEYBOLD in the Bindery. In 1978 a search by management in both Branches culminated in the pur- chase of two hand-operated devices (one for laminating and the other for die-cutting tabs) that would end, once and for all, the nuisance of producing tabs. It was thought that the use of tabs in Agency reports had reached a plateau and that the two devices recommended for purchase would eas- ily handle any future demand for tabs.(b)(3) As it turned out, the demand had not leveled off. By 1982 the volume of tabs(b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) processed had risen from a monthly average of about to more than triggering another search for a device that would combine laminating and die-cutting into one simple-to-use, fast machine. Not until 1985 was the auto tabber by Scott identified and funds allocated. By then, monthly tab roduction had risen to an average of severely strangling production (b)(3) and causing late deliveries. During the two and a half years P & PD waited for the delivery of the auto tabber, late jobs became more numerous as demand increased. In some cases, tabs would appear at the rate of every other page in a report that might have as many as tabs. (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 CONFIDENTIAL Press at times sent skids of material to Bindery, and in an effort to maintain some semblance of control on delivery schedules, the services of a commer- cial firm were utilized for the produc- tion of tabs. Tab production had indeed become so destructive of delivery schedules that the importance of its solution was being ranked alongside some of the great religious and moral issues of our time. In fact, excommunication from the human race (since murder was out of the question) was being considered as a suitable sentence for the vendor when it was learned that the delivery of the new tab cutter was delayed another six months. Well ... all that is behind us now. The backlog is gone. Once again there is breathing room in the production schedules. The use of tabs in Agency reports seems to have reached a pla- teau no where near the capacity of the new machine. . . . By With two wins under their belt against three defeats the Cougar basketball team seemed to be riding a roller coast- er. Since that point they have posted a four-game win streak and are showing the consis- tency needed to compete with the stronger teams. Needless to say the team is still getting dependable performances from] who ordinarily plays the im- portan sixth-man role, has been side- lined with a knee injury. Last year's team lost in the final round of the playoffs. So with a few breaks and the right bounces maybe this year's team will rebound a winner. Good Luck!! Next edition�a look at this year's Cougar softball team. Employee of the Quarter By (b)(3) (b)(6) All of us have experienced a little extra pressure because someone in our(b)(3) section has been chosen for a three-month assignment overseas. However(b)(6) when a Flying Squad member also happens to be the lead worker of a section, there is even more pressure to cope with. When k lead worker in(b)(1) the black-and-white section of the Photo Branch, left for for three(b)(3) months there was quite a gap to fill because of the tremendous amount of priority work that comes in. Lwto was on night shift, was brought (b)(3) back on day shift to help fill that gap. took charge immediately, and the(b)(6) section continued to run without difficulty. It was because of this "can do" (b)(3) attitude that was chosen 1988's first Employee of the Quarter. (b)(6) came to the Agency in 1974, initially as a part-time employee in microfilm. After one year she converted to full time. Four years later she moved from microfilm to the black and white section, which has been her home away from home ever since. Even though she spends many long hours in the lab, she still manages tc(b)(3) spend much time with her family. is a devoted wife and mother of three. Family life is very important to her. (b)(3) There is another talent has that many people may not realize. She is quitE(b)(6) an accomplished seamstress. She sews not only most of her own clothes, but' /� you can be sure that every spring is busy sewing prom dresses for either (b)(3) family members or friends. She does this out of the kindness of her heart. The (b)(6) only thing she asks is that they pay for the material. She loves to help others in any way she can. It shows both at home and work. Congratulations, at(b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 (b)(3) CONFIDENTIAL (b)(6) GraphExpo 87 (b)(3) (b)(6) At last, our destination: the Rodeway Inn, downtown Chicago, where we soon noticed that a cock- roach convention was in progress. Af- ter a couple of hours of milling around, we departed the hotel, now better known as the ROACHWAY Inn (daily rate available) , for a suburban Shera- ton, where we gratefully laid our heads upon our pillows well after midnight. We spent the next two days at Chicago's McCormick Place exposi- tion hall roaming about two floors the size of football fields looking at print- ing exhibits including phototypeset- ting, photography, and bindery equip- ment, and even huge presses in operation, to name just a few. After two days of walking the show, and two evenings sampling Chicago life at Ditka's nightclub and a hockey game, we joined up early Thursday for the long trip home. We're pictured above with our friend the bus. By Oh boy! A chance to ride 15 hours on a bus to Chicago past scenery I had already eyeballed at least 20 times�a chance to see if the Pennsyl- vania Turnpike was still twisting, if Ohio and Indiana cornfields were still flat. But last November I jumped at the opportunity to visit GraphExpo 87, a huge graphic arts exposition, and to get to know better some of my fellow workers. So 26 of us from P & PD, and two good-natured, extremely accommo- dating Agency drivers, loaded up early Monday for the long, bun-numbing ride. I laughed when we reached Indi- ana and people realized that four hours of Indiana was looking EXACT- LY like five hours of Ohio just did. My parents, who live in Indiana, met me at our dinner stop in Elkhart, where they were nearly successful at not gawking at all those CIA people. CONFIDENTIAL Cut-Ups By (b)(3) Members of BRC, Bindery, and Dis-(b)(6) semination have gathered together again as a quality circle team. We have brainstormed for projects that will benefit the employee and our branch as a whole. "A happy worker is a productive worker." Projects under consideration are light- ing, safety shoes, and replacing the cur- rent flooring in the Bindery and Dissemi- nation area. We have already solved a simple problem by having the team bring over a large cage that was needed for BRC's enormous jobs. As a team, we strive for quality as well as quantity. FOSE'88 By (b)(3) A visit to the Washington Conven-(b)(6) tion Center proved to be an over- whelming experience for two Prepress Composition employees. (b)(3) and I attended the Federal Office Sys- (b)(6) tems Expo on 9 March to observe a demonstration on the new Shaffstall 6000. We not only saw the demo on this piece of equipment but walked away filled with a sense of excitement about the wonderful world of PC's: so much to look at with so many different options to choose from. With technol- ogy changing and desk top publishing penetrating the industry, we left feeling confident that typesetting is still the quality way to go. Special Thanks to the authors who graciously contributed articles to the QC newsletter and to those who worked on preparing it. Editing (b)(3) Makeup (b)(6) Design Graphics Consultation Anyone wishing to contribute may contact (b)(3) (b)(6) (0)(b) Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 CONFIDENTIAL - Broadway Can Breathe Easy!! Hear that beat and those dancing feet�I don't think the young hopefuls or old troupers of 42nd Street, Broad- way, and Radio City Music Hall need to lose any sleep over the latent tal- ents of P & PD's dancing fruit. "A Star is Born" is pushing it just a bit, but P & PD did give birth to a new group of performing crazies. The "Sneaky Feet" have emerged as the newest group of extroverts to add a few giggles to the annual division Christmas party. The participants ran the gamut from "ye old journeyman" to more dignified supervisors, and even included a branch chief. "Sneaky Feet" decided to go with the California Raisin theme since the media seemed to have been success- ful with their productions. With a lot of artistic help from (b)(6) bubble wrap from the (some of our wrinkled brethren (b)(1) (b)(3) By needed fewer bubbles than others) , the P & PD Raisins were able to make complete fools of themselves and have fun doing it. However, I think if the real California Raisins had been at the P & PD Christmas party they would have voted to stay prunes!! Aw, what the heck!�it was fun for all of the participants, and it appeared that you, the audience, enjoyed it too. Hmmmm, how do we top this next year? And then there are the "old timers" of the P & PD performing dandies� the "Not Ready For Prime Time" players. These folks are thespians in the true tradition of Broadway, off- Broadway, and waaay-off-Broadway. For the last three years the imagina- tive, fun-loving arteeests of D & PC have entertained us with lively spoofs on P & PD life. Who else would be capable of designing their own sets, (b)(3) (b)(6) wonderful costumes, and unusual scripts? This is true talent just itching to be free! I think all of us noticed that the 1987 spoof included a new role. Who was that man in the leopard teddy? Fred Flintstone or Barney Rub- ble? Heavens no!�it was our own who, under the expert(b)(3) tutelage of the more seasoned stars of(b)(6) the troupe, convinced a lot of us that he could actually light a fire with two sticks. Complete with a vamp or two, a couple of innocents, and a dancer recently released from Saint E's (who also gives new meaning to a fuzzy navel) , all of us at the party were treated to outrageous entertainment. Everyone who has ever been "jabb- ed" by these wonderful people would agree that it was all just good, clean fun. Unfortunately, the "Not Ready for(b)(3) Prime Time Players" have elected to(b)(6) retire from the business. Thanks for the memories folks�you're fur(b)(1) you're foolish, and we'll miss you. (b)(3) The "Sneaky Feet" Raisins in action. D & PC's "Not Ready for Prime Time Players". (b)(3) (b)(6) CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 , CONFIDENTIAL 2 (b)(3 (b)(6 Printing and Photography Division Welcomes Its Newest Employees . . . (b)( (b)( 3) 6) CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168 CONFIDENTIAL (b (b CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C06826168