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Document Release Date: 
November 13, 2020
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Publication Date: 
May 24, 1988
Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825808 Director of Central Intelligence 4 a National Intelligonce Daily Tuesday 24 May 1988 1103111111111111111111111 TCS 2821/88 COPY 15:3E2 CPAS NID 88-121JX WS 2821/88 24 May 1988 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825808 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825808 Contents South Africa: Working To Preserve Regio lel Dominance -T-ap-Oecret- TCS 2821/88 24 May 1988 2 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825808 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825808 op Secret SOUTH AFRICA: Working To Preserve Regional Domino ce South Africa's latest carrot-and-stick 100roaches to Its neighbors are yielding mixed results A combination of military pressure and e has improved relations with Mozambique delegation will be in Maputo tomorrow tc Security Commission, suspended by Mai revelations that Pretoria had violated the continuing to aid RENAMO rebels. Despi however, Pretoria remains concerned ab Mozambique, while Maputo continues to supporting RENAMO and for incidents st. month that seriously wounded a white Al South Africa's relations with Botswana a deteriorated in recent months. Pretoria's increasingly threatening following a spat( South Africa in April and the recent disc( brouoht SA-7 missiles into South Africa. ;onomic inducements . A senior South African reconvene the Joint uto in 1985 following Nkomati accord by e the thaw in relations, aut ANC infiltration through criticize South Africa for :h as a car pomb attack last IC member id Zimbabwe have rhetoric has become of ANC bombings in very that the ANC has Despite tie increased tensions, . however, South Africa has recently imprc ved its channels of communication�includina ministerial-lei el contacts�with both Harare and Gaborone Comment: Simultaneous use of diplomat c maneuver, economic inducement, and military pressure to den onstrate regional dominance remains a cornerstone of Sot th Africa's foreign policy. Foreign Ministry officials undoubtedly an pleased by recent successes with Mozambique and�to a k sser extent�with the Improved contact with Zimbabwe and litc swana. Security issues continue to take precedence, however, a id Pretoria will not hesitate to attack ANC targets in neighboring stet as�such as Zimbabwe and Botswana�when they are believed to tui n a blind eye to ANC use of their territory. The discovery that the / NC has SA-7 missiles significantly increases the likelihood of a ;ross-border attack� Loerhaos before South African Republic C ay on 31 May ; 2 ICS 282 2821/88 24 May 1988 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825808