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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
March 19, 2020
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Publication Date: 
January 11, 2016
Approved for Release: 2020/03/17 C06825098 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: RE: Profiles In Leadership publication, and more Monday, January 11, 2016 10:54:39 AM Classification: SEVET//NO0oRN (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) I'm sorry, I meant OP (b)(3) From: (b)(3) Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 10:54 AM (b)(6) To: (b)(3) Cc: (b)(6) Subject: Profiles In Leadership publication, and more Classification: SE ET/ /NO/ORN (b)(3) directed me to you when she heard of my search for the Profiles In Leadership, Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency and Its Predecessors book. We have managed to secure a good half dozen or so of those through OPA-- but are looking to see if there may be other publications just as worthwhile. We are currently developing a course for newly EOD'd DO officers called "DO Explorations" (DOEx). In this course, the students will be exploring the culture, history, traditions, ethos, and mission of the DO. It's the DDO's attempt to begin new officers with the right mindset and a deeper appreciation of how we became the Agency we are. As part of the course, the students will be researching various moments in our history, primarily through the works or stories of the people involved in them. There are, of course, loads of material available on line, but for those students (like me) whose minds shut off as their monitors turn on I would like to provide (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2020/03/17 C06825098 Approved for Release: 2020/03/17 C06825098 some hard copies. Given this basic introduction, do you have any publications in mind that would be suitable? I would be happy to talk to you more about it. Thank you! Classification: SECRET//NOFORN Classification: SECRET//NOFORN Approved for Release: 2020/03/17 C06825098