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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
May 20, 2021
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Publication Date: 
June 12, 1957
Approved for Release: 2021/05/18 C06819972 A f'� � 11. C. 'YO, SR I`ROU Claio:r of Sa:;.), GER.RAL : Fr...301,100D/AE2I0012/Oporr'....iona1 ')[.T13.7.ECT: SP7i1CIFIC: P.EFZRENCE lYnbriering of Erik U;SitlE'... aTION REQUIRED None; for your laformation 2.1C1, 12 :fune 1937 ����� ...V .40 �� � Ow ��� � II. CC6 1. Transmitted herewith as Attachment A i3 'n partial debriefing 6f Subject by AEROOT 5o Due to Subject. . sudden' end unexpected depa7- taro for Canada, where he is now visitinc, AERCCC 5 vas mnable to per- So= a more thorough dobriefin, 20 Attaahment B is a de.nriefin2,- plrfcred by FOB/UE-in conjunction with AEROOT 7. 3, Regarding paragraph 2 of reference, v Trill endeavor to .earn '..hat the content of the mossage from AE0130)? 7 to AEROCT 6 f..s at +.ho time a %leafing with ,IF,ROOT 9 is ef,.1cted. LITROVED: ATTACM�a1ITS Olorbwith): COPY ROUT:NG Attachment A - AEROOT 5 Debr-.1:1�.fing � iittae.thment 13 - FOE/:CE De.bydefinP: "2 niSTRIFtTION: w, s. 114 - SR w/atto h/w , 05 2 - v/o ntt,g /liV . 2 - COS atts (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) V) a if-7A r 0 T.? �,j, A.. 2d. Approved for Release: 2021/05/18 C06819972 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/05/18 C06819972 I 'rent to scnooi in Tartu, grammar school and Gymnasiux "Troffner". I was.a ve4. itnruly pupil with. bai manners ani 4 wau forced. to.onange school, for disciplinary reaaons. I went to the college in Tartu .( Estonians k011eizh) I was a stujent in the last grade when the great polititical happenings' took. place in Estonia and. the Ruesizins occupied the country. Already as autudent I was active in an Estonian ,yuuth-cr,anization for severalyear. ("Noored Ketka�1"). in the ,:.epartment:horseback riding. Horses and instructors came from the first cavalry r4'4,iment stationed in Tartu. The last but one commandant:of the regiment,.colonel Jun Kurvits ( he was already dismissed by the Russians and major Felix Jitnes was in command) started to organize an.undergreund-org n inizatio immediately, in which he included'also the riding-department of the youth organization. n7ithout an.order of the underground organization, I went with two - 'friends of the same age tbm the town hall in Tartu during daylight hours \ and removed the red flag and hoisted the Estonian national flag: ThiM � happened. in June 1940. I "'as able to escape .my Russian pursuers. But � my parents were thrown in jail as hostages.On 28.of August I surrendered to the Russians and ny parents were. dismissed. Ahti Pae in Sweden will.renember this epitioie Mf'my life.He was one of the organizers% of the undergrouni-movement in Valgq. . I Was in the NKVD-priaon in Tartu for .9 months. My parentsrre- Jut. settled in Germany towards the end. of 1940. IR �the same cell With me Is'eee Walfried Krastin, :town official of VaanalKuuste Pruuli, coloncl.Asm#s a,s.o. My parents hate helped, from Germany so that I could leave the prison with the "special -transport of prisoners" and resettle in Germany. This was � April. 1941. A .Iamediately after the outbreak of the war between Germany an Russia, a- police-battalion. was'formei of those.Estoniant.who. Were resettled. as ."Germans". 'he organizer was the Estonian�coldmal Soodli.� It was said, that this battalion w , ould go immediately :JO. Estotia,n* fight for Estonia. This was a deception.. he4. the Ukraine- to Kiev. I joined this unit imnettia" 4T'r7-14- P15449 the Ukraine, where we fought against. partisanlr - of the free world from this periode. For examO ens ILD in Ltibeck, the pastor V.Viks� in Chicago, the.officer'V.. P4=t4I. in � � London a.s.o.; a.s.o. .1.4,,1:,,�., . r644.1-0 Vae only possibi .lity tvout of the.Uktaine.was,�If�t4,,I, Used personal influence and. sugg0. at this or that one is neeitneeded.worp. . . a uore iportnt po2ition for tiv llag,�1�, I.:y case, I was iii.smissed fralrfk! � �7e � oRt- � � .r: . :t!--1 . 'z.4.A t� .--�:. i� - 10'Is7:' " . :1)-