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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
October 29, 2019
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
October 26, 1976
; Approved for Release: 2019/10/22 006816153 � f)CT 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. John K. Greaney Associate General Counsel FROM F. W. M. Janney Director of Personnel SUBJECT Name Traces: Gordon Dwane Novel Lawrence B. Rohde Allan D. Bell, Jr. In response to your memorandum of 20 October 1976, the Office of Personnel has searched all available records and can find no indication that any of the three individuals listed above had any affiliation with this Agency. Those records checked included staff, contract, applicant and military personnel files. 6+-4 F. W. M. Janney Approved for Release: 2019/10/22 006816153 Approved for Release: 2019/10/22 006816153 OGC 76-5787 20 October 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security Director of Personnel FROM : John K. Greaney Associate General Counsel SUBJECT : Gordon Dwane Novel 1. Gordon Novel is scheduled for prosecution in New Orleans on 27 October on charges stemming from a conspiracy to firebomb some buildings on Canal Street. He was mentioned extensively in the James Garrison investigation of the Kennnedy assassination in 1967. Subse- quently, Novel filed suit against Garrison and later against Playboy Magazine for an article they published which identified Novel as a CIA employee. In 1969 the Agency submitted a certificate signed by the then Director of Personnel, Robert S. Wattles, which certified that Gordon Novel had never been employed by the CIA (copy attached). It may be necessary to submit a new certificate for the upcoming trial in New Orleans. You are requested to search your files to determine whether there is any record of employment. 2, There are two additional defense witnesses that we would appreciate a search as to any employment relationship: (a) Lawrence B. Rohde 530 "N" Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. Employed by: Commonwealth Pug Corporation (b) Allan D. Bell, Jr President, DEKTOR C.I.S. Incorporated 5054 Blue Ridge Avenue Annandale, Virginia Approved for Release: 2019/10/22 006816153 - Approved for Release: 2019/10/22 006816153 It is my understanding that these names have all been traced as a request from the Domestic Collection Division with negative results. However, I would appreciate a written response to those traces by close of business 20 October so that certificates can be prepared. 3. It is possible that a witness from the Office of Personnel may be required to appear in New Orleans as a rebuttal witness to testify that there was no employment relationship with Gordon Dwane Novel, but this is subject to negotiation with the prosecutor. Enclosures ?slohn K OG C/JKG/ eh Distribution: Original -Addressee OGC SUBJ: LITIGATION CRIMINAL - NOVEL, Gordon D. (case fld.) 1 - JKG Signer 1 - Chrono Approved for Release: 2019/10/22 006816153