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April 17, 1957
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Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 fitzi ofz#), T 01, TOP S CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN C S I .1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DATE � 17 April 1957 Cow N�134 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) s '7,003 EVIEWER; OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - //1 T�Pe f# A Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 CONTENTS . THE SITUATION IN JORDAN (page 3). A2. EGYPT AND SYRIA COIrD (174T V Vill:)"1 ri" RESTORE SITUATION IN JORDAN page 4). 3. TURKS TAKE STRONG STAND AGAINST GREECE ON CYPRIOT ISSUE � (page 5). 0A 4. BRITAIN AND FRANCE BELIEVE USSR SERIOUS ABOUT DISARMAMENT AGREE MEN t page 6). 11 5. JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTRY DENIES CABINET HAS DECIDED TO SEEK ATOMIC ENERGY AGREEMENT WITH USSR Noforn) (page 7). o h 6. USSR CONDUC7 FIFTH NUCLEAR TEST IN TWO WEEKS (page 8). is 7. SOUTH SUMATRA MAY FORMALLY CLAIM FEDERAL STATUS (page 9). 17 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 � S ET 2. EGYPT AND SYRIA CONFER ON EFFORT TO RESTORE SITUATION IN JORDAN Reference: Syrian authorities have urged Cairo to join in an effort to carry out any action possible to restore the situation in Jor- dan, The Syrians feel that "if the situation is left, Jordan will turn to the Eisenhower doctrine and then imperialist pressure will turn upon Syria!" the Syrians are distressed over the weakness of Saudi policy and feel that they "must not remain silent over what Saudi Arabia is doing in Jordan and in Lebanon, and the assistance it is affording to reactionary elements" in Syria. Nasr has suggested to the Syrians that Palestinian ele- men in Jordan be stirred up against Hussain, and that Hus- sain be assassinated. 17 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 � 1. THE SITUATION IN JORDAN � Comment on: With the formation of Khalidi's compro- mise cabinet, King Hussain is moving to consolidate his control of the army and to assert full authority in West Jor- dan. The king has requested military and police commanders in West Jordan to prevent demonstrations, and only minor demonstrations were reported on 16 April. In Amman, leaders of leftist groups have been warned that they face drastic action if they start trouble. According to press reports, special tribunals will be set up in Amman to try troublemakers. With the notable exception of Nabulsi, old- line politicians predominate in Jordan's new 7-man cabinet. The king has appar- ently succeeded in breaking up the coali- tion of four left-wing political parties which dominated the previous cabinet of Nabulsi. Nabulsi appears to have lost the support of the ultranationalist Baath, which is probably Jor- dan's most effective party, and may also lack full support from his own National Socialists. National Socialist leader Nimr has reportedly stated that the party's support of the cabinet would depend on the program which it presents to the legis- lature. The fact that former army chief of staff Nuwar was accompanied on his flight to Damascus by at least five key officers loyal to him, and by four pro-Egyptian "free officers:I including three brigade commanders, attests to the extent of subversion among the Jordanian officer corps. Nuwar had attempted to take over control "for his personal ends" and that the "free officers" faction had ac- cepted failure without any attempt at resistance, had abandoned their units and fled. 17 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SEC Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 3. TURKS TAKE STRONG STAND AGAINST GREECE ON CYPRIOT ISSUE Comment on: Turkey may make a dramatic inove in response to the arrival in Athens of Archbishop Makarios, expected on 17 April, according to the American army attach�n Ankara. The attach�elieves that if the Turks decide to act, they might confiscate Greek assets in Turkey. Ac- cording to a high Turkish official, "con- trolled demonstrations" will be permitted in order to allow the people to "let off steam:' On 14 April Ankara sent Athens a strongly worded note charging Greece with a "hos- tile" attitude toward Turkey and warning against "ostentatious manifestations" upon the arrival of Makarios. The note stated that Turkey reserved the right to determine its future action "in accordance with the exigencies of the situ- ation" and cautioned Greece that it would be responsible for "all that might occur:' The Turks apparently believe the British have softened with regard to Greek demands on the Cyprus problem. They seem to feel that they must now take a strong stand to protect their interests. Ambassador Allen in Athens comments that Prime Minister Karamanlis now recognizes that the Turk- ish actions are not mere moves in a war of nerves. Kara- manlis terms the note "insolent and unbearable,," According to a fairly reliable source, Athens has rejected the note. If anti-Greek incidents occur in Turkey, Greece plans to mo- bilize some reserves and will bring accusations against Tur- key in the United Nations and the North Atlantic Council. 17 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 � S T � � 4. BRITAIN AND FRANCE BELIEVE USSR SERIOUS ABOUT DISARMAMENT AGREEMENT The top-ranking British and French dele- gates to the UN disarmament subcommittee talks in London now believe that the USSR is "keen for some sort of agreement" on cusarmament. both delegates were told by chief Soviet deegate Zorin that the USSR attaches great im- portance to troop reductions in Germany. French delegate Moch adds that the USSR is also anxious to move on the issues of stopping nuclear tests and production of nuclear weapons. The British ambassador in Moscow is also reported to believe that the USSR is anxious to take a step toward an international agreement on disarmament but is "not quite sure how to proceed!' American delegate Stassen warns that the difficulties and obstacles in the way of an agreement are still very large but believes that the West is engaged in the most serious disarmament negotiations with the USSR since the sub- committee was established in April 1954. Comment Zarin assured the American delegation on 12 April that the American proposals made in the subcommittee were being given serious consideration in 'Moscow and that he would soon have an answer. Zorin is ex- pected to spend the four-day Easter recess in Moscow. In their reply the Soviets probably will include some concessions to the Western position while anticipating further bargaining. � On the question of troop reductions in Ger- many, the USSR, with 22 divisions stationed in the east zone, can reduce strength and still maintain internal security. 17 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SEC Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 � Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 TOP ET 5. JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTRY DENIES CABINET HAS DECIDED TO SEEK ATOMIC ENERGY AGREEMENT WITH USSR Comment The statement that the Japanese cabinet had decided to seek an atomic energy agreement with the USSR was made by Koichi Uda, state min- ister in charge of the Japanese Atomic Energy Commission, at a press conference on 29 March. Subsequently a Japanese businessman with access to commission proceedings said the statement was merely "something which flitted through Uda's mind' Leftist Japanese scientists and some businessmen, however, favor co-operation with the USSR in the field of atomic energy, and their influence probably will increase as Japan's scientific and cultural exchange with the Sino-Soviet bloc expands. 17 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 ET 6. USSR CONDUCTS FIFTH NUCLEAR TEST IN TWO WEEKS .Comment � in 14 days equaled in 17,Apr 57 " This latest explosion, the seventh of the 1957 series, was the fifth to be detected .� This frequency of testing has not previously been the Soviet nuclear test program. Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 � SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 � ET � 7. SOUTH SUMATRA MAY FORMALLY CLAIM FEDERAL STATUS Lt. Col. Barlian, dissident commander in South Sumatra, will proclaim a federal State for South Sumatra within the next ew days, Barlian hopes to induce other uma ran areas to follow his example. � Comment Non-Javanese areas in general have strongly resented the left-wing com- plexion of Indonesia's new government with its exclusion of former vice�president Hatta. Their basic economic and political grievances remain unsatisfied. Barlian can al- most certainly count on the backing of Lieutenant Colonels Hussein in Central Sumatra and Gaharu in North Sumatra, and similar action on their parts would probably follow quickly. Hussein has already termed Sukarno's new cabinet "completely unacceptable;' and has said that Java and Sumatra would have to go their separate ways under present circumstances. If Djakarta rejects a demand for federal status, the dissidents may then declare their independence. 17 Apr 57 :Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 17 Apr 57 pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001 � TOP RET � Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C06814001