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Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 SECRET 2 September 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Project WUDEPOT 0-4 REFERENCES: a. DDP/PG/CA Memorandum for the Record dated 29 July 1964, subject "Project WUDEPOT". b. Meeting in the office of the Acting DD/P 2 September 1964. 1. Referenced. meeting 2�September 1964 was attended by the . following: Acting DD/P Mr. Karamessines (presiding) DO WPS SOD PG/CA 2. The purpose of this meeting was to: a. Provide the Deputy Director (Plans) with additional data on the current potential of the reservoir of agent personnel, trained and stockpiled under existing WUDEPOT criteria, to respond to emergency types of cold war requirements with which we are confronted today. b. Stimulate dialogue to surface the full panorama of con- siderations which should enter into a decision on the future orientation of WUDEPOT and related activities of the Clandestine Services. 3. The highlights of a round-table discussion are summarized as follows: SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 SECRET a. The historical criteria under which the WUDEPOT program was initiated and has operated is based upon JCS requirements and/or the recruitment, training and stockpiling of personnel, each of whom has been earmarked in advance for contingent use in a previously designated specific target area (ethnic/lingual compatibility). The target areas, under these criteria, are either denied areas or areas which the criteria presumes would become denied under conditions of hot war. b. Within the guidelines of historical criteria, agent personnel have been recruited, trained and held outside of the target areas. The citizenship (whether U.S. or foreign) has not been a prime consideration since, under conditions of hot war, it is presumed that this would not be a matter of consequence. The current stockpile is therefore predominantly comprised of U.S. nationals. c. While the initial agreement between CIA and the Department of Defense (circa 1955) outlined the CIA position to the JCS and did entertain provisions for use of these agent personnel for CIA contingencies, this facet of the policy guidance has become subordinate in practice. d. The ability of the WUDEPOT program to respond to CIA contingencies (Berlin and Cuba) is therefore in the nature of a by-product rather than a built-in part of the concepts under which the program has operated. e. While the current roster of stockpiled agent personnel appears to include a capability to respond to a requirement for active duty in the Congo situation, two problems are encountered: (1) Lingual competence in French is in short supply (2) Recent policy guidance calls for a reduction of the American (U.S. nationals) presence with a corresponding increase in the use of other (foreign) nationals. f. Recruitment of agent personnel for the WUDEPOT program entails considerable lead-time to acquire and screen lists, obtain clearances, and consummate other details prerequisite to formal recruitment. Re- orientation of the criteria on new recruitment would therefore not begin to bear fruit until possibly six (6) months after new policy guidance has been provided. SECRET - - Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941------ Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 SECRE T 4. In the light of the round-table discussion, Mr. Karames sines raised the following questions: a. To what degree can we relax on JCS requirements for the benefit of general C. S. utility? � b. Can we feel on firm ground with a switch in the weight of our effort, primarily to meet our own requirements, for now and the foreseeable future, to produce a given number of individuals who could be used in response to C.S. problems, which are in the forefront, as opposed to the contingency of JCS requirements? c. Presuming an affirmative to the above, what limitations should previal on the size of the effort to insure objectivity and at the same time contain it to acceptable dimensions? 5. The general response was as follows: a. We can take the position that a high percentage of the JCS requirements could be satisfied by keeping the people we already have in an efficient state of readiness. b. A transitional period is required to: (1) Categorize the current stockpile of agents into sub- groups to reveal (a) Those limited to use for hot war contingency in their designated ethnic area (JCS requirements) as opposed to (b) Those susceptible to reorientation for general purpose use in response to C. S. contingencies. c. There is need for further discussion between DO, SOD, WP, EE, SR, WE and NE to develop a concert of opinion on firm recom- mendations conducive to an objective policy posture on this subject. d. These discussions should encompass all C. S. projects bearing in whole or part on the problem (i. e., stand-by capabilities for unilateral PM-type action in either hot or cold war contingencies). SECRET 3 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 SECRET e. A prime question is: (1) Whether or not WUDEPOT makes sense as presently constituted, to be continued with minor adjustments, or (2) WUDEPOT is to be completely reoriented. In the latter case, what new problems, if any, would this, engender with respect to other C.S. operations such as Project IUBEE. . In summary, Mr. Karamessines requested that: a. Good hard thought be applied on a priority basis to a collaborative effort. 1 b. A follow-up meeting be scheduled in his office on or about 15 October 1964 to report progress. r-- DDP/PG/CA- Distribution: Orig & 1 - DDP/PG/CA � 1 - ADD/P I - C/WPS C/SOD - NE/CPS 1 - SR/OPO 1 - WE/WPO 1 - EE/CA 1 FI/OPS I SECRET - 4 - Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 V Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 SECRET 31 August 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Review of Project WUDEPOT assets and requirements for recruiting and training 1. In accordance with instructions of ADD/P, Project WUDEPOT asset files have been reviewed with the view toward satisfying both JCS hot war requirements and possible Agency contingency needs for unilateral use in cold war situations. Additionally, discussions were held with of SOD relative to additional requirements for contemplated Agency needs. 2. The following facts are considered worth noting at this tine : A. No specific requirements were levied by SOD or WPS; however, DOB was advised that there are at present 12 geographical areas comprising the current Official Critical List, the bulk of which could be covered by agent personnel having a "good" or better knowl- edge of French, Spanish or Portuguese languages. B. WUDEPOT reservists presently number 115. Attachment "A" is a breakdown by area division and ethnic background or language. C. The reserve files have been screened and 14 reflect (untested) knowledge of French, 5 Spanish and none Portuguese. See Attachment 11311 � D. Reserve files have been reviewed for agents considered likely to respond to call for cold war use in areas other than their respective ethnic areas. This group totals 51 and is Attachment "C". Actual response by these or others would be conditioned by a number of factors, i. e. job security, family needs, and so forth. E. Of the above 51, ten responded to the call for Cuba, and ten for Berlin. SECREI Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 SECRET -2- F. Of the above 51, eight have some degree of (untested) French or Spanish. No Portuguese. G. Of the remaining reservists (apart from the 51), 11 files reflect some degree of (untested) French or Spanish. H. The current class (XV) of seven men has one Czech (George Chaloupka) whose file reflects "very good" Portuguese. Arrangements have been made to have his Portuguese tested by OTR. I. Of the 14 candidates tentatively scheduled for Class XVI (Spring 1965), three files reflect knowledge of French. J. On 3 June a request was made of CCS to obtain a language list run from the Army. The request included French, Spanish and Portuguese; however, inasmuch as we have not yet received the list, and due to necessary lead time for trace runs, POA, recruitment trips, OA, etc., it will probably be impossible to get any personnel from these leads in time for Class XVI. 3. Conclusions are: A. Feel certain we could recruit about 50% of present reservists for general type service. B. Could probably not meet (Fr Sp & Port) language requirements. C. Need specific requirements to guide future recruitment and possibly revise training for specific needs. 4. Dependent upon requirements, DOB could proceed as follows: A. Assess present class during training for "generalists" and attempt to contract them for general purpose assignments in addition to hot-war. B. Do same with Class XVI. C. Using OTR Language Laboratory facilities, test by mail the language ability of the personnel on Attachment "B". SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 SECRET -3- D. Attempt to contract for general type service any or all of these (C above). E. Concentrate next recruitment phase on Spanish, French and Portuguese leads. (This will require new cover approach plus language testing.) F. Continue to recruit for JCS hot-war requirements con- currently with contingency recruitment. (Emphasis is on Albanian, Bulgarian, Rumanian and Russian.) Chief, DO/DOB Attachments: "A" - WUDEPOT reservist list "B" - List of reservists who have knowledge of French, Spanish & Portuguese ,,C,, _ 11 11 11 " likely to respond to call for cold war use in areas other than respective ethnic areas. PEC/pcs SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 s ArirT , �, L SR DIVISION Russian 15 Ukrainian 18 Latvian 10 Estonian 11 Lithuanian 7 Byelo & Cauc 11 � EE DIVISION Polish � 14 � Hungarian 6 Czech 9 Albanian 1 NE DIVISION Syrian Lebanese Syrian Armenian 3 Palestinian 1 Egyptian Armenian 1 � Palestinian Arab 1 Iraqui Jew 1 Palestinian Armen 1 L, I" 4 7- Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 .�: RUSSIAN SECRET FRENCH 1. ARISTOV, Oleg FAIR 2. BRANTLEY, Herbert �. 3. de GARDER, Constantin FLUENT LITHUANIAN y 1. RASTENIS, Jonas ARMENIAN GOOD 1. AYSSEH, Alfred FAIR UKRAINIAN 1. PAWLYSZYN, Myroslaw y 2. =KW, Walter 4 1. MARSAK, Frank A. 2. ZOLNAY Matthias J. Jr. 3. TAKACS, Bela J. POOR WUDEPOT OICWHIPPERS ARLEAPS 1. ALAWAN, Charles Khalil FLUENT 2. BARSOUMIAN Hagop VERY GOOD SPANISH PORTUGUESE POOR POOR POOR FLUENT FLUENT SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 P7T Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 'EGRET -2- LEAPS (CONT'D) FRENCH SPANISH 3. GUIRAGOSSIAN, Zaven G. T. VERY GOOD 4. ICASPARIAN, Hagop Antranik FLUENT 5. MISSERLIAN, Zareh Mirran FLUENT 6. SARKISSIANI Khajag GOOD 7. ZAMRIK, Sam Yusuf .FLUENT 8. AZHARI, Abdul-Ghani GOOD 9. ANSARA, Joseph A. POOR PORTUGUESE SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 C06813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 ULLIIiL I WUDE POTS RUSSIANS DOB OCCUPATION SAL/wkly SPECIAL ABILITIES 1. BECKER, Alexander 1928 A baking /company exact job unknown $150. 00 Satisfactory commo man, hard worker BRANTLEY, Herbert 1929 College Profesr. $170. 00 Good commo, good virtually everything leader type 3. De GARDER, Constantin 1933 Methods Analyst $140. 00 Good commo, good across board, religion precludes medicine attention 4. JAROS, Donald 1934 Ass't Mgr, Supermarket $100. 00 Fair most fields but poor commo 5. KORNILKIN, Lev 1926 Foreman, Shipping dept. $115. 00 Good commo, excellent in field living and outdoor work 6. SOLNZEFF, Henry 1927 Machinist $140. 00 Fair commo, best at non-academic work and as team member LITHUANIANS 1. BENAS, Alis 1926 Design draftsman $190. 00 Excellent leadership, observatn & reptng, fieldcraft, air operations, map & compass, raids & ambushes. Senior para. 2. KREGZDYS, Joseph e_ 1932 Draftsman $140.00 Was outstanding every subject, can be taught to handle any type sophisticated equipment in minimum of time F(() 3. RASTENIS, Jonas 1918 Draftsman $160. 00 Good all training phases except weak commo SEVIET Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 LITHUANIANS (Con't) DOB OCCUPATION SAL/wkly 4. SLENYS, Liudas 1933 Salesman 5. ZORSICA, John d. KA LMUK 1930 Foreman $150. 00 $155. 00 1. AMARKHANOV, Bajan 6 1932 Assembly man $165. 00 BYELORUSSIAN 1. JAROSZEWIC Z, Sigmund c../B 1930 Brake operatr $150. 00 UKRAINIANS 1. CHAS, Peter 1927 2. JACKIW Nicholas tje 1930 3. KRUTYHOLOWA, Walter 1932 4. KRYWUSHA, Semen IS 1927 Machine opertr $172. 00 IBM mach acc't $115.00 Grinding machine $170. 00 set-up man Owns business/.v $172.50 partner (Dry Wall Construction) SPECIAL ABILITIES Good commo, excellent fieldcraft, map & compass, air ops, demo & sabotage, raids & ambushes, airborne training , Excellent leadership quals, ability to handle people, excellent all phases trng. Good commo & across the board, best in practical application rather than theory Good commo, does well in almost all field situations Good woodsman, good commo, lacks confidence of true leader. Air ops good demolition good Was slow in commo training, will need refresher code training. demo/sabo good Most rugged type "gung-ho" P. M. Activist. Motivated for training. Needs further commo traing. More traing. needed for demo/sabo. Motivation good. Good leader, good commo, curious, critical re traing procedures, ideologically motivtd. Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 4.71-UHL 1 UKRAINIANS (Con't) DOB OCCUPATION SAL/wkly SPECIAL ABILITIES 5. KRYZANIWSKY, Myron 1930 Aerospace engr. $200. 00 Good commo asset, dependable, loyal & motivated. demo/sabo rated good. 6. 7. KURINIJ, John e. / c MELNYCHENKO, Alexande 1936 1929 Police patrolmn Accountant $130. 00 $115. 00 Good commo asset, physically strong, Activist. demo/sabo good, well motivated Fine ability as radio opertr. can adapt to reqmts any clandestine ops. demo/sah excellent. Well suited for PM activities. Leadership qualities, well motivated. . NASARENKO, Michael 1930 Machine opertr $175. 00 Outstanding commo. good potential for developing leadership quals. demo/sabo good. 9. PASLAWSKY, Nicholas 1932 Car-loader $170. 00 Good commo, airborne traing satis., needs more code training for speed. 10. PAWLYSZYN, Myroslav 6 1932 Molder $125. 00 Across the board good prospect. PM good. Physically capable & motivated. Language difficulty commo & code. Serious, rugged. () 11. TERKUN, Walter 1935 Student $100. 00 Possible leadership potential. demo/saw good, CM & T excellent. Capable, motivated 12. ZANKIW, Myroslav 1930 Pressman $150. 00 Good planner, reliable, excellent team worker. Good commo. LATVIANS 1. ASARIS, Gundaris 1934 Machine opertr. $110. 00 Excellent all phases field-type activity but weak commo. Excellent leadership potential SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 - 4 L. - LATVIANS (Contt) DOB OCCUPATION SAL/wkly 2. JAUNZEMIS Linards 1925 Electrician $150. 00 3. JAU.NZEMIS, Uldis 1935 Machinist $160. 00 4. LAMBERGS, John -/16 1937 Salesman $150. 00 5. LUSIS, Arthur 1930 Bricklayer $185. 00 ESTONIANS 1. AUKSI, Gunnar 1933 Draftsman $190. 00 2. JAANSON, Ivar 1928 Flightline mechanic $140. 00 3. RAUS, Juni 1927 Federal employee $180. 00 S'"ET Lith SPECIAL ABILITIES Good in fieldcraft, demo/sabo, caching, S/W, raids & ambush, weapons & sm. , arms, airborne training Excellent all phases training, excellent leadership qualities. Outstanding commo, good in other traing. phases. However, tends to be lazy, works only when has to, somewhat immature, a floater, and has no goal in life Good all phases training except weak in commo. Excellent commo, good all other phases Excellent all phases training, excellent leader. Enjoys rugged field life, energy unlimited, excellent organizer, excellent technician, radio opr. & mechanic and can repair most types of motors Excellent commo and all training phases. Probably one of the most intelligent & most educated in Program. Has added advantage of considerable mil. traing & exper., including combat exper. in both German and American Armies. Proven very capable. Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 u L I WUDEPOT / OKWHIPPERS HUNGARIANS DOB OCCUPATION SAL/wkly SPECIAL ABILITIES 1. JENCSOK, Stephan 1934 Draftsman $140. 00 Good commo man 2. PRIBANYEC, Janos 1930 Welder . $125. 00 Leadership qualities, also good team member, dependable, reliable 3. �TAKACS, Bela 1938 H. S. teacher $130. 00 Good commo man 4. ZEGI, Paul 1937 Auto electrician $180. 00 Good in PM .5,)(A) 5. ZOLNAY, Matthias 1930 Mach. operator $200. 00 Fair all around man CZECHS 1. FAJKUS, Jerry 1924 Phone tester $150. 00 Good leader 2. FIALA, Frank 1927 Owns gas statn $170. 00 Excellent leadership qualities 3. HERDA, George 1933 Merchandise business, exact job not known $125.00 Previous SF experience, one of top 3 in his class, good leadership qualities 4. KOCELA, Paul 1934 �Asst conductor, railroad/student $200. 00 Good commo man,good leadership quals. -5P(A) 5. MA.RSAK, Frank 1929 Mech. designer $190.00 Good team member, performed well in both academic and field work 6. OLCHOVIK, Oldrich 1934 Tool, die maker $135. 00 Good commo, excellent leader, qualified paratrooper, top man in training class 7. ULRICH, Milo 1937 Mechanic welder $175.00 Good commo man SECREI Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941 � POLES 1, KOZAK, Raymond 2. KURPIEWSKI, Anthony 3. RAWICKI, Waldemar 4. STACHURA, Mieczyslaw SLOVAK 1. MARCEJ, John Jr. PALESTINIAN 1. ANSARA, Mounir DOB OCCUPATION 1932 Budget account't 1934 Lithographer 1932 Senior hydraulic project engineer 1932 Machine operatr. SAL/wkly SPECIAL ABILITIES $200. 00 $200. 00 Good como, one of top students in class Good como, good team man, one of top four in class $185. 00 One of best in class, all around $110. 00 Good team man 1925 Crane operator $175. 00 WUDEPOT / ARLEAPS 1931 Works knitting co. .� exact job not known (,r-non ar_tric.; $150. 00 Good team member, fair in all training phases ' Good across the board. Probably come in if the money was right, large family responsibilities Approved for Release: 2020/11/17 006813941