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PDF icon ANNAN, KOFI[15811733].pdf132.61 KB
_Approved for Release: 2020/07/29 C06813850_ Kofi ANNAN (Phonetic: ANen) (b)(3) Secretary General, UN (since January 1997) Addressed as: Mr. Secretary General (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Kofi Annan's confidence level has soared with the endorsement of his Track II reform initiatives by the UN General Assembly in December and his widely popular diplomatic efforts in Iraq. During his first year as UN Secretary General Annan has grown to a dynamic, proactive leader of the 185-member organization by drawing heavily on his strengths as a savvy, disarming negotiator and as an organized, progressive manager. His success in defusing the Iraq crisis h'as reinforced his belief in the power of diplomacy and his willingness to act more independently from powerful member states Moreover, Annan s sophisticated representation of the UN to the public continues to increase international awareness and support for the organization's activities. Nevertheless, with ' his reform package still in its early stages, the UN hovering on the verge of bankruptcy, and diplo- macy in Iraq still vulnerable to rising tensions, Annan's ffreatest challenges may lie ahead. Reform: Will Annan Continue To Deliver? Annan has only begun to tackle the formidable challenges of bringing his reform initiatives to completion For example, although he recently finished naming high-level officials to vacant and newly created Secretariat positions, many of these individuals, including Deputy Secretary General Louise Frechette, still lack clear mandates and are struggling to define their roles In addition Annan's abolition of the Department for Humanitarian Affairs and creation of the new Office for the Coordination of GHANA Stepping Up UN Antinarcotic Efforts Annan and other senior UN officials want the June UN General Assembly Special Session to add significant momentum to coordinated international efforts against illicit � drugs and associated criminal activities, such as money laundering Annan's efforts to reform the UN over the past year have included measures aimed at strengthening its drug and crime programs: � Last June, Annan appointed an inter- nationally recognized expert on crime, former Italian Senator Arlacchi, to lead the UN's crime and drug agencies. � In March 1998, Annan tasked a panel of international experts to develop recommendations for consideration at the June special session that would reinforce the UN's drug control activities. Humanitarian Affair exist more on paper than in reality. � Nevertheless, Annan has made some progress in implementing certain reform initiatives. His push (continued) LP 98-106534 4 June 1998 Approved for Release: 2020/07/29 C06813850 Approved for Release: 2020/07/29 C06813850 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) to update the UN's information systems has resulted in better communication between UN offices and has served to increase public awareness of the UN's role in the international community, lAnnan's call to reorganize and streamline large bureaucratic departments�by merging two departments to form a leaner Department for Economic and Social Affairs, for example--has made-the organization more budget conscious and more willing to address management concerns. As Annan moves to implement tougher reform measures, however, he most likely will face increased pressure and criticism from UN bureaucrats and member states who perceive that reform is coming at their expense Gentle but Firm Annan has openly admitted he does not always enjoy the pressures of "juggling so many decisions," and he has told the media that he knows he cannot please everyone. Nevertheless, he considers himself a man of results who can produce them "without being necessarily nasty to others." A Seasoned Troubleshooter Annan has adeptly handled a variety of international matters throughout his UN career. His experience and contacts from his days as director of the UN Peacekeeping Department have helped him oversee the UN's role in trouble spots that include the Great Lakes region, the Balkans, Cyprus, Guatemala, Sierra Leone, and Iraq. His policy focus has largely been on non-European issues, particularly related to humanitarian-refugee assistance, political stability, and economic development in Africa and other developing regions. In a powerful speech to African leaders at the OAU summit in early June 1997, he challenged them to advance constitutional order, human (b)(3) rights, and sustainable development. Career Highlights 1963 Began UN career, World Health Organization, Geneva. 1965-71 Administrative officer, then chief of personnel section, Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa. 1974-76 Left UN to manage koVerninent-bwried Ghana Tourist Development Company. 1976-80 Returned to UN as deputy chief of staff services, Office of Personnel Services. 1980-84 Deputy director of administration directorate, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva. 1984-86 Named director of the budget, UN Office of Financial Services. 1986-90 Promoted to assistant secretary general for human resource management. 1990-92 UN comptroller and director, Office of Program, Planning, Budget, and Finance. 1992-93 Assistant secretary general, Office of Peacekeeping Operations. 1993-96 Director, Department for Peacekeeping Operations. Dec 1996 Elected UN Secretary General. Personal Notes Annan was born a twin on 8 April 1938 near Kumasi, Ghana. He has studied at the University of Science and Technology in Ghana (1958-59), Macalester College in Minnesota (1959-61), the International Institute of Higher Studies in Switzerland (1961-62), and the Sloan School of Management at MIT (1971-72). Annan speaks excellent English, French, and several African languages, including Twi and Fante. His first marriage to a Nigerian ended in divorce. In 1994 he married Nane Lagergren, a Swedish national who is the niece of Raoul Wallenberg. The couple has three adult children. from previous marriages. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 2 Approved for Release: 2020/07/29 C06813850 (b)(3)