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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 31, 1968
PDF icon PUEBLO SITREP NO. 24[15886962].pdf67.5 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06811595 NO FOREIGN DIb3EM/CONTR BACKGROUND USE ONLY SC No. 07650/68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 31 January 1968 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM Pueblo Sitrep No. 24 (As of 1200 EST) 2. The International Committee of the Red Cross reports that on 27 January it promptly forwarded to the North Korean Red Cross a list of US personnel aboard the Pueblo, along with a reminder of the Committee's earlier requestfor information on the condition of the crew. As of this morning, no response had been received from the North Koreans. 3. North Korean activity in the DMZ on 30 January included some harassment and two assaults on US/ROK positions. There were no friendly casualties, and the nature of the North Korean activity suggests that they are responding in kind t tha-stepped-up US and ROK night patrolling. 4. Soviet surface ships continue surveillance � of US naval units operating in the Sea of Japan. A conventionally armed destroyer has joined the Soviet Kildin-class guided missile destroyer and intelligence DACKUOUND USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06811595 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06811595 NO FOREIG BACKGROUND USE ONLY collectors which have been shadowing the task force headed by the USS Enterprise. The Riga-class DE resumed its normal statidh in the Tsushima Strait after surveillance of the USS Banner and escorts on 29 January. 7. The US naval buildup in the Sea of Japan continues. Task Group 70.00 led by the anti-submarine carrier, Yorktown, and including three destroyers, one destroyer escort, and one guided missile destroyer eseort is joining Task Group 70.6 led by the nuclear powered attack carrier, Enterprise. Task Group 70.1 consisting of the guided missile light cruiser, Providence, is in the general area of the Enterprise. Task Group 77.7 led by the attack carrier, Ranger, with three destroyers is expected to join. the Enterprise shortly. The Banner has joined the Enterprise group, and the major communications relay ship, Arlington, has also arrived on station. 8. There are now a total of 136 fighter air- craft in South Korea including: 38 F-102's, 36 F-105ts, 34 F-4Cts, and 24 F-4dts. As of early this morning 118 of these aircraft were combat-ready. 2 - BACKGROUND USE OiNtil- NO FOREIGN DISSEM/CONTROLLED DISSEM TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06811595