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Publication Date: 
March 12, 1980
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Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 irkdilg&Z'yaiaiigAeada&W MEMORANDUM .FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: OGC 80-02039 12 March 1980 Associate Deputy Director for Operations Attn: C/IMS/FPLG Associate Director for Administration Attn: Chief, Security Analysis Group/OS Office of'General Counsel. Name Trace Requests from Office of Special Investigations, Department of Justice REFERENCE: Letter from Arthur Sinai to Admiral Turner, dated 19 Feb .80, same subject 1. In the referent request, transmitted to your offices last week, Mr Arthur Sinai, Deputy Director, Office of Special Investigations (OSI) has requested that CIA _- provide any information it may have on some 250 individuals In order to respond to this request, We ask that you search your indices for any record on the individuals named in the data sheets attached, to Mr. Sinai's request. Excepted from this list are' those individuals whose data sheets do not. contain sufficient.biographic information and those individuals who have been the subject of. prior.reporting.te 051. (Tabs A&B.) 2. If your search indicates that your files contain no record of these individuals, please inform this Office so that we may so inform OSI. If your search indicates that a record does exist, please assemble those documents For review by this Office. Upon receipt of this information, we will inform OSI only that a record on an individual exists within CIA. No further information will be disseminated to OSI without prior coordination with your Office. 3. Our final response to OSI depends entirely on the information contained in your files. If your records clearly indicate that a subject has violated Federal law, that information must be forwarded to the Department of Justice; if your records indicate that CIA equities may be t5E � (b)(3) (b) (6) Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 0.* : � nt! affected by prosecution of an individual or his use as a witness,' we. will bring,this to the attention of OSI; if your records do not clearly indicate a violation of Federal law, � or disclose existence of CIA equities which must be prateotedt an appropriateresponse. must be. fashioned. For instance, if our filescontaln no-relevant information to the OSI inquiry then no.additionai information will be disseminated. IF our files:contain Brady pr. Jenks information, or exculpatory � evidencev-tbismust-be-brought to the attention of OSI. � - .1 appreciate-your.continued cooperation and assistance in this matter. If you-have any questions, please contact the undersigned. at' Distribution Original - dressee INVESTIGATIONS - Nazi War Criminals 1 - Signer - Chrono . � (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 Barsan, Eugen.10 � Bulumete, George .27 Kichikov, Bugs 21 D'Orleans, Michel Pierre � Eliade, Mircea 53 Furman, Marian 62 Kitners, Karlis 103 � Kravchuk, Gerald 117 Krenzischek, Paul Anton � Kurtz, Ludwig 121 Lawruck, Marie 125 Lazdins, Arvids 129 Lupulescu, Ion 136 � Macs, Edmund Gustav 137 � Muenster Rudy 152 Paskevicius, Konradas 172 Pop, John 174 Pradella, Eryk 178 Preda, George 179 Radu, Gratian 181 Ruesch, Theodore 186 Smarandescu, Nicolae Wolfe!, Alfred 367 TAB A � Luksepp, Heino 218 � Stanicel, Stelian 227 � Terlecki, Micezyslaw 250 40 Werba, Dmytro 274 � Wolf, Gebhard 278 Zickus, Povilas 285 Mohacsy, Ilma 352 Sinkovics, Geza 353. 118 Gaugert.F.NU 354' Truohinsky, Albert 355 FNU 356 Pickell, Donald 357 Bader, Elizabeth.. 358 Gustave, Macs 359 Horeschler, Robert 360 Ridezewko, Simon 361 Juodikis,_Jurgis 362 Noss, FNU 363 Braymer, Jan 364 Unknown Subject, 365 Simicin, John -211 216 Unknown Subject 366 Gludenis, Antanas 369 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 Gludenis, Antanas 369 .Salsedi, Bale 371 Unknown Subject 374 Chiacu,. Nicholas 376 � _ Belt, Martin' 378 � Depploff, William Hernrich, Theodore 398 Lipetski, Nikolaus 39-9. Schuman & Sons Inc. 370 Janssen, Jerardus 372 Vermeden, George 375 Crein � 377 Unidentified resident of Leesville, LA 379 380 1-lastetter2: M.J. 381 Sellier, Clause 396 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206 TAB B Artukovic Andrija 8. Belmanis, Arturs 13 Brizgys, Vincentas 24 Futalal Lew 63 Hazners, Vilis Arveds 78 Klavins, Otto 105 � Laipenieks, Edgars Linnas Karl 132 � Maikovskis, Boleslays 139 Soobzokov, Tscherim 223 123 Sprogis, Elmars 226 Strughold, Hubertus 238 Szumski, Michel 244 Trifa, Viorel 252 Wanko, Annemarie 270 Vaseris, Janis 262 Karklins, Talivaldis 99 Wass de Czege Albert 273 Von Bolschwing, Otto 265 Velte, Christine 263 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C06803206