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Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 CV 2016 ANNUAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF LABOR AGENCY NARRATIVE OF SELF-EVALUATION (b)(3) Agency Name: Central Intelligence Agency Address: CIA, Washington DC 20105 eo OMS/ESD 4B88 DD3 Number of federal civilian employees covered by this report: CLASSIFIED (b)(3) (b)(6) DASHO Director, Office of Medical Services OSH Manager (b)(6) Division Deputy Chief, Environmental Safety If the agency has sub-agencies, please use Appendix 1 to provide additional occupational safety and health (OSH) contact information. I. ASSESSMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS. a. Presidential Initiatives & Evaluation Metric(s). Please detail how the agency has met the OSH program initiatives listed below. Motor Vehicle Safety. Motor vehicle accident numbers are classified. However, accidents are investigated with respect to negligence. The investigation does include an adjudication process. With regard to Executive Order 13043 (requiring use of seatbelts) the Agency motor vehicle safety program has been in existence since May 1988. Early on in the program, the Agency was recognized by the Department of Transportation, Federal Highways Administration as a pioneer for its efforts 70% Seat Belt Use Campaign. Presently, all motor vehicle accident reports are scrutinized for seat belt use and are addressed for non-compliance with respect to Agency, Federal and state regulations. Executive Order 13513 (banning texting while driving) is taken very seriously. Official notification and explanation of the policy, including disciplinary actions, was disseminated to the workforce was disseminated in the past and needs to be reiterated. Other initiatives include distracted driver training and issuing cell phone hands-free devices for official drivers. Evaluation Metric(s). The Agency presently tracks injury and illness statistics. The number of injury and illness cases, case rates, and chargeback costs are classified. Agency occupational lost time rates have remained relatively steady over the last few years, and overall, remain significantly below average Federal Government rates. The Agency is currently exploring new IT initiatives to improve injury and illness reporting which will enhance efforts to monitor trends and identify occupational hazards. b. Illnesses, Injuries, Fatalities & Catastrophic Events. 1) The CIA has not implemented a coordinated, Agency-wide campaign to address slips, trips and falls. Individual initiatives have been implemented at specific sites in the AGENCY NARRATIVE - PAGE 1 OF 5 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 CY 2016 ANNUAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF LABOR AGENCY NARRATIVE OF SELF-EVALUATION past when a particular hazard is identified, such as new construction which has a slippery floor tile surface. These hazards are abated through signage, building wide- employee notices/ warnings and coordinated efforts with facilities personnel to abate the hazard. 2) The CIA continues to evaluate and assess its occupational safety and health programs in order to ensure effective implementation for local and field activities. The number of injury and illness cases, case rates, and chargeback costs are classified. Agency occupational lost time rates have remained relatively steady over the last few years, and overall, remain significantly below average Federal Government rates. The Agency is currently exploring new IT initiatives to improve injury and illness reporting which will enhance efforts to monitor trends and identify occupational hazards. 3) This agency had no significant trends or major causes or sources of fatalities, or reportable events which occurred in CY 2016. c. 29 CFR 1960 Requirements. Please provide a summary of the agency's involvement in the following areas: 1) Organization of Agency Safety and Health Mission Please describe how the agency organized its OSH mission: � The Agency's OSH mission resides in the Environmental Safety Division (ESD), which is located in the Office of Medical Services, Directorate of Support. The ESD consists of three branches: OSH, Environmental Compliance and Fire Protection and Engineering. ESD places great emphasis on professional credentialing (i.e., CSP, CIH, PE, etc), ongoing development and maintenance of certifications of its officers. � The OSH function has available resources, including: the authority to act, and abate/control hazards; organization-wide policies and procedures. The ESD has Environmental Safety Officers (ES0s) assigned to various Agency directorates, missions, and programs. The ESOs are supported through the ESD budget and primarily thought the customer they support. � Agency employees may obtain ESD support through their respective component ESO or manager. The ESD utilizes internal publications, employee and manager training to make staff aware of ESD support services. In addition, ESD has a web-based feature whereby employees may ask environmental and safety questions or requests for support. � OSH requests are primarily funded at the component level. ESD may provide some supplemental funding as well as compliance training. 2) Field Federal Safety & Health Councils AGENCY NARRATIVE - PAGE 2 OF 5 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 CY 2016 ANNUAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF LABOR AGENCY NARRATIVE OF SELF-EVALUATION This Agency currently participates in a number of formal information exchange forums with other Federal agencies in the Intelligence Community. These information exchanges provide an opportunity for IC members to network and share the exchange of ideas and information. These forums are held in a classified setting. The CIA provides support by sponsoring at least two annual meetings. 3) Inspection of the Safety and Health Management System Please respond to the following questions regarding this reporting period: � Did the agency conduct internal safety and health inspections of its SHMS? Yes. The ESD conducts periodic multidisciplinary (safety, environmental and fire protection) inspections of Agency facilities. � Was the agency inspected by an external safety and health authority, such as OSHA? The George Bush Center for Intelligence was not inspected by OSHA in CY 2016. The Agency is enhancing the current ESH audit program to include multidisciplinary surveys by all three ESD business areas: safety, environmental and fire protection. � Of the inspections conducted, by an internal or external authority, how many were announced and how many were unannounced? All inspections were announced in order to obtain pre-approval because of strict access-controlled facilities. � Did the inspecting authority issue a Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthy Working Conditions? If yes, please describe: 1) the hazard identified in the notice; and 2) how abatement was tracked to closure? Safety inspection and surveys are documented and the site is provided with recommendations for compliance and abatement. Agencies have the right to appeal an OSHA notice. If an OSHA notice was appealed during this period, please describe the interim actions that the agency took to protect the safety and health of its employees until the appeal was resolved. Not applicable. 4) Occupational Safety and Health Training The CIA continually evaluates OSH training program through review by competent ESOs who are CSP and CIH credentialed. The majority of compliance training is conducted by in-house personnel with the appropriate professional certifications in a classified forum that is tailored to meet a components' specific needs. Under �1960.71, agency heads must submit an annual report to the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) summarizing their agency's self-evaluation findings. In the summary, please provide the following: � Information on the agency's safety and health training requirements, including the number of civilian employees who worked overseas during the reporting period, and the actions taken to ensure that the OSH training requirements of all employees are being met: This information is classified. AGENCY NARRATIVE - PAGE 3 OF 5 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 CV 2016 ANNUAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF LABOR AGENCY NARRATIVE OF SELF-EVALUATION � Evidence verifying that the agency's OSH training conforms with the requirements of the Act, 29 CFR Part 1960, and E.O. 12196; including a list of the OSH training conducted by the agency: This information is classified and its release would indicate sensitive operational and focus areas. For the appropriate programs the Agency adheres to the General Industry and Construction Standard where applicable. � Information on the method(s) the agency used to deliver training and to assess competency: The CIA primarily utilizes instructor training in a classroom setting provided by competent staff ESOs or commercial vendor; and web-based training. � Information on the method(s) the agency used to evaluate the effectiveness of its OSH training: The CIA currently utilizes classroom feedback to evaluate effectiveness and monitoring safety metrics. � Documentation of the funding allocated to OSH training: This information is classified. 5) Whistleblower Protection Program The Agency has procedures to ensure that no employee is subject to restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal for filing a report of an unsafe or unhealthy working condition. d. Special 29 CFR 1960 Reporting. 1) Certified Safety & Health Committee The CIA's Certified Safety Committee is an effective forum for information exchange, problem resolution and program administration and outreach. Details of the organizational makeup are classified; however, the network includes representatives from many of the Directorates, programs and facilities. Also see Appendix 3. II. SAFETY & HEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SELF-EVALUATION. Overall Assessment. Despite the considerable challenges given the depth and breadth of the Agency's operations and activities, the CIA OSH program is effective. However, as with any comprehensive OSH program there is always room for improvement. Please refer to Appendix 4 - Self-evaluation, and its Attachment 1 - Descriptors of SHMS Components. Agency Safety and HealthManagement System Overall Assessment Score 1 = Needs Major 2 = Needs Minor 0 = Does Not Exist Improvement Improvement 17< 3 = Is Highly Effective NA = Not Applicable _ _ AGENCY NARRATIVE - PAGE 4 OF 5 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141 CY 2016 ANNUAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF LABOR AGENCY NARRATIVE OF SELF-EVALUATION Summary of Self-evaluation. A SHMS self-evaluation identifies common OSH program focus areas: securing sufficient resources and constant program communication and outreach. III. GOALS. � Continue to identify and mitigate occupational safety and health hazards. � Continue agency-wide comprehensive inspection activities, evaluate the effectiveness of occupational safety requirements in the work environment, assess compliance, develop changes and modifications to a broad range of highly technical and classified work processes and equipment operations. � Continue to identify and reduce injury and illness rates in high hazard operations. Sustain maximum occupational safety and health support in this period of competing and diminishing resources. � Ensure that the workforce and management are aware of the diverse safety and health support resources. AGENCY NARRATIVE - PAGE 5 OF 5 Approved for Release: 2019/05/16 C06801141