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Publication Date: 
December 11, 1987
Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611 (b)(3) Director of Central Intelligence -0-seereL National Intelligence Daily � Friday 11 December 1987 e, 110 nit I 11111 := E9E7-37 5:3a Ill II Top CPAS MD 87-287JX TCS 2987/87 11 December 1987 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611 _Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611 1%1F"Seera_ (b)(3) Contents Special Analyses South Korea: Turbulence Likely in Election Wake 13 li)0"-Seent_ TCS 2987/87 11 December 1987 NR Record NR Record (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611 (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 1-1.61-813 wet-- TCS 2987/87 11 December 1987 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 006799611 -151,-Sectat (b)(3) Special Analysis SOUTH KOREA: Turbulence Likely in Election Wake Kim Young Sam still appears to have the momentum, and his aides seem genuinely confident he will win the presidency on Wednesday, although opinion polls vary widely and many voters remain undecided. Officials in the ruling party are divided over Roh Tae Woo's prospects, and pressure is building to fix the election; la plan for extensive fraud is already being implemented. Polls and anecdotal information give Kim Young Sam the top spot. Opposition campaign strategists�buoyed by evidence that Roh may have slipped into third place�are going after undecided voters, who still represent more than 20 percent of the electorate. Kim Dae Jung, who appears to be trailing Kim Young Sam in part because of worries that his election might provoke the Army to Intervene, has begun to talk of national reconciliation. He has tried publicly to assure military officers that he has no plans for a politically motivated purge of the professional officer corps. Dissident churchmen, students, and other longtime backers continue to urge the two Kims to compromise on a single opposition candidate, but neither shows any sign of conceding. They are still criticizing each other, and the campaign continues to be nasty. Student activists account for many of the campaign trail clashes, according to police reports. Both Kims claim aovernmrt hirelings have helped provoke the incidents. Into the Last Leg Despite the opposition split dividing the antigovernment vote, many ruling-party officials are worried about the election outcome. A senior presidential adviser told US officials this week that Roh has no more than an even chance of winnina. Kim appears to have a comfortable lead over Roh and Kim Dae Jung in Seoul, the largest constituency in the country. Some ruling-party officials were encouraged by the turnout for Roh in Pusan last Saturday, and have committed millions of dollars to a large rally for Roh tomorrow in Seoul. In addition, leaks to the press by Roh's camp suggest he may outline plans to include opposition politicians in his cabinet in another dramatic reform gesture to win votes. 13 continued TairSeerat_ TCS 2987/87 11 December 1987 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 006799611 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611 The Morning After South Korean officials are warning of political instability after the election, perhaps to lay the groundwork for tighter political controls after the voting or even for nullifying the election if the opposition were to win. A senior official told the Embassy last week that 50,000 leftists and militants loyal to Kim Dae Jung are planning violent street demonstrations to overturn Roh's victory and pose a real postelection threat. If Roh appears to be the victor because of widespread fraud, a popular backlash is likely. 14 -TarrSecret__ TCS 2987/87 11 December 1987 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799611