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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
April 23, 2020
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
May 19, 1950
Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790725 TRANSLA IT ON C. (seal) . Rome 19 May 1950 MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Director General of Public Security TO THE AMERICAN CONSULATE GENERAL in Rome Division of ?olice Sec. 1 File NO, 10.13055 11.2 Subject Sciortino Pasquale; Messale Giacomo; and Terranova Antonio. Information In reference to the request made on the 16 of the current month to the inspector General of the Public Security (Public Safety) at the office of the ministry, Doctor Ciro Vardiani, it is comiaunicated that Sciortino Pasquale, could be identified in the person of Sciartino Pasquale son of the living Iliseppe and of Micciche Nunzia, born at S. Cipirello on 10.10.1923, affiliated to the Catalano gang for whom there have been issued warrants of arrest from the Investigative Section (-)f the Court of Appeals of Palermo, dated 7.3.1947, 12.3'1247, 19.5,1947, 21.9.1947 and 21.10.1947 for the following crimes, manslaughter, abduction (kidnapping), azgravated assault, attempted homicide and abusive possession of war arms. For the above named there has been presented to the Government of the United States of America, in the early days of the current month, a regular petition for extradition. Messale uiacomo could be identified in the person of Messale Guiseppe Gioacchino Emanuele son of the living Salvatore and of Gaglio Rosa, born at Montelepre the 27.11.1907, for whom there have been issued two warrants for his arrest for the following crimes, attempted homicide, attempted abduction (kidnapping) and belonging to an armed gang and other crimes. He is affiliated with the Giuliano gang and for whom there is a reward of 200,000 lire for his arrest. It is impossible to identify even tentatively, Terranova Antonio, because his name and surname are common names and widely diffused in Sicily. FOR THE MINISTER (Signature illegible) I hereby certify the above is a true and correct translation from the Italian to the English language. Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790725