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Document Release Date: 
April 23, 2020
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PDF icon ANTONIO TEPRANOVA[15803182].pdf54.28 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790717 CEZ17.AL INTELLIGENCE AG Y Washinton 25, D. 0 . 1,rEMORANDUM COMISSIONER OF IMMIGPATION AND YATT/RALIZATION Attention: Mr. W. W. Wiggins SIIBJECT:. Antonio T:ORAITOVA 1. This kency is in receipt of information concernini, the above-captioned indiVidual, an alleged member of the well- known. Giuliano Gang operating in Si oily. . 3. The tit.� alleged members of the Giuliano Gang who are in the United States are identified as: a. Pasquale SCIORTINO, born on 10 October 1923, brother-in-law of Giuliano; b. Giacomo MESSALE, born at Montelepre, Italy, on 27 November 1907. Their addresses are presumably as follows: ao MESSALE Company, 2118 Second Avenue, New York City, N.Y.; b. S. PERLA, in care of ODIMICELLI & SON, 2111-245 Avenue (sic) New York City 29, N.Y.; c. S. MESSALE, 184 South Oak, Pronx 87, N.Y. 4. is reported that both SCIORTINO and MESSALE entered the UniteO States illegally, and that they are supplyine Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790717 Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790717 SECRET GIULIANO vith arms and 'cney from America. SCIORTINO is reported to be -.J.articularly clever and dangerous, 5. Allegedly there is a reward in Italy of 500,000 lire For the cature of SCIORTINO and 200,000 lire for SSALE. 6. This Agency woad a,-1,reciate reneiving any informa� tion concerninj; the above .::entioned individuals and of any action tal:en in this covntry concerninE this case. 7. The al)ove information is beinE passed to the Federal Bureau of investi,zation and the De-)artment of State. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENIT-UI 'INTELLIGENCE � Is/ Robert A. Schow ROBERT A. S3HOW Assistant Director SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790717